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Only 7 months left or so til we listen to new Muse materials!! Weee! :D


Ah, can't read up on all the previous posts now, but this I have to say:


Pineapple Concerts, what in the world are you doing? While you may say that you are leading Malaysia and taking a step forward into a world of music festivals and such - I simply cannot believe that your launch event was nothing but a total confusion (at least for me) and what in the world was up with the announcement of your line up?! Have you not learned a thing or two from your counterparts like the people who run SingFest? When Travis jumped on the wagon that they'll be performing, the PRs immediately got to work. This happened months, I repeat, months before the actual Singfest date.


I am certainly hoping for their sake, that this is certainly not just a ploy to release information about Coldplay's coming to Malaysia after the early bird period. Could it be that Coldplay's simply a rumour to get things going? The people my sister and I talked to last night confirmed to us that Coldplay would indeed be playing Sunburst next month. How much of that is true?


Well, we trust them enough to buy the early bird tickets at the event last night. Worst thing that could happen? Chris Martin and gang for some reason can't fly out from their Auckland gig (March 19th) in time for their Saturday show. If that so happens, well then N.E.R.D fans perk your heads up, I'm willing to sell my tickets!

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Oh dear what a mess ! Coldplay / Prodigy still not confirmed, am not buying the tickets. No confirmed dates on both their official websites.

Btw Prodigy’s site is cool heh…find the right doors!

I doubt Prodigy will be coming though, from their gig dates, 15th Mar they’ll be in Paris, next one 26th Mar in New York. They already finished their Asian leg of their tour Feb 5th in Tokyo..

Cool that Nut to got to watch them. Still waiting for Nut’s pix!


Better watch for Radiohead & Coldplay on TV instead this Monday, 9am for the Grammy Awards. Radiohead will be performing wooot!!!

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i have to disagree with ya there about the Killers. i think their new album sounds quite different from their previous Sam's Town or even Hot Fuss. perhaps the synth heavy sound is still there in Human and other songs which i just can't remember the title of but i think the band sounds different now. but i still prefer Sam's Town.


omg yeah.. the healing drumbeat! Nonoor, i forgot to quote u on that!


i think Dom looked good in the video.


i should be sleeping now. was really excited about sunburst but what a disappointment now.


Lol.... Day and Age does sound different from Bones or All the things that I've Done or Read my mind. But it still have that old fashion rock feeling to it. I thought they change their style from that :stunned: But nevertheless it's still worth listening :)


Do you have Sunburst list? of who is playing? and what is the date? :$



Bu ke qi.


Lol.... Is it Pu yau ker chi, bu ke qi, or pu ker chi? there seems to be so many variations:LOL:


Only 7 months left or so til we listen to new Muse materials!! Weee!


Ah, can't read up on all the previous posts now, but this I have to say:


Pineapple Concerts, what in the world are you doing? While you may say that you are leading Malaysia and taking a step forward into a world of music festivals and such - I simply cannot believe that your launch event was nothing but a total confusion (at least for me) and what in the world was up with the announcement of your line up?! Have you not learned a thing or two from your counterparts like the people who run SingFest? When Travis jumped on the wagon that they'll be performing, the PRs immediately got to work. This happened months, I repeat, months before the actual Singfest date.


I am certainly hoping for their sake, that this is certainly not just a ploy to release information about Coldplay's coming to Malaysia after the early bird period. Could it be that Coldplay's simply a rumour to get things going? The people my sister and I talked to last night confirmed to us that Coldplay would indeed be playing Sunburst next month. How much of that is true?


Well, we trust them enough to buy the early bird tickets at the event last night. Worst thing that could happen? Chris Martin and gang for some reason can't fly out from their Auckland gig (March 19th) in time for their Saturday show. If that so happens, well then N.E.R.D fans perk your heads up, I'm willing to sell my tickets!


Lol.... Liz, better not hope too much on Muse releasing in September in case they are late like the blizzard group(Warcraft company) Just cross our fingers and hope they release it by this year :D


Hmmmm..... Do you realise it, that Malaysia have the tendency to announce concert event quite last minute. The earliest is like 2 and a half month before the concert event itself while in overseas, they announce it like half a year before the concert itself. Maybe that's why most of the concert isn't really filled up or have enough audience.

