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In other news, 5 american lads collectively known as Incubus are coming to Singapore!! This coming March... Other Asian cities include HK, Manila and Jakarta. LAMC once again are the organisers in SG.


:eek::eek: no way.. no KL? again? that's it.. am asking for a transfer to JB. :mad:

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Yeah i tink it's best not to get your hopes high, yet. Not until it is really, really confirmed.




I think the Heartbreak Kid is rated R21 here, which means they probably won't censor so much? i can imagine how much the Msian board of censorship has mutilated that film.. :eek:


In other news, 5 american lads collectively known as Incubus are coming to Singapore!! This coming March... Other Asian cities include HK, Manila and Jakarta. LAMC once again are the organisers in SG.


OMG. INCUBUS. AAAAH!! i wanna goooo :( I hope they dont skip KL. seriously. :'( i missed them the first time, i dont want to miss them again!


yeah they prolly wont censor much in S'pore. have they showed boobs before on the public cinema? according to Ben Stiller that movie has boobs innit but i didnt see no boobs. not even a bare back. lol. okay, inappropriate. haha ANYWAY! they also censored lotsa language... even sick jokes. so yeah, lotsa humour got cut out too. meh. :rolleyes:

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:eek::eek: no way.. no KL? again? that's it.. am asking for a transfer to JB. :mad:


LOL. Yeah i don't know what's the deal with these bands/ organisers/ govt organisation that might be involved with bands playing in the country. Why must they skip a country when they're already in the area. Also knowing that the fanbase in Msia is huge which is already a known fact.


OMG. INCUBUS. AAAAH!! i wanna goooo :( I hope they dont skip KL. seriously. :'( i missed them the first time, i dont want to miss them again!


yeah they prolly wont censor much in S'pore. have they showed boobs before on the public cinema? according to Ben Stiller that movie has boobs innit but i didnt see no boobs. not even a bare back. lol. okay, inappropriate. haha ANYWAY! they also censored lotsa language... even sick jokes. so yeah, lotsa humour got cut out too. meh. :rolleyes:


You can always come here, and make it your first visit to Singapore! They've shown boobs ALOT of times. It depends on the movie rating. I think movies with NC16 (no children below 16 yrs) and above shows boobies.:LOL:

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man, Muse at Kroq really blows my socks off!!!! Felt like watching a real concert. lol.. wayyyyyyy better then 'American sexy boys' last nite. :rolleyes:


I can't watch the live webcast right now :'(:'( What are they singing at the moment? Is it really acoustic?


btw Faz, where did you heard about the MCR going to Manila? I checked their official site and there's no announcement yet. Did you know I squeal out loud when I read your post. :$:D

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aww.. audrey. i woke up quite late today after mcr's concert last nite but lucky i remembered muse was on kroq just now. was rocking in my pyjamas when it was already almost 3pm here! :D it's finished. no it wasn't acoustic at all. think i've disturbed my neighbours with the loud sound and me screaming my lungs off!! geez, man.. spiderdom, RBS.. dead star and Hyper music riffs!! It was GLORIOUS!!


it's here read the part where they've confirmed the jakarta show. u'll finally get to see em around next month or early feb! and incubus in march.. jeleeeeezzz..

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Eh what? there was a live telecast of Muse at KROQ? :eek:


err... i did sms u rite? did u get it?


man, i love my computer and internet connection! both didn't fail me yesterday.. not once did it went buffer!! dom is soooooo adorable there! so many shots of him! the live webcast really wiped out any memories that i had from MCR concert! :p


apparently so..


gah, would have been wonders for them to surprise us with actual acoustics.. but i'm not complaining :D


*goes to muselive*


edit : oooh, found something else.. shows how long have i not been online.. did u guys know about this? is it fake?


aha! those are not their new materials eh? more like the early versions of some old songs?

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aww.. audrey. i woke up quite late today after mcr's concert last nite but lucky i remembered muse was on kroq just now. was rocking in my pyjamas when it was already almost 3pm here! :D it's finished. no it wasn't acoustic at all. think i've disturbed my neighbours with the loud sound and me screaming my lungs off!! geez, man.. spiderdom, RBS.. dead star and Hyper music riffs!! It was GLORIOUS!!


it's here read the part where they've confirmed the jakarta show. u'll finally get to see em around next month or early feb! and incubus in march.. jeleeeeezzz..


You went to see my boys? How are they doing now? :D Do they still play the TBP album accordingly? Do I ask too much questions? Sorry


*squeaaaaaaaaaalllllll* I'm finally gonna see them. Thanks for the link Faz. :happy: Is Incubus going here as well?

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no i didnt get any SMS... :( when did you sms me? crap la.


yeah those are early early versions of their old songs... lol. that's like pure Muse man!


