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Win The Ultimate Muse Goodie Bag


To celebrate the release of Muse's forthcoming new album ' The Resistance', we've put together the ultimate goodie bag for you, including:




A limited edition boxset of 'The Resistance':$

iPod shuffle:$


Login now to enter. This competition closes on October 10. NME Terms.


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Entry is open to residents of the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Republic of Ireland except employees (and their families) of IPC Media, its printers and agents, the suppliers of the prizes and any other companies associated with the competitions. :mad::mad::mad:

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lol should've pieced it together. graphic designer... mac user, of course! ;) I tried iTunes before as well, while I loved it at first, eventually I realized that it uses a lot of memory, as well as precious space in my limited hard drive. I'm using MediaMonkey for my music now because I love that option where I can edit and organize my files through the programme without going through each file. :]


I think iTunes was made for Macs hence PCs will definitely fail to experience its full glory.

/mac praising:p

But seriously Macs aren't good at EVERYTHING. Ofiice is crap in OSX.


I've never used MediaMonkey, and that organising thing sounds like a very good feature!


Entry is open to residents of the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Republic of Ireland except employees (and their families) of IPC Media, its printers and agents, the suppliers of the prizes and any other companies associated with the competitions. :mad::mad::mad:


Ah well what to do!


Miele did you get the mail about the Royal Mail strikes? DAMN YOU anarchy-type workers!!

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Nut, yes I have and I'm still fuming. Have been frustrated since yesterday actually bcoz got no delivery e-mail, then got excited this morning before I read the mail.


I've given up on receiving it this week. Am leaving for Penang tonight for balik kampung so even if it gets here it will be at the office. :(


Changing the topic now otherwise I will just :mad:


Nut so sorry to hear about your T-shirt, but are u sure it's not still hidden somewhere at your house? Happens to me all the time :$



Saya telah hantar capaian untuk minggu ke-enam pada pihak2 yang berkenaan. Tapi diri sendiri masih belum menonton haha.



A very advanced selamat Hari Raya wish, mintak ampun mintak maaf ya, kalau ada terkasar bahasa etc :)

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4 seconds :LOL: Your willpower's extremely hebat then. I think if I heard the first 4s, I wouldn't be able to stop!


Which player do you use now? Same here, I used to adore winamp but since reformatting, I changed alliances lol.


ahaha my guilty conscience got the better of me! i clicked the pause button right away and left it there. after a few hours only i closed the window lol :p


I use WMP now. Because its like.. by default. Cant be arsed to click "open with... iTunes" or something. because i'm THAT lazy :p


Win The Ultimate Muse Goodie Bag


To celebrate the release of Muse's forthcoming new album ' The Resistance', we've put together the ultimate goodie bag for you, including:




A limited edition boxset of 'The Resistance':$

iPod shuffle:$


Login now to enter. This competition closes on October 10. NME Terms.


When you enter this competition, your email address will be added to the newsletter. However, you will be given the opportunity to unsubscribe from the email newsletter via the unsubscribe message in the email




Entry is open to residents of the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Republic of Ireland except employees (and their families) of IPC Media, its printers and agents, the suppliers of the prizes and any other companies associated with the competitions. :mad::mad::mad:


Oh my god. I want that so much!


they've got it in singapore now :( i haven't checked the stores today


I checked Rock Corner 1 Utama today, he still says its coming in next week, but I asked that Movie Magic place at LG floor, near the Oval, he says its supposed to come in today but it was running a bit late. I asked if I could come tomorrow and he says yeappp! So yay! :D Cant wait!


Now I just need to find the money to buy their new album :stunned:

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Just a quick update.


Victoria Music Centre will be selling the CD+DVD edition for only RM39.90! At least, that's what the guy over the telephone told me. I called at about 5pm today, they told me the CDs are already released, but it has yet to reach the shop. I'm pretty sure it would be there by tmrw! :D


Also, great jeebus. The Ataris playing in Indonesia on the 10th of October!!! That's really sooon.

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Just a quick update.


Victoria Music Centre will be selling the CD+DVD edition for only RM39.90! At least, that's what the guy over the telephone told me. I called at about 5pm today, they told me the CDs are already released, but it has yet to reach the shop. I'm pretty sure it would be there by tmrw! :D


Also, great jeebus. The Ataris playing in Indonesia on the 10th of October!!! That's really sooon.


are u sure about that? CD+DVD version in muse.mu shop is UK £ 13.98 = about RM82.42. Victoria want to sell it for RM39... impossible :wtf:


wait...cetak rompak?

