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That's what I do. :LOL: I'm probably going with someone this time though. -dances-

Indoor Stadium has free a standing area? Pff...Esplanade Concert Hall sucks, then. :p

Nope, I didn't. :( I had school, and I was like...9? Or something....so my mother said no. :rolleyes:

Lovefoxxx from CSS will be DJing in Singapore in March! :eek: Damn school....I hope she comes here.


Good good. Ppl always say that Indoor Stadium has terrible sound acoustics. Hope it'll be good this time. I'm sure Franz Ferdinand will tour this side of the world again! You seem to be going to a LOT of gigs at your age! Do you live in JB?


Hello, can't resist to drop by to say I am jealous of u Nut!! :eek:

So nice of your boss!!


I won't be going to Coldplay's S'pore gig :( Sunburst? Lost hope alredi


Ooooh I didn't know Franz went to S'pore last time....hope they'll come again, just got their new album - Tonight- going to listen now :happy:


On another note, here's a Radiohead Japanese gig poster - see the note says there no jumping, no moshing, no crowd surfing...they must be very polite gig goers ;)


I think Ferdinand came in '05 or '06, can't remember.. The new album is out ALREADY?!

TRIVIA: The vocalist dude loves to cook and he made a receipe book based on food from countries around the world that the band has been to. And from Singapore, he included Otah.:D


That poster is so cute lah hahaha! But yah, no JUMPING?!

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I live in Indonesia actually. :p Hmm...I haven't been to many gigs. :/ 5...if Etc counts. :$:LOL:

I hope they (FF) do. And that Alex will write about snobby hotel managers telling him not to eat food in the hotel lobby again, too. :LOL: Oh, he didn't do a recipe book (if you're talking about FF :erm:) btw. He's only writing about foods and the experiences from them when he was touring!

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I work as a motion designer in a post-production company. It's a small private company so that's why my boss could afford to pay for the 9 of us that are going.

AND you have friends that would call you in at the last minute to invite you to a Stars gig!!! Aww bollocks.


Last night when I came home from work - the $88 and $158 Coldplay tix were already sold out :( I guess there won't be a Singapore trip this March for me ... I was thinking of taking the bus down to Sg from Johor this time! Flying down to Johor only costs RM78 (return) on AirAsia!




I found this on the Sunburst forum btw:


people!!!!! i just found out that KORN is confirmed!!! i went to the the KLIUC just now. pineapple has a booth there. and among the confirmed ones are erykah badu, skye, 311 and korn. there are few other names for international acts.


i think it's part of their gimmicks. maybe they didn't think people would get really pissed off. like effing pissed off like i did.


and yeah u can still get the rm143 tix at KLIUC til this 19th of feb.


the promotion is like: buy 5 tix then u can choose a cd. if u buy 10 tix, u can choose a cd AND they'll try giving u backstage pass to see KORN!!!!!!


too bad ive bought 4 tix earlier...


one more thing, i found they're gonna have another press conference on the 23rd at celcom. i don't which celcom. but yeah, the guy said celcom.


seems to me all these ARE part of their gimmicks.


but yeah, prodigy and coldplay are still TBC-ed *sigh*


Oh yeah, and I bought 11 tickets. To think I almost would've been able to meet KORN personally! Hah. :joker:


I guess I'll only believe the proper lineup once JUNK posts it up or something. The people that you talk to during the media events or even the people at booths can't really be depended on,I have to say.


311 and Korn huh? I guess it'll be a lot easier for me to sell off my tickets then. Hopefully. I'm definitely selling them off if Coldplay's not coming!

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I live in Indonesia actually. :p Hmm...I haven't been to many gigs. :/ 5...if Etc counts. :$:LOL:

I hope they (FF) do. And that Alex will write about snobby hotel managers telling him not to eat food in the hotel lobby again, too. :LOL: Oh, he didn't do a recipe book (if you're talking about FF :erm:) btw. He's only writing about foods and the experiences from them when he was touring!


Wah Indonesia!! U must be filthy rich man. :LOL: You're right about Alex not writing a receipe book! My bad... :$ I would love to read the Sound Bites though!


AND you have friends that would call you in at the last minute to invite you to a Stars gig!!! Aww bollocks.


Last night when I came home from work - the $88 and $158 Coldplay tix were already sold out :( I guess there won't be a Singapore trip this March for me ... I was thinking of taking the bus down to Sg from Johor this time! Flying down to Johor only costs RM78 (return) on AirAsia!




