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Dom @ Putrajaya??: wait, non comprende? I work here and I dont know this? Explain please?



Kilt qsn: hehe if his wife ada when I ask that mampus aku kang ;)


Leeds / Reading: Wow good for u Liz, saving already. But I'm scared to buy la if Muse not performing. The only other bands I would travel to Europe for would be RATM and Weezer. Otherwise will feel the loss of not getting Muse....Btw, for u guys I wonder what bands you'd travel for?



Battles: yeah I'm going alone bcoz of I still remember how much missing Mono sucked. And Toe as well. How can I miss these bands when they're actually in KL?





woah.. yr name is on sunburst website la.. congrats!


i always wondered what "gerek seh.." means. o god i hope i didn't just type a vulgar phrase or something heh..



yup, yup. i'll join you guys for lunch. since Nut really likes the Ramly burger he bought at std negara, maybe we should belanja him ramly burger? haha.. no la. hmmm.. something nice and very malaysian in KL Sentral? i dunno.



that's what am doing right now. saving some money for Muse hehe.. not going for Sunburst = save RM 143. Battles= save RM 88 hehe.. ooooh so now, in my Muse tabung there's already RM 231. oh yeah. i am a cheapskate.



Really ah, they displayed the names?*malu* Er, thanks?



Yup sorry, I had to buy that last Sunburst tix for my fren coming all the way from Kedah.


But are u sure ur not going for F1? :stunned: Whyy???



:LOL: at Ramly burger / vulgar terms / cheapskate. You funny la, woman. Your English class must be fun!





EH miele congrats on scoring M&G! my friend is Najwa Amira, she scored some M&G passes too! damn lucky. you guys make it look so easy :LOL: I just heard Twisted Transistor on Hitz.fm today, and for a second or two upon hearing the first part riff, I thought it was Word-Up I'm such a n00b!



and about my results.. er, ehe yeah :happy: I'm very happy with them, wheeeeee. Now I just have to get through my last sem of 'A' levels and I'm freeee! Until Uni, that is :(




oh thanks Deb :happy: Eh ur no noob la Deb, Korn has actually recorded their version of Word-up, so you're not far off there. :)


Hey congrats bout ur results. You should give urself a treat, urm maybe Jamiroquai @

F1? :D




I dunno how to describe them, so take a listen for yourself. http://www.myspace.com/battlestheband

Oh, and I don't think I will be going to Oasis because my parents are twats and complain about me being "anti-social" but don't even let me go to my friends' houses or anything. PFFFF. :rolleyes:


Oh the parents thing. Wait, what happens if u try and calmly point out their contrariness? Wld it help?



Kak Faz: Actually Sunburst isn't all about Korn yeah? They've got Erykah Badu!!!:p

Thanks eh for the Ramly burger! It's the thought that counts lol! But let's just leave it at that.


SO we are having lunch together eh? Who's in it so far? Liz hope you'll be there and not Taiping! Where is that anyway! And Debbie too eh!


Miele and Co: Eh no need for blanja please. Don't make us paisey, can!

And Miele, i want to pass you my camera, please! Cuz i want some obscenely close shots of Jon D and Munky and Fieldy! I wonder if the Korn kids will be there as well? Maybe they're not kids anymore..


Yeah for the M & G it was Korn vs Her vs NERD.


Eh how dare u turn down Ramly Burger? * national pride* :p Hahaha.


Lunch: So far Faz and me with u guys. Hoping for Aida, Deb and Joelyn to drop by. :)

Options: KL Sentral is merely the meetup place, can go banana leaf rice, nasi lemak antarabangsa, Thai, whatever u guys like.


Also, u dont turn down a 'belanja' offer from the hosts, it's just not done young man. Isnt it obvious it's more of doing me a favour, coz I really like to eat? :LOL: What is 'paisey', btw?


Sure, just show me how to work ur camera, I'm a total noob. Hehe, here's an article that also mentions something about Davis' kids. Aaw he's such a dad:



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Tee: Have i told you you've got a cute name! hahaha. But too bad about ur dad and the anti-social stuff. How contradicting can one get!


Hehe, thanks! It's not my real name though....just a nickname...my real name is Tatiana. :)

And yeah, I know. :noey:

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Front row centre alright? ;] We'll sing our hearts out to Twenty-Four Hours! I would seriously love to listen to that song live.





I'm really upset I won't be able to make it for Battles. Sigh. It's just like that Mono gig last year..!


Don't give up for Oasis though.. will you be going alone, or are you meeting up with a friend for Oasis? If you're meeting up then that's most certainly not "anti-social" ;)


:eek: YES!! Ahh, there's a fellow Athlete fan in here! :happy: I love Twenty-Four Hours too. :yesey: But then again, I love all their other songs. :chuckle: And I actually think that they sound better on live recordings. :erm: I actually don't like the studio version of Wires, but I LOVE the live version. :happy:


Ohh. :( That sucks that you can't go....Hopefully they'll come back soon after being wowed by the crowd response and you'll get to see them then, right? ;)


I'll be going alone because I don't know anybody there :facepalm: Well, I stay in touch with two or three of the people I used to go to school with there, but they all listen to stuff like the Jonas Brothers soooo....:rolleyes: I'm always a loner at gigs in Singapore. :'(


Oh the parents thing. Wait, what happens if u try and calmly point out their contrariness? Wld it help?


Oh, I've tried. :rolleyes: They're quite stubborn. >.<

AND they don't want me to go to a friend's birthday because it's on a nearby island and they think I'll drown. :rolleyes: I KNOW HOW TO SWIM. Jeeeez. They get so overly paranoid sometimes. :( But I asked them "if I can't go for my friend's birthday, can I go for Oasis?" and they said maybe...we'll see...

