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I really missed allot :LOL:




Political Science... two words that scares me :LOL:

Politics for my life and the ones around me... Politics related killings accruing lately and well, I don't what to be related with the subject... I want to live life by doing the things I want to do and happy with :happy:


Science due to low grades... need tips ;)


Both... hmm... I might consider but... :stunned:


*Continues reading on*


How much is the MCR gig and the Auckland gig?

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no. not the one kissing, but the one who was reeeeealy menghayati that song. if only i could find his picture.. hehe. he actually reminds me of myself during invincible. :$


that's the only thing i remember deb. sorry. think i told u almost everything that i remember the last time except one thing... and i would like that to be my secret. :ninja:


and btw, mcr is really happening! :eek: check out this website here and note the time of the concert! :LOL: they must noe there'll be a lot of kids going. so anyone going to sg wang tomorrow? 20% discount is very inviting to me...




i got away with just saying am a teacher a couple of times! lol


oh.. i think i remember the dude that really menghayati that song.. haha. vaguely though. i wanna know what happened at the airport! :eek::(


hahaha why the time of the concert so early wan? :LOL: i think Simple Plan was something like that too, but they ended up starting at 8 something. worst than normal Malaysian timing man, haha.


wow they have 3 kinds of free standing tickets... do you think those sections are gonna be seperated by some flimsy red tape again? :rolleyes: seriously the tickets nearest to the stage is so expensive! i'm actually feeling a bit angry at Galaxy now. i hope they grow an extra brain cell or two and put up metal barriers and not flimsy red tape! :mad:

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hahaha... i know! that's why my friend and i awal-awal lagi dah ruled out those yellow and blue zone tickets. but am not that crazy about mcr to pay up to 250++ to see 'em. i only paid less than RM200 for muse so am not gonna spend more than that for mcr. but pity my friend, she really wants to be in front to see gerard's face up close... am only seeing that RM103 tickets really..

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hahaha... i know! that's why my friend and i awal-awal lagi dah ruled out those yellow and blue zone tickets. but am not that crazy about mcr to pay up to 250++ to see 'em. i only paid less than RM200 for muse so am not gonna spend more than that for mcr. but pity my friend, she really wants to be in front to see gerard's face up close... am only seeing that RM103 tickets really..

haha yeah IF i'm actually going (its only 3 days after my birthday! :D), i'll probably just go for the seating tickets or the cheapest standing ones. i'm not willing to spend so much on them haha

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If you guys are still sad over the fact Muse might not be coming this region this year, well have this for a substitute!! PHWOARH MUSE DVD!!


I'm guessing it's gona be a bit expensive, but worth it, nonetheless! duh.



Originally Posted by mynameisdebbie

haha yeah IF i'm actually going (its only 3 days after my birthday! ), i'll probably just go for the seating tickets or the cheapest standing ones. i'm not willing to spend so much on them haha


I still can't accept the fact that i'm spending more on Linkin Park than the 2 tix for Muse at Singapore and KL combined!!! WTF!!

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If you guys are still sad over the fact Muse might not be coming this region this year, well have this for a substitute!! PHWOARH MUSE DVD!!


I'm guessing it's gona be a bit expensive, but worth it, nonetheless! duh.



Originally Posted by mynameisdebbie

haha yeah IF i'm actually going (its only 3 days after my birthday! ), i'll probably just go for the seating tickets or the cheapest standing ones. i'm not willing to spend so much on them haha


I still can't accept the fact that i'm spending more on Linkin Park than the 2 tix for Muse at Singapore and KL combined!!! WTF!!


was hoping for a dvd about their world tour. not just wembley...:(


LP and MCR are ripping us off??!!! :rolleyes: i wonder why are their tickets are more expensive than muse when muse is actually better than them. but having said that i've already got my MCR tix. heh heh



indeed :stunned: what a weird name. why HAARP eh?

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If you guys are still sad over the fact Muse might not be coming this region this year, well have this for a substitute!! PHWOARH MUSE DVD!!


I'm guessing it's gona be a bit expensive, but worth it, nonetheless! duh.