I found this on the Sunburst forum btw:




Oh yeah, and I bought 11 tickets. To think I almost would've been able to meet KORN personally! Hah. :joker:


I guess I'll only believe the proper lineup once JUNK posts it up or something. The people that you talk to during the media events or even the people at booths can't really be depended on,I have to say.


311 and Korn huh? I guess it'll be a lot easier for me to sell off my tickets then. Hopefully. I'm definitely selling them off if Coldplay's not coming!



HAHA wow i really thought that Korn was really confirmed when i read the first line of the quote! Cuz i will seriously go if it was Korn. I used to like them a lot. :p


Actually my boss wanted to get the $188 ones but i don't know why, he decided to get the $248 ones. It was still selling out fast when we were ordering them on the phone. Have i mentioned that tickets for Mraz here got sold out within a few hours?


My friend who invited me at the last minute was really a once in a lifetime thing so it's not really counted!

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Thanks for the info Liz! Yeah, shud wait for confirmation first, don't believe their gimmicks!


Oooh Alex likes to write about food he tasted? ;)


Coldplay: The $248 tickets are still available. I guess the free-standing ones must have finished already.


In a totally unrelated matter, I just found out (it's quite old news actually), that Graham Coxon has reunited with Blur ! :happy: Their first show together since 2000 will be in July 09. Wow I hope I could catch them before something happens again, they did go to S'pore in 1996! (someone here may not have been born yet :p)

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Old news but YAY I'm so glad to hear that Blink 182 is back :LOL: I really didnt like A&A and +44, dont know whether its because they're not good or because I'm that biased. :$ but yeah, woohoo go blink 182!


weresodisco I think I only know one song from Blur... that 'wee hoo' song :chuckle::$ so i cant really share the enthusiasm with you. but for the record I was 6 years old in 1996! :D


Oh and Liz, according to Pirates, Coldplay aint coming anymore! :(



I seriously don't know what to believe now. Bah I hate pineapple concerts. stupid pineapple. They bring shame to Spongebob's name.

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HAHA wow i really thought that Korn was really confirmed when i read the first line of the quote! Cuz i will seriously go if it was Korn. I used to like them a lot. :p


Actually my boss wanted to get the $188 ones but i don't know why, he decided to get the $248 ones. It was still selling out fast when we were ordering them on the phone. Have i mentioned that tickets for Mraz here got sold out within a few hours?


My friend who invited me at the last minute was really a once in a lifetime thing so it's not really counted!

Did you buy your Sunburst tickets yet? I have 9 to sell - if Coldplay's really not coming. Bring your friends along! lol.


I'm actually hoping I would score some free Jason Mraz tickets. Haha...



Thanks for the info Liz! Yeah, shud wait for confirmation first, don't believe their gimmicks!


Oooh Alex likes to write about food he tasted? ;)


Coldplay: The $248 tickets are still available. I guess the free-standing ones must have finished already.


In a totally unrelated matter, I just found out (it's quite old news actually), that Graham Coxon has reunited with Blur ! :happy: Their first show together since 2000 will be in July 09. Wow I hope I could catch them before something happens again, they did go to S'pore in 1996! (someone here may not have been born yet :p)

Funny, they deleted the post with that quote on the Sunburst forum! :eek:


I can't afford the $248 ones I believe... That's like half a thousand Ringgit :( No doubt I feel like I'm in need of an adventure, but I think if I'm paying that much already, I might as well fly to London and see them at Wembley or something... though that would also cost a lot haha. At least it's in a different environment though :]


So apart from Nut here, who else would be going for the Coldplay gig?


Beetlebum :D I bought a Graham Coxon CD for my sister's Christmas present last year. She used to make me listen to Country House, Tender etc. And of course, my favourite music video ever still goes to Blur's

. There's just something about that lovable milk carton! ;)




Debbie, I'm hoping that the pirates were pulling an early April fool's joke on us! I mean, I know I don't have much hope on that already, but ... never say never? Maybe they can get a loan from the government and pay the downpayment to get Coldplay! After all, interest rates are extremely low - plus, the Birtish pounds conversion is only £1 = RM5.3 thesedays :[


I swear, someday if I can manage to get a hold of a good music company bringing international acts in, I would ... do a much better job!