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I dunno how to describe them, so take a listen for yourself. http://www.myspace.com/battlestheband

Oh, and I don't think I will be going to Oasis because my parents are twats and complain about me being "anti-social" but don't even let me go to my friends' houses or anything. PFFFF.


Ooh so I gave Battles a listen, they're pretty cool! I wont know how to describe them too, haha.

Wow, do your parents know you at all?? lol. Its so contradictory, how can they not let you out with your friends and at the same time call you anti social? Have you tried talking to them about it?


Noor: It's good to hear that you like our ultra unecessary-stressful education system here!


Kak Faz: Actually Sunburst isn't all about Korn yeah? They've got Erykah Badu!!!:p

Thanks eh for the Ramly burger! It's the thought that counts lol! But let's just leave it at that.


Joelyn: Such a shame you can't join us for the Muser lunch!


Tee: Have i told you you've got a cute name! hahaha. But too bad about ur dad and the anti-social stuff. How contradicting can one get!


Debbie: Wah you got straight As or what! So cleber.


SO we are having lunch together eh? Who's in it so far? Liz hope you'll be there and not Taiping! Where is that anyway! And Debbie too eh!


Miele and Co: Eh no need for blanja please. Don't make us paisey, can!

And Miele, i want to pass you my camera, please! Cuz i want some obscenely close shots of Jon D and Munky and Fieldy! I wonder if the Korn kids will be there as well? Maybe they're not kids anymore..


Lol :LOL: is it reaaaally very stressful?? :stuinned:

Eh you know, i still dont know who Erykah Badu is. I dont know so many bands! I didnt know who Battles are and I dont know who Athlete are either. bah I'm such a music newb. lol.


Ehh yeah eh heh :$ I consider myself damn lucky la. not cleber! lol, i expected to do a lot worse. But i did put shitloads of effort into it though! Locked myself up in my room to study non stop. I wanted to post up my results on the "A levels discussion 2009 thread" over at 'Banter' but after seeing their results, I decided not to. lol.


Dom @ Putrajaya??: wait, non comprende? I work here and I dont know this? Explain please?


Leeds / Reading: Wow good for u Liz, saving already. But I'm scared to buy la if Muse not performing. The only other bands I would travel to Europe for would be RATM and Weezer. Otherwise will feel the loss of not getting Muse....Btw, for u guys I wonder what bands you'd travel for?


+1 about the Dom thing. My dad works at Putrajaya too! He didnt mention anything abo.. oh wait, he doesnt know who Dom is! :LOL:


Hmm, Muse, definitely. Jason Mraz too! lol! Incubus maybe. Coldplay yeah! However I'm only willing to do all this provided I have enough money, it doesnt clash with anything important and er, I have people to go with. ehheh. :D


oh thanks Deb :happy: Eh ur no noob la Deb, Korn has actually recorded their version of Word-up, so you're not far off there.


Hey congrats bout ur results. You should give urself a treat, urm maybe Jamiroquai @



Hehe, here's an article that also mentions something about Davis' kids. Aaw he's such a dad:




Oh I just remembered! I have a Korn memory! hahaha. I remember when I was really young, like I dunno, 7 years old maybe? I heard Freak On A Leash on the radio with my sister. At the part where he makes that weird noises that sounds like 'mmm dah mm dah mmm daklfjsakfjs;alfa", my sister and I just stared at each other and started laughing to ourselves. We thought he sounded silly!! hahaha. Dont kill us :$ we were only kids! we didnt mean to laugh at Korn. :LOL: But yeah, that song is like now forever etched in my memories hahaha.


Haha well I actually wanted to celebrate it by going for Sunburst! but too bad I'm not that interested/familliar with this year's lineup, so I'm selling my tickets to Nutty. However! it is my friend's birthday this Saturday, and he's celebrating it, so that counts as a celebration right? right?? haha.


Aww he has kids! so cute. Kinda reminds me of Chris actually!


I'll be going alone because I don't know anybody there :facepalm: Well, I stay in touch with two or three of the people I used to go to school with there, but they all listen to stuff like the Jonas Brothers soooo....:rolleyes: I'm always a loner at gigs in Singapore. :


Oh, I've tried. :rolleyes: They're quite stubborn. >.<

AND they don't want me to go to a friend's birthday because it's on a nearby island and they think I'll drown. I KNOW HOW TO SWIM. Jeeeez. They get so overly paranoid sometimes. :( But I asked them "if I can't go for my friend's birthday, can I go for Oasis?" and they said maybe...we'll see...


Wow, I dont think I'll ever dare to gig alone! Kudos to you for being brave enough man, really :)


Aww sucks to hear that Tee :( Have you tried reasoning with them? you know, calmly telling them that you CAN swim or that you really REALLY want to see Oasis?

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Ooh so I gave Battles a listen, they're pretty cool! I wont know how to describe them too, haha.

Wow, do your parents know you at all?? lol. Its so contradictory, how can they not let you out with your friends and at the same time call you anti social? Have you tried talking to them about it?




Lol :LOL: is it reaaaally very stressful?? :stuinned:

Eh you know, i still dont know who Erykah Badu is. I dont know so many bands! I didnt know who Battles are and I dont know who Athlete are either. bah I'm such a music newb. lol.



Aww sucks to hear that Tee :( Have you tried reasoning with them? you know, calmly telling them that you CAN swim or that you really REALLY want to see Oasis?



Sometimes I wonder. :stunned: Yeah, a couple of times, but I've learned just to leave it alone, I get too frustrated when I attempt to explain to them that I am NOT anti-social and they can't call me that and not let me hang out with my friends.


:eek: Listen to Athlete, now!!! http://www.myspace.com/athlete :LOL: Airport Disco is greattt. :happy:

And I find the Singaporean education system very stressful indeed. I'm sure quite a lot of Malaysian schools are too?


