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oh my god... we really are going to thailand aren't we?


*jumps in joy* i hope i get to go..


is it safe to go by train / bus in the event flights are not available?


crap.. my practicals in court are in december. can i get like a week's worth of mc's? :p

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OMG!!! like so much has happened in the last few hours!!! believe it or not i had tears in my eyes reading all the posts!!! i really dont know whether i should feel happy or sad coz i still dont know if i can ever go to bangkok! :'( im just gonna pray that i will be lucky again n im gonna be able to see them again coz my life depends on it! k.faz, please pray for me ok! ur like a much more 'beriman' individual so ur prayers might be heard :D help me out with this one!!!


awww... shannaz *hugs* am anxious and excited at the same time about this bangkok gig. am not sure yet of going too. it all depends on the date. i just need for it not to be on the 4, 5 or 6 of december. other than that think i'll manage to work my way there.. lets just pray together. am not very 'beriman' pon btw! lol..


yeah they're a bit pricey that's why I checked Air Asia since they have this promo going on this year.


they are a bit pricy. the more we wait the more expensive it's gonna get.


oh my god... we really are going to thailand aren't we?


*jumps in joy* i hope i get to go..


is it safe to go by train / bus in the event flights are not available?


crap.. my practicals in court are in december. can i get like a week's worth of mc's? :p


hmmm... u're planning to go by bus or train? that'll save us some money eh? but the long hours of travelling..:stunned:

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i like the idea of travelling in group thing. was hoping ur sis might wanna join me actually, coz i mite be going alone if am able to go to this bangkok thing.


How can that be when I intend to stalk u :D


The idea of travelling in a group is awesome! maybe ur dad won't be so worried then faz?


Okay today I'll try and find out KTMB train prices to Bangkok, from KL and Penang, and for fun, Firefly flights to Phuket!


Air Asia KL- Bangkok return as per today: RM 492.98 total.


KL-Phuket (one way): RM133.99


Phuket-Bangkok: about RM 140, so 273.99 one way only! Better fly straight to Bangkok.




Damn, it was total RM399 (return) only last week. \Damn the non-confirmation!


Will shut up now, I'm going crazy with the budgeting etc.


Wow Shannaz, court practicals lol! Criminal or civil? Welcome to the jungle....MC huh? I dont know any doctors who are Musers....

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coz u're in penang and i'm in klang. that's why i'm thinking i'm going alone.. :( if we intend to go together we need another meet up. oohhh.. a raya gathering would be soo cool. :D


yeah.. i just checked the flight too. by next week it's gonna more expensive. this soooo nerve wrecking. i couldn't concentrate at work at all today. kept staring at my muse poster on my table.

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coz u're in penang and i'm in klang. that's why i'm thinking i'm going alone.. :( if we intend to go together we need another meet up. oohhh.. a raya gathering would be soo cool. :D


yeah.. i just checked the flight too. by next week it's gonna more expensive. this soooo nerve wrecking. i couldn't concentrate at work at all today. kept staring at my muse poster on my table.



+1234568789. I try to occasionally sneak in work since 3pm today, so hard to focus!


Ohh. *checks diary*


Okay 26-28th November I have a course in Bangi, so if the gig is on the 1st, perfect time to fly from KLIA. Hopefully with u,my BFF, and anyone yg nak join, heh.


Is it wrong that my mind is confirming the gig's on 1st dec already? And already imagining the trip and all?

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awesome.. so we can go together from KL. yay! :D


i hope it's gonna be on the 1st. please let it be on the first.. have u fill in the borang ke luar negara yet?


Oh damn, knew I forgot something, thanks faz. *applies for leave as well*


Somebody stop me before I start booking lodgings as well. :LOL:


:$ Omigod just checked my Air-Asia Citibank credit card application: rejected. Why???*angry* I never borrowed from along! Just PTPTN, and paid for 5 years oredi! *end rant*

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Matt said Bangkok will be the last gig... but what about the other :confused::wtf::shifty::ninja::supertong


yeah man. i can imagine 'em suddenly announce they'll be coming to malaysia again before heading of to bangkok.