Originally Posted by mynameisdebbie

haha yeah IF i'm actually going (its only 3 days after my birthday! ), i'll probably just go for the seating tickets or the cheapest standing ones. i'm not willing to spend so much on them haha


I still can't accept the fact that i'm spending more on Linkin Park than the 2 tix for Muse at Singapore and KL combined!!! WTF!!


what!! how much is Linkin Park? are you gonna see MCR in Singapore or Malaysia? OR BOTH? :eek: remember! its 3 days after my birthday :D *COUGH*


was hoping for a dvd about their world tour. not just wembley...:(


LP and MCR are ripping us off??!!! :rolleyes: i wonder why are their tickets are more expensive than muse when muse is actually better than them. but having said that i've already got my MCR tix. heh heh




indeed :stunned: what a weird name. why HAARP eh?


what! you got MCR ticks already? which one did you get? man if i knew this earlier i would have asked you to get one for me and i'll pay you back! :(

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was hoping for a dvd about their world tour. not just wembley...:(


LP and MCR are ripping us off??!!! :rolleyes: i wonder why are their tickets are more expensive than muse when muse is actually better than them. but having said that i've already got my MCR tix. heh heh




indeed :stunned: what a weird name. why HAARP eh?


Oh yeah i was hoping they would include some stuff from the world tour too... Oh well i'd still love a Muse DVD! LP and MCR are two overly poopular bands! I think that's why they're so expensive.

Why they call it HAARP is cuz; (quoted from someone on muselive and i

've no idea what it is)

HAARP is the weird station thing that Matt based the European tour stage on last year..


you know, that weird blender thing Dom came out of... and the wiring on the roof...


i think it has something to do with the government or something.


what!! how much is Linkin Park? are you gonna see MCR in Singapore or Malaysia? OR BOTH? :eek: remember! its 3 days after my birthday :D *COUGH*

The LP tix cost me S$150!!! all cuz of my 2 army mates who wants to see chester's nostrils i suppose:mad:.


What are you getting at with that "3 days after my birthday" thing!! :erm::unsure::confused: And i don't think i wana watch MCR as i don't really fancy them..


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matt and his geekiness lol :p smart boy


wat about the bkk gig confirmaton??????? pfffttttt.....

i went to the thaiticketmajor shop today and the person has no clue about MUSE. She didnt even know about the Dream Theater gig, jeez. THIS SUCKS. Why so damn slow?


sigh... i'm scared flights will be all booked and i really, really want to go..

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what! you got MCR ticks already? which one did you get? man if i knew this earlier i would have asked you to get one for me and i'll pay you back! :(


i didnt go to sg wang, my friend got it for me. hopefully i'll be seeing gerard way's nostrils coz she bought the red zone tix for me. :rolleyes: dunno why am not excited at all about the mcr gig. really... i tried listening to their latest album last night and could'nt help feeling :sleepy::erm::indiff:


crap.. i missed the sale at sg wang..


gah, damn terengganu trip



edit : how's the reaction at sg wang? was there a lot of people there? were people crazy about going to MCR?


anyone going for Live and Loud 2007?


from what i heard there was a lot of girls and the line wasn't as long as muse's. if had gone there myself i would feel nostalgic ..


that american idol dude, what his name..... eliot yamin??? is coming for the live and loud eh?


sigh... i'm scared flights will be all booked and i really, really want to go..


me tooo... am really not going now. they're just taking too long to confirm things that a lot of other things came up. blehhhhh... am soooooo angry and sad now!! :(:(

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i didnt go to sg wang, my friend got it for me. hopefully i'll be seeing gerard way's nostrils coz she bought the red zone tix for me. :rolleyes: dunno why am not excited at all about the mcr gig. really... i tried listening to their latest album last night and could'nt help feeling :sleepy::erm::indiff:


from what i heard there was a lot of girls and the line wasn't as long as muse's. if had gone there myself i would feel nostalgic ..


that american idol dude, what his name..... eliot yamin??? is coming for the live and loud eh?