Yeah...they know perfectly well that I can swim though. :rolleyes: And pfff, they basically think music is noise pollution. :'(

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Tatiana - Is a very nice name! So fantasy-like. Tee sounds more hip-hop i feel. :D


Miele: I LOVE to eat too! hahaha. But who doesn't? Ok lah we'll see how we can sort out the bill. PAISEY means 'embarassed'. :p


That Korn article is making me more excited!


And as for the material that Korn will be playing for the upcoming KL show, it’s all going to boil down to a greatest hits set list.



Wah that made my day! Cuz i don't understand their newer material lol. And don't worry about working my digital camera. It's totally noob compatible heehee.


Debbie: No such thing as luck in education man! You're just being humble when you're so clever :p

The education here is not THAT stressful but it is unecessarily stressful. You feeling my shizzle, my nizzle?

HAha i laughed about your experience with Freak On A Leash. Can't blame you, he does sound silly doing that gibberish thing! And you typed the lyrics right i believe LOL!

You're not the only noob. I dono The Battles or Athlete as well! Hi 5 this way!


EDIT: Oh yeah i need help to get to Bukit Kiara! Anyone here knows how to get there?? :D

Edited by Nutcracker
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Dom @ Putrajaya??: wait, non comprende? I work here and I dont know this? Explain please?


Leeds / Reading: Wow good for u Liz, saving already. But I'm scared to buy la if Muse not performing. The only other bands I would travel to Europe for would be RATM and Weezer. Otherwise will feel the loss of not getting Muse....Btw, for u guys I wonder what bands you'd travel for?


But are u sure ur not going for F1? :stunned: Whyy???


Lol, the whole Dom thing may have been blown out of proportion. As Joelynn mentioned earlier, it's just that last weekend, I saw a Dom-look-alike at Putrajaya. OK, Alamanda to be precise. I texted her about it along with something else that I can't really remember what anymore lol. That's about it.. Haha..


Yeah, it would be quite a huge risk if Muse won't confirm by then. However, I think I'm just going to get the ticket anyway - there's bound to be a good band that will be playing Reading/Leeds! Have you seen last year's line up? It's gargantuan! And Feeder played last year... I hope they'll play again in 2010...


Oh and Faz, you might be interested in this year's festival. Radiohead apparently are 99% confirmed to headline!


So you won't be going F1 this year? But you're going to KLCC on April 1st, then? Lol maybe I can *try* sneaking out of work just to see Nick Heidfeld for the umpteenth time (sixth time, to be exact ;) ) I wonder where they'll be doing their roadshow this year - and if that awesome biker dude Chris Pfieffer will be tagging along again!


Bands that I will travel for: Lifehouse (oh wait, I already did that! XD), Brand New, Third Eye Blind, Something Corporate, Idlewild, Sigur Ros etc... Actually I think I would love to travel and see almost every band that I love live. That's a rather long list..




Question to everyone: Have you ever pre-ordered an album?





:eek: YES!! Ahh, there's a fellow Athlete fan in here! :happy: I love Twenty-Four Hours too.But then again, I love all their other songs. And I actually think that they sound better on live recordings. I actually don't like the studio version of Wires, but I LOVE the live version.


:happy: I've honestly never seen much live Athlete material!!! Link me to a gooood 24hours live vid please? (pun intended) :LOL: I'm so glad you love Athlete too. Wouldn't it be ace if they could open for Ash sometime in the future? Haha. I've heard wonderful live stories about them when they toured together with Switchfoot. A real pity that Athlete did not follow Switchfoot when they made that Pacific/Asia tour last year!




EDIT: Oh yeah i need help to get to Bukit Kiara! Anyone here knows how to get there?? :D

Are you driving there? Or taking the public transport?


If you're driving I can give you directions... Haha. I usually use the Federal Highway to get to Bukit Kiara. Just keep left and turn into the kerinchi link after you see Mid Valley Megamall on your right. Technically, you keep left most of the time and if you follow Mount Kiara, you should be in safe hands. The field/Sunburst venue is also relatively near the Planetarium, so you could look out for those signs too to get there. Plenty of horse-related signboards as well. >Click< You'll see what I mean when you're at the venue ;)


Not sure if you would understand that actually lol. Sorry if you don't. If all else fails, just try google maps :]


Oh and Taiping is this rather remote are up north where cows would be totally obese because it's just filled with lush greenery and really wonderful trees by the lake.


Here's a picture:



I simply cannot wait for this getaway. Hopping on a train straight after work tmrw! I'm bringing my Angels & Demons book to read in hopes that it would refresh my memory before the 2nd Tom Hanks movie comes out in May (with Ewan McGregor playing the evil priest :D )

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Oh and Incubus @ Sunburst on Hitz.tv!


I missed the first 30 minutes, did I miss anything major? I wonder if anyone has the soft copy of it? I attempted to record it on my camera - the 2nd half at least, but just now when I watch it back again - I notice that there was quite a conversation going on, so it's a little too bising.. haha :X


Because they did not show the part where Brandon Boyd took off his shirt onwards, here's a tribute of sorts for that wonderful day! :-


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Tatiana - Is a very nice name! So fantasy-like. Tee sounds more hip-hop i feel. :D


Thank you. :) Hip-hop? :erm: Okay. :LOL:


:happy: I've honestly never seen much live Athlete material!!! Link me to a gooood 24hours live vid please? (pun intended) :LOL: I'm so glad you love Athlete too. Wouldn't it be ace if they could open for Ash sometime in the future? Haha. I've heard wonderful live stories about them when they toured together with Switchfoot. A real pity that Athlete did not follow Switchfoot when they made that Pacific/Asia tour last year!