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Miele, Faz & Liz,


I sent a PM to you gals...check it out ya!


Heh...I actually love Blur, each of their albums had always been different friom the previous one, the last one had Morrocan influences (they recorded it there), the album with the woo hoo song (self titled album - Blur) was recorded in Iceland, Liz' dream destination :happy:


Wooo...my mom was probably right, she was predicting that Coldplay wud not come to KL becos their asking price wud be too high (dunno whether it's true or not) :stunned:

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Coldplay: I'm not that big a fan, but they do sound good live. Dang u Nut! :p



Blur: Yay for old faves reuniting! Aah nostalgia la. I have all their old albums, but stopped buying after Graham left. if they were to come by to SEA though, fuh. :happy:

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Woah! Haven't been online for so long. So many post!



In Mandarin it's bu ke qi. Bu yau ke qi (or pu yau ker chi, that's Hokkien?) would be 'don't want problems' instead of 'no problem.' Pu ker chi might be the Hokkien version. Probably is.


:LOL: Thanks ^^



Joelyn, the list is here still no Coldplay there today. maybe they're not coming? am just not too sure. to be honest, i don't really care coz i don't fancy them that much heh..


my sister who likes Westlife and all those 'pop'y stuff loves Day and Age!:LOL: but i don't actually like it haha..


i have to agree with yr rant. not Meyer's fault.


Aww... Thank you for the link :D



Joelyn, yeah I know what you mean about Steph Meyer. Its not like she expected Twilight to be such a hit, and if I were a successful author like herself I would want Muse to be in my movie adaptation too! In fact I'd want ALL their songs to be in my movie hahaha.


But I doubt she expected her movie to be like, such a huge teeny bopper phenomenon. The Muse fans (who didnt like Muse because of Twilight) would be bummed to know that Muse is getting so much teeny bopper recognition, of course they'd throw a fit. I know I kinda did. I didn't like the fact that a whole bunch of new Twihards are all over Muse juuuuuust because Steph Meyer is into them. They're not liking Muse for their music, but only for the fact that Steph Meyer loves em. If some of them DO like Muse for their music, then good on them! But those who dont, then that just sucks. Its not Steph Meyer's fault that she's so into Muse and that she's so successful she's created a whole new group of Muse-liking Twihards.


Aiya, I'm rambling. Someone shut me up now.




Plus fucking one.


I am SO pissed off at Pineapple concerts now. I mean, dah la they're daring enough to start selling tickets even before the line up was fucking announced, but NOW they want to announce only ONE freakin international artist? If we wanted to watch Local Artists, there's stuff like Campur Chart and RTW already, we dont need an overpriced music festival to watch them at some muddy park with filthy toilets and overpriced food.


Fucking hell.

I am SO disappointed with Pineapple ARHGHGHASDLFKA. Freakin unreliable assfreaks.


... I'm still gonna get my ticket anyway. I'm hoping that this is just a marketing gimmick for us Coldplay fans to wait til they're confirmed, which is probably going to be announced conveniently after the early bird promotion. Damn 'em lousy unreliable greedy shitbags. *grumble grumble*. (not coldplay, they're awesome. its the pineapple people who are greedy lousy shitbags). I just hope that Coldplay really IS coming, no matter what. Because thats how much I want to see them. If they're not coming, I'll be selling my tickets too. Hopefully someone would want to buy them la. Hopefully.




Sigh..... Problems with all this music festivals is there is like almost all local artist and hardly and international artis. Like that might as well go for the rock the world :rolleyes: Whatever la. Anyway, usually they do last minute stuff of confirming. But they just started doing sunburst thing so give them time to improve lo. And economy this year isn't that good as well =)

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In a totally unrelated matter, I just found out (it's quite old news actually), that Graham Coxon has reunited with Blur ! :happy: Their first show together since 2000 will be in July 09. Wow I hope I could catch them before something happens again, they did go to S'pore in 1996! (someone here may not have been born yet :p)


Hi ;) Haha I was born in '96! :D If only my parents had good music taste...that could have been my first gig, while I was in the womb ;) Or in a stroller or something. :LOL:

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Eeee :D That certainly cheered me up, thanks for posting up the pic ;)


Hey when do you start your Singapore classes? :]


How would one usually get to Singapore from JB actually? Curious, because hey - who knows, I may just sell off my Sunburst tix and get those Coldplay Singapore tickets! I'm not sure if I have faith in Sunburst anymore :(


I started last last Monday! (9/2/09) :D

Car / Bus / Motorcycle :p


But I'm more psyched up for REVENGE.

