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On the previous post, Debbie, you are so lucky you get to go to Jason Mraz concert! I wanted to go but too bad I didn't manage to get a leave on that day :( Was it really hot, in the stadium, like what it's describe in the newspaper. Cause I remember for Muse concert, the coolness is just right. Not too cold and not too hot :D

Sigh, I have a post-syndrome-of-not-being-able-to-go-for-a-concert syndrome. Did you take any pictures? Hehe.... Talking about burger in Stadium Negara always reminds me of what Nut said about the burger he bought from the pak cik. ekkk..... hehe





On the Miley Cyrus part, I believe the reason she is so outrage is because she already told all her friends she is gonna meet Radiohead and when they rejected her, she feel humiliated lo. Her friends will say she talk big la I guess. But as a real fan she must really be dissapointed. So I sort of feel kinda sorry for her and also feel like she's a bit spoiled.... :erm:

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If there's one thing that could cheer up your entire weekend, perhaps even the next 6 months, that would be getting news of your purchased F1 tickets (in a way ;) )and also the slightest possibility of actually having lunch with Nick Heidfeld!





What a week this has been. First with exam results and ...



2 minutes. That's all it takes to patch a call through that would shelve away your hopes and aspirations. Arrange them neatly in boxes at that corner too, perhaps. Alright, perhaps not so dramatic in that sense. But today, I talked to the managing editor of Junk magazine to turn down her offer of working as an intern with them. Why then in the first place did I even run through all that hard work to get the job?!?! Let's just say that they were perhaps a whole month too late. It sucks that things did not work out and there's still a distinct lump in my throat ever since I made that call this morning.


Aida, your text shortly after I made that call was a perfect distraction of sorts and at least right now, I still have something lovely to look forward to (despite knowing the fact that omg if I did intern with JUNK I could have been able to run around to all those gigs and events!!!! Imagine getting access to Rachael Yamagata's gig ... or maybe even a chance to interview Kaiser Chiefs who would be coming down soon?) :confused: For that, I cannot be ever more grateful!! :happy: You totally rock!! :D Oh and just as a hint to anyone interested, right now would be the best time to apply for an internship at Junk! Trust me.




Sup all muse fans from msia!

Hello 2nd year student of media communications technology! Lol. I lurk around the Singapore thread too ;]






:LOL: Nah. cause Liz sms me that day and told me that she saw a person who looks like Dom but it's only a glimsp and then he dissapear so she's not sure about it. But it would be so cool to see him if only a glimsp :p *I am mad. LOL*

I've totally put my stalking skills to shame! Didn't take a camera out fast enough huhuhu. I'm not even sure why he was in Putrajaya in the first place :O






Regarding Battles: It's on a weekday! Boo. :( There's no telling whether I'll be working late or not next week. I've just been given a new assignment and I think it'll probably take about a few weeks at least to settle everything. Just curious (and just in case...), where is this Orange club at Jalan P. Ramlee? I'm lazy to do a google search at the moment. Any landmarks around it?




Oh and regarding the Sunburst tickets - if you know of any other Korn fans who still haven't got their tix (I think I have 3 more) please please let them know that I'm more than willing to sell them. [shame on them to call themselves Korn fans though if tickets have not been secured yet!]




Final item of the agenda... Muser meetup on Sunday March 22nd? Oh noes, I hope I won't be at Taiping for that weekend! I was planning on a getaway from KL over that weekend since Sunburst will be happening then and I could only be reminded of how close we were to listen to Yellow live. I would love to get away as far as possible please. Haha. =[ Well, we'll see how things turn out :]

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Miele: What say you, we plan where to meet and what time on Korn day?


Kak Faz: On the topic of Fuji Rock, I think it's way cheaper to go to BDO last time i checked...


SGmuse: Hey whats up "homie"! Welcome to the board and thread.


Debbie: Did you receive my reply to your last pm?


Should all of us have a musers' meet up on the sunburst weekend, preferably Sunday lunch time? It's more of to my advantage, really. (Being honest here)


Hey! Yeah I got your PM. Just replied you! sorry for the late reply ><


Thanks for the warm welcome.

Actually i'm a half malaysian since my mum is from msia.

Just that i was born in singapore.:yesey:


Ooh welcome to the M'sian thread! :D what's your other half? haha.