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Ishh.... I'm really quite pissed with some of the forum members. I dunno why the hell do they want to blame everything on Stephanie Meyers just because she thanks Muse in the acknowledgment which is why a lot of people now got to know who is Muse. It's not like she is the one who commands those bobby people to post stuff on you tube like, twilight makes SMBH sounds better or I love Muse cause twilight played SMBH! Come on! She can't control which of her fans can like Muse or not or what they says.


And exactly how much media bothers to play Muse materials cause they are not so called "pop" songs or mainstream songs! Stephanie Meyer is like letting people know Muse and those who are into this type of genre in the end will love Muse. We might hear a lot of artist actually praised or said that the one who influence them into the music industry is another artist but how many authors bother to write all this? I believe she might be the first one and only one.


And I think some of them are possessive of Muse. Who are they to say who have the right to like or not to like Muse? They don't own them! And honestly when my best friend(she doesn't really like Muse cause they sound a bit weird to her and I hog her on and on about Muse :p That part is partially my fault =P ) told me that Stephanie Meyers written something about Muse in the acknowledgment and I'm so excited when I heard it. I can even throw back at my friends face when she said something bad about Muse(she's just teasing me la) that Stephanie Meyers love Muse, you see! And she got nothing to say. Lol


Whatever it is, Stephanie Meyers is just doing what most of us(the obsessed fans) are doing, just doing it on a bigger scale .




So sorry on my big fat rant! They just make me sakit hati only whenever I read their post

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The Prodigy pics. Beware, the resolution is huge.




When i walked in, everyone was listening to the opening act, DJ Heavy G. How i wish Muse fans were like this so i can stroll to the front lol.



When they finally started, we were stuck in a long Q at the back to get some drinks for our friend. After Breathe, Maxim said, "You guys at the back, wrong time to get a drink."



Scary Keith Flint



"I want everybody to put their hands up!" Maxim said.



"I'm the Firestarta, and i gut ta take a loada!"



After show shot of the pinky drum. The guy on the left is Ryan, my imaginary friend.



The roadies packing it up, time for kopi at Starbucks!




The ant that made the Prodigy famous.






Yep I'm disappointed about the uncertainty of Coldplay performing too.


If they're confirmed, The Prodigy are pretty worth it. You'll never watch a live show like theirs anywhere.

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Lol.... Is it Pu yau ker chi, bu ke qi, or pu ker chi? there seems to be so many variations:LOL:


In Mandarin it's bu ke qi. Bu yau ke qi (or pu yau ker chi, that's Hokkien?) would be 'don't want problems' instead of 'no problem.' Pu ker chi might be the Hokkien version. Probably is. :LOL:

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Yeh lah Aida i loved the stage set up! It just feels like they're invading us lol. Dono if that made sense.:p I love how they have menacing eyes as part of the lights. And the strobe lighting attached to the keyboard stands were awesome. Made the rave party more "RAD!" as my friend would put it lol.




Worlds on Fire (New one)

Their Law


Omen (New one)


Warrior's Dance


Run (New one)

Voodoo People

Comanche (New one)

Invaders Must Die (Rad new one)

Diesel Power

Smack My Bitch Up

Take Me to the Hospital (Very nice new one)

Out Of Space


It was so short lah. Anyway you can check out PROPER beautiful pics and the gig review @ http://www.mtvasia.com/Review/Event/E20090206001763.html




Wow good find about the Radiohead article!!! OMG it's tmr can't wait! Looks like it's gona be quite epic! With the marching band, it reminds me of Sigur Ros on the Heima DVD which had a marching band as well.

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Joelyn, the list is here still no Coldplay there today. maybe they're not coming? am just not too sure. to be honest, i don't really care coz i don't fancy them that much heh..


my sister who likes Westlife and all those 'pop'y stuff loves Day and Age!:LOL: but i don't actually like it haha..


i have to agree with yr rant. not Meyer's fault.


wow Nut, great pictures! :awesome: scary la the stage. speaking of sigur ros, i just bought their latest album and i freaking love it! :awesome:


please don't hate me, but i just don't like the idea of Radiohead performing at the grammys. :noey: i don't want them to be like Coldplay and i prefer 'em to be under the radar :(


oh btw Liz, i remember reading at junkonline about that CM cd store you were talking about. i heard that Music Magic is in bangsar now but dunno exactly where la.

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Joelyn, yeah I know what you mean about Steph Meyer. Its not like she expected Twilight to be such a hit, and if I were a successful author like herself I would want Muse to be in my movie adaptation too! In fact I'd want ALL their songs to be in my movie hahaha.