Have I?! I HAVE!! You guys are going to be jealous when you learn of how i got mine.

My super duper awesomely cool boss paid like almost the full price for almost everyone in our office!!!!!!!!!!! And we got the $248 ones! :D:D:D:D This is the best ever lah. Jealous yet? hahaha.:p


Wow, what a nice boss!


A Singapore percussion band came to our school to perform a bit for us today!

They're called Wicked Aura Batucada



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Did you buy your Sunburst tickets yet? I have 9 to sell - if Coldplay's really not coming. Bring your friends along! lol.


I'm actually hoping I would score some free Jason Mraz tickets. Haha...


Funny, they deleted the post with that quote on the Sunburst forum!


I can't afford the $248 ones I believe... That's like half a thousand Ringgit :( No doubt I feel like I'm in need of an adventure, but I think if I'm paying that much already, I might as well fly to London and see them at Wembley or something... though that would also cost a lot haha. At least it's in a different environment though :]


So apart from Nut here, who else would be going for the Coldplay gig?


Beetlebum I bought a Graham Coxon CD for my sister's Christmas present last year. She used to make me listen to Country House, Tender etc. And of course, my favourite music video ever still goes to Blur's

. There's just something about that lovable milk carton! ;)




Debbie, I'm hoping that the pirates were pulling an early April fool's joke on us! I mean, I know I don't have much hope on that already, but ... never say never? Maybe they can get a loan from the government and pay the downpayment to get Coldplay! After all, interest rates are extremely low - plus, the Birtish pounds conversion is only £1 = RM5.3 thesedays :[


I swear, someday if I can manage to get a hold of a good music company bringing international acts in, I would ... do a much better job!


Whoa wait, why do you have so many tickets? :eek:

I just bought my Jason Mraz tickets today! the RM68 ones only though. I really wanted the RM88 ones but they were sold out :( I cant be arsed to stand in a Jason Mraz concert so yeah... RM68 it is for me. CANT WAIT WHEE. I even took home the little flier thing so that I can hang it on my wall with my Sunburst and Muse fliers too :LOL:




OMG its that Milk carton videooo!! I remember watching the video on MTV when I was a kid, I didnt know that was Blur! :eek: thank you for that videooo!!! I love that milk carton. its so cute. <333 I remember smiling to myself as a kid because I thought wah that milk carton was so cuuute! I was sad to see it 'die', but then it went to heaven with the strawberry milk and all was fine and dandy again :happy: omg Liz I thought I would never see that video again hahah.


Nah I doubt pineapple would want to borrow money from the govt. Is that common? I've never heard of any concert organizer doing that before :stunned: but then again, what do i know? haha. Maybe they could find more sponsors! No wait, let me rephrase that, they SHOULD find more sponsors. They're in deep shit right now if they dont get more quality international artists. and Coldplay is just what they need. Unfortunately, I think pineapple are too busy concentrating on Rihanna's (postponed? canceled?) gig. I highly doubt she's gonna tour again anytime soon now that she's all bruised :( I watched E today and they didnt mention anything about her going back on tour.


Lol do you really dream of owning a concert organizing agency one day? When I was buying my Mraz tickets today I actually felt like working part time there in the future, while waiting for my A levels results to come out later this year. hmmm.


Sigh..... Problems with all this music festivals is there is like almost all local artist and hardly and international artis. Like that might as well go for the rock the world Whatever la. Anyway, usually they do last minute stuff of confirming. But they just started doing sunburst thing so give them time to improve lo. And economy this year isn't that good as well =)


Yeah or campur chart. You'll still find the same kind of bands anyway. Still cant beat last year's lineup la :( Its quite unprofessional of them lor, to still have an unconfirmed lineup with the gig is a month away, and when they have already started selling tickets. Its almost as if they're damn cocky to think people would buy their tickets blindly. :\


I'm still hoping coldplay comes though :LOL: I think I'm in denial. THEY CANT SKIP MALAYSIA. THEY JUST CANT. *bawls*


Hi Haha I was born in '96! If only my parents had good music taste...that could have been my first gig, while I was in the womb Or in a stroller or something.


