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so i posted the question. please vote people! :LOL:





oh wow, someone just gave me a negative one! :rolleyes::LOL:


btw, there are already plans for next year's sunburst music festival. since i dont have facebook, and couldn't be bothered to have an account, perhaps u guys can suggest muse for us eh? type besar2 ek muse tuh here heh heh..

Edited by crazy_mary
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Funny thing is i always get Muse news from muselive instead of the official site. Fans have a way of getting all kinds of news from everywhere ;)


Have you watched Chapter 27 starring jared Leto and Lindsay Lohan (my favourite)? I think Mr Leto is pretty good at acting. He played as Mark Chapman, the dude who shot John Lennon. The movie was not bad either.


Wow.. I'm hardly, if not never on muselive :LOL: I find it hard enough to keep up with one muse board already, haha.


Ooh what movie is that? Is it a new one? i thought Lohan was still in rehab :chuckle:


Oooh, I did hear about that MAA scandal - but I dont really care who it is lol. If they had pictures to prove it, maybe then it'll catch my attention


Which course will you be doing? If all goes well for me and I don't screw up my papers for the next semesters, I should be in UK too :) We could go to a Muse concert together if they were to play at Wembley again haha :D


Well, Vartan's character came back for the last episode (summary of Alias: no one really dies lol and I guess I just gave you a huge spoiler sorry!) but yeaaahhh I absolutely adored him in that Drew Barrymore movie, Never Been Kissed! If I had a teacher that looked like him, oii, I would certainly pay attention in class :LOL: Mmm, yeah even if they did show that James Marsden movie in theatres, I'm pretty sure they'll cut a lot of scenes :[ Ben Barnesss...! Well thank God for torrent files? ;)


:eek: The movie's out already?! I had no idea. I thought it would be due like next year or something hmm. I still can't get over the fact that Jared Leto got punched so badly in Fight Club by Edward Norton. :LOL:


Speaking of movies, I'm not much of the Da Vinci Code fan, though I certainly enjoyed reading the books. But anyway, Tom Hanks with his mullet will be back for Angels & Demons Summer next year. Guess who will be playing the evil priest ... Ewan McGregor!!! :D


Someone needs to come up with a pill that cures procrastination!


Aww, well, I believe the scandal happened, haha. I read it straight from Kenny Sia's blog, i doubt he'd lie about something so scandalous about this.


Well I handed in my CV today already, doing Chemical Engineering. I have to start working on my Personal Statement now. What a challenge that's gonna be! I'm applying for Uni of Manc, UCL, Uni of Sheffield (Arctic Monkeys came from there! :D), Uni of Bath and Imperial. Imperial is gonna be a super long shot la, so i dont expect to get accepted. Haha I'm hoping to see Muse again ANYWHERE. I'm scared I might get crushed in Wembley!


YEAH Vartan looked damn hot in Never Been Kissed. Especially the Ferris Wheel scene :happy: <3 awww. He's such a cutie. haha yeah I cant wait for the torrent to get out :D I saw the trailer for Easy Virtue! Looks to be quite a funny movie.


Wow Jared Leto was in The Fight Club?!?! OMG. He was a really established actor, wasnt he? I just thought he acted in minuscule roles (like Urban Legend and that tiny tiny role in Girl, Interrupted), got bored and ended up being a musician instead :LOL: my bad.


Argh I hate Tom Hank's hair. It looks so rank and oily, like he hasnt taken a decent shower in weeks. zomg Ewan Mcgregor? I can seriously imagine him play the priest alright! Like how i'm imagining him in Star Wars Ep 3 right now, "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!!". So dramatic. So great. Cant wait. omg. *salivates*


I heard there are ADD pills that er... well, stop ADD and helps ADD kids concentrate on their studies! LOL. Fo' real.


Deb, so have u posed the question to Muse?


Lol nah I havent, I dunno what to ask la. my food question seems so silly compared to everyone else's :$

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And ur really 12? Cool! :D


Oh yesh. :cool:


Oooh, did they security guy give you the lyrics? :happy: Did they do their soundcheck earlier btw? Curious because if Motley Crue did, I'm sure Manic Street Preachers would too...


Someone needs to come up with a pill that cures procrastination!