On the previous post, Debbie, you are so lucky you get to go to Jason Mraz concert! I wanted to go but too bad I didn't manage to get a leave on that day :( Was it really hot, in the stadium, like what it's describe in the newspaper. Cause I remember for Muse concert, the coolness is just right. Not too cold and not too hot :D

Sigh, I have a post-syndrome-of-not-being-able-to-go-for-a-concert syndrome. Did you take any pictures? Hehe.... Talking about burger in Stadium Negara always reminds me of what Nut said about the burger he bought from the pak cik. ekkk..... hehe





On the Miley Cyrus part, I believe the reason she is so outrage is because she already told all her friends she is gonna meet Radiohead and when they rejected her, she feel humiliated lo. Her friends will say she talk big la I guess. But as a real fan she must really be dissapointed. So I sort of feel kinda sorry for her and also feel like she's a bit spoiled.... :erm:


Awwh its okay, dont feel bad. Yes it was really hot. They didnt turn on the air conditioning, they only used those giant fans that shoots out water mist to add to the humidity -_- i'm thankful that I was seated lor. Couldn't feel the heat that much, but it was still hot from the seats. I dont think I could've taken it from the standing area. even standing up to line up also i felt a bit nauseous. scary stuff.


But besides that, woohoo Jason was fun! :D his setlist was a bit short though :( awwh its okay i hear David Archuletta is coming! haha. Maybe you could go see him? :)


YES good i'm glad someone else besides me feels sorry for her, even just a little bit. but she did sound a bit whiney. and she says 'like' too much!


If there's one thing that could cheer up your entire weekend, perhaps even the next 6 months, that would be getting news of your purchased F1 tickets (in a way ;) )and also the slightest possibility of actually having lunch with Nick Heidfeld!


What a week this has been. First with exam results and ...


2 minutes. That's all it takes to patch a call through that would shelve away your hopes and aspirations. Arrange them neatly in boxes at that corner too, perhaps. Alright, perhaps not so dramatic in that sense. But today, I talked to the managing editor of Junk magazine to turn down her offer of working as an intern with them. Why then in the first place did I even run through all that hard work to get the job?!?! Let's just say that they were perhaps a whole month too late. It sucks that things did not work out and there's still a distinct lump in my throat ever since I made that call this morning.


Aida, your text shortly after I made that call was a perfect distraction of sorts and at least right now, I still have something lovely to look forward to (despite knowing the fact that omg if I did intern with JUNK I could have been able to run around to all those gigs and events!!!! Imagine getting access to Rachael Yamagata's gig ... or maybe even a chance to interview Kaiser Chiefs who would be coming down soon?) :confused: For that, I cannot be ever more grateful!! :happy: You totally rock!! :D Oh and just as a hint to anyone interested, right now would be the best time to apply for an internship at Junk! Trust me.


Oh God. results. dont remind me. I'm receiving mine tomorrow and I'm scared shitless.


But enough about that. Sorry to hear that you missed out on an opportunity to work with Junk! This might sound a bit wrong but cant you quit your current internship to work at Junk? or is that wrong work ethics? sorry haha, i'm kind of a n00b when it comes to working and 'the real world' here :$ Glad to know you have something to cheer you up with though! :)


Final item of the agenda... Muser meetup on Sunday March 22nd? Oh noes, I hope I won't be at Taiping for that weekend! I was planning on a getaway from KL over that weekend since Sunburst will be happening then and I could only be reminded of how close we were to listen to Yellow live. I would love to get away as far as possible please. Haha. =[ Well, we'll see how things turn out :]


Oh gosh. You're making me depressed after reading that :(


About the outing to KL Central, I dont know whther I can make it! KL Central is a bit far for me and I am completely unfamilliar with that area. The only part of KL Central I've ever explored is the little bazaar place you walk across from the LRT station to the monorail station lol!

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Lovers in Japan is one happy song. love it! :D but it was too short. i thought it was going to be like a concert, like the one on MTV.


Oh Dear Faz, I wonder why you can't get PMs from me? Anyway here it is:



In conjunction with the upcoming 2009 PETRONAS Malaysian Grand Prix, we will be treating a selected number of staff based at the PETRONAS Twin Towers to a special engagement session with the BMW Sauber F1 Team drivers, Nick Heidfeld and Robert Kubica on Wednesday, 1st April 2009.


Interested to pit your skills against our two Formula One drivers in a remote control car challenge? What about the once-off opportunity to get a truly personalised autograph as well as an exclusive lunch with Nick and Robert?