But I doubt she expected her movie to be like, such a huge teeny bopper phenomenon. The Muse fans (who didnt like Muse because of Twilight) would be bummed to know that Muse is getting so much teeny bopper recognition, of course they'd throw a fit. I know I kinda did. I didn't like the fact that a whole bunch of new Twihards are all over Muse juuuuuust because Steph Meyer is into them. They're not liking Muse for their music, but only for the fact that Steph Meyer loves em. If some of them DO like Muse for their music, then good on them! But those who dont, then that just sucks. Its not Steph Meyer's fault that she's so into Muse and that she's so successful she's created a whole new group of Muse-liking Twihards.


Aiya, I'm rambling. Someone shut me up now.


Only 7 months left or so til we listen to new Muse materials!! Weee! :D


Ah, can't read up on all the previous posts now, but this I have to say:


Pineapple Concerts, what in the world are you doing? While you may say that you are leading Malaysia and taking a step forward into a world of music festivals and such - I simply cannot believe that your launch event was nothing but a total confusion (at least for me) and what in the world was up with the announcement of your line up?! Have you not learned a thing or two from your counterparts like the people who run SingFest? When Travis jumped on the wagon that they'll be performing, the PRs immediately got to work. This happened months, I repeat, months before the actual Singfest date.


I am certainly hoping for their sake, that this is certainly not just a ploy to release information about Coldplay's coming to Malaysia after the early bird period. Could it be that Coldplay's simply a rumour to get things going? The people my sister and I talked to last night confirmed to us that Coldplay would indeed be playing Sunburst next month. How much of that is true?


Well, we trust them enough to buy the early bird tickets at the event last night. Worst thing that could happen? Chris Martin and gang for some reason can't fly out from their Auckland gig (March 19th) in time for their Saturday show. If that so happens, well then N.E.R.D fans perk your heads up, I'm willing to sell my tickets!


Plus fucking one.


I am SO pissed off at Pineapple concerts now. I mean, dah la they're daring enough to start selling tickets even before the line up was fucking announced, but NOW they want to announce only ONE freakin international artist? If we wanted to watch Local Artists, there's stuff like Campur Chart and RTW already, we dont need an overpriced music festival to watch them at some muddy park with filthy toilets and overpriced food.


Fucking hell.

I am SO disappointed with Pineapple ARHGHGHASDLFKA. Freakin unreliable assfreaks.


... I'm still gonna get my ticket anyway. I'm hoping that this is just a marketing gimmick for us Coldplay fans to wait til they're confirmed, which is probably going to be announced conveniently after the early bird promotion. Damn 'em lousy unreliable greedy shitbags. *grumble grumble*. (not coldplay, they're awesome. its the pineapple people who are greedy lousy shitbags). I just hope that Coldplay really IS coming, no matter what. Because thats how much I want to see them. If they're not coming, I'll be selling my tickets too. Hopefully someone would want to buy them la. Hopefully.



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aiseh, i have to pay RM200 now if i wanna go to sunburst this year!:(


anyone checked out the grammys? i have no one who will layan me going giddy over Radiohead so am just gonna post it here. I love Thom's new hair and shoes! sitting through the jonas brothers and miley cyrus was really worth it eventhough there was only Jonny and Thom. i only wish the camera would focus more on Thom's dancing than the band!

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The Sunburst organisers are really bad at what they're supposed to do PERIOD. But i seriously hope Coldplay are really gona come.


Kak Faz i'm watching the video right now. Didn't watch it live due to the fact that i'm already at work. Can't believe Thom Yorke is dancing so much lol. RADIOHEAD>Muse.


Nah just kidding!! :p

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Nah just kidding!! :p


pray do tell me what does that mean? is it RH better than Muse or the other way around? :$

i've never been good in Maths. if it wasn't becoz of my awesome form five Maths teacher's patience in tutoring me i think i would've failed.


Thom's dancing is brilliant man. way better than seeing Chris Martin's belly i reckon.


sorry. i do like Coldplay.

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">" means greater than in Maths terms. You can say it also means "better than"!

How i remember what the "<" and ">" signs mean, is imagining the size of the mouths of the signs. Like for "Radiohead>Muse": Radiohead is on the left side of the sign, which has a bigger opening, hence it's greater than.


I SERIOUSLY HOPE I MADE SENSE cuz i think i wouldn't understand a single thing if i had no clue lol.

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You're not alone there Faz, I've watched them 4 times already! (3 times on TV & once on You Tube yikes!)