me tooo... am really not going now. they're just taking too long to confirm things that a lot of other things came up. blehhhhh... am soooooo angry and sad now!! :(:(


gah, my friend might be buying me the red zone tickets, but he's still kicking his ass about possibly wasting RM120 due to the fact that we missed the 20% sale..


yeah, my brother apparently is going to watch james morrison on the acoustics night, but i have no clue who he is :$ but it costs damn lot of money so i'm just wondering who's going..



i'm also angry and sad... mcr is right after muse in bangkok, so if bangkok doesn't happen, i'll probably end up being really resentful and dragging my feet to mcr, whereas if bangkok happens, i'll deffo be still giddy about muse when mcr comes..


oh btw, this website is ubercool : www.freerice.com ... kak faz should get all your students to play the game (i'm assuming you're an English teacher), i'm getting all my uitm friends to play it.. saving the world ten grains at a time :happy:.. it started early october, so it's still new.

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Oh yeah i was hoping they would include some stuff from the world tour too... Oh well i'd still love a Muse DVD! LP and MCR are two overly poopular bands! I think that's why they're so expensive.

Why they call it HAARP is cuz; (quoted from someone on muselive and i

've no idea what it is)

HAARP is the weird station thing that Matt based the European tour stage on last year..


you know, that weird blender thing Dom came out of... and the wiring on the roof...


i think it has something to do with the government or something.



The LP tix cost me S$150!!! all cuz of my 2 army mates who wants to see chester's nostrils i suppose:mad:.


What are you getting at with that "3 days after my birthday" thing!! And i don't think i wana watch MCR as i don't really fancy them..



lol nothing. hinting for a muse-related present but oh well. not important. haha.


i just remembered! weresodisco is still having my muse poster from the uk! i wonder where she is now :erm:


i didnt go to sg wang, my friend got it for me. hopefully i'll be seeing gerard way's nostrils coz she bought the red zone tix for me. :rolleyes: dunno why am not excited at all about the mcr gig. really... i tried listening to their latest album last night and could'nt help feeling :sleepy::erm::indiff:




from what i heard there was a lot of girls and the line wasn't as long as muse's. if had gone there myself i would feel nostalgic ..


that american idol dude, what his name..... eliot yamin??? is coming for the live and loud eh?




me tooo... am really not going now. they're just taking too long to confirm things that a lot of other things came up. blehhhhh... am soooooo angry and sad now!! :(:(


lol mostly girls? really? yikes.. i guess most of the girls go gaga over Gerard Way! but really though, was it mentioned on the newspaper about MCR coming to Malaysia and the whole 20% discount thing? because i didn't know about it until you showed us the link.


yeah Eliot Yamin is coming.. but he doesnt really er.. appeal to me much. i heard Whitney Houston is coming too! ooh.. i bet my mum would be interested in that. haha.


gah, my friend might be buying me the red zone tickets, but he's still kicking his ass about possibly wasting RM120 due to the fact that we missed the 20% sale..


yeah, my brother apparently is going to watch james morrison on the acoustics night, but i have no clue who he is :$ but it costs damn lot of money so i'm just wondering who's going..


omg!! james morrison!! he's this er... acoustic mellow music dude. very nice songs :) you could say they're quite er... jiwang. haha.


be careful when you're at the red zone!! i think i'll most probably be getting the cheapest standing tickets or the seated tickets. definately within the RM100+ range la.

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Yes Deb, your poster is still safe with me :)

Anyway, what's that in yr avatar? A tractor? And why does it say ZAP? uZap? heheh..


OK, so I was suggesting to CrazyMary to meet up with her on Deepavali day to pass her DVD. Possibly catch that movie 20 Days of Night while we're at it (it was mentioned earlier on the board there's a Muse song in it..). So come on over Deb, then I can pass u yr poster :)


We haven't decided the venue, but I'd like to propose 1 Utama, then catch the earliest slot (11 am) movie, on Deepavali day (provided you don't have any open house on that day..)


The others can join too, and maybe take pictures for Dom's birthday (as suggested by MikeAdyla)..