If you are interested, please complete the attached form and FAX it to XX (Attn: XX) by 5pm Tuesday, 17 March 2009.


Selection will be made on a first come, first served basis. We will contact the lucky staff in due course with the time and date of your special session with the BMW Sauber F1 Team drivers.


I've already faxed it. If I do get lucky, I'll give it to Liz becos we all know she's a bigger fan





Yup yup Faz, Japan is so kawai la ehehe...thanks for having us in your dreams hehe..yeah hope it'll come true ;)


man, now am jealous! :(:LOL: but yeah, Liz is bigger fan. this means that they'll be at KLCC on the 1st April, rite? i think i'll just go and menyibuk there la.. if u do win, Aida, u need to tell me where they are having lunch.



:LOL: Nah. cause Liz sms me that day and told me that she saw a person who looks like Dom but it's only a glimsp and then he dissapear so she's not sure about it. But it would be so cool to see him if only a glimsp :p *I am mad. LOL*


Yeah, dom said in a very cool and theriatical voice, "1, 2, 3, 4" and made Chris giggle and after they calm down somewhat, dunno for what reason, Dom go and snif a giggle and made both of them laugh. Dom dom.... Lol


Nah.. you're not mad, coz if you are than i am too. i do share your passion for Dom ;)



But besides that, woohoo Jason was fun! :D his setlist was a bit short though :( awwh its okay i hear David Archuletta is coming! haha. Maybe you could go see him? :)


YES good i'm glad someone else besides me feels sorry for her, even just a little bit. but she did sound a bit whiney. and she says 'like' too much!


yeah.. Mraz concert looked so fun. i heard that the crowd was very well behaved as well, no pushing and shoving going on unlike Muse. he's very funny as well eh?


OMG. is this true? Archie is coming? :eek: i am soooo going. ke tepi semua budak sekolah, mak cik Faz nak tengok Archie!! eheh..:$


ah.. Miley, Miley. i think if she just said, she's sad that RH snubbed her at the grammys without the whining and bad-mouthing RH, i would feel sorry for her too. but anyways, this is what Thom has to say about the Miley and Kanye's diss.


wish us all a safe journey if you still like us and you're not one of those people i have managed to offend by doing nothing xx




--end of talk on Miley-RH beef--


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Let me put in my 2 cents worth about this Radiohead and Miley Cyrus thing (those two names should never be used in the same sentence ever again).


Who asked her to tell her friends that she was going to meet Radiohead before it even happened? Don't count your eggs before they hatch.


She dared to insult Radiohead? Merepek seh. She sings crappy songs and I'm actually surprised that she listens to Radiohead. By the way she attempted to defend herself in the scandal surrounding the photos of her obviously making fun of her Asian friend. Her excuse, which was that she and her friends were "just having fun", is shit in its purest form. I really can't stand her.

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Oh my i just got back from a road trip to Muar / Malacca and it was very fun! ATE A LOT!!! Plus we stumbled upon the Free Mason's branch in Malacca by accident *ssshhhh....*


Anyway, Liz, one fren wanted to come with us so i thought cld buy a ticket from you, but he cancelled out eventually. Hope you get to to sell them though... But if you don't get to, why don't you just go for Sunburst? :)


Noor! How's the schooling In Sg? Ur on holidays now rite! :D

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Lovers in Japan is one happy song. love it! :D but it was too short. i thought it was going to be like a concert, like the one on MTV.

Yeh it is! And yeh it was :(


Lol I guess you Malaysians don't use "seh"? It can also be written as seyyyyy but it depends on your preference! Hahaha.


Lol I use "seh". But sometimes "seyh".




Oh my i just got back from a road trip to Muar / Malacca and it was very fun! ATE A LOT!!! Plus we stumbled upon the Free Mason's branch in Malacca by accident *ssshhhh....*


Anyway, Liz, one fren wanted to come with us so i thought cld buy a ticket from you, but he cancelled out eventually. Hope you get to to sell them though... But if you don't get to, why don't you just go for Sunburst? :)


Noor! How's the schooling In Sg? Ur on holidays now rite! :D





School is alright, I actually don't mind going to school!

Wow I actually said that. Wow.