Yeah, he did. :D

I dunno, I only arrived at 6, I wanted to arrive at 12 but I couldn't. :( But they wouldn't let people in to see it, I think...because they were REALLY strict. :erm:


I agree. :LOL: Except...I can't swallow pills so it would need to be a tablet. :$




:eek: I would go to Malaysia to see Foo Fighters, Radiohead, The Killers, The Ting Tings, The Academy Is... and Panic At The Disco. :p Ahhh I wish.

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hey, i don't think we're ignoring u Joelyn! u're the only one with a loveboat here which means a lot of people love u here.


:( Because for the past few weeks, all of my question is just being push aside. Like as if I didn't post anything at all :( :'(


I have a loveboat because I spend too much time in PDT :ninja:


Aww hun, why did you say that? I'm actually still waiting for your text msg regarding your monthly college visit Have you applied for your alumni card?


Talking about food with Muse would be really interesting :] I wonder if they eat their fries with mayo or ketchup?


Awww.... You are the only one who answered me actually :) Yeah, sorry. :$ Will sms you when I am sure I got hours to spare in the college cause most of the time I'm only there for half an hour or the most an hour to catch up with my friend =( And all the time, I was there, every girl I see, I would be wondering , could she be Liz, could that girl be Liz... :rolleyes: Hehe.... I think the most obvious way to pull you out is to wear a spider Dom t shirt or a Muse t shirt :erm::p Yeah, I got my card already :D and can you believe it if an ex student wants to borrow 2 books from the library, they are charging RM 150 for deposit? Mad bunch of people :mad: 150 is a bit outrageous!


Talking about that, I'm wondering, are Malaysian one of the few who eat stuff with chili sauce while others with Mayo or ketchup? :stunned::eek:


Eh? Ur not annoying at all. Low self-esteem moment ke?


Eh where got?


Errm..... :unsure: maybe. Everyone seems to ignore me in this thread that why I'm asking whether am I that annoying that they all ignore me(except Liz la):(

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Dude why did you get that idea... I'm sure everyone is just too caught up in the current topic. It happens sometimes i guess.. But it's all good. The people here are extremely nice and I'm sure there isn't anyone who wants to ignore you intentionally.:(


Cause I posted 4 to 5 message and no one replies :(

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But at least now I know you guys care =D Thank you, all of you :happy::kiss:



Eh did you hear about the MTV MAA scandal? apparently, a lead singer from a band (dunno which band) was like caught in this hot and heavy make out session with some random M'sian chick. she was like.. straddling on him, apparently. oooh, scandalous. I wonder which lead singer it was. It could have been The Click Five's Kyle Patrick, or Jared Leto, or Brendon Urie or even that The Script dude. I'm so curious, despite this being old news, lol!


:eek: I never even heard of that! Might be the Script cause if it's any of those that are mention above, I think it will be a blown out news unless they have a way to cover it *thinks*



kak faz, I checked out the facebook group.




They said that this is just the top 20 international artists that the fans on facebook suggested, the confirmed list will be out soon.




:eek::eek::eek: If all of them are coming, I will definitely go even though the cheapest ticket price is 200. The killers, panic, foo fighters, david!!! ekk!, 30 seconds to mars, Lifehouse :eek: *faints*


Lol... I know they wouldn't be able to invite all of them but then even 4 of 6 is very good :D

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:( Because for the past few weeks, all of my question is just being push aside. Like as if I didn't post anything at all :( :'(


I have a loveboat because I spend too much time in PDT :ninja:



Talking about that, I'm wondering, are Malaysian one of the few who eat stuff with chili sauce while others with Mayo or ketchup? :stunned::eek:



Errm..... :unsure: maybe. Everyone seems to ignore me in this thread that why I'm asking whether am I that annoying that they all ignore me(except Liz la):(


For what it's worth, so sorry yeah, it wasnt intentional. Like Nut said, sometimes accidentally get caught up in other topics lah...


Yeah la we do love our chilli, compared to Westerners. But it seems Thais and Indos eat chilli with almost evrything as well, just not necessarily in sauce for. Maybe its a SEAsian thing?



But at least now I know you guys care =D Thank you, all of you :happy::kiss:


:eek::eek::eek: If all of them are coming, I will definitely go even though the cheapest ticket price is 200. The killers, panic, foo fighters, david!!! ekk!, 30 seconds to mars, Lifehouse :eek: *faints*


Lol... I know they wouldn't be able to invite all of them but then even 4 of 6 is very good :D



Hey, I posted Muse on that Facebook page how come not on the list huh?