No CrazyMary, I'm not going to MCR, I'm choosy lah..but Adyla's idea for the boarders (who's going to MCR gig) to wear bright coloured pants + other Muse theme-related outfits is reaaaaaaaaaallly coool!!! (Kalau dapat tiket free baru saya akan pergi hahaha + wear Muse related stuff of course ;) )


Also not going to Live & Loud (expensive lah), although James Morisson is not bad (he's a bit like James Blunt lah..eh why both James?)


Eh, last Wednesday 24/10/07 (on NTV7 or 8TV) there was supposed to be a something about Abbey Road studio and it features Muse, amongst other artistes, but I forgot about it, oh dear. Anyone caught it?


Anyway, sidetracking a bit: 2 things: (alredi highlighted to CrazyMary)

1. On the start of Radiohead's "House of Cards" (from In Rainbows), Thom Yorke sings, "I don't want to be yr firend, I just wanna be your lover"

2. In Rainbows has the same number of words/alphabets as OK Computer

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Yes Deb, your poster is still safe with me :)

Anyway, what's that in yr avatar? A tractor? And why does it say ZAP? uZap? heheh..


OK, so I was suggesting to CrazyMary to meet up with her on Deepavali day to pass her DVD. Possibly catch that movie 20 Days of Night while we're at it (it was mentioned earlier on the board there's a Muse song in it..). So come on over Deb, then I can pass u yr poster :)


We haven't decided the venue, but I'd like to propose 1 Utama, then catch the earliest slot (11 am) movie, on Deepavali day (provided you don't have any open house on that day..)


The others can join too, and maybe take pictures for Dom's birthday (as suggested by MikeAdyla)..


No CrazyMary, I'm not going to MCR, I'm choosy lah..but Adyla's idea for the boarders (who's going to MCR gig) to wear bright coloured pants + other Muse theme-related outfits is reaaaaaaaaaallly coool!!! (Kalau dapat tiket free baru saya akan pergi hahaha + wear Muse related stuff of course ;) )


Also not going to Live & Loud (expensive lah), although James Morisson is not bad (he's a bit like James Blunt lah..eh why both James?)


Eh, last Wednesday 24/10/07 (on NTV7 or 8TV) there was supposed to be a something about Abbey Road studio and it features Muse, amongst other artistes, but I forgot about it, oh dear. Anyone caught it?


Anyway, sidetracking a bit: 2 things: (alredi highlighted to CrazyMary)

1. On the start of Radiohead's "House of Cards" (from In Rainbows), Thom Yorke sings, "I don't want to be yr firend, I just wanna be your lover"

2. In Rainbows has the same number of words/alphabets as OK Computer


hehe, when would deepavali be again? then maybe i can join u guys.. but if miele wants to join, she says she'll only be in kl 26th onwards tho :erm:


ooohh.. abbey road.. i saw the advertisements for that.. i wanna watch the muse one (although i've seen the footages, i just wanna watch the whole show), but they don't exactly tell us which artist will perform when right? so i don't want to watch every wednesday just for the possibility of muse :(


gah, i think there's no way all of us musers can be together at the mcr concert by the looks of it.. btw, i think i'm gonna go and wear this :




*points to matt's shirt*


i just found out (while cleaning my sister's room who's going away to vietnam) that my sister have the exact same shirt :stunned: hah, i know where matt buys his old clothes now :p... i think matt wears it with a red pants, so i'll be getting that out of my almari as well..


although i look, er, weird actually.. i need to get the shirt fitted to my size because as it is, it's too horribly big and dowdy on me..


edit : although i think i'll be pretty embarrassed to be the only one wearing bright colours if you guys ended up not going *hides*

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Yes Deb, your poster is still safe with me :)

Anyway, what's that in yr avatar? A tractor? And why does it say ZAP? uZap? heheh..


OK, so I was suggesting to CrazyMary to meet up with her on Deepavali day to pass her DVD. Possibly catch that movie 20 Days of Night while we're at it (it was mentioned earlier on the board there's a Muse song in it..). So come on over Deb, then I can pass u yr poster :)


We haven't decided the venue, but I'd like to propose 1 Utama, then catch the earliest slot (11 am) movie, on Deepavali day (provided you don't have any open house on that day..)


