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Did someone just mentioned James McAvoy? gosh, i think i'm in love with him right now hehe :$.. i saw him in Becoming Jane recently on cinemax and oh boy he's one attractive lad. Anne Hathaway (sp??) is really disappointing as Jane Austen but McAvoy on the other hand.. fuh.. super byronic hero. he reminds me of Lord Byron in the movie. :happy: someone, please educate me about him haha..


wah.. nice. good to know that there's more GG fans here. i've finished watching the 7th season like a month ago and i don't like the ending at all since it's the final, FINAL epsiode. i like Lorelai with Christopher and Logan with Rory. i like Jess too but after Heroes become so big, i don't want Rory to get back with him haha... Logan is perfect for her la in my opinion. i think i like Logan coz of the fact that i don't have to feel guilty for finding him as very attractive coz in real life he's actually older than me! haha.. but back to the topic, the ending sucks. well, for me la kan coz am sure a lot of people like Luke. ;) dunno why, Dean reminds me of Brandon (Incubus).


aww Liz, i hope you'll adjust soon. it is tough when you first start working but give it some time. am sure you'll get used to it after a few weeks. work does suck unless your work is being the drummer of Muse or something like that heh.. for me, i like to 'decorate' my table in the staff room with posters and lyrics of songs or even some poems. currently i have Muse's Bangkok and Mogwai posters on my table with a poem by Coleridge. i dunno why but those two posters always help me to feel happy in school haha.. i could care less what other teachers say about my table but my table is my sanctuary in school man :LOL:


Coldplay. 3rd time in Singapore right? how many times have they been to Malaysia? :indiff::wtf:

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Who's going for Kaiser Chiefs btw? Aside from Tee ;)


:p Are you going to be there too?


Yeah I love Adam Brody!!! akjd;slfjdakjas;dlsa. Even in The OC he was my favourite, he pwns Ryan :p I was so sad to see him leave GG for some reason that I forgot. I still remember this scene where he was trying to get Lane's mum to accept him. She quoted something to him and he read the Bible multiple times before telling her that he couldn't find that quote :chuckle: I remember him looking reaaaaaaally exhausted.


:eek: FELLOW BRODY FAN! God, I was sooooo obsessed with him when I was eight. :facepalm:

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Gilmore Girls


Er, I've got all the seasons up till the big Finale (which made me cry). Bought the whole thing in Batu Feringghi, for RM4 per DVD.

Boy, it seems that Penang really is the place to get all the DVDs at the cheapest price! I would love to get the first season of Veronica Mars!



On the GG topic,

I didnt really like Jess, I dont want to reveal any spoilers. He seems sweet and stuff but... meh, I ended up not liking him.

Dean too actually. See this is why I love the earlier seasons so much, everything is all happy and clean and stuff, but towards the end of the series I dont like how things go anymore


hey who knows maybe Gilmore Girls could be your 'thing' that makes your job less mundane and monotonous. :) I know for me, watching Gilmore Girls always makes me feel happy. Maybe thats why I've been more chirpier these days


Yeah I love Adam Brody!!! akjd;slfjdakjas;dlsa. Even in The OC he was my favourite, he pwns Ryan. I was so sad to see him leave GG for some reason that I forgot. I still remember this scene where he was trying to get Lane's mum to accept him. She quoted something to him and he read the Bible multiple times before telling her that he couldn't find that quote :chuckle: I remember him looking reaaaaaaally exhausted.


I love rory/dean moments, no matter how sappy/corny/cheesy they are :happy: you know to be honest I wasn't really a fan of Luke


and you know, you could imagine yourself living in a Gilmore Girls fantasy if it helps you get through the day

GG fantasy? Like dating Dean? lol! :p


I'm a spoiler whore and I can't help but wiki stuff usually - so fret not about spoilers because, I've already read about who Rory and Lorelai will end up with...! XD


I love that Adam Brody wears a pair of chucks all the time :D I actually sat through painful hours of watching The OC just because of him. Seth & Summer were so cute together! Couldn't really care much for Ryan/Marissa even though I suppose they were the "main" couple...? Something a little Muse related - while queueing up for the 20(30?)% off tickets for Muse two years back, I actually bought a magazine that had Adam Brody in the cover to read while waiting in line ;]


What were you guys doing when you queued up? I think I remember Faz being numero uno and she refused to let people cut queue lol ;) Kudos to you for that btw (albeit late)!!





Btw, I saw this and it made me lol.








Kaito as in KAITO NAKAMURA?! :O! :LOL:







Sympathies (empathy?) to Liz, welcome to the working world babe. Good visuals there, saying u feel like McAvoy's "Office Space" experience in Wanted. Sooo enjoyable la the concept in that film.