But you're right, I would pay 200 for Daft Punk and Foo Fighters alone. Sounds impossible that they would come but if it ever comes true...,man...



Faz, sapa dare vote negative for u? Damn. K heading there now.

Edited by miele
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For what it's worth, so sorry yeah, it wasnt intentional. Like Nut said, sometimes accidentally get caught up in other topics lah...


Yeah la we do love our chilli, compared to Westerners. But it seems Thais and Indos eat chilli with almost evrything as well, just not necessarily in sauce for. Maybe its a SEAsian thing?



Hey, I posted Muse on that Facebook page how come not on the list huh?


But you're right, I would pay 200 for Daft Punk and Foo Fighters alone. Sounds impossible that they would come but if it ever comes true...,man...



Faz, sapa dare vote negative for u? Damn. K heading there now.


Nah... It's ok now. :) At least it shows you all care for me that you all react to it :happy: Thank you.


Lol.... I think if that country's culture love to eat chili then, it will be chili with everything, like Mexicans. But then chili does give a kick to the food :D (but too much isn't very good too)


:LOL: Who knows... They manage to invite so many celebs during the charity for tsunami :) and I notice, anyone who ask about gig, tours or when are they going somewhere, it will get a negative vote. Don't worry, we will vote for you, Faz :D

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kak faz, I checked out the facebook group.




They said that this is just the top 20 international artists that the fans on facebook suggested, the confirmed list will be out soon.




oh wow David Archuleta is in there! i'll be crowd surfing to him fo sho' haha. i don't think he's festival material :confused:


some great bands there but i doubt half of 'em would come. i'll be happy if they get The Killers. however,... WHY IS MUSE NOT EVEN IN THE LIST?? damn.


:LOL: Who knows... They manage to invite so many celebs during the charity for tsunami :) and I notice, anyone who ask about gig, tours or when are they going somewhere, it will get a negative vote. Don't worry, we will vote for you, Faz :D


hey, u're question is doing well yeah. i voted for it just now. so far mine scores -18! woot! :LOL:

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Aiyoh sori la. *plans to kidnap u along?*

N sori again bout the CD. Suka lagu mana? I'm still stuck on Merdeka, especially the impromptu jamming with Pak Kassim at the end. the song makes me want to balik kampung, donno why. Maybe coz my hse not that far from sawah padi. :LOL:


Federed? Am interested, but how expensive are the tix Faz? waiting for gaji 1st la.....


merdeka is brilliant! i love it la. makes me feel like am in a luau or soemething. currently loving maharani, but it may change to 1000 tahun or lengkap semula next. love the buttersound and i even voted for 'em in muzik-muzik lol. i hope they're playing at Sunburst!.


i don't think am going to see federer. i have no time. plus the cheap tickets are already sold out. don't think i can afford to pay 400++ to see him. exhibition matches can be a bit boring anyways.. :(


Well, Vartan's character came back for the last episode (summary of Alias: no one really dies lol and I guess I just gave you a huge spoiler sorry!) but yeaaahhh I absolutely adored him in that Drew Barrymore movie, Never Been Kissed! If I had a teacher that looked like him, oii, I would certainly pay attention in class :LOL: Mmm, yeah even if they did show that James Marsden movie in theatres, I'm pretty sure they'll cut a lot of scenes :[ Ben Barnesss...! Well thank God for torrent files? ;)



Speaking of movies, I'm not much of the Da Vinci Code fan, though I certainly enjoyed reading the books. But anyway, Tom Hanks with his mullet will be back for Angels & Demons Summer next year. Guess who will be playing the evil priest ... Ewan McGregor!!! :D


Michael Vartan <3 he's so smexy and a very laid back kinda person which makes him even umm sexier haha.. *fan girly mode* i love him in Never Been Kissed and Alias too la. he reminds me of my super hot 19th Cent Eng Lit lecturer in uni that everybody has a crush on esp when he recites coleridge. fuh.. cair beb! :LOL:


tom hanks kinda spoil the book for me. he's so different from the robert langdon that i always imagined. but am very interested to see ewan mcgregor now.