The others can join too, and maybe take pictures for Dom's birthday (as suggested by MikeAdyla)..


No CrazyMary, I'm not going to MCR, I'm choosy lah..but Adyla's idea for the boarders (who's going to MCR gig) to wear bright coloured pants + other Muse theme-related outfits is reaaaaaaaaaallly coool!!! (Kalau dapat tiket free baru saya akan pergi hahaha + wear Muse related stuff of course ;) )


Also not going to Live & Loud (expensive lah), although James Morisson is not bad (he's a bit like James Blunt lah..eh why both James?)


lol on my avatar, that zap thing is like.. you know those kid's rides they ride on. you put in a coin and the thing starts and your kid goes "whee!! papa mama look at mee!! eeheehee!!! *claps hand*" yeah that thing. its in The Curve. i am posing there like a 'car model' while my friend tried to squeeze inside it :p


Aww man i cant la.. i have my SPM in 2 weeks! no way i can go out and watch a movie anytime soon :'(


gah, i think there's no way all of us musers can be together at the mcr concert by the looks of it.. btw, i think i'm gonna go and wear this :




*points to matt's shirt*


i just found out (while cleaning my sister's room who's going away to vietnam) that my sister have the exact same shirt :stunned: hah, i know where matt buys his old clothes now :p... i think matt wears it with a red pants, so i'll be getting that out of my almari as well..


although i look, er, weird actually.. i need to get the shirt fitted to my size because as it is, it's too horribly big and dowdy on me..


edit : although i think i'll be pretty embarrassed to be the only one wearing bright colours if you guys ended up not going *hides*


OMG I HAVE THAT SHIRT TOO!! only its not long sleeved but short sleeved.. and slightly off shoulder. i dont dare wear it out because its too 'bright' compared to what i normally wear... :$ we could wear it together if we're actually going to MCR! :LOL:

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Woah so many posts.


Ppl, if I get free tix to MCR (yeah right) can I join the meetup u guys are planning? And faz, I know what you mean about being underwhelmed by MCR, but they're ok to distract from Muse for a night, I guess. ;)


If that doesnt pan out I'll try to get to James Morrison. Wouldnt mind Elliot Yamin as well, his voice is quite nice, heheh. But the cheapskate will still wait for free tix from my reporter friend, heheh.


Willing only to save and spend /travel for Muse, so the Bangkok situation is really damn frustrating. Patience I guess, ok Faz? :(


Anyone else repeatedly checking the Vegoose thread? Damn exciting lah.

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wow i didnt know james morrison is coming too. am not going to live and loud as well. not really into those type of music. u noe wat, i was reading the newspaper this morning and realized that the BEP had a concert here..:eek: i didnt noe that. well, not that i wanted to go or something like that, but am quite surprised how i've been like a katak bawah tempurung lately.. :$


btw adyla thanks for that link. the website is quite cool and very useful. used it with my form three students this morning.. ;)


the deepavali meet up is very interesting really. hope miele and shannaz can make it as well so that we can take a picture for dom. i dont think i want to watch the movie tho.. seriously, i've mentioned this before to weresodisco, i hate horror or vampire or zombie related movies..


and about the mcr tix news deb, it was mentioned in the star last friday about mcr confirming their kl show. luckily my friend asked me to check the info on the net and that was how i knew about the 20% thingy.. dont think it was mentioned in the newspaper. hmmm i wonder why..


peeps, seriously if u guys are going for the mcr gig, let's wear muse related attires ya? least that would cheer us (esp myself) up about that 'infamous unconfirmed' bangkok gig.

