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or shall i say, happy boxing day?? lol!



Happy Christmas, Arias! yeah.. u guys are lucky la ..i wish incubus would make a stop at KL as well. :(


I love unintended more than fury tho..i love it when dom looked down and chuckled. :happy: fury seems to be too dark to my liking. can't see dom's face properly! lol..


lol spoken like a true Dom fan :yesey:


the unintended one was really.. beautiful. and fury was really good. i love Christmas! just when i thought i'd lost my passion for muse, i gained it back by watching these vids. Muse sure do know how to restore one's passion for em. haha.


To answer Crazy Mary, actually The Police disbanded in the mid 80s. It's just that they are reuniting for their 30th anniversary (if I'm not mistaken) for a World Tour (like Led Zeppelin who are also reuniting for a World Tour after disbanding in 1980), and S'pore happens to be in their calendar.


Oh dear, I don't really know Incubus, just 2 songs - Drive & Wish U Were Here (different from the Pink Floyd song yah), so you'll have to burn some of their songs for me Mary ;)


just listen to their latest album Light Grenades to get you ready for their gig (if they come), and listen to er... Megalomaniac, Pardon Me, Nice To Know You, Stellar. those are a few of my favourites :happy:

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i agree. muse do know how to make their fans go mental about 'em again. lol! i just wish fury wasn't in black and white. but it was great nevertheless. :happy: btw, what's boxing day?


Deb listed some great songs there.. i'll e-mail or send u some songs thru YM later, weresodisco. but

, pre-morning view era, make yourself songs mostly with some jazzy oldies and dirk lance was still in the band instead of ben. i have a vcd of this but it's cetak rompak one hahaha..
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Oh yeah that acoustic set has a coooool version of a certain shade of green isn't it? Cool that you have the cetak rompak of this session! I actually prefer the old bassist over the new guy, cuz the new guy tends to do some extra fills when playing live that makes the song less incubus-ey.


Me finks boxing day is the day you open up your presents.

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a rather bluesy version of a certain shade of green there :happy: am quite surprise u prefer dirk over ben kenny. i actually like the vibe ben brings to incubus. he used to play with the roots which is very impressive.


The Wembley unintended!! a taste of things to come... the DVD is gona be freaking awesome. I love how it's looking. The colours are perfect!! In the end you see Matt fetching himself a guitar, where's his tech? heh heh heh


there's talks that matt has a robot for his guitars in wembley :unsure:

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a rather bluesy version of a certain shade of green there :happy: am quite surprise u prefer dirk over ben kenny. i actually like the vibe ben brings to incubus. he used to play with the roots which is very impressive.




there's talks that matt has a robot for his guitars in wembley :unsure:


Yeah Dirk Lance can kick Ben's ass anytime. I jus prefer dirk's style, is all..


WOw a robot HAHA! it makes me think that he's exploiting technology, making the robots his slave. What a cool guy.


Have you guys heard the new DVD music, supposedly produced by Muse??? Sounds nice, i think it has a Malay tune to it HAHAHAHA.

have a listen here all you curious cats.

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i agree. muse do know how to make their fans go mental about 'em again. lol! i just wish fury wasn't in black and white. but it was great nevertheless. :happy: btw, what's boxing day?


Deb listed some great songs there.. i'll e-mail or send u some songs thru YM later, weresodisco. but

, pre-morning view era, make yourself songs mostly with some jazzy oldies and dirk lance was still in the band instead of ben. i have a vcd of this but it's cetak rompak one hahaha..


but the black and white and wobbly effects of the vid kinda suits the song, dont you think? the song is a bit dark imo, and the guitar part is a bit wobbly! haha :p


i'm pretty noob about incubus :$ the only old songs i've heard from them are their old singles, and i always always get confused with make yourself and morning view!


Oh yeah that acoustic set has a coooool version of a certain shade of green isn't it? Cool that you have the cetak rompak of this session! I actually prefer the old bassist over the new guy, cuz the new guy tends to do some extra fills when playing live that makes the song less incubus-ey.