Athlete with Ash? :eek: That would be.....-faints thinking of it- XD It would be better if it was a co-headlining gig though I think....but without an opening band. A full set from each band. :happy:

Do you have Beyond The Neighbourhood? I got the special "book" edition, and it comes with a DVD....ahh, it's great. :happy:

This is the best quality live vid of 24 Hours I could find, sorry...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h4uMJCeBbo


Edited by Waldo
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Oh I just remembered! I have a Korn memory! hahaha. I remember when I was really young, like I dunno, 7 years old maybe? I heard Freak On A Leash on the radio with my sister. At the part where he makes that weird noises that sounds like 'mmm dah mm dah mmm daklfjsakfjs;alfa", my sister and I just stared at each other and started laughing to ourselves. We thought he sounded silly!! hahaha. Dont kill us :$ we were only kids! we didnt mean to laugh at Korn. :LOL: But yeah, that song is like now forever etched in my memories hahaha.


Haha well I actually wanted to celebrate it by going for Sunburst! but too bad I'm not that interested/familliar with this year's lineup, so I'm selling my tickets to Nutty. However! it is my friend's birthday this Saturday, and he's celebrating it, so that counts as a celebration right? right?? haha.



Korn: yeah you're right, that bit is mighty weird, haha. But I love it! Sometimes I imagine that Animal (?) of the Muppets doing that bit. :LOL:


Cool plan about the celebration, to quote Jay Kay: Have fun go mad!




:eek: Listen to Athlete, now!!! http://www.myspace.com/athlete :LOL: Airport Disco is greattt. :happy:

And I find the Singaporean education system very stressful indeed. I'm sure quite a lot of Malaysian schools are too?



Oh thanks for the link. Malaysian schools? Depends on which teachers u get, I think. I had an incredibly cool Maths teacher who insisted on well-rounded students (study + sports / music / dance etc) so school wasnt that stressful. Plus she taught us to ignore the bad things other ppl (ahem, teachers) say and believe in yourself.



That Korn article is making me more excited!


And as for the material that Korn will be playing for the upcoming KL show, it’s all going to boil down to a greatest hits set list.



Wah that made my day! Cuz i don't understand their newer material lol. And don't worry about working my digital camera. It's totally noob compatible heehee.



EDIT: Oh yeah i need help to get to Bukit Kiara! Anyone here knows how to get there?? :D


Yeah dude colour me excited as well! Nostalgia rocks!!!

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Hello brothers and sisters (I get the feeling there are only sisters here) from across the casueway!


Saya memerlukan sedikit bantuan.


Everytime I go on a holiday in Malaysia it's always KL (Berjaya Times Square and the surrounding area) or Genting Highlands. And don't bother mentioning Desaru, or any area in JB. And I've been to A'Famosa (is that what it's called)?


Do you guys mind recommending any other nice places? Oh yeah and I've already gone snorkelling in Redang and Tioman. Sorry for sounding like such a jakun tourist.


BTW anyone here going to see Coldplay in Singapore? I really wanted to but the tickets sold out really quickly:(

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Battles was really enjoyable, and an eye-opener. Such talent! I especially loved how intense their drummer was, there was a time I was just gobsmacked. Of course, him being Helmet's ex-drummer and all...


No time yet for a full review, here are some photos:








Suggestions on places to visit:


For a weekend trip for shopping makan general sightseeing ; Bandar melaka (not A' Famosa, that place sucks), Taiping and Ipoh, Perak, Penang island.


For nature / outdoorsy activities : Mt Kinabalu , Mulu Caves in Sarawak and Taman Negara


Island trips: any of the amazing islands in Sabah, Pulau Perhentian.

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Listen to Athlete, now!!! http://www.myspace.com/athlete :LOL: Airport Disco is greattt. :happy:

And I find the Singaporean education system very stressful indeed. I'm sure quite a lot of Malaysian schools are too?


Omg Athlete sounds good! *downloads* hahah.

M'sian education?? nah, its not very stressful. SPM was horrible for me though, because I stressed about it so much and my 'study break' was so long that my sleeping clock got all screwed up with affected my appetite and.. er, well, yeah, SPM was horrible. But aside from that high school was pretty fun for me! :D


Debbie: No such thing as luck in education man! You're just being humble when you're so clever :p

The education here is not THAT stressful but it is unecessarily stressful. You feeling my shizzle, my nizzle?

HAha i laughed about your experience with Freak On A Leash. Can't blame you, he does sound silly doing that gibberish thing! And you typed the lyrics right i believe LOL!

You're not the only noob. I dono The Battles or Athlete as well! Hi 5 this way!


EDIT: Oh yeah i need help to get to Bukit Kiara! Anyone here knows how to get there??


Am totally feeling your shizzle, nizzle. :pimp: Well thanks to Tee's links, you should really give them a listen. I liked the songs I was listening to on Athlete's myspace! :D


Oh speaking of Freak On a Leash, I heard the live (or was it unplugged) version with Amy Lee the other day. pretty cool stuff. no mumbly gibberishy stuff going on which was cool! ahha.


Hmmm Bukit Kiara, well yeah it depends on which direction you're coming from and what mode of transportation you're taking. I usually take the SPRINT highway there, which is coming from the opposite direction of Liz's advice. but its pretty much the same, just keep to your left! Or you could just take a cab there and let the cab driver fuss over the directions :LOL:


Question to everyone: Have you ever pre-ordered an album?


Oh and Taiping is this rather remote are up north where cows would be totally obese because it's just filled with lush greenery and really wonderful trees by the lake.


Here's a picture:



I simply cannot wait for this getaway. Hopping on a train straight after work tmrw! I'm bringing my Angels & Demons book to read in hopes that it would refresh my memory before the 2nd Tom Hanks movie comes out in May (with Ewan McGregor playing the evil priest )


No I haven't, I didnt know it was possible to do that in M'sia to be honest. haha. I might consider doing that for Muse though, WHEE. I have however, preordered a book before! No its not Harry Potter but it was the last book of ....................... Twilight.