Edited by crazy_mary
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Lol.... I think if that country's culture love to eat chili then, it will be chili with everything, like Mexicans. But then chili does give a kick to the food :D (but too much isn't very good too)


WOW i love the Mexican restaurant in KL, i forgot what's it called... Love it. Their chilies are pretty spicy!



kak faz, I checked out the facebook group.




They said that this is just the top 20 international artists that the fans on facebook suggested, the confirmed list will be out soon.




WAH what a list. IF any one of the older bands are coming, im GOING.


tom hanks kinda spoil the book for me. he's so different from the robert langdon that i always imagined. but am very interested to see ewan mcgregor now.


Yeah when the movie came out i thought that Tom Hanks is so not Robert Langdon. He's so old. lol. But he's great. Ewan Mcgregor better be good as the Evil Priest :LOL:


EDIT: On the topic of movies, check out this epic trailer;





It gets better in the 2nd half of it!

Edited by Nutcracker
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oh wow David Archuleta is in there! i'll be crowd surfing to him fo sho' haha. i don't think he's festival material :confused:


some great bands there but i doubt half of 'em would come. i'll be happy if they get The Killers. however,... WHY IS MUSE NOT EVEN IN THE LIST?? damn.


hey, u're question is doing well yeah. i voted for it just now. so far mine scores -18! woot! :LOL:


:LOL: Yeah, I would go for David Archuleta as well :p I guess that is because he haven't really make any concert yet :erm:


Err....... lol... Mine is doing ok I guess. Some questions got +255. Woahh... I wonder how did they get so much... Those people must have really like that question. Awww...... Don't worry. It might go up for all you know ;)

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WOW i love the Mexican restaurant in KL, i forgot what's it called... Love it. Their chilies are pretty spicy!


WAH what a list. IF any one of the older bands are coming, im GOING.


Yeah when the movie came out i thought that Tom Hanks is so not Robert Langdon. He's so old. lol. But he's great. Ewan Mcgregor better be good as the Evil Priest :LOL:


EDIT: On the topic of movies, check out this epic trailer;





It gets better in the 2nd half of it!


I never really eaten any real Mexican food befor but I heard it is spicy. I'll love to try it one day :happy:


Ewan McGregor is the priest?!!!! :eek: I can totally imagine it. Hehe.... Which is always their villian are better actors than their main actor? :rolleyes: Lol...Even the Professor Teabing(Ian McKellen)

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I never even heard of that! Might be the Script cause if it's any of those that are mention above, I think it will be a blown out news unless they have a way to cover it *thinks*


If all of them are coming, I will definitely go even though the cheapest ticket price is 200. The killers, panic, foo fighters, david!!! ekk!, 30 seconds to mars, Lifehouse *faints*


Lol want me to show you the blog post from Kenny Sia? :D he said he saw it himself, but the fangirl was a friend of his so he didnt wanna say who it was and stuff la. pretty scandulous stuff. I cant imagine it to be the The Script guy though, he seems like such a nice guy! And they're pretty 'new' so I'm sure that fame hasnt gotten to their heads yet, meaning they shouldnt be giving into groupies and whatnot right? :unsure:

I was really considering Kyle Patrick or Jared Leto. I heard Kyle Patrick was like a real diva so maybe he might've done that, but Jared Leto is HOT and he KNOWS he's hot so maybe he's used to making out with chicks? hahaa. I dunno :(


Lol I highly doubt all of them are coming la, I think most of them arent even touring anymore. I suggested Arctic Monkeys and Muse! but they didnt make the cut i guess :(


oh wow David Archuleta is in there! i'll be crowd surfing to him fo sho' haha. i don't think he's festival material :confused:


some great bands there but i doubt half of 'em would come. i'll be happy if they get The Killers. however,... WHY IS MUSE NOT EVEN IN THE LIST?? damn.


hey, u're question is doing well yeah. i voted for it just now. so far mine scores -18! woot! :LOL:


Kak faz i voted yes for your question! lol but i couldnt find Joelyn's question. and when I finally thought of one, they closed the question thing. damn la :(


LOL imagine seeing a woman wearing a tudung crowd surfing in an Archuletta concert wei :LOL: Yeah I hate to say it but I think he's still pretty new to headline a concert. Maybe he'll play at the smaller stage like Che'nelle last year la, but I doubt he'll headline :( sorry!


tom hanks kinda spoil the book for me. he's so different from the robert langdon that i always imagined. but am very interested to see ewan mcgregor now.