Me finks boxing day is the day you open up your presents.


nope you open up your presents on christmas morning! boxing day is the day after christmas, where you er, clear up all the boxes and wrapping paper i think. its also the day where you box the gifts you dont like or dont need and give them to charity! but i dont think Malaysians actually 'box' stuff on boxing day. dunno la. my family doesnt really celebrate Christmas.


Yeah Dirk Lance can kick Ben's ass anytime. I jus prefer dirk's style, is all..


WOw a robot HAHA! it makes me think that he's exploiting technology, making the robots his slave. What a cool guy.


Have you guys heard the new DVD music, supposedly produced by Muse??? Sounds nice, i think it has a Malay tune to it HAHAHAHA.

have a listen here all you curious cats.


HAHAHAAHAH YEAH YOU'RE RIGHT! i dunno what is it about Malay rock but there's like a certain element in it and you can hear it in that clip! :LOL:

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nope you open up your presents on christmas morning! boxing day is the day after christmas, where you er, clear up all the boxes and wrapping paper i think. its also the day where you box the gifts you dont like or dont need and give them to charity! but i dont think Malaysians actually 'box' stuff on boxing day. dunno la. my family doesnt really celebrate Christmas.


Lol no Boxing day is when everything goes on sale and everyone goes crazy shopping for cheap as stuff! I didn't know there was Boxing day in Malaysia... I certainly didn't know about it when I was living there :LOL:

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aw, hi guys...


just finished my training and thought i'd come over... long time haven't been here... i guess i missed the 25th anniversary date.. but not today..


happy muse, guys... and oh! happy christmas to those celebrating it!! lots of musey presents? (besides the vids of course)



gah, i love being a malaysian muse fan! *is in patriotic mood*

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Hello ppl! How la ur cuti?




there's talks that matt has a robot for his guitars in wembley :unsure:


Matt + robots + guitars = geek heaven.



Have you guys heard the new DVD music, supposedly produced by Muse??? Sounds nice, i think it has a Malay tune to it HAHAHAHA.

have a listen here all you curious cats.


Gila kentang. Thanks for the link! Macam early Rusty Blade or something (damn that make me feel old).


Btw, when I first heard Unintended I had a strong "Malay rock kapak" vibe / feeling..It's the pace /drums and the jiwang singing lah. Anyone else felt that? I loved it, like Muse did a secret Malay rock tribute or something, heheh.



aw, hi guys...


just finished my training and thought i'd come over... long time haven't been here... i guess i missed the 25th anniversary date.. but not today..



gah, i love being a malaysian muse fan! *is in patriotic mood*


Ya la *25th February dalam kenangan* heheh. Maybe we should have a meetup on the 1 year anniversary :LOL: *Iz a sentimental person*


How was ur training adyla? have u figured out what u'd like to do?

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How was ur training adyla? have u figured out what u'd like to do?


hehe.. i went training at the juvenile court..put it this way. i didn't realize that the juvenile courts are open only on wednesdays :p, so i had to go to those other courts as well along with the court police, and oooh, i learnt what u DPPs had to do :LOL:.. although i spent more time repairing the registry office's computers since they were full of viruses and lots of court documents had to be recovered. it's a hard thing to do, figuring out how to install an antivirus on a computer which uses only diskettes (does not have USB driver) and windows 95 :stunned:...


it's fun, it's fun... turned out the clerks messed up lots of the witnesses testimonies since they all have no idea how to read the judge's handwriting.. lots of their final draft made drastic changes in what was originally said : e.g. saya tidak berkaitan was written as saya telah berkaitan... so we did that.. plus there were lots of chances to be jakun since many kosmo&metro-worthy "celebrities" were there :rolleyes:..




okay, okay, it wasn't that fun... i also spent some of my hours running away and sleeping at the surau, pretending i was at one of the courts :happy:


hehe.. i want to be a defence lawyer, but hanging out with the DPP gives me an utmost respect of what you do, melissa :)

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WOw a robot HAHA! it makes me think that he's exploiting technology, making the robots his slave. What a cool guy.


Have you guys heard the new DVD music, supposedly produced by Muse??? Sounds nice, i think it has a Malay tune to it HAHAHAHA.

have a listen here all you curious cats.