So are u glad or not they performed at the Grammys? I'm confused myself, but I surely can't get enough of them rite now! Jonny himself is confused, read here


Yeah yeah I love Thom's dancing too haha!


Haha yeah lol about Chris' urm, short ripped shirt, & his wife introducing Radiohead instead of Coldplay heh :p


Just another appreciation of Radiohead,

's a clip of Bangers & Mash where Thom played drums!


Oh yes Nut, your theory made sense :)


Btw, I remember someone asking for recommendations on Mogwai, their latest lbum Hawk Is Howling is really good, also try to find Happy Songs for Happy People (this someone recommended to me, I haven't got it myself yet)

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oh thank you kind Nut! you're "size of the mouth explanation" is a good visual stimulus for me to understand it.


Aida, i still feel that it was kinda weird that RH agreed to perform at the grammys with all those rappers [that disturbingly very pregnant woman singing and bouncing to the music, yikes!] and those bubble gum pop acts. U2 and Coldplay fit in well to give that show some variety, but RH? there's just something about them that just don't seem to fit in well with that kinda event. but, that's just me eh? some people think it's about time they perform at the grammys.


i love Jonny and the Simpsons! haha.. nice article.


i thought it was cute of Mrs Martin to wink at her husband right after introducing RH. did she really mean what she just said or she was talking about Coldplay? :p:chuckle:


oh i have Happy Songs For Happy People! :D it's brilliant too. i love Kids Will be Skeletons. they have very interesting song titles, Mogwai. "Stop Coming To My House" is very amusing and so does " Moses? I Amn't" haha..

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Hello everyone! I miss all the random stuff here :)


Another thing that I've missed; the entire Grammy show. Anyone with links to RH / Coldplay / Beatle Fighter (that's what the Rock supposedly said, right?)



Nut thanks for the Prodigy update, can imagine ada kat situ lah. But still jeles of u la dude :mad::LOL:





*starts saving money for Muse's upcoming tour*

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Wow the best part of the Grammys for me was blink-182's reunion announcement. I COULDN'T BELIEVE MY EARS. I couldn't care less about the rap artists...they're shit in my opinion.


Radiohead was a plus of course :) Adele was great.


And I was cringing during the Jonasal Bros performance with Stevie Wonder...how could they put a bunch of nasly idiots together with a legend? Sorry for any JoBros fans out there...I just think that they belong on a Disney stage and CERTAINLY NOT the Grammys stage.

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Best tickets are $248 though. :erm: WAYYYY overpriced I think, Coldplay aren't legends...I wanted to see them the first time they went there but blah, didn't get tickets....I don't like them anymore though, so I'm not going to bother throwing away $250 :stunned:

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I'll comment about the Twilight/Stephenie Meyers/Muse thing when I can come up with something clever.. heh. Right now though ...




How do you guys go through work without complaining much about it? Because I come home every day and I can't seem to stop all the negative thoughts. Not only is it distracting, but it feels like I'm losing my personality every time I put on my formal wear and become more like that guy in Wanted (before he became an assassin and all god-like)...


I need help :( or perhaps the right motivation. Sigh.


I can't even get excited for Coldplay anymore. That could be due to the stupid nanas people (according to the hundreds of Junkonline comments :LOL: ).


I'm so glad they announced the date in Singapore!! (Monday night eeek) If only KL was in that list though, that would totally make my week. I wonder how much are the SG tickets?


Who's going for Kaiser Chiefs btw? Aside from Tee ;)


If Secondhand Serenade played a special showcase of sorts here, will you guys go for it?


Grammys! I caught a little bit of Radiohead and I saw Coldplay accepting the Rock Album of the Year award as well as the Jonas Brothers + Stevie Wonders collaboration - definitely a cringe-worthy moment. Also caught Dave Grohl totally rocking out the drums with Paul McCartney! I've never been a huge fan of the Grammys though.

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Sucks to say that I missed the Grammy's :( What did Coldplay win? I skimmed through the Grammy's review on the newspaper today, read that Miley Cyrus performed with Taylor Swift. I bet they both were glaring at the JoBros the entire time :LOL:


No worries abt the explanation!






Screw Sunburst.


Nuuuuuuuuuuuu what about Sunburst!!! I bought my tickets already :'( they HAVE to come here. THEY HAVE TO :'( I cant go to Singapore anyway, my final semester started and I cant afford to skip any classes :eek: nuuuuuuuuuuuuu.