Eh I remember reading/hearing somewhere that Tyson Ritter was born in a rock concert! I forgot which band it was though, could be Metallica or Def Lepard (sp?) or some sort. but still, its so cool :p

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Whoa wait, why do you have so many tickets? :eek:

I just bought my Jason Mraz tickets today! the RM68 ones only though. I really wanted the RM88 ones but they were sold out :( I cant be arsed to stand in a Jason Mraz concert so yeah... RM68 it is for me. CANT WAIT WHEE. I even took home the little flier thing so that I can hang it on my wall with my Sunburst and Muse fliers too :LOL:




OMG its that Milk carton videooo!! I remember watching the video on MTV when I was a kid, I didnt know that was Blur! :eek: thank you for that videooo!!! I love that milk carton. its so cute. <333 I remember smiling to myself as a kid because I thought wah that milk carton was so cuuute! I was sad to see it 'die', but then it went to heaven with the strawberry milk and all was fine and dandy again :happy: omg Liz I thought I would never see that video again hahah.


Nah I doubt pineapple would want to borrow money from the govt. Is that common? I've never heard of any concert organizer doing that before :stunned: but then again, what do i know? haha. Maybe they could find more sponsors! No wait, let me rephrase that, they SHOULD find more sponsors. They're in deep shit right now if they dont get more quality international artists. and Coldplay is just what they need. Unfortunately, I think pineapple are too busy concentrating on Rihanna's (postponed? canceled?) gig. I highly doubt she's gonna tour again anytime soon now that she's all bruised :( I watched E today and they didnt mention anything about her going back on tour.


Lol do you really dream of owning a concert organizing agency one day? When I was buying my Mraz tickets today I actually felt like working part time there in the future, while waiting for my A levels results to come out later this year. hmmm.




Yeah or campur chart. You'll still find the same kind of bands anyway. Still cant beat last year's lineup la :( Its quite unprofessional of them lor, to still have an unconfirmed lineup with the gig is a month away, and when they have already started selling tickets. Its almost as if they're damn cocky to think people would buy their tickets blindly. :\


I'm still hoping coldplay comes though :LOL: I think I'm in denial. THEY CANT SKIP MALAYSIA. THEY JUST CANT. *bawls*




Eh I remember reading/hearing somewhere that Tyson Ritter was born in a rock concert! I forgot which band it was though, could be Metallica or Def Lepard (sp?) or some sort. but still, its so cool :p


Lol.... Yah, why so many ticket Liz? Unless you got 8 boyfriends to go with you to :eek::p Haha....Kidding!

I'm also gonna buy the 68 cause it's the cheapest XP. Hopefully it's not sold out by the time I could confirm to go =(


I also saw that milk cartoon video when I was young! It is cute but I don't like the part where he have to die la.... So sad :( :'(


I think you could do part time in all this concert organisation but you just need to know where and who to ask from. Sigh.... it is very unprofessional of them.


Debbie, don't give up hope on Coldplay coming. When I first saw the small column of news that Muse is coming to Singapore in January 2007 to play, I'm thinking, aww.... they are going to Singapore. Maybe I can go to Singapore in Jan and then suddenly a few weeks later they annouce Muse is coming to Malaysia. I literally jump up for joy but that time not that into them yet :rolleyes: =P

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Btw, Coffee & TV had the guitarist (Graham-his pix is on the milk carton) singing instead of the singer (Damon Albarn)...anyway, ahhh glad that the younger ones (wooops heh) enjoyed the video ;)


I like another video by them -

, the song sounds romantic (and another one Frenchy type- To The End)...and Morrocan influence... OK OK sorry about the Blur reminiscing :p


Oh Coldplay Coldplay...I like them, but somehow feel they're just too big, good for them (in a way), but ah well, never mind..(I dunno why I didn't go to their first gig in S'pore in 2001 - a double bill with Travis! )...Nut take lotsa awesome pix OK?


Happy for those going to Mraz, am sure you'll enjoy him! :happy:


Wow I'm in a mood for videos, this is an awesome video by Radiohead -

Random note:

also sings woooo! (That's not Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins ya...)
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eh? what PM? i didn't get any PM :(


omgosh Phil sings! and he has a great voice too! :happy: do you know that he used to be an English teacher? that's why he's always smartly dressed eh? ;) i feel like going to Brazil or Mexico this march to watch 'em. haiiihhh.. will they ever be coming here? Must. Watch. Radiohead. Live. at least once in my life!


please. tell me. what is the reason that man lying in the middle of the pavement? i've been wondering about it for years now!


i wish my pengetua would belanja me a concert tix as well! jason mraz ke or sunburst or rihana ke..

