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Whaaaaat? That little bitch dissed Radiohead!? :mad:


From this site: http://www.okmagazine.com/posts/view/12363/

Mar 05,2009


Miley Cyrus may be every teen's favorite celebrity, but there are, apparantly, some people who couldn't care less about the Hannah Montana star!


During an interview with JohnJay and Rich on their radio show, Cyrus said she was dissed by Radiohead at this year's Grammy Awards, despite forcing her manager to beg them for an introduction.


"My manager asked and said, you know, 'Miley, she's really obsessed and she'd really like to meet them,' and they were like, 'Yeah, we don't really do that,'" Miley told JohnJay and Rich. "I left 'cause I was so upset. I wasn't going to watch!"


"I'd already texted all my friends, we were all freaking out. This is someone who I like would have cried to [have met]," she continued. "Stinkin' Radiohead!"


and here's another article: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/thedishrag/2009/03/miley-cyrus-sti.html

Radiohead dissed Miley Cyrus?


OMG, how much do we love these guys?


In a recent interview on the "Johnjay & Rich" radio show, Cyrus talked about how appalled she was when the band refused to meet her backstage at the Grammy Awards.


According to the irate pop star, Thom Yorke and his Radiohead mates would not come meet her or even let her visit their dressing room, even though Cyrus was only four rooms away. And come on, she'd already texted her friends that she was gonna get to meet them. "That's way harsh Ty!"


"If someone, like, said that, like, 'I would cry if I met them. I really want to meet them,' I would freaking, like, run and, like, give them the biggest hug in the world because that's cool, you know?" said Cyrus on the show. "But they were like, 'We don't really do that.' "


She added: "I had already texted all my friends!"


Cyrus claims she was "freakishly obsessed" with Radiohead, before again talking about the diss.


"They don't meet one little kid who would cry and make their life? That's the reason you do this!" she exclaimed. "The reason that I'm in the business is because I like making people happy and it's, like, I don't get people like [Radiohead]."


Well, yes. We see your point. But we also see theirs.


What do you think of Radiohead's behavior? Were they mean to Miley?


On Miley's good list? Coldplay's Chris Martin, who was like so cool and hung out with her backstage and everything at the show.


Of course he did. Now he's got the Miley Cyrus stamp of approval. And therefore, the admiration of her fan base.




I love Radiohead more:happy:

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Good on Radiohead. It's not nice of them to ignore fans and all...but really, they get requests like that all the time. Just because she's Hannah Montana is totall cool, lyk omgz, doesn't mean that she's more special than any other fan. There are definitely more hardcore fans out there than her who may not get to meet them even if they want to. She sounds so spoiled....she needs to get everything she wants. :erm: I hope she really did cry though. :D


And Graceeee, have you asked your dad yet? :rolleyes:

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Good on Radiohead. It's not nice of them to ignore fans and all...but really, they get requests like that all the time. Just because she's Hannah Montana is totall cool, lyk omgz, doesn't mean that she's more special than any other fan. There are definitely more hardcore fans out there than her who may not get to meet them even if they want to. She sounds so spoiled....she needs to get everything she wants. :erm: I hope she really did cry though. :D


And Graceeee, have you asked your dad yet? :rolleyes:


I guess..it's not really a Radiohead thing..good on them!:)


will answer that on msn:p

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I think for her to disclose this and to complain about Radiohead being "mean" isn't exactly necessary if she is [and I quote] obsessed [unquote] with Radiohead. While I can't be a judge for this, am pretty damn sure Miley wouldn't be able to treat all her fans nicely. It would certainly come to a point of unintentional disappointment caused by her...

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agreed. she shouldn't have dissed RH even if she was disappointed. she wasn't the only one snubbed by RH, i believe Kanye West didn't get to meet Thom Yorke either. it may appear mean for RH to do that but i guess if you're so obsessed with the band u might have half expected that to happen. they're jut not that kinda band.


and speaking of Radiohead, these kids are really lucky. i wish i could do a duet with Thom Yorke too.. maybe i could teach him to play a kompang or something heh..




sorry for being random again, but woah.. last night i had a dream that all of us went to Japan to catch a Muse concert there. seriously weird haha..

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yeah Faz, I've been having the same dreams too, Fujirock right? For some (incredibly cool) reason all of us here (whom I have met) were there as well. :p





On other news, anyone going for Battles? It's 19th March /Thursday/ 8pm at Orange (Jln P. Ramlee). The presale tix is RM88, I think. if anyone is going do tell, otherwise I'm going alone :stunned:

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I had the greatest surprise today. Well okay it's not that great of a surprise but...


I finally had the privilege to catch up on the movies I have missed since started working, so today I watched two movies, one being Seven Pounds and the other Watchmen! (Tomorrow, the Reader and Doubt perhaps?)