Yep its the holidays..YAY I DON'T HAVE TO WAKE UP AT 5 FOR 1 WEEK WEEEHEEEE :happy::happy:

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2 minutes. That's all it takes to patch a call through that would shelve away your hopes and aspirations. Arrange them neatly in boxes at that corner too, perhaps. Alright, perhaps not so dramatic in that sense. But today, I talked to the managing editor of Junk magazine to turn down her offer of working as an intern with them. Why then in the first place did I even run through all that hard work to get the job?!?! Let's just say that they were perhaps a whole month too late. It sucks that things did not work out and there's still a distinct lump in my throat ever since I made that call this morning.


Aida, your text shortly after I made that call was a perfect distraction of sorts and at least right now, I still have something lovely to look forward to (despite knowing the fact that omg if I did intern with JUNK I could have been able to run around to all those gigs and events!!!! Imagine getting access to Rachael Yamagata's gig ... or maybe even a chance to interview Kaiser Chiefs who would be coming down soon?) For that, I cannot be ever more grateful!! You totally rock!! Oh and just as a hint to anyone interested, right now would be the best time to apply for an internship at Junk! Trust me.


Hello 2nd year student of media communications technology! Lol. I lurk around the Singapore thread too ;]



I've totally put my stalking skills to shame! Didn't take a camera out fast enough huhuhu. I'm not even sure why he was in Putrajaya in the first place


Final item of the agenda... Muser meetup on Sunday March 22nd? Oh noes, I hope I won't be at Taiping for that weekend! I was planning on a getaway from KL over that weekend since Sunburst will be happening then and I could only be reminded of how close we were to listen to Yellow live. I would love to get away as far as possible please. Haha. =[ Well, we'll see how things turn out :]


Awww.... Don't be sad la. Sometimes you can't exactly get what you want but sometimes by not getting that, you can get something better :happy:


I lurk in Singapore thread..... once a month :ninja: Lol.... only when they seems to come a bit active around these days ^^


:eek: But being able to spot him already meant that your skills are quite sharp. Just that I believe his ninja stealth skill is higher thus all this years avoiding screeching fans *rolleyes* HAHA!!! XP To have a short vacation with Matty in Malaysia,..... :erm: dunno... =P



Awww...... on 22 March cannot la T.....T Have to work :'( =(((((((((((((((((((((((((((

If it's on 29 March then can lo.... Sigh.... why do I always miss out on the meet out T.........................................T



Awwh its okay, dont feel bad. Yes it was really hot. They didnt turn on the air conditioning, they only used those giant fans that shoots out water mist to add to the humidity -_- i'm thankful that I was seated lor. Couldn't feel the heat that much, but it was still hot from the seats. I dont think I could've taken it from the standing area. even standing up to line up also i felt a bit nauseous. scary stuff.


But besides that, woohoo Jason was fun!his setlist was a bit short though. awwh its okay i hear David Archuletta is coming! haha. Maybe you could go see him?


YES good i'm glad someone else besides me feels sorry for her, even just a little bit. but she did sound a bit whiney. and she says 'like' too much!


About the outing to KL Central, I dont know whther I can make it! KL Central is a bit far for me and I am completely unfamilliar with that area. The only part of KL Central I've ever explored is the little bazaar place you walk across from the LRT station to the monorail station lol!


Lol.... Why are you feeling nauseous? Is it because you can't stand the heat or standing up too long makes you dizzy? Awww.... actually because of the 30% discount I did think of buying standing tickets for Muse but because alone and in a situation that I dunno how the fans will react, so cramp and have to stand for hours, I'm scared I couldn't take it. So I just settled for seating tickets with my brother :p But it's still near enough cause the stadiums isn't so huge XD


=O!!!!!!!!!! David Archuletta is coming!!!! I want to go if they do announce it =D But then, I only know 2 of his songs..... erm.... =P


Yeah, she did sound a bit whiney.....


Aww.... Don't worry. KL Central is actually quite a small place and you wont get lost! The place all is in round and round and unless you walk out of the building, you will not get lost and there is not much to explore over there honestly =P Just sit an lrt straight to kl sentral lo then meet up in front of McDonalds before deciding where to eat....



man, now am jealous! :(:LOL: but yeah, Liz is bigger fan. this means that they'll be at KLCC on the 1st April, rite? i think i'll just go and menyibuk there la.. if u do win, Aida, u need to tell me where they are having lunch.



Nah.. you're not mad, coz if you are than i am too. i do share your passion for Dom ;)



yeah.. Mraz concert looked so fun. i heard that the crowd was very well behaved as well, no pushing and shoving going on unlike Muse. he's very funny as well eh?