EDIT: oh yeah, how was MCR? i'm starting to regret that i missed it :( at least the review it got from The Star mentioned Muse!


i remember that i sent 3 sms to u, miele and shannaz around 1 something like that..20 minutes before muse was on, while JEW was performing. or did i? :unsure: no wonder i didn't get any reply from u. damn. sorry.. but u can check you tube or download the vids from muse live.


eh? muse? where can i find that? i was screaming 'we want muse' towards the galaxy people and asking them to bring incubus back here in march! :p this dude behind me was saying that 'there's a muse infested girl' in front of him to his friend on the phone! bloody emo dude! :mad:


You went to see my boys? How are they doing now? :D Do they still play the TBP album accordingly? Do I ask too much questions? Sorry


*squeaaaaaaaaaalllllll* I'm finally gonna see them. Thanks for the link Faz. Is Incubus going here as well?


Yes i did, last Sunday! it was WET! and i was rite at the barrier again but to the right this time around facing ray?? (the guitarist.. he's awesome btw!) and they have this beauuuutiful drum set. even more impressive than dom's i must say.


no they didn't play TBP accordingly.. my friend was like :D:D:D at the end of the concert cos she got to see Gerard's nostrils. heh... they were very theatrical through out the whole concert. do they always call themselves 'american sexy boys' ?? lol.. i have a video that i wanted to download of gerard doing a chicken dance from my friend's camera. maybe this weekend.. here's a review and setlist from KL


and no. incubus is not coming here.. but i hope they will!



i hope we didn't behave like that when we saw muse at KLIA eh shannaz and adyla? :$
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WOAH the best New Born i think, at KROQ! Just as good as Werchter when Matt still had red hair..


Kak Faz just come down here to catch Incubus lah! HAhahaha.... :D


Pls upload the chicky dance video ok? i'd love to watch it, sounds interesting...


EDIT: HAHA i love the intro to TIRO.. Dom's going crazy-drumming in that spidey suit... And the little palm-mute riff jus before they start is how they did it in SG heh heh...

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oh my god.. that's my friend right there.. i mean the guy..


he has no idea who those mcr peeps are.. he's heard like only 2 songs from mcr, but just joined them for the heck of it. i guess he just heard them shouting ray's name, then when everybody left he swooped to get ray's autograph..and apparently ray took his photo as well..


er, i hope we're not like that.. hehe, although i doubt i'd behave any more sophisticated if that was muse there, and there wasn't just like 3 people in the airport (like we did, lucky us :happy:)..


but yes, we're definitely more civilized monkeys. don't contradict me.


hey, was muse ever on the live from abbey show showing on ch711?

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eh? muse? where can i find that? i was screaming 'we want muse' towards the galaxy people and asking them to bring incubus back here in march! :p this dude behind me was saying that 'there's a muse infested girl' in front of him to his friend on the phone! bloody emo dude! :mad:


Muse-infested girl. What a term, take it as a compliment though. ;)


Yes i did, last Sunday! it was WET! and i was rite at the barrier again but to the right this time around facing ray?? (the guitarist.. he's awesome btw!) and they have this beauuuutiful drum set. even more impressive than dom's i must say.


no they didn't play TBP accordingly.. my friend was like :D:D:D at the end of the concert cos she got to see Gerard's nostrils. heh... they were very theatrical through out the whole concert. do they always call themselves 'american sexy boys' ?? lol.. i have a video that i wanted to download of gerard doing a chicken dance from my friend's camera. maybe this weekend.. here's a review and setlist from KL


and no. incubus is not coming here.. but i hope they will!



i hope we didn't behave like that when we saw muse at KLIA eh shannaz and adyla? :$


I IZ JEALOUS of you Faz. Do you have pics of Ray and his afro? :D


Jeezus they played Desert Song and Cemetery Drive, you Malaysians are so freaking lucky. That's already a rarity on their set. I'm totally jealous *ahgueoghw0okplenag* :LOL:


I don't know about them calling their selves American sexy boys. :stunned: Oh please do upload that chicken dance. Although I think I already saw that one.


