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Okaaaaaaaaaaay I just got off the phone with the dude from Rock Corner, 1 Utama, he says The Resistance is coming out on the 26th of september. WTF? I dont know what to believe now :'(




@Liz The clap along sounds fun. And the "OI!" part is also wicked lol! When i first heard Uprising I knew it's going to be rad live.


@Debbie I hope that dude you talked to don't know what he's talking about.

Those games you speak of... sounds so alien to me.:p Titles like Mortal Kombat, Mario Bros reminds me of the good 'ol days.


@Miele I'm so devastated that I've somewhow lost my BH&R tee I bought at the KL show. That's like the only official merch I had lol.


@Mad You and me are the same. We're lunatics.


@Noor Are you gona buy your album from HMV?



If you listen to Uprising from Teignmouth, Matt sings the first chorus as


They will not force us

They will NOT degrading us

They will not control us

We will be victorious


like, "Don't Forget Your Lyrics!"


Mario Bros! Mario is TEH SHIZZ :D


[spoiler=Research]I prolly will coz the album is bound to reach S'pore first, but I did some google-ing and came across HMV's Twitter page and someone posted -

"Resistance slated for mid-Sep, but no firm date yet." (Sept. 9)


And on their Fb (I saw a comment by Care Leaf :happy:), someone asked -

Hey HMV, may I know when Muse's "The Resistance" be out in stores? Will it be the 14th of Sept? Also, will the CD+DVD version be available? (Aug. 15)

To which they replied -

We heard that the release is on 14th Sep, but we dont know if there will be any delays since it is still early to confirm. There is a CD+DVD version according to our UK website, but although it is said to be released on 14th Sep, any visual content put out for sale has to be classified by the Board of Film Censors (BFC), and there is no guarantee how long it would take for it to be cleared, as such we cannot give you a firm date now. Do look out for our updates.

Was thinking of getting the Limited Edition set. I'm afraid to go all the way to Orchard and find they don't have the album...so I guess I shall wait summore (:'() until they have a confirmed date.



:LOL: Matt (in his head) : :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:


hello semua!

kenapa semua tiba2 cakap bahasa melayu ni? heehee

sangat tak sabar nak beli album baru MUSE! harap2 keluar dalam minggu ni gak!

mel telah berjaya untuk menahan diri daripada mendengar lagu2 baru tu kecuali USoE!! :p

apa khabar semua??? =)


Khabar baik! Ia bermula kerana kami tak dibenarkan berbincang tentang kebocoran album baru itu, jadi kami berbincang dlm bahasa melayu supaya kami tidak dikesan :D

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Our boys did awesome at the VMAs! Despite being heavily edited, loved the constantly changing backgrounds, the acoustics, Chris' awesome bass line and the Uprising bears lol. Though I feel awful for the fans outside that waited for hours..


Happy Muse Day :happy:


Edit: I just got off the phone with the people at Victoria Music Centre (sg wang - i believe there's one at Amcorp Mall too?), tentatively, he asked me to call again at about 5pm tmrw to check if it has arrived. ETA is 15th/16th sept! They have both the DVD and normal CD editions :D


Edit #2: Yikes, the VMA link's not up anymore, so apologies. I'm guessing the next youtube link that I put up will prolly be taken down eventually, so I suggest you should just search VMAs Muse Uprising on youtube to watch the vid :happy: Oh and also, the MTV site has two vids up as well. Here's one on Resistance. ♥


Edit #3: To further speculate on a possible SEA tour early next year... Matt: There's a strong chance we'll be in Australia soon! That's really good news :D

Edited by guilt-stricken
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ahh.. Liz, thanks for the info ! :D i just went to rock corner in subang and they said that The Resistance is still not out yet. the guys assured me that it'll be out this week but i forgot to ask him about the cd/dvd edition...:facepalm:


and Liz, i didn't get to see Hakkinen last saturday :( was busy shopping with my family at Jln TAR last Saturday. the place was soooo freaking crowded. mental. :stunned:


i have yet to see any of the MTV vids! Muse in Oz around January and February? will they come here again around that time? i wish they could come on the same date as the last time they were here. just like Incubus!


Happy Muse Day everyone! i thought it's supposed to be the 25th of every month? esp 25th Feb?:D


edit: ooooooooo wwwaaaaaa... i love, love the Resistance MTV vid :D Dom in red is <3 . did you notice his drums? and the intro and outro..