While we all know about the Watchmen trailer using Muse's song, what came as a surprise was that I did hear a Muse song in one of those movies today, and it wasn't Watchmen!! When the first piano echo-ey chord of Feeling Good came on in the middle of Seven Pounds, I actually gasped out loud in the very quiet cinema. As it became clear with Matt's distinct vocals, I became more and more animated. The movie wasn't exactly a gasp-y or happy movie to begin with but I got so excited hearing Muse! Definitely made the movie a lot .. well, cheerful since it's seriously a pretty depressing movie. Ok perhaps I'm a bit quick to judge because I can't see Will Smith apart from the mafia look, but let's just say I had a really bad case of running nose towards the end of the movie..


Watchmen. Oh my lovely "watch" men. Billy Crudup will always hold dear to me, whether he's an ass (literally :LOL:) or not. How kick ass (OK, I swear I didn't mean to use ass this often..) is the fact that Dr Manhattan is actually a watch man's son?! The sight of Mr Crudup holding a watch! :eek::happy: Certainly made me feel like re-watching Tim Burton's Big Fish where he plays Ewan McGregor's son (in a way) :] I cannot wait til Billy Crudup shares the screen with Christian Bale, Johnny Depp and David Wenham in Public Enemies!!!


Anyway, regarding the movie ... Hey Joelyn, perhaps you could share your thoughts on this with us ;)


I love that Zack Snyder, the director, made a lot of fanboys happy on his take with this graphic novel. I hope he'll get to direct the 300 sequel movie that has been on the rumour mill as well!


Seven Pounds is playing Feeling Good?!!! :eek::eek: Now I want to watch Seven Pounds.... on pirated DVD :p:LOL: I am so bad XP


I did watch Watchmen too. It's very deep and dark. Throughout a big part of the movie, I'm always >.o afraid of something scary might pop out like when that guy was searching for the little girl's body. I'm afaird they might show a chopped up body. Thank God nothing much have been shown.



and when the movie ended, it seems like no matter which way you turn, it seems to go back to point A. Like nothing much could be done about it




Lol.... HOw nice you get to see a glismp of Dom Xp Too bad you didn't manage to snap picture. Hehe...:LOL:


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Miele: What say you, we plan where to meet and what time on Korn day? :D


Kak Faz: On the topic of Fuji Rock, I think it's way cheaper to go to BDO last time i checked...


SGmuse: Hey whats up "homie"! Welcome to the board and thread.


Debbie: Did you receive my reply to your last pm? :$


Should all of us have a musers' meet up on the sunburst weekend, preferably Sunday lunch time? It's more of to my advantage, really. (Being honest here):p

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Miele: What say you, we plan where to meet and what time on Korn day? :D


Kak Faz: On the topic of Fuji Rock, I think it's way cheaper to go to BDO last time i checked...


SGmuse: Hey whats up "homie"! Welcome to the board and thread.


Debbie: Did you receive my reply to your last pm? :$


Should all of us have a musers' meet up on the sunburst weekend, preferably Sunday lunch time? It's more of to my advantage, really. (Being honest here):p


Sunburst : Nut when are u coming over? And do u have transport to head to Bkt Kiara? I'm tumpanging my BFF, if can get him to pick u up somewhere senang gak. Otherwise, I may take taxi from LRT Kelana Jaya, so can meet u at any LRT la.


Anyone else going? *crickets*





Muser meetup: Okay folks if u guys are not going for Sunburst howzabout we meet at KL Sentral or somewhere for lunch Sunday 22nd like Nut suggested? The more the merrier?



SGMuse: So you made it, welcome to the madhouse! :D






It's about erm, ehehe a chance to win lunch with the Sauber Petronas drivers ;)

Btw, come la Nut, join us for the Sepang F1, Jay Kay n his mates will be there Sunday, 5 Apr 8pm

Cheapest tix is RM100 only (for 2 days 4 & 5 April)



Thanks for the pm, will try n bank in by tonight. Haha I asked a stupid qsn in my pm tadi, never mind u already answered :$:LOL:


For the F1 lunch thingy, if u had to choose I think u should choose Faz, she's the hardcore fan. I'm just a general sports / Jamiroquai fan lah :)





Damn, if only Muse got contest where we can hang out with them in KL before the concert. Dreaming again! :p

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@ Aida, very tempting but i don't know if i'll go. I think my significant other would hear nothing more of gigs after those 2 that I'm going within this month alone. :rolleyes:


@ Miele, we hope to arrive by noon, buy our tickets from Debbie and prob hang around a bit before going for the gig. Update me yah!

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was i in your dream too?! :D


of course! mostly ones whom i've met and somehow nonoor was also in it even though i've never met her. :LOL:


yeah Faz, I've been having the same dreams too, Fujirock right? For some (incredibly cool) reason all of us here (whom I have met) were there as well. :p



On other news, anyone going for Battles? It's 19th March /Thursday/ 8pm at Orange (Jln P. Ramlee). The presale tix is RM88, I think. if anyone is going do tell, otherwise I'm going alone :stunned:


not Fujirock. it was at Saitama Arena :p i was watching RH's concert vid in Japan a few nights before the dream haha.. so is this a sign? u + i having the same dream = 99.999% possibility of ACTUALLY seeing Muse in concert in Japan. huh? did i just came up with a brilliant formula or plain gibberish? :unsure:


woah you're going for Battles? nak ikuuuuuut! but i dunno can or not. very susah la these days nak keluar. but 19th is a school holiday..but still, dunno can go or not. and it just hit me that sunburst is also on school holidays so am thinking of going now.. or maybe not. i can't deciiiiiiiide.. bleh.