Liz, is auditing really that bad? :( are you doing your internship or is it an actual job? Maybe your fat paycheck might help motivate you :p or you could always take up a hobby, thats what my friend recommends. That way at least you'll still have something to look forward to and enjoy in life if your job/life feels really mundane. Hope things work out well! :D you're one of the most perkiest people i know (based on how you type on the board anyway!) so dont lose your perk! :happy:


I dont know why I feel so happy today. Must be the new desperate housewives episodes out on 8tv now :LOL:

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I think the Grammy's this year was overshadowed by that whole Chris Brown/Rihanna incident. Malaysian fans aren't gonna be pleased to know that they're Feb 13th show will be postponed...


Liz, is auditing really that bad? :( are you doing your internship or is it an actual job? Maybe your fat paycheck might help motivate you :p or you could always take up a hobby, thats what my friend recommends. That way at least you'll still have something to look forward to and enjoy in life if your job/life feels really mundane. Hope things work out well! :D you're one of the most perkiest people i know (based on how you type on the board anyway!) so dont lose your perk! :happy:


I dont know why I feel so happy today. Must be the new desperate housewives episodes out on 8tv now :LOL:

I'm currently doing my practical training with a small audit firm. I chose not to apply for work in the Big 4 just yet because I thought in a smaller firm, you'll be able to be exposed to different fields. While this may partially be true, you will also be dealt with a lot more responsibility because on the first day of work itself, I was already given a dormant company to audit!


This much I can say, that auditing is not exactly my calling I guess but hey - you'll have to get through the tough part in life first, right? The firm I'm working at has a lot of paper work and it's more traditional in its auditing ways - meaning there aren't much computers involved in the job. Much to my dismay, because my online time is rather limited now :( Since I'm only a meagrely paid intern, the big fat paycheck is almost far-fetched. Definitely not a strong motivator lol. But hey - it's all about the experience, right? :)


*thinks positively*


How did your sister get through her internship/first year of work?




BTW! Because I refuse to sleep, and I was clicking on your profile, stumbled upon your blog and - OMG I just finished season 1 of Gilmore Girls!!!! I borrowed all 7 seasons from my friend right after my final paper last month and I just started season 2 yesterday!! The funny part is that I told myself to watch one episode of GG (Gilmore Girls, not Gosspi Girl) every night before heading to bed. I think that might just cheer me up enough to endure the next day at work just to come back home and catch another episode! ;)


Also, I am totally a Dean/Rory shipper back then although I've never actually watched seasons 3 and beyond properly because I dunno, I kinda stopped watching after she kissed Jesse (Milo) LOL! I might change this time and be a Jesse/Rory shipper though - who knows! ;) I can't wait for that episode with Adam Brody in it! I remember he appeared briefly as Lane's boyfriend before he went off for The O.C.!


"Because I love you, you idiot!" Haha, while that may seem completely cheesy, I thought that was also (almost) the most romantic line Rory has ever said (and they talked... a LOT) :LOL: I love Michel or however you spell his name. And Luke. Gosh - Luke <33

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I think the Grammy's this year was overshadowed by that whole Chris Brown/Rihanna incident. Malaysian fans aren't gonna be pleased to know that they're Feb 13th show will be postponed...



I'm currently doing my practical training with a small audit firm. I chose not to apply for work in the Big 4 just yet because I thought in a smaller firm, you'll be able to be exposed to different fields. While this may partially be true, you will also be dealt with a lot more responsibility because on the first day of work itself, I was already given a dormant company to audit!


This much I can say, that auditing is not exactly my calling I guess but hey - you'll have to get through the tough part in life first, right? The firm I'm working at has a lot of paper work and it's more traditional in its auditing ways - meaning there aren't much computers involved in the job. Much to my dismay, because my online time is rather limited now :( Since I'm only a meagrely paid intern, the big fat paycheck is almost far-fetched. Definitely not a strong motivator lol. But hey - it's all about the experience, right? :)


*thinks positively*


How did your sister get through her internship/first year of work?