Edited by crazy_mary
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eh? what PM? i didn't get any PM :(


omgosh Phil sings! and he has a great voice too! :happy: do you know that he used to be an English teacher? that's why he's always smartly dressed eh? ;) i feel like going to Brazil or Mexico this march to watch 'em. haiiihhh.. will they ever be coming here? Must. Watch. Radiohead. Live. at least once in my life!


please. tell me. what is the reason that man lying in the middle of the pavement? i've been wondering about it for years now!


i wish my pengetua would belanja me a concert tix as well! jason mraz ke or sunburst or rihana ke..


:LOL::LOL::LOL: Ya la tu. Mimpi la kau :p

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Lol.... Yah, why so many ticket Liz? Unless you got 8 boyfriends to go with you to :eek::p Haha....Kidding!

I'm also gonna buy the 68 cause it's the cheapest XP. Hopefully it's not sold out by the time I could confirm to go =(


I also saw that milk cartoon video when I was young! It is cute but I don't like the part where he have to die la.... So sad


I think you could do part time in all this concert organisation but you just need to know where and who to ask from. Sigh.... it is very unprofessional of them.


Debbie, don't give up hope on Coldplay coming. When I first saw the small column of news that Muse is coming to Singapore in January 2007 to play, I'm thinking, aww.... they are going to Singapore. Maybe I can go to Singapore in Jan and then suddenly a few weeks later they annouce Muse is coming to Malaysia. I literally jump up for joy but that time not that into them yet :rolleyes: =P


Eh yeah! I was like that for Muse too. I even bought my Singapore tickets already then when they announced their M'sian gig here I was suuuuuuuuuper happy :D


But ala, Sunburst is in a month and no update yet. I'm losing hope pretty quickly :(


Either I work in a concert organising agency or I work at a music store lah. whichever i might enjoy more. I think i'll enjoy working part time at a music store more haha. can get discount on CDs methink :D


Btw, Coffee & TV had the guitarist (Graham-his pix is on the milk carton) singing instead of the singer (Damon Albarn)...anyway, ahhh glad that the younger ones (wooops heh) enjoyed the video ;)


I like another video by them -

, the song sounds romantic (and another one Frenchy type- To The End)...and Morrocan influence... OK OK sorry about the Blur reminiscing :p


Oh Coldplay Coldplay...I like them, but somehow feel they're just too big, good for them (in a way), but ah well, never mind..(I dunno why I didn't go to their first gig in S'pore in 2001 - a double bill with Travis! )...Nut take lotsa awesome pix OK?


Happy for those going to Mraz, am sure you'll enjoy him! :happy:


Wow I'm in a mood for videos, this is an awesome video by Radiohead -

Random note:

also sings woooo! (That's not Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins ya...)


haha good to know! The guitarist looks a bit like the lead singer from Weezer. :eek:


Eh I saw that video before! I dont remember who asked me to watch it, but I remember being veeeery creeped out by the video haha. I'm talking about Radiohead's Just video btw :D

you know despite how creepy the video is, i still cant help but wonder, WHAT ON EARTH DID HE SAY?!?!?!? :p





Oh, and on a seperate note!


Incubus released a new video on youtube a few days ago, for us to catch up on what they've been doing lately.


I love Incubus la :LOL: they're so funny <33




I had no idea Mike went to Harvard! I dont even know if its true or not, but if it is, WOW. impressive!

and Jose's daughter looks sooo cute awww :happy:

Edited by mynameisdebbie
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Aida - My colleague went for the Travis-Coldplay show and he only paid $40+ for the cheapest tix! At that time he was wondering why Coldplay opened for Travis. When Travis finally came on, he knew why. ;)

I'll be seated for Coldplay so I'll definitely have a chance to take steady shots! I hope!


Debbie: Thanks for that Incubus vid. How i wish Muse would do something like that lol. I am so excited about the new album.. cuz i can't wait for them to tour again.:D I'm thinking this time if they do another Asian tour, i'll go for Sg, KL and Jakarta mwahahahahaa.

About your temp job, working in a CD shop don't look like it's as fun as it should be. That's what i can tell from the crew at HMV, at least.


Have you guys heard that Matthew Bellamy co-composed a movie score for The International.