It's about erm, ehehe a chance to win lunch with the Sauber Petronas drivers ;)

Btw, come la Nut, join us for the Sepang F1, Jay Kay n his mates will be there Sunday, 5 Apr 8pm

Cheapest tix is RM100 only (for 2 days 4 & 5 April)


again, what pm? coz i didn't get any :( u mean lunch with Nick Heidfeld and Robert Kubica? oooh.. *spazzes* i think Liz is a bigger fan than myself. am sure she'll be happy to have a chance to have lunch with 'em. but woah.. i want to go to haha..


Nut, i know BDO is cheaper but i have always wanted to join the "kawai" Japanese crowd haha..



Lol.... HOw nice you get to see a glismp of Dom Xp Too bad you didn't manage to snap picture. Hehe...:LOL:


i thought u posted a picture of Dom! haha.. did u catch what Dom said in the new vid that made Chris laughed? he was so cheeky :happy:



SGmuse - welcome, friendly neighbour! rumour has it that NIN is coming to Singapore in August. bloody jealous la with u guys.

Edited by crazy_mary
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While we all know about the Watchmen trailer using Muse's song, what came as a surprise was that I did hear a Muse song in one of those movies today, and it wasn't Watchmen!! When the first piano echo-ey chord of Feeling Good came on in the middle of Seven Pounds, I actually gasped out loud in the very quiet cinema. As it became clear with Matt's distinct vocals, I became more and more animated. The movie wasn't exactly a gasp-y or happy movie to begin with but I got so excited hearing Muse! Definitely made the movie a lot .. well, cheerful since it's seriously a pretty depressing movie. Ok perhaps I'm a bit quick to judge because I can't see Will Smith apart from the mafia look, but let's just say I had a really bad case of running nose towards the end of the movie..


Oh wow cool! There are a lot of movies I've been wanting to watch too, but haven't had the chance to :( But maybe I'll be able to next week 'coz its THE HOLIDAYS :D


sorry for being random again, but woah.. last night i had a dream that all of us went to Japan to catch a Muse concert there. seriously weird haha..

of course! mostly ones whom i've met and somehow nonoor was also in it even though i've never met her. :LOL:


not Fujirock. it was at Saitama Arena :p i was watching RH's concert vid in Japan a few nights before the dream haha.. so is this a sign? u + i having the same dream = 99.999% possibility of ACTUALLY seeing Muse in concert in Japan. huh? did i just came up with a brilliant formula or plain gibberish? :unsure:


SGmuse - welcome, friendly neighbour! rumour has it that NIN is coming to Singapore in August. bloody jealous la with u guys.


*GASP* WOW WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DREAM. I seriously hope it comes true. Like, all of us here going to Japan to catch Muse live. Wow. Awesome.


:yesey: NIN 10 August :eek:


Sup all muse fans from msia!


Hi there!


Or not. :happy:

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Oh Dear Faz, I wonder why you can't get PMs from me? Anyway here it is:



In conjunction with the upcoming 2009 PETRONAS Malaysian Grand Prix, we will be treating a selected number of staff based at the PETRONAS Twin Towers to a special engagement session with the BMW Sauber F1 Team drivers, Nick Heidfeld and Robert Kubica on Wednesday, 1st April 2009.


Interested to pit your skills against our two Formula One drivers in a remote control car challenge? What about the once-off opportunity to get a truly personalised autograph as well as an exclusive lunch with Nick and Robert?


If you are interested, please complete the attached form and FAX it to XX (Attn: XX) by 5pm Tuesday, 17 March 2009.


Selection will be made on a first come, first served basis. We will contact the lucky staff in due course with the time and date of your special session with the BMW Sauber F1 Team drivers.


I've already faxed it. If I do get lucky, I'll give it to Liz becos we all know she's a bigger fan :p





Nut, it's only 1 paying gig you're going. Coldplay is a gift from your boss. Jamiroquai, well, u can tell her you're going to the F1 race :p Or bring her along lah heheh


Yup yup Faz, Japan is so kawai la ehehe...thanks for having us in your dreams hehe..yeah hope it'll come true ;)

Edited by weresodisco
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i thought u posted a picture of Dom! haha.. did u catch what Dom said in the new vid that made Chris laughed? he was so cheeky :happy:



SGmuse - welcome, friendly neighbour! rumour has it that NIN is coming to Singapore in August. bloody jealous la with u guys.


:LOL: Nah. cause Liz sms me that day and told me that she saw a person who looks like Dom but it's only a glimsp and then he dissapear so she's not sure about it. But it would be so cool to see him if only a glimsp :p *I am mad. LOL*


Yeah, dom said in a very cool and theriatical voice, "1, 2, 3, 4" and made Chris giggle and after they calm down somewhat, dunno for what reason, Dom go and snif a giggle and made both of them laugh. Dom dom.... Lol






Hi SG Muse. Welcome aboard :D You look cute in your avatar picture :happy:

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