Yeah I imaged Robert Langdon to be this.. really handsome man. MAN, not guy. lol. Sorta like James Bond I guess, all man, handsome man. Then instead we get Tom Hanks with his oily hair :(


I saw the trailer though, well, not really trailer la, but like... teaser, for Angels & Demons before watching Quantum of Solace last night. SO THRILLING WAH. They showed a glimpse of Ewan McGregor! But it was too small for me to notice that he was playing the priest. And they showed like a second from the scene where they find one of the .. er... Pope-to-be guy CARDINAL dying from being burnt alive on the cross. Cant wait for the movie zomg. *salivates*


WOW i love the Mexican restaurant in KL, i forgot what's it called... Love it. Their chilies are pretty spicy!


Yeah when the movie came out i thought that Tom Hanks is so not Robert Langdon. He's so old. lol. But he's great. Ewan Mcgregor better be good as the Evil Priest :LOL:


EDIT: On the topic of movies, check out this epic trailer;





It gets better in the 2nd half of it!


I went to a Mexican restaurant last year too, at USJ. Its called Las Caretas or something, they let us try their spiciest pepper in the world.

I didnt try it but my dad and my sister did, and they're both like mad about chilli, like seriously they eat cili padi with EVERYTHING, and they couldnt even tahan that spiciest pepper wei. Did you try that before? :D


aww man, that trailer, I seriously couldn't concentrate on the trailer when TAB was playing. I was just listening to the song and how it went so well with the trailer haha! What's the movie about ar? Was too busy listening to TAB la :p


Ewan McGregor is the priest?!!!! :eek: I can totally imagine it. Hehe.... Which is always their villian are better actors than their main actor?Lol...Even the Professor Teabing(Ian McKellen)


Lol thats a good point! But Tom Hanks IS a good actor what.. Just not as good looking or ideal to be Mr Langdon la unfortunately :(





On another note, guys have any of you ever read The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde before?



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Eh did you hear about the MTV MAA scandal? apparently, a lead singer from a band (dunno which band) was like caught in this hot and heavy make out session with some random M'sian chick. she was like.. straddling on him, apparently. oooh, scandalous. I wonder which lead singer it was. It could have been The Click Five's Kyle Patrick, or Jared Leto, or Brendon Urie or even that The Script dude. I'm so curious, despite this being old news, lol!


Wow :eek: I had no idea this was happening. I dont seem to be getting any mail from the muse board! what the hell la. Did they send an email about this? Or was it all in Main Muse only? I've been checking out the Non-Muse side of the board so much I'm like almost completely ignoring Main Muse :$



It was on their Twitter :happy:

kak faz, I checked out the facebook group.




They said that this is just the top 20 international artists that the fans on facebook suggested, the confirmed list will be out soon.





Paramore and FOB and Foo Fighters and The Killers???!?!?!

[spoiler=domeerf]The wire kena pull out yesterday. ZOMG. I'M FREEEE!!!! FREEE!!!! No more stitches, no more splints, no more bandages, no more wires!!! FREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :stongue::musesign::pussy::yesey::\mm/::boobs::party:


I shall come back with PICTURES!!



Lol, auntie Faz tukang karut professional :LOL:

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heyya! how are you guys doing? the semester is finally over for me, though it was only the first one :LOL:

hey deb, you're wearing braces? can you post a picture pretty please?

i have an appointment with the dentist this wednesday but she said that it was only to check/scan/screen wtv the teeth first before doing the braces. am scared..... :erm:

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merdeka is brilliant! i love it la. makes me feel like am in a luau or soemething. currently loving maharani, but it may change to 1000 tahun or lengkap semula next. love the buttersound and i even voted for 'em in muzik-muzik lol. i hope they're playing at Sunburst!.



:) First listening to it I wasnt that enamoured, but now the whole damn album's been playing in my headla, help! One of the albums so far that have managed to make me 'forget' to play Muse in a while. So cool la u voting for them, how ar, sms izzit?




WOW i love the Mexican restaurant in KL, i forgot what's it called... Love it. Their chilies are pretty spicy!





It gets better in the 2nd half of it!