That video was cute. Was it taken from the airport or mall? Ray is really accommodating to every fans also Frankie. Your friend must be right in front of Gerard then. :D

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i remember that i sent 3 sms to u, miele and shannaz around 1 something like that..20 minutes before muse was on, while JEW was performing. or did i? no wonder i didn't get any reply from u. damn. sorry.. but u can check you tube or download the vids from muse live.


eh? muse? where can i find that? i was screaming 'we want muse' towards the galaxy people and asking them to bring incubus back here in march! this dude behind me was saying that 'there's a muse infested girl' in front of him to his friend on the phone! bloody emo dude! :mad:




Yes i did, last Sunday! it was WET! and i was rite at the barrier again but to the right this time around facing ray?? (the guitarist.. he's awesome btw!) and they have this beauuuutiful drum set. even more impressive than dom's i must say.


no they didn't play TBP accordingly.. my friend was like :D at the end of the concert cos she got to see Gerard's nostrils. heh... they were very theatrical through out the whole concert. do they always call themselves 'american sexy boys' ?? lol.. i have a video that i wanted to download of gerard doing a chicken dance from my friend's camera. maybe this weekend.. here's a review and setlist from KL


and no. incubus is not coming here.. but i hope they will!



i hope we didn't behave like that when we saw muse at KLIA eh shannaz and adyla? :$


wah! i didnt receive any message... :'( maxis is being a real bitch lately. a lot of people arent getting their messages through either. mehhh.


haha there's nothing wrong with being a 'muse infested girl'! i bet that dude looked emo with eye liner and black clothes.


and that video.... yikes. so many fan girls screaming ray! haha i assumed they'd be screaming "gerard! GERARD!!" instead :LOL:




Sorry terlambat..comp was dead.:(


hey thanks! :D


oh my god.. that's my friend right there.. i mean the guy..


he has no idea who those mcr peeps are.. he's heard like only 2 songs from mcr, but just joined them for the heck of it. i guess he just heard them shouting ray's name, then when everybody left he swooped to get ray's autograph..and apparently ray took his photo as well..


er, i hope we're not like that.. hehe, although i doubt i'd behave any more sophisticated if that was muse there, and there wasn't just like 3 people in the airport (like we did, lucky us :happy:)..


but yes, we're definitely more civilized monkeys. don't contradict me.


hey, was muse ever on the live from abbey show showing on ch711?


wow your friend is really lucky!


nope they never showed Muse. which sucks :( apparently this week's episode is the season finale.. but they didnt show Muse yet!

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Kak Faz just come down here to catch Incubus lah! HAhahaha....


Pls upload the chicky dance video ok? i'd love to watch it, sounds interesting...


EDIT: HAHA i love the intro to TIRO.. Dom's going crazy-drumming in that spidey suit... And the little palm-mute riff jus before they start is how they did it in SG heh heh...


ish, if i cannot tahan already, i'll definitely going to spore to see 'em. seriously la.. i don't mind that much of not seeing LP, but INCUBUS?? i need to see 'em again! as shannaz once said, my life depends on it! Again, BRING INCUBUS in KL, Please!!


i love that intro before TIRO too la... :happy:


er, i hope we're not like that.. hehe, although i doubt i'd behave any more sophisticated if that was muse there, and there wasn't just like 3 people in the airport (like we did, lucky us :happy:)..


but yes, we're definitely more civilized monkeys. don't contradict me.


hey, was muse ever on the live from abbey show showing on ch711?


am glad there was only the three of us. no need to berebut like those girls. and i like to think that we were more civilized. :p but lol at ur friend!


Muse-infested girl. What a term, take it as a compliment though. ;)


I IZ JEALOUS of you Faz. Do you have pics of Ray and his afro?


Jeezus they played Desert Song and Cemetery Drive, you Malaysians are so freaking lucky. That's already a rarity on their set. I'm totally jealous *ahgueoghw0okplenag*


I don't know about them calling their selves American sexy boys. :stunned: Oh please do upload that chicken dance. Although I think I already saw that one.


That video was cute. Was it taken from the airport or mall? Ray is really accommodating to every fans also Frankie. Your friend must be right in front of Gerard then.


lol. i dont mind the 'muse infested' name calling. it's just am not a girl! too old to be called a girl. :p u don't have to be jealous of me, coz i didn't know most of their songs except the ones played on the radio. and they played 16 songs in Singapore man! :eek: i'll try to upload some pictures and vids this weekend when i meet my friend. she's so stoked now, just like myself after the muse concert, got to see the band up close! the vid is NOT cute! Ray is very nice actually compared to gerard


I actually squirmed when i saw that video... How can any girl behave like that? :stunned:


deb is rite, fan girls can be scary at times, but i think those are school girls. really, no self control at all! at the concert there was this group of girls kept screaming like they were possessed or something..:stunned::stunned: bleh, emo crowd!

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lol. i dont mind the 'muse infested' name calling. it's just am not a girl! too old to be called a girl. :p u don't have to be jealous of me, coz i didn't know most of their songs except the ones played on the radio. and they played 16 songs in Singapore man! :eek: i'll try to upload some pictures and vids this weekend when i meet my friend. she's so stoked now, just like myself after the muse concert, got to see the band up close! the vid is NOT cute! Ray is very nice actually compared to gerard


Still you saw them, it doesn't matter if you know all of their songs.


Jeez why is he ignoring those fans. :(

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