Edit #2: aigooooo.. why la the crowd didn't do a special Uprising clap.


Edit#3: i love the new layout!

Edited by crazy_mary
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okay, so much to say and dunno where to start.....



lol..... Okay, ermmm......already ordered the pre order but sadly I can't play the vids although it is mp4 format. Dunno why the prgrams can't read it. :'( Guys, any idea what's wrong with it? :erm:



Ohhh...... and I saw a guy in Midvalley wore Muse t shirt in Carrefour. damn excited when I saw it and then when I saw Muse I dunno what was my face expression but the guy who wore it seems to notice it. I pretend to look somewhere else and not broke into a silly grin and quickly walk away :p:LOL:

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^ ...unapologetically batshit insane...


UBI. Lol! That was an interesting read..



ahh.. Liz, thanks for the info ! :D i just went to rock corner in subang and they said that The Resistance is still not out yet. the guys assured me that it'll be out this week but i forgot to ask him about the cd/dvd edition...:facepalm:

Here's Victoria's number, if anyone's interested to call in :) 03-21420661 One of the staff there's really nice, but if the owner's wife picks up the phone..you might want to stress that you're looking for Muse properly lol she answered me in mandarin the last time. I don't think I should give myself any more reasons to go near my laptop coz I should be studying instead...


and Liz, i didn't get to see Hakkinen last saturday :( was busy shopping with my family at Jln TAR last Saturday. the place was soooo freaking crowded. mental. :stunned:

Omg yeahh I passed by that area (Sogo/Pertama Kompleks, ya?) last Sunday and the roads there were soooo congested! A real pity I haven't been to much Ramadan bazaars...(the food-related bazaars, that is ;) ) I love buying samosas lol. Have you found the delicious one at Klang btw?!


Happy Muse Day everyone! i thought it's supposed to be the 25th of every month? esp 25th Feb?:D

Lol. Muse-album-release-day, then? ;)


edit: ooooooooo wwwaaaaaa... i love, love the Resistance MTV vid :D Dom in red is <3 . did you notice his drums? and the intro and outro..

There was another set of drums at his side right?! Hehe yeah, I noticed that! As well as his watch :eek: I love! :happy: Matt's vocals was absolutely spot on in the Resistance... It's crazy good!


USoE's just as epic!! Matt's piano playing skills... Wow wow. That last bit with the thumb spreading over a series of pitches on the piano.. I used to play that and it hurts like hell, but the way he does it, it seems effortless! Respect.


Edit #2: aigooooo.. why la the crowd didn't do a special Uprising clap.

We need to spread the word and let them know that there's an Uprising clap! ;):LOL:

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@Liz Resistance actually sounds so good live! Yeah USoE sounds almost perfect!


@Mad That preview is making me more excited abt the 5.1 dvd. I didn't know you get alternate intros!:D


@Joelyn Hahaha good spotting there! Which tee was he wearing? I just found out today when i called HMV, that they have the Starlight tee-shirt but I checked online and I think it looks fugly :p


@nawkaz Thanks for the review link! I disagree on some parts though. I'm really enjoying I Belong To You!

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lol..... Okay, ermmm......already ordered the pre order but sadly I can't play the vids although it is mp4 format. Dunno why the prgrams can't read it. :'( Guys, any idea what's wrong with it? :erm:



Ohhh...... and I saw a guy in Midvalley wore Muse t shirt in Carrefour. damn excited when I saw it and then when I saw Muse I dunno what was my face expression but the guy who wore it seems to notice it. I pretend to look somewhere else and not broke into a silly grin and quickly walk away :p:LOL:

What player are you currently using to play the vids? I guess they made it in mp4 format coz then people can upload and play them in their iPods. Try getting a VLC Media Player to solve all your video needs. It's one of the best programmes out there that features almost all vid codecs :happy:


Were you walking alone or with your friends? Hahaha lol aww you should've went up to him to say hi! Discuss about when the new Muse album will hit Malaysia or something hehe... The last time I saw the Muse-wearing shirt guy in our college's hostel, I tapped him on the shoulders and asked if he went to the 2007 Malaysian gig. :LOL:

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What player are you currently using to play the vids? I guess they made it in mp4 format coz then people can upload and play them in their iPods. Try getting a VLC Media Player to solve all your video needs. It's one of the best programmes out there that features almost all vid codecs :happy:


Were you walking alone or with your friends? Hahaha lol aww you should've went up to him to say hi! Discuss about when the new Muse album will hit Malaysia or something hehe... The last time I saw the Muse-wearing shirt guy in our college's hostel, I tapped him on the shoulders and asked if he went to the 2007 Malaysian gig. :LOL:


Oh you should update your quicktime see if that helps as well Joelyn.