More like a mini golf cart or kereta sorong but one which carries cool guitars.. i want one! can help me carry books to class. lol





did u get that from muse live? it could be posted by some malaysian band trying to promote their album or something. it sound something like my former school mates band's jam at kenduri kawin or something. i swear i've heard that riffs before.:LOL:


but the black and white and wobbly effects of the vid kinda suits the song, dont you think? the song is a bit dark imo, and the guitar part is a bit wobbly! haha :p


i'm pretty noob about incubus :$ the only old songs i've heard from them are their old singles, and i always always get confused with make yourself and morning view!


it does suit the song, yes. but the unintended vid is soo pretty! the helicopter shots, the lighting ,that lucky little girl and the "alien" thingy are more impressive then fury imo. two very contrasting vids they gave us. plus there's a fury mp3 now! i love christmas at this board. :D


they don't play much of their older songs these days. shame.


EDIT: i almost forgot that today's the 27th.. didn't get ur post the first time i read it adyla. cool smilies btw!

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Lol no Boxing day is when everything goes on sale and everyone goes crazy shopping for cheap as stuff! I didn't know there was Boxing day in Malaysia... I certainly didn't know about it when I was living there :LOL:


oh my bad :$ we actually dont celebrate boxing day today. all the stuff i've heard about it is from my friends! they also said that boxing day is when you box up all your christmas decorations. :( i miss christmas already!


More like a mini golf cart or kereta sorong but one which carries cool guitars.. i want one! can help me carry books to class. lol





did u get that from muse live? it could be posted by some malaysian band trying to promote their album or something. it sound something like my former school mates band's jam at kenduri kawin or something. i swear i've heard that riffs before.:LOL:




it does suit the song, yes. but the unintended vid is soo pretty! the helicopter shots, the lighting ,that lucky little girl and the "alien" thingy are more impressive then fury imo. two very contrasting vids they gave us. plus there's a fury mp3 now! i love christmas at this board. :D


they don't play much of their older songs these days. shame.


EDIT: i almost forgot that today's the 27th.. didn't get ur post the first time i read it adyla. cool smilies btw!


haha yeah i thought the unintended vid was great, but the song however, was just beautiful :happy: with his guitar playing and singing... wah seriously, that performance would be like THE best way to serenade someone :LOL:

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hehe.. i want to be a defence lawyer, but hanging out with the DPP gives me an utmost respect of what you do, melissa :)


Aaw thanks, I've become a stress junkie, heh. Which DPP u hang out with,? (could be me fren). Good for u for wanting to be a defence lawyer, it's really rare that we have females doing that.


How's everyone? What are ur new year plans? :)

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More like a mini golf cart or kereta sorong but one which carries cool guitars.. i want one! can help me carry books to class. lol





did u get that from muse live? it could be posted by some malaysian band trying to promote their album or something. it sound something like my former school mates band's jam at kenduri kawin or something. i swear i've heard that riffs before.:LOL:


Yeah from Muselive... It is confirmed a fake already.. the guy who uploaded it "confessed". Ii liked it though...


oh my bad :$ we actually dont celebrate boxing day today. all the stuff i've heard about it is from my friends! they also said that boxing day is when you box up all your christmas decorations. :( i miss christmas already!




haha yeah i thought the unintended vid was great, but the song however, was just beautiful :happy: with his guitar playing and singing... wah seriously, that performance would be like THE best way to serenade someone :LOL:



Lol so many versions of what boxing day could be... Such a mystery. :p

Matt has another acoustic guitar riff that he played when he was asked what would he play if he were to serenade someone. It was a spanish-style riff which was damn good. But would unintended work on you? heh heh heh.... :LOL:


Aaw thanks, I've become a stress junkie, heh. Which DPP u hang out with,? (could be me fren). Good for u for wanting to be a defence lawyer, it's really rare that we have females doing that.


How's everyone? What are ur new year plans? :)


Well i plan to ORD (finish off my NS) in peace in Aug. What a damn long way.:mad:

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Yeah from Muselive... It is confirmed a fake already.. the guy who uploaded it "confessed". Ii liked it though...