OMG. is this true? Archie is coming? :eek: i am soooo going. ke tepi semua budak sekolah, mak cik Faz nak tengok Archie!! eheh..:$


:LOL: then we all can go menyibuk. Use the PM thou or else the whole malaysia will go there and menyibuk :p Hahahahahahhaha


Hehe.... when we do meet up again, I believe 50% of the conversation will be on DOm XP HEhe....


Lol.... Mak Cik Faz. Hehe.... It sounds so funny. Then I'll be closely folloeing your back cause you already cut out the way clear :D XP

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:stunned: OMG OMG OMG apparently I'm going to meet Korn!!!! My friend who works at gua.com texted that I won a meet n greet pass at Sunburst.:stunned:



Holy guacomole what the hell do I say to Mr Davis and Co?????



Nut: Okay with the plan but how do I contact u on the day? Will pm u with my hp no I guess.




of course! mostly ones whom i've met and somehow nonoor was also in it even though i've never met her. :LOL:


not Fujirock. it was at Saitama Arena :p i was watching RH's concert vid in Japan a few nights before the dream haha.. so is this a sign? u + i having the same dream = 99.999% possibility of ACTUALLY seeing Muse in concert in Japan. huh? did i just came up with a brilliant formula or plain gibberish? :unsure:


woah you're going for Battles? nak ikuuuuuut! but i dunno can or not. very susah la these days nak keluar. but 19th is a school holiday..but still, dunno can go or not. and it just hit me that sunburst is also on school holidays so am thinking of going now.. or maybe not. i can't deciiiiiiiide.. bleh.




The Dream formula = success! BELIEVE :p




Battles: cmon people, jom lah! Not easy to get this sorta band in KL...gotta show that we have taste as well lah. I'm getting tired aof being jealous of SG, hehe.



Eh since it's school holidays jomlah pi Sunburst Faz! Buy tix from Liz tala rugi punya. :D



Woah Joelyn, that Dom photo. * tetiba hatiku berdebar* Hahaha.

Edited by miele
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Haha since everything's silent i'm double posting :p




Regarding Battles: It's on a weekday! Boo. :( There's no telling whether I'll be working late or not next week. I've just been given a new assignment and I think it'll probably take about a few weeks at least to settle everything. Just curious (and just in case...), where is this Orange club at Jalan P. Ramlee? I'm lazy to do a google search at the moment. Any landmarks around it?




Oh noes Liz, sorry about the internship thing. :( Sometime the screwy timing of things really2 sucks yeah? *Hugs*




Sorry, Orange is not at Jln P Ramlee, that was the other Orange....


Orange Club:

Address: 1 Jalan Kia Peng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur

Train: KLCC (Putra)

Contact: 03-2141 4929



Jom la u guys....*does puppy eyes*








Oh God. results. dont remind me. I'm receiving mine tomorrow and I'm scared shitless.





Good luck! So have u got it? Scored right? :)






Oh my i just got back from a road trip to Muar / Malacca and it was very fun! ATE A LOT!!! Plus we stumbled upon the Free Mason's branch in Malacca by accident *ssshhhh....*


Anyway, Liz, one fren wanted to come with us so i thought cld buy a ticket from you, but he cancelled out eventually. Hope you get to to sell them though... But if you don't get to, why don't you just go for Sunburst? :)


Noor! How's the schooling In Sg? Ur on holidays now rite! :D


Eh where's the FM branch actually at lah? *whispers*


Everybody listen to Nut, let's go to Sunburst!! :LOL:




I'm currently braindead, so any suggestions on what i should ask Korn on the day? Anyone nak pass anything to sign ke? :happy:

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Wah meeting Korn! Happening. I have my old Issues cd but the cover is gone!! A bit shameful to get that signed eh?


Kak Faz coming to Sunburst? :D


Liz sorry to hear abt the Junk internship. Seems like a great place to work in.


Oh yah the FM is just beside Malacca Straits hotel. I found out that there's another in Penang!

Edited by Nutcracker
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Wah meeting Korn! Happening. I have my old Issues cd but the cover is gone!! A bit shameful to get that signed eh?


Kak Faz coming to Sunburst? :D


Liz sorry to hear abt the Junk internship. Seems like a great place to work in.


Oh yah the FM is just beside Malacca Straits hotel. I found out that there's another in Penang!


