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that's true, but i still want them to be here for dec. 1. Serialkisser's friend who works in thaiticketmajor also said taht they're gna perform on dec. 1. But yes, i knw that it's only a rumour. But its also the most probable. I dnt think they would stay in phuket that long, probably just a couple of days. Matt said in the interview that they're gna relax in phuket for "a couple of weeks". I think he was just tired :).

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Its called Eid ul-Fitr in our country audrey but Hari Raya in Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei... We were studying some Islamic practices in school last month... Philippine History, 2nd or 3rd in class for that subject I think :p


Reminds me... Hapi Hari Raya... I guess you are all wearing those bright pants :LOL:


Thanks for the info Arias, was so lazy to go to wikipedia :LOL: Why do we call it differently? :unsure:

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Thanks for the info Arias, was so lazy to go to wikipedia :LOL:Why do we call it differently? :unsure:
That I don't know... we call it Eid ul-Fitr but our teacher told us that its called different in other countries... I don't listen that much, just copy the teacher's notes, study them, keep close ties to sit mates ;) pass test and quizes :LOL:
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That I don't know... we call it Eid ul-Fitr but our teacher told us that its called different in other countries... I don't listen that much, just copy the teacher's notes, study them, keep close ties to sit mates ;) pass test and quizes :LOL:

Interesting fact..hmm still thinking about the different names.

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Oh I bloody hope so :)


Hmmm... A gig per country :stunned: With Bangkok as the headline... well thats not too bad and its possible for them :happy:


I doubt the December 31 gig :LOL: they leave at the very least they get a week of for the holidays.

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Hmmm... A gig per country :stunned: With Bangkok as the headline... well thats not too bad and its possible for them :happy:


I doubt the December 31 gig :LOL: they leave at the very least they get a week of for the holidays.


Well Dom did say at the Singapore gig, that they'll c us next year. I'm sure they said something along those lines at the Malaysia gig too.. So let's hope they're not just trying to sound nice! :mad:

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Well Dom did say at the Singapore gig, that they'll c us next year. I'm sure they said something along those lines at the Malaysia gig too.. So let's hope they're not just trying to sound nice! :mad:

but bands ALWAYS say that and they never do it! :( (i freakin hope Muse arent like that though)


i remember VERY VERY clearly that linkin park said they'd come back to kl. i was looking forward to it a lot! you know, back when i was a huge fan and all :D. but are they coming back here? guess not :mad:

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but bands ALWAYS say that and they never do it! :( (i freakin hope Muse arent like that though)


i remember VERY VERY clearly that linkin park said they'd come back to kl. i was looking forward to it a lot! you know, back when i was a huge fan and all :D. but are they coming back here? guess not :mad:


LOL well LP, you can't really trust them! I'll tell you about their gig here on the 13th don worry... hehh heh hehh heh heh heh!:D


Im sure Muse will come back! They love this part of this world, im sure of it!

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i cannot make sense of anything here.. :(


i know my friend went to thailand for just a total of 12 hours, but then, it says here that it's going to take us 48 hours.. unless we find a way to go to penang first beforehand by ourselves


i've read that page as well. it didn't make much sense to me too. :( are u sure it was 12 hours? i remember for a trip to langkawi last year, it took us about 12 hours to reach kedah. the motion sickness and praying on the moving train... ayoo.. dont think i wanna suffer that again.. :(


Interesting fact..hmm still thinking about the different names.


eidul fitri is in arabic, audrey. 'eid' means to celebrate or celebration and 'fitr' means break of fast or it can also means fitrah or human nature or natural something like that. we call it hari raya aidilfitri (come to think of it that is quite repetitious eh? ). hari raya is the malay phrase which means a day of celebration, but believe me it is not a day.. it's more of a language and cultural differences i guess.


Wait, before any of you decide to go to Bangkok this year, you could try to wait.

Who knows, maybe the Bangkok gig will happen on Dec 31, meaning more SEA dates could be announced. ;)


am seriously wishing it's not the 1st of december now. coz of the very short period of time to plan for the trip ( chewah.. macam bole pegi..:() but i hope for the same thing man. they should come to other SEA countries!! they're in the region already!!


but bands ALWAYS say that and they never do it! :( (i freakin hope Muse arent like that though)


i remember VERY VERY clearly that linkin park said they'd come back to kl. i was looking forward to it a lot! you know, back when i was a huge fan and all :D. but are they coming back here? guess not :mad:


bleh... i hate LP now, esp chester. he lied. lied. lied. :mad: he promised that they would come again when he came to visit tower records. i was there. i heard him. %*&^@# !!

lol. sorry.. too much sugar and cholesterol from the rendang, ketupat and kuih raya..;)

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I just saw the live telecast of the Malaysian astronaut on RTM 1!! Such a huge achievement for you guys! It was cool watching the still flag at the back. He just went through an experience that even Matt would be envious of! Also nice to know that there is an astronaut closer to home. :yesey:


I've always wanted to be an astronaut woohooO!! :\mm/:Part of the reason why i love Muse, with their space-related themes.

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eidul fitri is in arabic, audrey. 'eid' means to celebrate or celebration and 'fitr' means break of fast or it can also means fitrah or human nature or natural something like that. we call it hari raya aidilfitri (come to think of it that is quite repetitious eh? ). hari raya is the malay phrase which means a day of celebration, but believe me it is not a day.. it's more of a language and cultural differences i guess.