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:LOL::LOL::LOL: Ya la tu. Mimpi la kau :p


mimpi bole jd kenyataan beb! :p:LOL: but ok la.. reality check. kemungkinan for my pengetua to belanja me tengok konsert rock is like me marrying Dom la kan.. haha.


Eh I saw that video before! I dont remember who asked me to watch it, but I remember being veeeery creeped out by the video haha. I'm talking about Radiohead's Just video btw :D

you know despite how creepy the video is, i still cant help but wonder, WHAT ON EARTH DID HE SAY?!?!?!? :p





Oh, and on a seperate note!


Incubus released a new video on youtube a few days ago, for us to catch up on what they've been doing lately.


I love Incubus la :LOL: they're so funny <33




I had no idea Mike went to Harvard! I dont even know if its true or not, but if it is, WOW. impressive!

and Jose's daughter looks sooo cute awww :happy:


oh come on. Just is not creepy! weird a bit la but not CREEPy heh.. some info about the vid:

Now this one has got to be the greatest music video ever made. If there's one question asked more than anything else, it's "what the hell does that guy say at the end of the video for 'Just'?" The answer: nobody but the band knows, and they're not budging.


The video focusses on the subtitles of this bloke who decides he'd like to lie flat in the middle of the pavement for no apparent reason. Towards the end, the subtitles are cut as the bloke lets his secret loose... but just what does he say?


Nobody knows what the mans says at the end, and there is no use asking as the band have said that they are never going to reveal the answer. Jamie Thraves, the director, has said, "To tell you would deaden the impact, and would probably make you want to lie down in the road too."


The band play in a flat located in London near Liverpool Street Station (the location for the whole video).[/Quote]


i think House of Cards vid is brilliant too.:happy:


i love that Incubus video too! brandon with his mustache and his dog. he's really funny la. Jose's tender moments with his daughter was really sweet.. Jose <3.

There is a rumour that Mike is studying Music Composition and Human Evolutionary Biology Science at Harvard.


Debbie: Thanks for that Incubus vid. How i wish Muse would do something like that lol. I am so excited about the new album.. cuz i can't wait for them to tour again.:D I'm thinking this time if they do another Asian tour, i'll go for Sg, KL and Jakarta mwahahahahaa.

About your temp job, working in a CD shop don't look like it's as fun as it should be. That's what i can tell from the crew at HMV, at least.


Have you guys heard that Matthew Bellamy co-composed a movie score for The International.



ooooh.. me wanna do the same thing. if Muse do another Asian tour, i would definitely try to go the neighbouring countries to see 'em. but it all depends on the dates la kan. can only go if it's during the school hols.


i got an e-mail from muselive about that! really nice. :happy::happy:


Sunburst: huge possibility that Coldplay are not coming for sunburst. they've updated the lineup and Korn are coming meh..:indiff:

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Eh Liz, is this your list?


LOL omg it is! Travis' Turn a dead give away that was me? Heh.. I was bored one night, decided to randomly write a Top 11 that I last listened. Hahaha! I thought it was a secluded thing. What a half embarrassing list :$:D That's still pretty cool though that they're spreading the love! I actually had a little email conversation with April Kuan, the awesome lady behind JUNK! (She was also in the Nokia release thing last year in Singapore when Lifehouse played for the private show!! Had the privilege to talk to Jason Wade I bet.) Too bad JUNK already hired a 6-month intern and also they didn't want an accountant to be added to the list :( I certainly wouldn't be slaving off with audit work right now. Hrmmm.


KORN!? Sorry, I'm selling my 11 tickets off. (No, it's not for my 8 boyfriends Joelyn lol, it's 10! Haha! :LOL: ) Any takers? (the tickets, that is.. ;) )


That Incubus update totally put a smile to my face! Awww, I love how candid all of them were!


As for the taste of symphonic monster - waaahh the cellos are to die for at certain parts! It reminded me at first as something off The Dark Knight but then as it became more apparent that the whole thing has a life of its own, a little more futuristic at parts I daresay (must be Matt's kerja :) ) the ending could've been more dramatic but I also like that it has a gradual ending so no complains there I suppose :]


Last but not least, before I get some rest...








You guys are the best bunch of fun-filled fans and friends in a community, even for the ones I have met offline ;) Here's hoping we'll all celebrate plenty of anniversaries to come together! :D

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