Oh damn, knew I forgot something, thanks faz. *applies for leave as well*


Somebody stop me before I start booking lodgings as well. :LOL:


:$ Omigod just checked my Air-Asia Citibank credit card application: rejected. Why???*angry* I never borrowed from along! Just PTPTN, and paid for 5 years oredi! *end rant*


how are u gonna apply for leave when we're not sure of the date yet? :stunned:


i've already asked for the borang from my kerani this morning. :D have to get my super nice pengetua to sign it before he's on leave coz my other boss is damn strict!


eh how come gvtment servant got rejected? my friend got it like sooo easy.

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hmmm... u're planning to go by bus or train? that'll save us some money eh? but the long hours of travelling..:stunned:


haha, i've done that before but only to singapore... but i love road trips, that's why i'm quite looking forward to trains actually.. i can imagine the whole day i'll be imagining and shivering and not being aware of the long hours at all, because i'll be too busy thinking of what's going to happen in the next 48 hours..


of course going by bus and train might mean missing muse and the crews if they fly in early.


Okay today I'll try and find out KTMB train prices to Bangkok, from KL and Penang, and for fun, Firefly flights to Phuket!


Air Asia KL- Bangkok return as per today: RM 492.98 total.


KL-Phuket (one way): RM133.99


Phuket-Bangkok: about RM 140, so 273.99 one way only! Better fly straight to Bangkok.



Damn, it was total RM399 (return) only last week. \Damn the non-confirmation!


Will shut up now, I'm going crazy with the budgeting etc.


Wow Shannaz, court practicals lol! Criminal or civil? Welcome to the jungle....MC huh? I dont know any doctors who are Musers....


not shannaz! me! :p haha, i chose the juvenile courts specifically because that's where i intend to work in the future, so if i hated it, i can ditch it now.


wow, *geram* you guys are so organized with financial planning. I'm scared that i might make some errors while calculating, then suddenly find out i have to pay some random taxes for some random stuff, and be stuck with like, 20 baht to survive on..


*brings sambal tumis kering just in case*



Okay 26-28th November I have a course in Bangi, so if the gig is on the 1st, perfect time to fly from KLIA. Hopefully with u,my BFF, and anyone yg nak join, heh.


Is it wrong that my mind is confirming the gig's on 1st dec already? And already imagining the trip and all?


same here :p i'm already setting aside clothings for december 1! I hope it's december 1


if it's december 1 i can definitely sneak in some excuses to join the muse team in bangkok!


if u guys are goin to phuket, why not try to get on the flight with the band? :p


rily hope all of this works out ppl. im busy myself too with all my school work.


aha, if i had enough money, that's exactly what i'll be doing. i'll figure out by some inside sources which flight muse will be on, from where, and when, then i'll fly from malaysia to the place, and follow muse into the flight to bangkok..


that'll be immense.. in a plane with muse..


scratch that, i wish muse will somehow get stuck in malaysia, then somehow ride the train with me to bangkok :p

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yeah man. i can imagine 'em suddenly announce they'll be coming to malaysia again before heading of to bangkok.


how are u gonna apply for leave when we're not sure of the date yet? :stunned:


eh how come gvtment servant got rejected? my friend got it like sooo easy.


:stunned: Malaysia again? No dont make me hope....


INo matter muse confirm 1st dec or not, I've already applied 4 leave on th 28th and 29th November. It helps that I have loads of days left, 21 days actually.


I got so annoyed with Citibank, and they can;t even give me a reason. :rolleyes:


not shannaz! me! haha, i chose the juvenile courts specifically because that's where i intend to work in the future, so if i hated it, i can ditch it now.


wow, *geram* you guys are so organized with financial planning. I'm scared that i might make some errors while calculating, then suddenly find out i have to pay some random taxes for some random stuff, and be stuck with like, 20 baht to survive on..