This is very important: WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE RESTAURANT?



Haha sorry :LOL:, you've just made incredibly hungry.


Oh and thank u for the clip, love TAB.




LOL imagine seeing a woman wearing a tudung crowd surfing in an Archuletta concert wei :LOL:



Faz u just have to do this! I'll hold u up n all :LOL:



Deb about the making out scandal, somehow I dont blame the girl at all, can so understand :$


the trailer: yeah la, TAB totally distracted me also.


Voting for Muse @ Sunburst: wait, when is the new album supposed to be out again?




[spoiler=domeerf]The wire kena pull out yesterday. ZOMG. I'M FREEEE!!!! FREEE!!!! No more stitches, no more splints, no more bandages, no more wires!!! FREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shall come back with PICTURES!!



Lol, auntie Faz tukang karut professional :LOL:


Conratulations on your 'freedom'. Have loadsa fun ya :)



Faz, haha sorry on u being called an auntie :p;)

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I never really eaten any real Mexican food befor but I heard it is spicy. I'll love to try it one day :happy:


YEah you should! Burittoes(sp? hehe) are awesome! I love all the kinds of versions of kebabs in the whole world man! It's like variations of burgers or sandwiches or whatever lol.


Kak faz i voted yes for your question! lol but i couldnt find Joelyn's question. and when I finally thought of one, they closed the question thing. damn la


I went to a Mexican restaurant last year too, at USJ. Its called Las Caretas or something, they let us try their spiciest pepper in the world.

I didnt try it but my dad and my sister did, and they're both like mad about chilli, like seriously they eat cili padi with EVERYTHING, and they couldnt even tahan that spiciest pepper wei. Did you try that before? :D


aww man, that trailer, I seriously couldn't concentrate on the trailer when TAB was playing. I was just listening to the song and how it went so well with the trailer haha! What's the movie about ar? Was too busy listening to TAB la :p




So what was your question gona be?


No i didn't try any outworldly spicy pepper! You know how sometimes chilli can make you salivate? I'm doing that right now thinking about it HAHAHAHA. The food must've been good, no?


Anyway Watchmen is about a group of funny looking superheroes in the older days. Apart from that i donno what's up, really!


Heard that Quantum of Solace is a lot of action? And difficult to follow if you haven't watched Casino Royale. TBH, i haven't watched a SINGLE bond movie LOL!!! OMG I'm so cool.



This is very important: WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE RESTAURANT?



Haha sorry :LOL:, you've just made incredibly hungry.


Voting for Muse @ Sunburst: wait, when is the new album supposed to be out again?



LOL sorry i really forgot the name of the restaurant lah... :$


The album is in the process of being recorded i think, although they're still writing as well from what i gather. I hope it can be released next year.

Edited by Nutcracker
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Lol want me to show you the blog post from Kenny Sia? :D he said he saw it himself, but the fangirl was a friend of his so he didnt wanna say who it was and stuff la. pretty scandulous stuff. I cant imagine it to be the The Script guy though, he seems like such a nice guy! And they're pretty 'new' so I'm sure that fame hasnt gotten to their heads yet, meaning they shouldnt be giving into groupies and whatnot right?

I was really considering Kyle Patrick or Jared Leto. I heard Kyle Patrick was like a real diva so maybe he might've done that, but Jared Leto is HOT and he KNOWS he's hot so maybe he's used to making out with chicks? hahaa. I dunno


Lol I highly doubt all of them are coming la, I think most of them arent even touring anymore. I suggested Arctic Monkeys and Muse! but they didnt make the cut i guess


Kak faz i voted yes for your question! lol but i couldnt find Joelyn's question. and when I finally thought of one, they closed the question thing. damn la


LOL imagine seeing a woman wearing a tudung crowd surfing in an Archuletta concert wei Yeah I hate to say it but I think he's still pretty new to headline a concert. Maybe he'll play at the smaller stage like Che'nelle last year la, but I doubt he'll headline :( sorry!