BTW! Because I refuse to sleep, and I was clicking on your profile, stumbled upon your blog and - OMG I just finished season 1 of Gilmore Girls!!!! I borrowed all 7 seasons from my friend right after my final paper last month and I just started season 2 yesterday!! The funny part is that I told myself to watch one episode of GG (Gilmore Girls, not Gosspi Girl) every night before heading to bed. I think that might just cheer me up enough to endure the next day at work just to come back home and catch another episode! ;)


Also, I am totally a Dean/Rory shipper back then although I've never actually watched seasons 3 and beyond properly because I dunno, I kinda stopped watching after she kissed Jesse (Milo) LOL! I might change this time and be a Jesse/Rory shipper though - who knows! ;) I can't wait for that episode with Adam Brody in it! I remember he appeared briefly as Lane's boyfriend before he went off for The O.C.!


"Because I love you, you idiot!" Haha, while that may seem completely cheesy, I thought that was also (almost) the most romantic line Rory has ever said (and they talked... a LOT) :LOL: I love Michel or however you spell his name. And Luke. Gosh - Luke <33


Yeah thats true, I only bothered watching the red carpet event on E! to get more info on the whole ordeal.


My sister hasn't actually started any work yet, she's only going to start once she has completed her ACCA methinks. But believe me, she's already expecting the worst based on the many stories she's heard from her seniors etc.


And hey, think about this, in the long run all your hard work will give you an immense working experience which will land you a job at one of the Big Fours! I dont know about the workload but I'm assuming it'll be less, the higher up your climb the auditing ladder? that sentence is all wrong but I cant be arsed to correct it lol.


On the GG topic,

Yeah Gilmore Girls is the original GG, not Gossip girl :chuckle:


I didnt really like Jess, I dont want to reveal any spoilers. He seems sweet and stuff but... meh, I ended up not liking him.

Dean too actually. See this is why I love the earlier seasons so much, everything is all happy and clean and stuff, but towards the end of the series I dont like how things go anymore :(


hey who knows maybe Gilmore Girls could be your 'thing' that makes your job less mundane and monotonous. :) I know for me, watching Gilmore Girls always makes me feel happy. Maybe thats why I've been more chirpier these days :LOL:


Yeah I love Adam Brody!!! akjd;slfjdakjas;dlsa. Even in The OC he was my favourite, he pwns Ryan :p I was so sad to see him leave GG for some reason that I forgot. I still remember this scene where he was trying to get Lane's mum to accept him. She quoted something to him and he read the Bible multiple times before telling her that he couldn't find that quote :chuckle: I remember him looking reaaaaaaally exhausted.


I love rory/dean moments, no matter how sappy/corny/cheesy they are :happy: you know to be honest I wasn't really a fan of Luke :$


Btw, I saw this and it made me lol.







ITS KAITO! and you know, you could imagine yourself living in a Gilmore Girls fantasy if it helps you get through the day :)

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Sympathies (empathy?) to Liz, welcome to the working world babe :p. Good visuals there, saying u feel like McAvoy's "Office Space" experience in Wanted. Sooo enjoyable la the concept in that film.


All I can say is you have to find some kind of pleasure in your work, a sense of purpose to it. Otherwise you'd be frustrated and drained everyday. If that's the case, (and if you're not solely about the money), then you're better off doing something else u actually like.


And like Deb said, fantasising sometimes helps, whatever helps u through the day la. Mine's imagining (on my way to Court) that I'm going to some medieval battle, getting all pumped by blasting KOC. :LOL: 300 la tu konon.



Gilmore Girls


Er, I've got all the seasons up till the big Finale (which made me cry). Bought the whole thing in Batu Feringghi :$, for RM4 per DVD.


Aaaah I didn't know u guys are GG fans as well.Guess it suits my age, but Lorelai is the most amazing female TV character ever! Plus I loved the fact she's a coffee addict, like me ;). Best thing about GG is the scorchingly smart, pop culture ridden bullet-speed dialogue, which used to drive my ex-bf nuts, hahaha! *evil laughter*


About the Dean vs Jess argument, yeah my sister used to be annoyed that I preferred Jess :LOL:. Can't help it, misunderstood supposed bad boy who's into literature / punk rock and is as smart as Rory? Damn irresistable. Yeah Deb he is kind of a jerk, but he comes good at the end, there's be some manner of closure with their relatioship later, Oops spoiler!


But Dean was the perfect first love in the beginning, yeah. Aaaw such a sweet teenage boy actually building a car for Rory. But I get it la, Alexis Bledel is just the most beautiful teenage actress I've ever seen, and her character's bookishness is endearing. Other than the great dynamics with Lorelai, I loved her relationship with Luke.


To cap it all off, this show has the most eclectic selection of music I've ever heard (Belle & Sebastian, etc). Mmm must hunt down the soundtrack.

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