Whoa I didnt know Taiping was so pretty! I've never been there before haha. Cool. Hey I'm reading Deception Point now from Dan Brown too! My friend says its boring and very political but I'm enjoying it a lot :) I cant wait for A&D movie! :happy:


Korn: yeah you're right, that bit is mighty weird, haha. But I love it! Sometimes I imagine that Animal (?) of the Muppets doing that bit.


Cool plan about the celebration, to quote Jay Kay: Have fun go mad!


Jay Kay?? Whee cant wait for tomorrow! aha. Though, I have absolutely no idea what to wear :(


Hello brothers and sisters (I get the feeling there are only sisters here) from across the casueway!


Saya memerlukan sedikit bantuan.


Everytime I go on a holiday in Malaysia it's always KL (Berjaya Times Square and the surrounding area) or Genting Highlands. And don't bother mentioning Desaru, or any area in JB. And I've been to A'Famosa (is that what it's called)?


Do you guys mind recommending any other nice places? Oh yeah and I've already gone snorkelling in Redang and Tioman. Sorry for sounding like such a jakun tourist.


BTW anyone here going to see Coldplay in Singapore? I really wanted to but the tickets sold out really quickly:(


Wow, sounds like you've travelled a lot in M'sia! Hmm lets see. Penang is great, with fantastic, FANTASTIC food and lotsa historical stuff happening there too, and there are decent beaches there with SUPER CHEAP DVDS (they're fake though).


Umm, thats all I can think of really :LOL: I haven't really travelled much of Malaysia. Hell, I've never even been to Redang yet!

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Muse have revealed that they are around halfway finished writing their next album, and that it will feature collaborations with an orchestra.


Frontman Matt Bellamy joked to BBC 6music that the follow-up to 2006's 'Black Holes And Revelations' would be suitable for classical music radio station Classic FM, then said that he expected to band to be on tour during the tail end of 2009.

*hopefully, MALAYSIA would be in their shortlist..:LOL:


"A symphonic album has turned up here," he said, "like a full collaboration with an orchestra. There's definitely a few things on the album which are segueing into each other and it's all very orchestral, but that could take over the album, so it could actually be kind of classical act basically, and move away from rock all together.


"We'll be knocking on Classic FM's door, you know?"


Speaking about the band's schedule he added: "I'd say we're about halfway there [writing the album]. Probably autumn time or something like that I should think we'll be back on the road."

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Saturday, March 14, 2009




Yes yes, I know its been about six years since I last posted but you know, time flies when you're having fun. Look, I've been busy alright..! Ok, I have no excuse.. Just slack.

We have been working pretty hard though on the album and its actually now starting to take shape. Matt is doing vocals on some tracks as we speak which normally means they're nearly finished. We've probably got two more to record from scratch then we might be almost looking at a complete album. Then strings, synth sparkles, llamas toenails, gongs and anything else we can think of that will help us perceive they are finished. The hardest bit is finishing.

It sounds fucking great though..

Im very looking forward to getting out there and playing this live. Im pretty sure we'll be out playing shortly after the summer. Plans are coming together..


See you soon,



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Oh thanks for the link. Malaysian schools? Depends on which teachers u get, I think. I had an incredibly cool Maths teacher who insisted on well-rounded students (study + sports / music / dance etc) so school wasnt that stressful. Plus she taught us to ignore the bad things other ppl (ahem, teachers) say and believe in yourself.


No problem. Ahhh...I find that Singaporean schools (the one I went to anyways) concentrated on just things like maths and English and such....they didn't care much about art or music or sports....The school I go to here is an international school but it's really well rounded, we have to do normal subjects, a second language (French or Indonesian), an arts elective subject (one for each semester) and sports. We also have a GCP class, where we try to do things like help orphanages or something, but the class I'm in this year is a bit....:erm:


Battles was really enjoyable, and an eye-opener. Such talent! I especially loved how intense their drummer was, there was a time I was just gobsmacked. Of course, him being Helmet's ex-drummer and all...


No time yet for a full review, here are some photos:







That looks fun! Was it a small gig? :happy: Glad you got to see them!


Omg Athlete sounds good! *downloads* hahah.

M'sian education?? nah, its not very stressful. SPM was horrible for me though, because I stressed about it so much and my 'study break' was so long that my sleeping clock got all screwed up with affected my appetite and.. er, well, yeah, SPM was horrible. But aside from that high school was pretty fun for me! :D


:D They are great....:happy:

Yeah, exam times are horrible. :( I think the main reason why is because I procrastinate so much. :LOL::facepalm:

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Leeds / Reading: Wow good for u Liz, saving already. But I'm scared to buy la if Muse not performing. The only other bands I would travel to Europe for would be RATM and Weezer. Otherwise will feel the loss of not getting Muse....Btw, for u guys I wonder what bands you'd travel for?



But are u sure ur not going for F1? :stunned: Whyy???


wow bestnyer reading all your travel plans with Liz. man, i would travel for RATM too. but not to europe la.. damn expensive, man. i might travel to japan or australia or new zealand for them, as well as Muse, Radiohead, Pearl Jam, Beastie Boys. basically all those evergreen bands la.. yang famous when i was in school dulu hehe..


well, i can't go. please don't ask me why.. :(


thanks for the call during Battles! :happy: u guys must be at Bkt Kiara by now. Have fun meeting Korn! fuh.. i can't believe i just typed that. you're meeting Korn today man! do tell us about the M&G! *imagines meeting Muse*



Lol, the whole Dom thing may have been blown out of proportion. As Joelynn mentioned earlier, it's just that last weekend, I saw a Dom-look-alike at Putrajaya. OK, Alamanda to be precise. I texted her about it along with something else that I can't really remember what anymore lol. That's about it.. Haha..


Yeah, it would be quite a huge risk if Muse won't confirm by then. However, I think I'm just going to get the ticket anyway - there's bound to be a good band that will be playing Reading/Leeds! Have you seen last year's line up? It's gargantuan! And Feeder played last year... I hope they'll play again in 2010...