All I can say is you have to find some kind of pleasure in your work, a sense of purpose to it. Otherwise you'd be frustrated and drained everyday. If that's the case, (and if you're not solely about the money), then you're better off doing something else u actually like.


And like Deb said, fantasising sometimes helps, whatever helps u through the day la. Mine's imagining (on my way to Court) that I'm going to some medieval battle, getting all pumped by blasting KOC. 300 la tu konon.

Wembley KOC or album KOC? lol eitherway, that's certainly one way to get all pumped up! I pity the other side of lawyers who would have to go against a pumped-and-Mused-up you in Court :LOL: Too bad my work requires a total cubicle-d life though.



aww Liz, i hope you'll adjust soon. it is tough when you first start working but give it some time. am sure you'll get used to it after a few weeks. work does suck unless your work is being the drummer of Muse or something like that heh.. for me, i like to 'decorate' my table in the staff room with posters and lyrics of songs or even some poems. currently i have Muse's Bangkok and Mogwai posters on my table with a poem by Coleridge. i dunno why but those two posters always help me to feel happy in school haha.. i could care less what other teachers say about my table but my table is my sanctuary in school man :LOL:

Lol i love that you decorate your table! That was the first thing I wanted to do - to personalize my little own cubicle/space so that I enjoy my workplace. My sister told me not to do that though - for some reason :( She says it's not exactly the right place for me to talk about music and concerts and F1 to my colleagues since I'm a total newbie. So right now, while you have awesome posters, lyrics and poems pinned up, I only have my signed Ash phoenix and a Mogwai newspaper cutting in my file to keep me happy... And also Tolkein's The Hobbit in my bag because who knows, I might just lock myself in the pantry and read the book for about 10 minutes if I get really irked lol.





Did someone just mentioned James McAvoy? gosh, i think i'm in love with him right now hehe :$.. i saw him in Becoming Jane recently on cinemax and oh boy he's one attractive lad. Anne Hathaway (sp??) is really disappointing as Jane Austen but McAvoy on the other hand.. fuh.. super byronic hero. he reminds me of Lord Byron in the movie. :happy: someone, please educate me about him haha..

Why yes, James McAvoy was the reason I watched Wanted. I was extremely curious as to how the faun in Narnia (Mr Tumnus!) would turn out as an (almost) ordinary person without hoofs. Haha. I wish I caught Becoming Jane! I've never heard about Anne Hathaway's attempt of being Jane Austen until the newspaper printed a small column for it! James was also an absolute dear in Penelope! Always a joy to watch him :happy:





Coldplay. 3rd time in Singapore right? how many times have they been to Malaysia?:wtf:

Grrr indeed!




Are you going to be there too?

Lol I wishh =[

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Wow the best part of the Grammys for me was blink-182's reunion announcement. I COULDN'T BELIEVE MY EARS. I couldn't care less about the rap artists...they're shit in my opinion.


Radiohead was a plus of course :) Adele was great.


And I was cringing during the Jonasal Bros performance with Stevie Wonder...how could they put a bunch of nasly idiots together with a legend? Sorry for any JoBros fans out there...I just think that they belong on a Disney stage and CERTAINLY NOT the Grammys stage.


WHAT? Blink 182 reunited?? I didn't watch the Grammys, but WHAT?? WOWWW THAT IS NICE. But I'm still angry at Tom. :stunned:


Lol, JoNASAL. Always feel like slapping/strangling the singer when I listen to him. :LOL:



Aaaah I didn't know u guys are GG fans as well.Guess it suits my age, but Lorelai is the most amazing female TV character ever! Plus I loved the fact she's a coffee addict, like me ;). Best thing about GG is the scorchingly smart, pop culture ridden bullet-speed dialogue, which used to drive my ex-bf nuts, hahaha! *evil laughter*


About the Dean vs Jess argument, yeah my sister used to be annoyed that I preferred Jess :LOL:. Can't help it, misunderstood supposed bad boy who's into literature / punk rock and is as smart as Rory? Damn irresistable. Yeah Deb he is kind of a jerk, but he comes good at the end, there's be some manner of closure with their relatioship later, Oops spoiler!


But Dean was the perfect first love in the beginning, yeah. Aaaw such a sweet teenage boy actually building a car for Rory. But I get it la, Alexis Bledel is just the most beautiful teenage actress I've ever seen, and her character's bookishness is endearing. Other than the great dynamics with Lorelai, I loved her relationship with Luke.


To cap it all off, this show has the most eclectic selection of music I've ever heard (Belle & Sebastian, etc). Mmm must hunt down the soundtrack.