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wow i didnt know james morrison is coming too. am not going to live and loud as well. not really into those type of music. u noe wat, i was reading the newspaper this morning and realized that the BEP had a concert here..:eek: i didnt noe that. well, not that i wanted to go or something like that, but am quite surprised how i've been like a katak bawah tempurung lately.. :$



the deepavali meet up is very interesting really. hope miele and shannaz can make it as well so that we can take a picture for dom. i dont think i want to watch the movie tho.. seriously, i've mentioned this before to weresodisco, i hate horror or vampire or zombie related movies..



peeps, seriously if u guys are going for the mcr gig, let's wear muse related attires ya? least that would cheer us (esp myself) up about that 'infamous unconfirmed' bangkok gig.


About BEP, its amazing how they still come back despite reviews of the crowd being dull and not very packed during their first show some time ago. I really hope many other artists would give us a 2nd (or even 1st chance) like that...


Deepavali? Not sure yet la. End of November 26th onwards can la. May I suggest we do the Dom project around that time? Plus can 'gabra' about that LAMC announcement, it's around that time right Faz?


Dressing up as Muse @ MCR gig ftw!


Er, can anyone tell me where I can buy Muse tees please? Me nada credit card though.


Ooh forgot: check out this blog:





Muse getting good reviews, loved this anecdote as well:

Patrolling around the back perimeter of Muse’s (chronically insane) crowd, I saw a guy drop to his blood-encrusted knee and propose to his slutty-fairy girlfriend. She happily accepted, and the pair proceeded to roll about the ground in full make-out frenzy. How, er, sweet…?



Rage not getting good reviews?? How?

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About BEP, its amazing how they still come back despite reviews of the crowd being dull and not very packed during their first show some time ago. I really hope many other artists would give us a 2nd (or even 1st chance) like that...


Deepavali? Not sure yet la. End of November 26th onwards can la. May I suggest we do the Dom project around that time? Plus can 'gabra' about that LAMC announcement, it's around that time right Faz?


Dressing up as Muse @ MCR gig ftw!


Er, can anyone tell me where I can buy Muse tees please? Me nada credit card though.


Ooh forgot: check out this blog:





Muse getting good reviews, loved this anecdote as well:



Rage not getting good reviews?? How?


hah, how can rage not get a good review? are they not good live? but i thought they are? :erm:


haha, u know the best place to scout for muse outfits (maybe)? sungai wang because they're the best place for my friends and i to find cheap replicas of diors or whatever... er, plus at least it's cheap..


oh and there's lots of coloured pants in shah alam which sells for around 20 bucks.. this however assumes that our butt would fit into it :p..


haha, although u can try check out the pavillion mall, maybe? :erm:

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Deepavali? Not sure yet la. End of November 26th onwards can la. May I suggest we do the Dom project around that time? Plus can 'gabra' about that LAMC announcement, it's around that time right Faz?


Dressing up as Muse @ MCR gig ftw!


Er, can anyone tell me where I can buy Muse tees please? Me nada credit card though.


Ooh forgot: check out this blog:





Muse getting good reviews, loved this anecdote as well:



Rage not getting good reviews?? How?


i cant wait to do dom's project! hehe.. i've mentioned this before i think, i bought my muse shirt in pertama complex but it's quite expensive there. i've never seen any muse shirt at sg wang before.


omg vegoose!! ratm did get a good review if u read the later blogs but it seems that they're not too political now??? if i was there i would feel like am in heaven. muse and rage at the same nite, ayooo bestnyer!! damn lucky people!!


hah, how can rage not get a good review? are they not good live? but i thought they are? :erm:


haha, u know the best place to scout for muse outfits (maybe)? sungai wang because they're the best place for my friends and i to find cheap replicas of diors or whatever... er, plus at least it's cheap..


oh and there's lots of coloured pants in shah alam which sells for around 20 bucks.. this however assumes that our butt would fit into it :p..


haha, although u can try check out the pavillion mall, maybe? :erm:


maybe coz of the rowdy crowd?? violent crowd could definitely spoil any great gig la i tell u..

which mall in s. alam are u referring to adyla? i noe my butt can definitely fit into it coz i have no butt really... well, that's what my friends told me lol..


and where is pavillion mall btw? is it the new shopping mall next to starhill?


oh btw, i just reliazed something, we forgot our anniversary people! :eek: where is shannaz when we need her eh?? :p

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