Thanks for the information Faz. ;) That's really educational, oh geez I forgot you're a teacher, thanks again. I've been out of school for a long time now the only chance I got to read books is when I'm helping my little sister with her homework. :happy:

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Well Dom did say at the Singapore gig, that they'll c us next year. I'm sure they said something along those lines at the Malaysia gig too.. So let's hope they're not just trying to sound nice! :mad:


+1 yes matt promised :happy:


but i think i'll go to bangkok anyways..


anyway, did u guys read sum other threads which says that dom said muse will be back in the US in december? *gerams*

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this thread keeps going on and on and onnnn..hahah, not that that's a bad thing.


i haven't been here since...heck, i can't even remember.


anw, it warms me to know that you guys are still as deeply in love with muse as ever before.:happy: i see the ever-present crazymary, mikeadyla and debbie are still here, keeping the flame ablaze, hahah.


i havent had much time to go to forums ever since i started med school. :nerd: hiah.


PS: anyone here as crazee about as In Rainbows as i am??? *takde teman to share excitement* =P

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Hello people! How was Raya / Eid? I'mall budgeted out now :(:LOL:



i havent had much time to go to forums ever since i started med school. :nerd: hiah.


PS: anyone here as crazee about as In Rainbows as i am??? *takde teman to share excitement* =P


Fuyoooh, med school...*respects*. Tell us mere mortals what's it like?



In Rainbows! *craves* What's it like?


Damn need to save money for Bangkok!


okay travel info:


KTMB overnight train, butterworth- Bangkok"

RM 122 (top bunk) RM 138 (lowerbunk)


Damn Air asia promo tix dissappearing fast.


I forgot to check Firefly, will do.


Mike, lol at the Timbalan Pendakwa Raya jokes.

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*raises hand* Me!!


really? i keep trying to get past the first track.. but i can't.. maybe it's the kind of album i take a long time to actually like. can u suggest me a good track I can just go straight to?


edit : oh i think i may like the arpeggi thingy song..


:stunned: i'm guessing all of you downloaded it for free then? nasty muse fans :mad:


Hello people! How was Raya / Eid? I'mall budgeted out now :(:LOL:



Paying anak saudara duit raya huh? Hehe, I'm all budgeted in then (thank god for still being the anak saudara)


okay travel info:


KTMB overnight train, butterworth- Bangkok"

RM 122 (top bunk) RM 138 (lowerbunk)


Damn Air asia promo tix dissappearing fast.


I forgot to check Firefly, will do.


gah, firefly goes from Penang huh?


why oh why won't muse confirm?

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Paying anak saudara duit raya huh? Hehe, I'm all budgeted in then (thank god for still being the anak saudara)


gah, firefly goes from Penang huh?


why oh why won't muse confirm?


The Raya preparations budget totally did me in actually.


Firefly to Phuket: RM148 from Penang one way.


Tom Kirk is really messing with my (our) mind (s). And our wallets!



To distract meself, I saw resident evil 2. So predictable, but hilarous fun in some respects.

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Now share the excitement by posting a review of the album please :D


Some of us need diversions from the distressingly quiet gig news front. :(


Geez I'm not good in giving reviews :$ Basically it sounded like OK Computer, The Bends and some old songs around 60s and 70s.


That's what we are having at the moment on some LB


really? i keep trying to get past the first track.. but i can't.. maybe it's the kind of album i take a long time to actually like. can u suggest me a good track I can just go straight to?


edit : oh i think i may like the arpeggi thingy song..


:stunned: i'm guessing all of you downloaded it for free then? nasty muse fans :mad:


I like the 1st track, it's a bit funky. I thought the 1st track is boring cause it started with a slow tone then emerged into a funky music with lots of drums.


I think you'll like Arpeggi, it's intense in a way IMO.



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Fuyoooh, med school...*respects*. Tell us mere mortals what's it like?



In Rainbows! *craves* What's it like?


hahahha, we're all jz normal human beings, albeit human beings who are expected to be mugging books 24/7.

havent found a fellow muse/radiohead fan in skl yet :(


*raises hand* Me!!





really? i keep trying to get past the first track.. but i can't.. maybe it's the kind of album i take a long time to actually like. can u suggest me a good track I can just go straight to?


edit : oh i think i may like the arpeggi thingy song..


:stunned: i'm guessing all of you downloaded it for free then? nasty muse fans :mad:


I finished downloading 'In Rainbows'! now i'm just... gonna sleep and listen to it tomorrow. ahha.


i only started listening 5 days after dwl'ing, so take your time, hahah.

and i think ALL of radiohead's albums take time to grow on the listener. but i've realised patience is always rewarded when it comes to radiohead :happy:

*thom yorke's eraser is still lost on me though* :stunned: heh


i've only put the album thru 4 listens, and the songs i've taken a liking to so far are 15 step, bodysnatchers, arpeggi, jigsaw, and videotape *the only track with distinct piano thruout!*


overall, i think the album is bloody brill *though there's not as much piano as in Hail To The Thief:mad: hahah*, but time will reveal more gems thru repeated listens.


im definitely buying this when it comes out here. :)

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