Oh and Faz, you might be interested in this year's festival. Radiohead apparently are 99% confirmed to headline!



Oh and Taiping is this rather remote are up north where cows would be totally obese because it's just filled with lush greenery and really wonderful trees by the lake.


Here's a picture:



wooo.. Dom in Putrajaya?! he must be lost while looking for me here in Klang hehe:p That was so random haha..


if i were you, i would definitely be booking my tickets too without any second thoughts! and i know, Radiohead is pretty much confirmed for the festival this year. bleh... i can only imagine myself being one of the crowd, watching Thom manic dancing on stage to 15 Steps and Phil dancing to Backdrifts--eventhough they don't play that song anymore these days--he sure does have some sexy moves, Phil during that song haha.. oh but i love watching Ed playing the cabassa(??) during Paranoid Android and how energetic Colin is. eh, wait. forgive my rambling on radiohead. i've been watching too much of their mexico gigs vids on you tube.:$


i've been to Taiping before! that lake is actually really close to my friend's house! i think la.. :unsure: where are u staying there btw? i've always thought Taiping is like a small town, not much of a nature's getaway place?


incubus @sunburst: am dissappointed that they only showed the first half of their set! but it was still brilliant to see them on the tv. i didn't notice that Mike was smiling a lot on stage. ahhh Mike <3:happy: and that Pistola echo. i must say Deb. u have very good memory! i think i've forgotten half of their set at sunburst.


Hello brothers and sisters (I get the feeling there are only sisters here) from across the casueway!


Saya memerlukan sedikit bantuan.


Do you guys mind recommending any other nice places? Oh yeah and I've already gone snorkelling in Redang and Tioman. Sorry for sounding like such a jakun tourist.


hello there! well, Belum is an excellent place to visit imo. it's in Perak btw. i was supposed to go there this week, but had to cancel it for some reason. so yeah.. i would recommend that place. good food, breathtaking view. my friend stayed here before. she said it's pretty nice.


No problem. Ahhh...I find that Singaporean schools (the one I went to anyways) concentrated on just things like maths and English and such....they didn't care much about art or music or sports....The school I go to here is an international school but it's really well rounded, we have to do normal subjects, a second language (French or Indonesian), an arts elective subject (one for each semester) and sports. We also have a GCP class, where we try to do things like help orphanages or something, but the class I'm in this year is a bit....:erm:


Tee, am all confused about your education! how can you go to school in two different countries at the same time? wow.:stunned: so where are you going to graduate? in singapore or Bali? a lot of schools are very exam oriented these days i think. there's always pressure for the school to ensure that the students score for their exams rather than being good in sports or arts. but i have to say that our education system is actually well rounded. each students has to be active in sports as well clubs and societies cause they will be given marks for that. but it all comes down to how each school follow the system y'know. i think GCP class for you is similar to Civic here.

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Tee! OMG you have that book edition album! You bought it at HMV? How much was it? That's crazzzyy I would love to have a look at all those artsy fartsy drawings or whatever it is inside that book lol. I've never watched that DVD! I could only find Beyond the Neighbourhood at Borders here, can you believe it? Nevertheless, I was most certainly over the moon when I stumbled upon an Athlete CD in a bookshop XD Thanks for the link to that awesome vid! I read that they usually close their set with twenty-four hours. How surreal!





My sister and I pre-ordered Idlewild's new album just two weeks ago. On top of the price of the CD, international fans are only required to pay an additional £1.50 for them to ship it over to your doorstep - wherever you are. I seriously can't wait for it's arrival and I wish Muse would do something like that for the international fans too come later this year..!





Debbie, James Marsden was so awesomely-gorgeous in Sex Drive! :LOL: Despite playing a complete jock, I still find him absolutely charming. Goes to show how versatile that guy can be! :D (Obvious bias-ness, much? lol)






COLDPLAY UPDATE, PLEASE!! *hint hint nudge nudge*


Lol, I know you're exhausted from such a long weekend, Nut, but that certainly doesn't give you an excuse to not update us about your Cold-Korn-Play-filled weekend! We're all awaiting your review!


Oh and people, how was Sunburst?! Sad to say eventhough the trip up north was a getaway of sorts, I find myself heading back to KL with a sorethroat eventhough I didn't scream at a concert. Hah. Lake, trees, banjarans and hills... super awesome place to ber-emo! (and stuff yourself silly with sushi)

Edited by guilt-stricken
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wooo.. Dom in Putrajaya?! he must be lost while looking for me here in Klang hehe That was so random haha..


incubus @sunburst: am dissappointed that they only showed the first half of their set! but it was still brilliant to see them on the tv. i didn't notice that Mike was smiling a lot on stage. ahhh Mike <3 and that Pistola echo. i must say Deb. u have very good memory! i think i've forgotten half of their set at sunburst.


Tee, am all confused about your education! how can you go to school in two different countries at the same time? wow.:stunned: so where are you going to graduate? in singapore or Bali? a lot of schools are very exam oriented these days i think. there's always pressure for the school to ensure that the students score for their exams rather than being good in sports or arts. but i have to say that our education system is actually well rounded. each students has to be active in sports as well clubs and societies cause they will be given marks for that. but it all comes down to how each school follow the system y'know. i think GCP class for you is similar to Civic here.


Eh nooo he was probably in Putrajaya looking for my dad! so that my dad can take him home to see me :p:LOL:


Yeah I was disappointed to see that they didnt show Brandon take his top off :( was looking forward to see his lean mean body. His toned arms were looking pretty lonely hahaha!! eh my memory usually isnt very good! I usually have very bad memory wan really. I tend to keep having the same conversations with people and we'll end up with the sentence "eh didnt we talk about this before?" :LOL: But the Pistola echo part really stuck to me because I remember feeling suuuuper amazed at that part. eh heh :$


Yeah Tee the schools here are pretty balanced out. I didn't pay much attention to my extra curriculars and I got a D!!!! a stinkin D. :( I really took all those years for granted, because my friends who did get involved said they had lotsa fun, despite it being even more stressful la.