What??? Which part of Penang? Waah my kampung also tak tau :$ Must check it out next time.


random: if any of u guys go to Penang, do check out the Toy Museum a bit before Tanjung Bungah. It's all kinds of awesome. ;)

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Lol I guess you Malaysians don't use "seh"? It can also be written as seyyyyy but it depends on your preference! Hahaha.


Lol I use "seh". But sometimes "seyh".

School is alright, I actually don't mind going to school!

Wow I actually said that. Wow.



we don't use "seh' here. unless you're from JB like Noor. i guess it's a singaporean thing to use that word?


Good Noor. glad you're enjoying school. new school must be fun than the previous one, eh?


:LOL: then we all can go menyibuk. Use the PM thou or else the whole malaysia will go there and menyibuk :p Hahahahahahhaha


Hehe.... when we do meet up again, I believe 50% of the conversation will be on DOm XP HEhe....


Lol.... Mak Cik Faz. Hehe.... It sounds so funny. Then I'll be closely folloeing your back cause you already cut out the way clear :D XP


yeah haha.. i seriously want to menyibuk there now. but i can go only after work. wanna join me so we can menyibuk together-gether? ;)


Lol fo sho! i don't think we'll be bored talking about Dom EVER :chuckle:


hehe.. i reckon i'll be the oldest person there screaming for ickle archuleta. so far, the news is there'll only be a showcase, something like Colbie Callait-- meh, i can't spell her name--.last year with limited passes from the sponsors or radio station.thing is, i don't even listen to the radio these days, so there goes my chance of winning the free passes. :wtf:


:stunned: OMG OMG OMG apparently I'm going to meet Korn!!!! My friend who works at gua.com texted that I won a meet n greet pass at Sunburst.:stunned:



Holy guacomole what the hell do I say to Mr Davis and Co?????



Nut: Okay with the plan but how do I contact u on the day? Will pm u with my hp no I guess.







The Dream formula = success! BELIEVE :p




Battles: cmon people, jom lah! Not easy to get this sorta band in KL...gotta show that we have taste as well lah. I'm getting tired aof being jealous of SG, hehe.



Eh since it's school holidays jomlah pi Sunburst Faz! Buy tix from Liz tala rugi punya. :D



Woah Joelyn, that Dom photo. * tetiba hatiku berdebar* Hahaha.


Fuyyooo. dapat jumpa Korn :eek:jealousnyeeer..make sure you bring something for them to sign and ask Mr Davies to wear his kilt when he perform. it'll help him to cope with the heat for sure :p


Battles and Sunburst: sorry. am not going to both la.. :( i have to go to JB tomorrow and am broke la this month. unlesssss, Liz wanna give me her tickets for free haha.. that's asking for too much now, isn't it? heh..so you guys have fun la. and miele, take lots of pictures during the meet and greet. i hope it'll be better this year coz i heard a lot of people didn't even get to take pictures with Incubus. the press really conquered the m&g last year.


am up for lunch on the 22nd if u guys are still on it. sure it'll be nice to see Nut again!:D


what Dom picture? where? when? *berdebar jugak nih..*



Random, random:

after seeing the setlist and reading reviews from Mexico.


i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead!:'(

Edited by crazy_mary
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I wanna see Radiohead tooo. :( And Oasis, and Athlete, and many other bands. :indiff:

Noor, you like school in Singapore? That's good to hear....first time I've ever heard somebody say they enjoy it though, haha. I hate the education system there...too stressful. :erm:

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we don't use "seh' here. unless you're from JB like Noor. i guess it's a singaporean thing to use that word?


Good Noor. glad you're enjoying school. new school must be fun than the previous one, eh?




yeah haha.. i seriously want to menyibuk there now. but i can go only after work. wanna join me so we can menyibuk together-gether? ;)


Lol fo sho! i don't think we'll be bored talking about Dom EVER :chuckle:


Fuyyooo. dapat jumpa Korn :eek:jealousnyeeer..make sure you bring something for them to sign and ask Mr Davies to wear his kilt when he perform. it'll help him to cope with the heat for sure :p


Battles and Sunburst: sorry. am not going to both la.. :( i have to go to JB tomorrow and am broke la this month. unlesssss, Liz wanna give me her tickets for free haha.. that's asking for too much now, isn't it? heh..so you guys have fun la. and miele, take lots of pictures during the meet and greet. i hope it'll be better this year coz i heard a lot of people didn't even get to take pictures with Incubus. the press really conquered the m&g last year.


am up for lunch on the 22nd if u guys are still on it. sure it'll be nice to see Nut again!:D


what Dom picture? where? when? *berdebar jugak nih..*



Random, random:

after seeing the setlist and reading reviews from Mexico.


i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead,i wanna see Radiohead!:'(


Seh: ya la, instead I like using 'dowh'. Like "lapar, dowh!"