Lol so many versions of what boxing day could be... Such a mystery. :p

Matt has another acoustic guitar riff that he played when he was asked what would he play if he were to serenade someone. It was a spanish-style riff which was damn good. But would unintended work on you? heh heh heh.... :LOL:



Well i plan to ORD (finish off my NS) in peace in Aug. What a damn long way.:mad:


Aaw too bad bout the fake tune. Heh, link me to the Spanish serenade please?


I really tried to guess what ORD stands for, but failed :p August, huh? Bosan gila tak? Just have the time of your life after it's over, I guess? ;)

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It's a really fun french interview...

Ear candy


ORD stands for umm... i donno actually HAHAHA! it's something like Operational ready something.... It's basically what we say when the "day of release" comes. Yeah very bosan man. The worst thing is every person in my camp that needs to ORD has to pass me their camp pass as part of their clearance. So i see happy people every other week almost.:LOL:

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LOL yeah i think if that was the first time i heard muse i would definitely be desperate to check out Matt's band.


NS is 1yr10mnths. I've been serving since oct '06 man. :mad::mad:


:stunned: that's VERY LONG and u can go out of the country during that time? ur country's NS is very different than ours. here it's only like 3 months... and today a number of my students are leaving for NS. i don't understand why they are complaining about it. it should be fun eh?






voted. oh dear, only 5% voted for muse. and the artic monkeys are leading... this shud be in the news section.

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Yeah very long. but it used to be 2&1/2 yrs!! like a feww years ago... Yes we can go out of the country, just like taking normal leaves. Well it depends on how you look at NS. Sometimes it may seem like fun, when you go through shit together with your platoon mates. But when you spend like 6 nights in the jungle with no proper toilets, that's a different story. ;)

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Yeah from Muselive... It is confirmed a fake already.. the guy who uploaded it "confessed". Ii liked it though...





Lol so many versions of what boxing day could be... Such a mystery. :p

Matt has another acoustic guitar riff that he played when he was asked what would he play if he were to serenade someone. It was a spanish-style riff which was damn good. But would unintended work on you? heh heh heh.... :LOL:




Well i plan to ORD (finish off my NS) in peace in Aug. What a damn long way.:mad:


lol we should just wikipedia what boxing day is then. get it over with :p

unintended would so work for me man. especially when he played that er, little guitar riff thing before the actual unintended riff. and the way he sings it... dunno la. its just very nice :)


It's a really fun french interview...

Ear candy


aww he played Falling Down! lol that's the only tune i recognized, besides the first riff of course. :D


Yeah very long. but it used to be 2&1/2 yrs!! like a feww years ago... Yes we can go out of the country, just like taking normal leaves. Well it depends on how you look at NS. Sometimes it may seem like fun, when you go through shit together with your platoon mates. But when you spend like 6 nights in the jungle with no proper toilets, that's a different story. ;)


i'm actually quite thankful i didnt get chosen for NS. i just hate the thought of living in the jungle, marching early in the morning, living with no proper toilets and stuff. nuh uh, totally not my thing.


you seem to be online quite often now though, its like as if you're off NS already!

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Yeah very long. but it used to be 2&1/2 yrs!! like a feww years ago... Yes we can go out of the country, just like taking normal leaves. Well it depends on how you look at NS. Sometimes it may seem like fun, when you go through shit together with your platoon mates. But when you spend like 6 nights in the jungle with no proper toilets, that's a different story. ;)


oh i've been there. but only like 4 nights with no proper toilets. nightmare indeed.:stunned:


unintended would so work for me man. especially when he played that er, little guitar riff thing before the actual unintended riff. and the way he sings it... dunno la. its just very nice


i'm actually quite thankful i didnt get chosen for NS. i just hate the thought of living in the jungle, marching early in the morning, living with no proper toilets and stuff. nuh uh, totally not my thing.


you seem to be online quite often now though, its like as if you're off NS already!


i used to think unintended as so cheesy.. i appreciate it more now. but Falling Down.... ayoo.. that song is just soooooo suitable for "i fancy matt" mode.


there'll be another round of NS rite? heh.. ;)


on other news, has anyone heard about Sunburst Music Festival next year? What are the chances of MUSE as the headliner? *hopeful*




INCUBUS is one of the confirmed acts!!!! WOOOOOOTTT!!!! *dances*



Happy New Year everyone.

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