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Oh you should update your quicktime see if that helps as well Joelyn.

Curious, which media player do you use to play your music? itunes/real/wmp/winamp/mediamonkey etc



lol i want to believe im twittering but i won't get suckered into that, ever, i hope.

Do not start a Twitter account. Ever. It's evilllll. Although, right now in Singapore (Malaysia as well), you can update your twitter with a single sms! (via GladlyCast. It's times like these that I'm even more keen to check my twitter account because that's a reason to procrastinate! :(

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Curious, which media player do you use to play your music? itunes/real/wmp/winamp/mediamonkey etc




Do not start a Twitter account. Ever. It's evilllll. Although, right now in Singapore (Malaysia as well), you can update your twitter with a single sms! (via GladlyCast. It's times like these that I'm even more keen to check my twitter account because that's a reason to procrastinate! :(

I use TinyTwitter to update from my phone :happy: but i cant check updates though, because then my phone has to go online and its expensive since I dont have 3G. meh.

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Did most of you guys download The Resistance already? I'm dying here! :( I want to hear it so much but omg, I want to scrutinize their album sleeve while listening to it for the first time, you know? :) Why la malaysia so lag :'(

One day lag isn't toooo bad I say. Actually, I'm watching the live videos from VMAs :awesome: The only other song that I allowed myself to listen to in studio format is Mk Ultra. I think that song's got a lot of potential to be my fav from the album :eek:



I use TinyTwitter to update from my phone :happy: but i cant check updates though, because then my phone has to go online and its expensive since I dont have 3G. meh.

My hp doesn't support Java! lol at least, I don't think it does. :( it's okay though, having twitter at my fingertips is really too dangerous lol.


Oh good luck for that drive tmrw btw! What are you still doing up awake? ;)



Random: Winamp has Muse in the front page lol.

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One day lag isn't toooo bad I say. Actually, I'm watching the live videos from VMAs :awesome: The only other song that I allowed myself to listen to in studio format is Mk Ultra. I think that song's got a lot of potential to be my fav from the album :eek:




My hp doesn't support Java! lol at least, I don't think it does. :( it's okay though, having twitter at my fingertips is really too dangerous lol.


Oh good luck for that drive tmrw btw! What are you still doing up awake? ;)



Random: Winamp has Muse in the front page lol.

I'm scared it might be a week lag :( plus everyone's raving about it (those who downloaded it i'm sure) and i'm like "nuuu i havent heard it yet shhhh" haha ><. but i'm memang impatient like that anyways :p


I lost a bit of self control once and heard the first 4 seconds of MK Ultra on youtube once, it sounds like its gonna be totally epic!! :awesome: :awesome: thats why i cant wait. wuwuwu. I've heard Unnatural Selection and Resistance live too, so i'm really curious to hear its studio version haha. Damn these temptations!


Oh and yeah, I was just about to go off already actually, haha. I have to wake up in 4 hours! *dies*


Wow do people still use winamp to play their music? I remember using it last time until my comp got reformatted. I didnt bother to install it again after that :p

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@Liz Hmm that sms thing looks pretty cool, but you're right it's evil! I don't really spend too much time on social network sites, so I think this twitter thing isn't for me.

I use mainly iTunes on my iMac cuz it works so well. But on my XP laptop I prefer to use Windows Player, cuz it works perfectly on that. ;)


@Debbie Like i said, twitter isn't just for me! :D I don't really spend too much time on FB anyway. I think ehehe.


EDIT: Oh has anyone discussed about Chris' new(?) tattoo on his right forearm? The one in Arabic? What does it say? Can't really get a good still frame of it...

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lol should've pieced it together. graphic designer... mac user, of course! ;) I tried iTunes before as well, while I loved it at first, eventually I realized that it uses a lot of memory, as well as precious space in my limited hard drive. I'm using MediaMonkey for my music now because I love that option where I can edit and organize my files through the programme without going through each file. :]

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