Yeah I imaged Robert Langdon to be this.. really handsome man. MAN, not guy. lol. Sorta like James Bond I guess, all man, handsome man. Then instead we get Tom Hanks with his oily hair


I saw the trailer though, well, not really trailer la, but like... teaser, for Angels & Demons before watching Quantum of Solace last night. SO THRILLING WAH. They showed a glimpse of Ewan McGregor! But it was too small for me to notice that he was playing the priest. And they showed like a second from the scene where they find one of the .. er... Pope-to-be guy CARDINAL dying from being burnt alive on the cross. Cant wait for the movie zomg. *salivates*




I went to a Mexican restaurant last year too, at USJ. Its called Las Caretas or something, they let us try their spiciest pepper in the world.

I didnt try it but my dad and my sister did, and they're both like mad about chilli, like seriously they eat cili padi with EVERYTHING, and they couldnt even tahan that spiciest pepper wei. Did you try that before?


aww man, that trailer, I seriously couldn't concentrate on the trailer when TAB was playing. I was just listening to the song and how it went so well with the trailer haha! What's the movie about ar? Was too busy listening to TAB la :p


Lol thats a good point! But Tom Hanks IS a good actor what.. Just not as good looking or ideal to be Mr Langdon la unfortunately :(



On another note, guys have any of you ever read The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde before?





There is a blog about that?!!! :eek: Show me the link!!!! Lol.... (unless he is writing that to make his blog popular) Hmmm... but then why couldn't it be the guy from Script. Maybe cause they are new so all these groupie stuff is interesting or exciting.... :rolleyes: Hehe...

Kyle Patrick is a diva? Lol.... Maybe he is a little thou cause I went to their autography session in KLCC. =P I didn't went for their autography cause I didn't have their album, just to snap pictures and look at Click 5 from close up. Hehe... and that session end quite early too despite so many people there cause only those with albums are allowed to get their booklet sign. So Kyle Patrick look kinda angry about that. A bit snob la I guess. The rest of the band members just look ok. But then since then, I don't really like Kyle Patrick much. Although he is not happy, but then he shouldn't be like that and the organisers shouldn't only allow those with album to get something signed. :mad:


Awww........maybe they didn't get the majority vote I guess.... =( but then Sunburst is for early next year one right so who knows :D



Lol... My question is actually whether do they(Muse) have another account in muse.mu pretending to be someone else :rolleyes: =P But too bad the votings are closed and I didn't manage to vote for everyone =(( Currently it is standing at +38 so I don't think it will be answered but at least I asked ^^


:LOL: It would be so COOL to see a woman in tudung crowd surfing in David concert. Hehe.... I guess we are not used to it because we never seen Archuleta doing any concert yet.... hmmm...:erm:


I haven't seen any trailers for Angels and Demons yet. Hmmm.... When is it showing anyway? :unsure: Hmmmm.... I think Tom Hanks is a good actor in those kind of serious movies or stuff but he is not really a thriller/action actor. I think Ewan MgGreggor or Jude Law might cut it off as Robert Langdon better because of their looks and also because of what they have always do. No offence to Tom Hanks fan but I think he's a little wooden in the first one, Da Vinci code.


I've seen the Quantum of Solace already :D Overall the movie is quite good. Throughout the whole movie, it will keep you interested and the action is good =D but the storyline is a bit vague. Nevertheless, the action is worth watching and although the storyline is a little vague, it definitely does not suck as much as The Wanted. :happy:

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It was on their Twitter



Paramore and FOB and Foo Fighters and The Killers???!?!?!

[spoiler=domeerf]The wire kena pull out yesterday. ZOMG. I'M FREEEE!!!! FREEE!!!! No more stitches, no more splints, no more bandages, no more wires!!! FREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :musesign::pussy::yesey::\mm/::party:


I shall come back with PICTURES!!



Lol, auntie Faz tukang karut professional


:LOL: Congrats on getting out from your wires, splints and bandages :D So happy for you :D Haven't seen you been online for quite some time Nor :D

Btw, I don't think I've seen pictures of you before :erm: Hehe....




YEah you should! Burittoes(sp? hehe) are awesome! I love all the kinds of versions of kebabs in the whole world man! It's like variations of burgers or sandwiches or whatever lol.


So what was your question gona be?


No i didn't try any outworldly spicy pepper! You know how sometimes chilli can make you salivate? I'm doing that right now thinking about it HAHAHAHA. The food must've been good, no?


LOL sorry i really forgot the name of the restaurant lah...


The album is in the process of being recorded i think, although they're still writing as well from what i gather. I hope it can be released next year.