Menyibuk: Where what who when?


Nonoor: enjoy school babe! Wow cant believe I wrote that, a former Rebel without a cause :LOL:


Ala not going for Sunburst la plak. Hope u can make it for lunch on Sunday? Where sld we belanja Nut & Co? Aida, any ideas?


Dom pic: in the sig la, how can u not notice? Sangatlah menyerlah :happy:


Radiohead: wooh that's an even bigger dream than Muse la Faz. Tryla, maybe in Japan again, hehe.


Korn: thanx for the tips! Will definitely remember the kilt thing, unless if he was already wearing it.






I wanna see Radiohead tooo. :( And Oasis, and Athlete, and many other bands. :indiff:

Noor, you like school in Singapore? That's good to hear....first time I've ever heard somebody say they enjoy it though, haha. I hate the education system there...too stressful. :erm:


You're not going for Oasis in April? Sorry I'm a bit behind....









Anyone else have this crazy thing of planning / saving up your annual holiday for when Muse probably start touring? No? Just me then.....

Edited by miele
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I'm not sure. My mum emailed Singapore Airlines cos she was okay with the idea, and even though she emailed them with her account they emailed my dad with response. :facepalm: AND THEY SAID YES. My dad didn't like the idea though, and refused to let them change the ticket. :( I'm going to have to work on convincing him....my parents never let me go anywhere. :indiff:

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I wanna see Radiohead tooo. :( And Oasis, and Athlete, and many other bands. :indiff:

Noor, you like school in Singapore? That's good to hear....first time I've ever heard somebody say they enjoy it though, haha. I hate the education system there...too stressful. :erm:


Hope you'll get to see Oasis in April, Tee. where do you go to school? Bali or Singapore?


Seh: ya la, instead I like using 'dowh'. Like "lapar, dowh!"


Menyibuk: Where what who when?


Nonoor: enjoy school babe! Wow cant believe I wrote that, a former Rebel without a cause :LOL:


Ala not going for Sunburst la plak. Hope u can make it for lunch on Sunday? Where sld we belanja Nut & Co? Aida, any ideas?


Dom pic: in the sig la, how can u not notice? Sangatlah menyerlah :happy:


Radiohead: wooh that's an even bigger dream than Muse la Faz. Tryla, maybe in Japan again, hehe.


Korn: thanx for the tips! Will definitely remember the kilt thing, unless if he was already wearing it.


Anyone else have this crazy thing of planning / saving up your annual holiday for when Muse probably start touring? No? Just me then.....


woah.. yr name is on sunburst website la.. congrats!:D


i always wondered what "gerek seh.." means. o god i hope i didn't just type a vulgar phrase or something heh..


KLCC, if am not mistaken. 1st of april. i'm sure aida has all the deets? ;)


yup, yup. i'll join you guys for lunch. since Nut really likes the Ramly burger he bought at std negara, maybe we should belanja him ramly burger? haha.. no la. hmmm.. something nice and very malaysian in KL Sentral? i dunno.


owwwhh. that picture! haha..


i know, i know. memang impossible for RH to come here. :(:(


that's what am doing right now. saving some money for Muse hehe.. not going for Sunburst = save RM 143. Battles= save RM 88 hehe.. ooooh so now, in my Muse tabung there's already RM 231. oh yeah. i am a cheapskate.

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Thanks, I hope so too. I go to school in Bali, but I used to be an LAS (leave of absence) student in Singapore for a few years, meaning that I would school here, but occasionally when I went there I would go to school there too.


Oh, and you guys should listen to Miele and see Battles. :yesey: They are amazing!

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Walao, too many posts to quote!!