:D They are great....:happy:

Yeah, exam times are horrible. :( I think the main reason why is because I procrastinate so much.


yeah exams are always horrible :( mine are coming up in 2 more months!! omg ><

lol its okay tee, everyone procrastinates too. :p


Debbie, James Marsden was so awesomely-gorgeous in Sex Drive!Despite playing a complete jock, I still find him absolutely charming. Goes to show how versatile that guy can be! (Obvious bias-ness, much? lol)


COLDPLAY UPDATE, PLEASE!! *hint hint nudge nude*


Lol, I know you're exhausted from such a long weekend, Nut, but that certainly doesn't give you an excuse to not update us about your Cold-Korn-Play-filled weekend! We're all awaiting your review!


Oh and people, how was Sunburst?! Sad to say eventhough the trip up north was a getaway of sorts, I find myself heading back to KL with a sorethroat eventhough I didn't scream at a concert. Hah. Lake, trees, banjarans and hills... super awesome place to ber-emo! (and stuff yourself silly with sushi)


Lol Liz! I'm still waiting for my friend to watch his DVD of Sex Drive so that he can lend it to me. I heard they censor a lot in the cinemas so i dont bother watching it there ahha. Wheee I cant wait. I haven't seen any James Marsden eye candy since... Enchanted :stunned:


Whoa, sore throat from a lake, trees and hills? (no idea what a banjaran is, but it sounds awfully familiar. Yeah my BM has deteriorated THAT BADLY). What did you do? :eek:


+i34328902409284219421841-2 on the Coldplay update!!! C'mon Nut! This must be your best weekend ever, watching Korn, NERD, Erykah Badu and Coldplay in the timespan of 3 days! Must be awesome :happy:


and again, THANK YOU SO MUCH NUT FOR CALLING ME DURING CLOCKS AND THE SCIENTIST. I felt like crying when I heard that familliar piano playing during The Scientist. *sniff* I love that song (and Yellow) so much!

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Deb - You're welcome! It was my pleasure, wished all of you guys could've been there :(

The show was really something.




Coldplay's concert > Muse's gig


Seriously guys. The best concert experience i've ever had. I'm at loss for words to write a proper review. So sorry. I'll write soon! Plus vids and pics ok i promise.


But i have to mention this. I Eff-ing touched Chris Martin's shoulder. It felt filthyly sweaty, but i touched Chris Martin's shoulder. No I actually squeezed it, like an old pal or something HAHAHAHA.



Those brilliant musicians did an acoustic set somewhere other than the stage.


Right BEHIND where we were seated. OMG.

SO Chris Martin and Co. just walked up the stairs beside us to go to their mini stage among the crowd. It was quite a moment, man. I have that performance on video ;)


I thought I couldn't get over Korn yet, but damn Coldplay blew me away. I'm like getting awesome music OD.



Catch you guys soon!

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Tee, am all confused about your education! how can you go to school in two different countries at the same time? wow.:stunned: so where are you going to graduate? in singapore or Bali? a lot of schools are very exam oriented these days i think. there's always pressure for the school to ensure that the students score for their exams rather than being good in sports or arts. but i have to say that our education system is actually well rounded. each students has to be active in sports as well clubs and societies cause they will be given marks for that. but it all comes down to how each school follow the system y'know. i think GCP class for you is similar to Civic here.


I don't go to Singapore schools anymore, I only went from when I was living here for pre-school, and then when I moved here I went back quite often (around as much as I go now, once every two months) so when I was there I would go to school. I only was an LAS student from P1-P4, after that I stopped, too hard to cope compared to here...:$

Ermmm, my parents want to send me to boarding school in Australia, and I love Oz, but I really, really don't want to leave my school and friends. :( So I dunno, either here (Bali) or there.

Tbh, I don't think exams are the most important things, unless they are asking you to apply your knowledge to new things that you have never seen before, just using your previous knowledge. If it's just asking you regular questions, it's just testing how good your memory is!

The school I go to is very well rounded too, if we don't do extra curriculars we can't go on to the next year...


Tee! OMG you have that book edition album! You bought it at HMV? How much was it? That's crazzzyy I would love to have a look at all those artsy fartsy drawings or whatever it is inside that book lol. I've never watched that DVD! I could only find Beyond the Neighbourhood at Borders here, can you believe it? Nevertheless, I was most certainly over the moon when I stumbled upon an Athlete CD in a bookshop XD Thanks for the link to that awesome vid! I read that they usually close their set with twenty-four hours. How surreal!


Yeah I got it at HMV in January! I was looking for just the CD for AGES and they didn't have it but when I went there this time they had a huuuuuge selection of amazing boxsets and special editions. :eek: I would have bought everything, but damn they're expensive. :LOL: They get like, 90% of my money every trip I go there. :erm:

The artwork is indeed amazing. :yesey: Haha, Borders is actually pretty good for stocking regular CDs, I think! No problem. :) Ahh, that would be awesome!


Yeah Tee the schools here are pretty balanced out. I didn't pay much attention to my extra curriculars and I got a D!!!! a stinkin D. :( I really took all those years for granted, because my friends who did get involved said they had lotsa fun, despite it being even more stressful la.


yeah exams are always horrible :( mine are coming up in 2 more months!! omg ><

lol its okay tee, everyone procrastinates too. :p


Aww, Deb. :( I think I want to take up more "fun" extra curriculars, the ones I take are quite boring. :erm: But ah well. :LOL:

Ah, good luck! Term is over tomorrow, but I'm missing the last day because my flight is in the morning. :chuckle: But oooh, last term after that....SO many assignments and exams all in one massive cluster in like, week 3/4 because then we'll have camp and camp preperation and all. Ahhhh. >.<




Nut, glad to hear you enjoyed Coldplay! I don't really enjoy their music anymore but that sounds quite enjoyable. (:

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Coldplay's concert > Muse's gig


I thought I couldn't get over Korn yet, but damn Coldplay blew me away. I'm like getting awesome music OD.