Since everyone's tired with work/school/angry at concert organizers/pissed, here's something to cheer us all up -





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Blink are reuniting? :eek:


And to anybody that has been to gigs at Fort Canning before: what time do you usually have to go to see soundcheck?






Sorry. If you can't tell, I'm a blink fan.


Aaah watching All the Small Things brings back so much memories...that video is HILARIOUS

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Since everyone's tired with work/school/angry at concert organizers/pissed, here's something to cheer us all up -





Eeee :D That certainly cheered me up, thanks for posting up the pic ;)


Hey when do you start your Singapore classes? :]


How would one usually get to Singapore from JB actually? Curious, because hey - who knows, I may just sell off my Sunburst tix and get those Coldplay Singapore tickets! I'm not sure if I have faith in Sunburst anymore :(


And to anybody that has been to gigs at Fort Canning before: what time do you usually have to go to see soundcheck?

I think it was about ... 2pm when I noticed 3 figures dressed in black on stage. Ash were around the area for a good 2 hours or more. I still can't quite believe they played a

for us..! The best part was that the fence/barricade wasn't up yet at that time, so I think Tim/Rick/Mark were a litttle worried we might just climb up the amps and run to them on stage... hahaha. No lah, we'll never do that. They looked so relaxed and Tim even had time to scratch his back during Twilight of the Innoncents :LOL:
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and also an 8 year old boy broke his ribs because he was in the front row for the Muse Singapore concert! :eek:




Sorry to turn this thread into a girlie thread, but ...





Look at those arms..! And hands! :D



Have you guys seen the trailer to Xmen Origins: Wolverine?


That, is none other than the actor(Taylor Kitsch) who'll be playing Gambit! My favourite X-men character of all times! Although I do have a soft spot for Cyclops as well, but for some reason Jubilee and Gambit were always my favourite mutants :)


I'm getting rather pumped up for the movie, which opens May 1st. :D I'm even more excited about Gambit's appearance in the movie. This guy is certainly contributing a LOT of hand porn only from the trailer...








Sorry if that all seemed rather shallow. Had to find a reason to look forward to May before heading back to work again tmrw!

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What were you guys doing when you queued up? I think I remember Faz being numero uno and she refused to let people cut queue lol ;) Kudos to you for that btw (albeit late)!!




Why yes, James McAvoy was the reason I watched Wanted. I was extremely curious as to how the faun in Narnia (Mr Tumnus!) would turn out as an (almost) ordinary person without hoofs. Haha. I wish I caught Becoming Jane! I've never heard about Anne Hathaway's attempt of being Jane Austen until the newspaper printed a small column for it! James was also an absolute dear in Penelope! Always a joy to watch him :happy:


haha.. well, i was there by 11 am. naturally, i was really annoyed when people tried to cut que. if they want to be one of the first to buy the tickets they should've made an effort to get there early :phu::LOL: Von and i were listening to Showbiz and eating some fries while we were waiting. aaahhhhh.. the memories!:(


do watch Becoming Jane, Liz! would love to know your thoughts about the film. for me, it was quite disappointing. it was more like Pride and Prejudice rather than an autobiography of Jane Austen. and btw,i didn't know James McAvoy was Mr Tumnus! haha..


and are you really going to singapore for Coldplay? the tickets are expensive eh? maybe you can sell yr sunburst tix to me then? ;):p


oh and Nut, have you got yr Coldplay tix?


Since everyone's tired with work/school/angry at concert organizers/pissed, here's something to cheer us all up -




AAWWWWWWHHHHHH! :happy: i love Lemoheads too, Chris! well, used to.


Ha, I got front row for Motley when I came at 6. :LOL: But Kaisers tickets have already sold a lot more than Motley tickets all together it seems, so....:stunned: And I heard for Muse people started lining up at like, 4 am or something hahaha.


woot! muse fans are a very dedicated bunch of people haha! i would be at the std before 4 am if it was for Radiohead. heck, i think i'll camp out at the std if they do come here for a concert after stalking them at the airport! oh yes, i am OBSESSED when it comes to RH! :LOL:


have fun at the concert you lucky, lucky you!


on other news, rumour has it that Battles are coming here for a concert!:eek: damn, am just too old for Battles.:(

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I would line up at midnight, two days before the gig for Radiohead. :D Haha....does that make me a freak? :stunned:

Thanks, I will! :D Might see Dragonforce two days later as well, ahhh :D

Too old? Don't be ridiculous! Bahhh I have to miss Mosaic Fest. :(

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UGH I'm pretty sure Coldplay aint coming to Sunburst anymore :( So disappointed. I feel like selling my tickets. My friend wants to sell his tickets with me too. Anyone interested? haha :D (I still have this nagging hope in me that maybe, just maybe, COLDPLAY MIGHT COME. Its clouding up my judgement lately, ugh)


I just finished reading HP's Prisoner of Azkaban, I would do anything to get that Time Turner Hermione uses right now, so that I can go to class AND go for Coldplay at Singapore! :LOL::mad:

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I'm getting rather pumped up for the movie, which opens May 1st. :D I'm even more excited about Gambit's appearance in the movie. This guy is certainly contributing a LOT of hand porn only from the trailer...