*brings sambal tumis kering just in case*


Ooops! Sorry la , blur like sotong... Okay Adyla, imho that's a good choice, well done. The Child Act 2001 is an excellent area of written law to specialize in, I find it fascinating coz it's a mix of human rights, social welfare and rehab, as well as criminal areas. Good for you!


I brought ready made Indian food (from masjid india) last time went to Bangkok. Finding halal food was hard at first, but we soon found loads of hawker stalls serving vegetarian / egg/ Patani food. Damn delicious.


Bangkok's not too expensive actually, cheaper than Bali and say, Bangsar. If ur not sure how much to bring just activate ur ATM card for international use at the ATM machine beforehand. Maybankards can, did it for Bali, so convenient.


This may be my last sojourn here b4 raya, so Selamat Hari Raya folks! Minta maaf banyak2 kalau terkasar bahasa / annoyed u in some way. Have a wonderful Aidilfitri with ur loved ones!

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Selamat Hari Raya people! (i actually typed Harry before changing it to Hari just now. omg)


omg i didn't know flights were so expensive.... oh man i doubt i can go. which sucks so much! :'( i just wish they'd confirm the dates asap. i wish they'd know how important it is for us to know when the date is! aarhghsafjaslkgjs;d.f :mad:

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:LOL: harry raya..


yeah la.. the flights are expensive. i've checked MAS and Thai Airways but it'll cost more than RM 1000 to bangkok. ouch! by the looks of it, my nieces and nephews will only receive 5 hinggit for their duit raya or i mite be going there by train. hey adyla, what's the name of the train station in Bangkok? i've check ktm website, there's only hat yai mentioned. plus i heard that the journey will take around 23 hours.. imagine that:stunned:


the airport problems seriously made me nervous.. :(


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lol. not old just damn slow. it takes more than an hour to go to KL from my place when i could be there in like 45 minutes by car. :rolleyes: dunno why.. if only malaysia has bullet train like japan..


am not gonna be worried about the airport probs ann. i got the words of timbalan pendakwa raya and u telling me that bangkok is safe..;) just a bit anxious about the confirmation news.

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lol. not old just damn slow. it takes more than an hour to go to KL from my place when i could be there in like 45 minutes by car. :rolleyes: dunno why.. if only malaysia has bullet train like japan..


am not gonna be worried about the airport probs ann. i got the words of timbalan pendakwa raya and u telling me that bangkok is safe..;) just a bit anxious about the confirmation news.


hehee, can't believe i might be going to a muse concert with timbalan pendakwa raya :p




i cannot make sense of anything here.. :(


i know my friend went to thailand for just a total of 12 hours, but then, it says here that it's going to take us 48 hours.. unless we find a way to go to penang first beforehand by ourselves



edit : oh looking at air asia, let's hope the muse announce the concert dates early, and that it falls onto the dates where economy tickets are cheap (RM 69.99 one-way)

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Its called Eid ul-Fitr in our country audrey but Hari Raya in Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei... We were studying some Islamic practices in school last month... Philippine History, 2nd or 3rd in class for that subject I think :p


Reminds me... Hapi Hari Raya... I guess you are all wearing those bright pants :LOL:

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Selamat Hari Raya people! Since they're taking so long to announce it, maybe it's not early dec?

i rily do hope it's dec.1! it's perfect and we still hav a lil bit of time left dont we? wouldnt chris wanna try to be bak with his family for his bday?

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i rily do hope it's dec.1! it's perfect and we still hav a lil bit of time left dont we? wouldnt chris wanna try to be bak with his family for his bday?

Nah if the gig is on December 1st, and he leaves immediately to England, he'd probably be there by December 2nd at least, and he would be feeling EXTREMELY exhausted, not to mention jet lagged. so i think it would be a bad idea (if Chris wants to celebrate his birthday with his family in England) if the gig was on December 1st.


Unless Chris brings his family over to Thailand, that would be a whole different story.


Selamat Hari Raya people! :D hope you get lotsa duit raya and stuff!

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