:eek: Blasphemy!!! :p


:LOL: dude you know we still hate u right? ;)



*runs off to work*






Kay-a and everyone, this is from Muselive:


Muse will be supporting U2 on at least one date of their 14-city "360º" Tour. The following has been published on the IZOD Center's (a venue in New Jersey which U2 will be performing at in September) website.




Beginning June 30th in Barcelona, the tour will visit 14 cities across Europe before it launches in North America in early September.The tour features an innovative 360° design which affords an unobstructed view for the audience. U2 360° marks the first time a band has toured in stadiums with such a unique and original structure [...]




Although this has not yet been announced by Muse's management, its appearance on the IZOD Center's website can almost be considered confirmation. It is not yet clear if Muse will be supporting U2 on their European / UK tour. Share your frustration / joy in the comments.


Whatt???????? The website from which the tix news is announced lists "with special guest: Muse": http://www.izodcenter.com/index.cfm/Fuseaction/Main.Eventdetails/page/eventdetails.cfm?EventID=198


If that ever happens here in SEA :eek:. In fact the only thing better would be

RATM + Muse = I die with happiness.

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Deb - You're welcome! It was my pleasure, wished all of you guys could've been there :(

The show was really something.




Coldplay's concert > Muse's gig


Seriously guys. The best concert experience i've ever had. I'm at loss for words to write a proper review. So sorry. I'll write soon! Plus vids and pics ok i promise.


But i have to mention this. I Eff-ing touched Chris Martin's shoulder. It felt filthyly sweaty, but i touched Chris Martin's shoulder. No I actually squeezed it, like an old pal or something HAHAHAHA.



Those brilliant musicians did an acoustic set somewhere other than the stage.


Right BEHIND where we were seated. OMG.

SO Chris Martin and Co. just walked up the stairs beside us to go to their mini stage among the crowd. It was quite a moment, man. I have that performance on video ;)


I thought I couldn't get over Korn yet, but damn Coldplay blew me away. I'm like getting awesome music OD.



Catch you guys soon!


OMG. LUCKY. Did you get all the fancy yellow balloons during Yellow?? and did Chris Martin pull a stunt? WHAT DID HE DO. I WANT EVERY LITTLE DETAIL NUT PLEASE. LOL.




You guys should watch this, its really something. The last part especially, Chris was nice enough to greet his seated fans!! Maybe thats why he decided to perform the acoustic bit at the seats, Nut? So that the seated audience wont be missing anything either. :D


Also, setlist please!! :D


The school I go to is very well rounded too, if we don't do extra curriculars we can't go on to the next year...


Aww, Deb. :( I think I want to take up more "fun" extra curriculars, the ones I take are quite boring. :erm: But ah well. :LOL:

Ah, good luck! Term is over tomorrow, but I'm missing the last day because my flight is in the morning. :chuckle: But oooh, last term after that....SO many assignments and exams all in one massive cluster in like, week 3/4 because then we'll have camp and camp preperation and all. Ahhhh. >.<


That scares the crap out of me! Omg I dont know what I would've done if my school pulled me back a year for not doing extra curriculars :stunned:


Yeah there aren't many fun clubs at my school, thats why I didnt show much interest! :( But after a few years I realised I needed some extra curriculars or else applying anywhere (uni, scholarship, etc) would be extreeeemely difficult. Oh the wasted years!!




Miele how was Korn and meeting Korn?? :)

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Haha, it's only for year 6-10, and I was a bit freaked out at the start too, but mehhh it's okay now.

I don't do any extra curriculars at my school actually, they're all outside of school. :erm:


I somehow got an A+ in maths this term. :stunned: I was the only person in my year to get that, but I have no idea how because I'm definitely not the "best" in the class....and I'm not being modest.

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Coldplay, Singapore Indoor Stadium, March 23rd.


Life In Technicolor

Violet Hill


In My Place


Glass Of Water

Cemeteries Of London


Fix You

Strawberry Swing

God Put A Smile Upon Your Face (techno version)

Talk (techno version)

The Hardest Part (Chris piano, Will)

Postcards From Far Away (piano instrumental)

Viva La Vida


Speed Of Sound (acoustic)

Death Will Never Conquer (acoustic - Will vocals)

I'm A Believer (Neil Diamond Cover - acoustic)

Viva La Vida (remix interlude including Coldwave)



Lovers In Japan

Death And All His Friends


The Scientist

Life in Technicolor ii

The Escapist (outro)


That. Is. One. Epic. Setlist.


Twenty six songs in total?! (Of course, instrumental at some parts..) *wails* I am most definitely going to regret this sometime down the road. I cannot believe I gave up Coldplay for effing work (and various stupid pineapple reasons). I sense a change in me already, since started working and that's not a change for the better!!! I AM NOT HAPPY!!!!


Nut, I don't blame you for saying Coldplay might've been the best concert you've ever been to because all my other Singaporean counterparts that went won't stop gushing over it either! An old school dedicated Lifehouse fan even caved in and said Coldplay's gig surpassed every other concert!


Debbie, youtube has an abundant full load of awesome live vids from that night, even one of Chris Martin popping a yellow balloon! Right now, I can only imagine how the stadium would've sounded like with the outburst of guitar riffs during Death and All his Friends!!!!!


Note to self: Gotta stop listening to your conscience and just follow your goddamn heart! Lol :(

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