EH miele congrats on scoring M&G! my friend is Najwa Amira, she scored some M&G passes too! damn lucky. you guys make it look so easy :LOL: I just heard Twisted Transistor on Hitz.fm today, and for a second or two upon hearing the first part riff, I thought it was Word-Up :facepalm: I'm such a n00b!


and aiya, Battles is like TOMORROW. I think I might be the only one here who has no idea who Battles are :$ What kind of band are they?


and about my results.. er, ehe yeah :happy: I'm very happy with them, wheeeeee. Now I just have to get through my last sem of 'A' levels and I'm freeee! Until Uni, that is :(


noor, ooh how's your new school like? Why is it better than m'sian schools huh!!


Heeeey I wanna talk about Dom too!! Whats all this sudden talk about Dom?? I wanna be in the loop! :LOL:


Oh, and all this talk about Sunburst got me thinking about Incubus, did you guys know that they'll be releasing their new single soon? Its from their 'Greatest Hits' album, I CANT WAIT WHEEEE.

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Noor: It's good to hear that you like our ultra unecessary-stressful education system here! :D


Kak Faz: Actually Sunburst isn't all about Korn yeah? They've got Erykah Badu!!!:p

Thanks eh for the Ramly burger! It's the thought that counts lol! But let's just leave it at that.


Joelyn: Such a shame you can't join us for the Muser lunch!


Tee: Have i told you you've got a cute name! hahaha. But too bad about ur dad and the anti-social stuff. How contradicting can one get!


Debbie: Wah you got straight As or what! So cleber.


SO we are having lunch together eh? Who's in it so far? Liz hope you'll be there and not Taiping! Where is that anyway! And Debbie too eh!


Miele and Co: Eh no need for blanja please. Don't make us paisey, can!

And Miele, i want to pass you my camera, please! Cuz i want some obscenely close shots of Jon D and Munky and Fieldy! I wonder if the Korn kids will be there as well? Maybe they're not kids anymore..

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Joelyn, should we go to Putrajaya one day and just go Dom-sight-seeking? Lol he might still be around hahaha! I know.. the muser meet up that you guys will be having... Here's a plan... eat ramly burger, head to putrajaya for some delicious ice cream waffles at Alamanda and chill+chat :]


I just booked my accommodation at Taiping though for this weekend, so I guess it's no longer plausible for me to join in the fun =[ How long will you be around, Nut? Or rather, the question should be: when are you heading back to the better land where Coldplay will be playing? Lol sorry, can you see I'm still a little bitter? Sigh.




I wanna see Radiohead tooo. And Oasis, and Athlete, and many other bands. :indiff:



Front row centre alright? ;] We'll sing our hearts out to Twenty-Four Hours! I would seriously love to listen to that song live.




Battles and Sunburst: sorry. am not going to both la.. :( i have to go to JB tomorrow and am broke la this month. unlesssss, Liz wanna give me her tickets for free haha.. that's asking for too much now, isn't it? heh..so you guys have fun la. and miele, take lots of pictures during the meet and greet. i hope it'll be better this year coz i heard a lot of people didn't even get to take pictures with Incubus. the press really conquered the m&g last year.

The final tix that I had, it's in Miele's hands now! :happy: Hrmmm, but I'll certainly let you know if any of my friend didn't get to sell their tix, perhaps instead of just burning it away, you could get the tix from one of them hahaha.


Hey I hear that you're not going for F1 too this year!?



Korn: thanx for the tips! Will definitely remember the kilt thing, unless if he was already wearing it.







Anyone else have this crazy thing of planning / saving up your annual holiday for when Muse probably start touring? No? Just me then.....

If you're halfway through the kilt question ... could you ask him what lies beneath a kilt too?! :LOL:;)


I'm planning/saving up alright. I'm already eyeing Leeds/Reading Festival 2010! I've also read up on what kind of tickets they sell. (Mind you, the tickets get sold out at least half a year before the actual event! Tickets to the 2009 festival sold out last year August 2008, even before they announced the full set list! So plenty of planning to do...) Usually people go for the weekend+camp ground promotion or whatever it is... It's not exactly affordable for me right now... :( but there's still time! ...I hope.



I dunno how to describe them, so take a listen for yourself. http://www.myspace.com/battlestheband

Oh, and I don't think I will be going to Oasis because my parents are twats and complain about me being "anti-social" but don't even let me go to my friends' houses or anything. PFFFF.

I'm really upset I won't be able to make it for Battles. Sigh. It's just like that Mono gig last year..!


Don't give up for Oasis though.. will you be going alone, or are you meeting up with a friend for Oasis? If you're meeting up then that's most certainly not "anti-social" ;)

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