Oooo.... Burittoes. It's a popular Mexican restaurant right. Will go there when I have the opportunity. Now got something new to try to add on my list :D:p


I think Muse is currently just lazing their bums around so maybe end of next year or 2009 :erm: But at least they are dropping sneak peaks here and there especially from RAH to keep us entertained :happy:

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Sorry, sorry, sorry for my extremely long post, including the 2 previous one.... :$:$



Yeah when the movie came out i thought that Tom Hanks is so not Robert Langdon. He's so old. lol. But he's great. Ewan Mcgregor better be good as the Evil Priest :LOL:


EDIT: On the topic of movies, check out this epic trailer;





It gets better in the 2nd half of it!



aww man, that trailer, I seriously couldn't concentrate on the trailer when TAB was playing. I was just listening to the song and how it went so well with the trailer haha! What's the movie about ar? Was too busy listening to TAB la :p



Oh and thank u for the clip, love TAB.


the trailer: yeah la, TAB totally distracted me also.


Voting for Muse @ Sunburst: wait, when is the new album supposed to be out again?



Conratulations on your 'freedom'. Have loadsa fun ya :)



Hehe.... I thought when you said trailer for the movie I thought it is for Angel and Demons :$:p


After watching for almost a minute, I'm thinking, where is TAB :stunned:

Lol.... Tab is quite distracting but what they show is just a mixture of actions, and don't really need much understanding :p so don't worry about totally lost it when tab is played :rolleyes: XP


And TAB is so much better than the usual song they play for the thriller in GSC :happy:For some reason, that song annoy the hell out of me and sort of make me dislike Watchmen =/

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Heard that Quantum of Solace is a lot of action? And difficult to follow if you haven't watched Casino Royale. TBH, i haven't watched a SINGLE bond movie LOL!!! OMG I'm so cool.


The album is in the process of being recorded i think, although they're still writing as well from what i gather. I hope it can be released next year.


U have to watch Casino Royale. Its really gripping, and by the end of it I had a girlcrush on Eva Green. Damn gorjus woman.


Havent seen Quantum yet, my free movie pass is rotting in my handbag :p


Muse: when they release their new album, do u guys think they'll remember to come here? Like was it so memorable touring SEA that they'd repeat the experience? :stunned:



:LOL: Congrats on getting out from your wires, splints and bandages :D So happy for you :D Haven't seen you been online for quite some time Nor :D

Btw, I don't think I've seen pictures of you before :erm: Hehe....



Oooo.... Burittoes. It's a popular Mexican restaurant right. Will go there when I have the opportunity. Now got something new to try to add on my list :D:p


I think Muse is currently just lazing their bums around so maybe end of next year or 2009 :erm: But at least they are dropping sneak peaks here and there especially from RAH to keep us entertained :happy:


:happy: Eh, next Muser meetu @ Mexican restaurant? *stomach growls*




Woah, my leave got approved. Wah tak percaya am really going to SG and Bangkok Rock la.

Edited by miele
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U have to watch Casino Royale. Its really gripping, and by the end of it I had a girlcrush on Eva Green. Damn gorjus woman.


Havent seen Quantum yet, my free movie pass is rotting in my handbag :p


Muse: when they release their new album, do u guys think they'll remember to come here? Like was it so memorable touring SEA that they'd repeat the experience? :stunned:





:happy: Eh, next Muser meetu @ Mexican restaurant? *stomach growls*




Woah, my leave got approved. Wah tak percaya am really going to SG and Bangkok Rock la.


:LOL: Now you've said it, yeah, I remember I had a girl crush on Eva Green after Casino Royal for a short time... Hehe... She is gorgeous :yesey:


:LOL:That means we don't need to dig our brains for next Muser meetup :D I've already met Liz in college :D:D:D She is cute!!

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:LOL: Now you've said it, yeah, I remember I had a girl crush on Eva Green after Casino Royal for a short time... Hehe... She is gorgeous :yesey:


:LOL:That means we don't need to dig our brains for next Muser meetup :D I've already met Liz in college :D:D:D She is cute!!


Yes, Liz is most definitely cute, fun and an overall cool person. Seriously if I had a brother would totally pester him to ask her out :LOL:


Btw, any Manics fan here want to do a phone-in song request? Or maybe for Ash again eh Liz? it's the least I can do...

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