Edited by Drogrons
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Yeah I was in disbelief as well, trust me. I told Debbie that it shouldn't be selling for anything more than RM80 but to my surprise when he told me it's less than RM40 I made him repeat a few times. I believe it's an ongoing promotion of sorts that they're having! Drop by at sg wang tmrw and let us know? Perhaps I heard wrongly! :)


Also, the direct £14 cannot be taken as the whole cost price here because I'm guessing Warner Malaysia had it reprinted in Malaysia so it should be a lot more affordable here. If you're looking for the imported ones from UK, then I believe that would cost a little more in RM and it should take a longer time to reach our shores as well.

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alternative intro to unnatural selection - http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=65358




havent watched the VMAs yet...waiting for Astro to air it in two Sundays' time!


:eek: indeed! Haven't watched it either!



Did most of you guys download The Resistance already? I'm dying here! :( I want to hear it so much but omg, I want to scrutinize their album sleeve while listening to it for the first time, you know? :) Why la malaysia so lag :'(


Hang in there, we shall resist downloading 'till we get the CDs!


EDIT: Oh has anyone discussed about Chris' new(?) tattoo on his right forearm? The one in Arabic? What does it say? Can't really get a good still frame of it...


http://www.thisisplymouth.co.uk/regional/Muse-s-Chris-gets-tattoos/article-1315273-detail/article.html :D



USOE, Uprising and Resistance vids on the MTV site are just brilliant, as always. Their performances are always so epic...I dunno what to say...I love Muse.


But I wish Matt played Collateral Damage as well. Ah well.



Oh Nut, I think I'll probably be going to HMV on Friday! So excited! :D

Edited by nonoor
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But I wish Matt played Collateral Damage as well. Ah well.

Me too :( Hmm maybe he did, they just cut off the vid at that part? Ah well. lol



TEE! I dunno about you, but I'm loving the whole package of Ash's

! It's so different from White Rabbit lol. The song, the grooviness, the video as well! The first time I heard it, I immediately thought of Velvet Goldmine (More specifically Ewan McGregor and Christian Bale together..hee hee) . When I saw the vid, I couldn't help but break into a smile :)
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@Noor Thanks for that! Another mystery solved then hahaha.


So happy for you for already planning to get your album! I love the excitement of walking into the store and grabbing what you came for, then hang around a bit to check out other CDs, knowing at that moment, no other album is worthy of replacing the one in your hands.:chaplin:


I still haven't received my package. I may be a victim of the strikes. Dammit.


Check out the Jools Holland version of USoE.








@ 1:38 for Uprising: Controversial...

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I have already bought The Resistance cd+dvd from Victoria Music Centre today! :D All for RM39.90 only! What a steal. Major kudos to Liz aka guilt_striken for telling me about that promotion. I hope the lot of you who pre-ordered it will receive it soon! :) You should've received it on Monday itself, meh. What's all this about a strike anyway?


Oh and Liz, I just realised in the text I sent you I meant to say I got it from Victoria Music Centre, not Victoria Station ahahhaha. Care for some steak? :chuckle:


@Nut, 1:38 for Uprising reminded me a lot of Lady Gaga :LOL: why controversial? :eek:

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@Deb Controversial cuz it instantly reminded me of his conspiracy theories and all about the new world order stuff. U've got to read about it to understand why he did that to his eye. And the fact that he sings "They will not control us!" is so fitting.:nerd:

But, it's just me. It could just be a trendy Japanese pose for the cameras.

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where's victoria music centre? so cheap :O


I think there are a few scattered around KL, though I've only been to two. One is at Sg Wang, located beside VINCCI shop, the other is at Amcorp Mall. Debbie bought hers at Atria Shopping Centre, I believe? There used to be one at Bangsar Shopping Centre, I'm not too sure if it's still there, because I called up the number and the girl who picked up said it was a stationary shop lol. There's also one at Kota Raya Complex, I think! Good luck finding! :)


I wonder how long this promotion will be ongoing. Hopefully til after Raya?


Oh and Liz, I just realised in the text I sent you I meant to say I got it from Victoria Music Centre, not Victoria Station ahahhaha. Care for some steak? :chuckle:

Lol yeahhh I was so hungry when you texted about Victoria Station :LOL: but no worries, I used to call it that too hehe.

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