Oh Wolverine looks like it's going to be EPIC!!! Can't wait for it too! Awesome that they're gona have Gambit. FINALLY.


But I'm more psyched up for REVENGE.


oh and Nut, have you got yr Coldplay tix?


Have I?! I HAVE!! You guys are going to be jealous when you learn of how i got mine.

My super duper awesomely cool boss paid like almost the full price for almost everyone in our office!!!!!!!!!!! And we got the $248 ones! :D:D:D:D This is the best ever lah. Jealous yet? hahaha.:p


I would line up at midnight, two days before the gig for Radiohead. :D Haha....does that make me a freak? :stunned:

Thanks, I will! :D Might see Dragonforce two days later as well, ahhh :D

Too old? Don't be ridiculous! Bahhh I have to miss Mosaic Fest. :(


That makes the both of us freaks. I would do the same if i knew someone else willing to do it hahahaha. Oh wow you might watch Dragonforce. ;)

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Oh Wolverine looks like it's going to be EPIC!!! Can't wait for it too! Awesome that they're gona have Gambit. FINALLY.


But I'm more psyched up for REVENGE.




Have I?! I HAVE!! You guys are going to be jealous when you learn of how i got mine.

My super duper awesomely cool boss paid like almost the full price for almost everyone in our office!!!!!!!!!!! And we got the $248 ones! :D:D:D:D This is the best ever lah. Jealous yet? hahaha.:p




That makes the both of us freaks. I would do the same if i knew someone else willing to do it hahahaha. Oh wow you might watch Dragonforce. ;)


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I assume ur being rhetorical... Yeah i was really surprised too lah. It's a very good thing he likes to do charity lol.

Well I actually wasn't, but now that I've re-read my message it looks rather inappropriate so yeah, I choose to be rhetorical now haha. But really.. wow. I wish my future boss is as generous as yours! :eek: good on you! :happy:

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That makes the both of us freaks. I would do the same if i knew someone else willing to do it hahahaha. Oh wow you might watch Dragonforce. ;)


I've never been to a gig with somebody. :( I have friends....just not gig buddies. :'( Haha, I'm such a lonerrr. :p I would do the same for Franz Ferdinand. :yesey:

Yeh...I hope....:/

Ah, nice boss! :eek: What row will you be in?

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Well I actually wasn't, but now that I've re-read my message it looks rather inappropriate so yeah, I choose to be rhetorical now haha. But really.. wow. I wish my future boss is as generous as yours! :eek: good on you! :happy:


LOL ok. But i don mind answering anyway! I work as a motion designer in a post-production company. It's a small private company so that's why my boss could afford to pay for the 9 of us that are going. And thank you!


I've never been to a gig with somebody. :( I have friends....just not gig buddies. :'( Haha, I'm such a lonerrr. :p I would do the same for Franz Ferdinand. :yesey:

Yeh...I hope....:/

Ah, nice boss! :eek: What row will you be in?


Haha you should make friends with whoever happens to be beside you then! It's fun making new friends at gigs. I think our seats are on the right side, from Chris Martin's point of view. I'm a tiny-weeny little disappointed that they didn't get the free-standing ones, but oh well! You can't ask for more, can you? Did you go for the last Franz Ferdinand gig here?

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That's what I do. :LOL: I'm probably going with someone this time though. -dances-

Indoor Stadium has free a standing area? Pff...Esplanade Concert Hall sucks, then. :p

Nope, I didn't. :( I had school, and I was like...9? Or something....so my mother said no. :rolleyes:

Lovefoxxx from CSS will be DJing in Singapore in March! :eek: Damn school....I hope she comes here.

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Hello, can't resist to drop by to say I am jealous of u Nut!! :eek:

So nice of your boss!!


I won't be going to Coldplay's S'pore gig :( Sunburst? Lost hope alredi


Ooooh I didn't know Franz went to S'pore last time....hope they'll come again, just got their new album - Tonight- going to listen now :happy:


On another note, here's a Radiohead Japanese gig poster - see the note says there no jumping, no moshing, no crowd surfing...they must be very polite gig goers ;)


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