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The book from Stephanie Meyers.... Is it that good? My friend have it and she got addicted to it.... and Stephanie Meyers did thank Muse in the acknowledgement in one of them books :happy:. *My friend doesn't fancy Muse much cause I keep on talking about them and Dom :$*



ohhhh yessss... the book is HELLA AWESOME!!!! go buy and read it before the movie comes out this december!!!!! :D

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14.03.2008 - 11:57 UTC+0 // Source : Microcuts.net // Thanks : NME.com

Muse have revealed they might ditch the album format and only release new material as singles from now on.


Although the band are currently in an Italian studio working on new material, the Teignmouth trio have admitted they want to experiment with the way that new material reaches fans.


Speaking to NME.COM frontman Matt Bellamy said: "I don’t think we’re going to approach the next album like we’re making an album."


He added: "I like the idea of releasing a series of songs, every month or every couple of months – just putting songs out there. Almost like making the single a more prominent format, and then every few years doing a best of from that period and that would be the album. So in other words, throw out songs every couple of months and see how people like them."


*it's gonna be hard for us to get "it" :eek:

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It was late when I made that long post lol can't really remember what went through my head! haha. I noticed I never made a proper introduction here in this thread. forgive my abrupt intrusion at times! The name's Liz and I'm currently 19 going on 20 *waves*


I received Twilight as an early bday gift because.. it looks I'll be turning 20 away from home this time round due to my upcoming backpacking trip to Kedah/Langkawi ... and hopefully drop by Penang too for some glorious food :D Thanks for the early bday wish though ;)


Not sure if that's what I really want at the moment because all of the sudden, being 19-turning-20 seems a little ... too fast for my liking, in some way. On one hand of course you're more able to live that life that you've always wanted (attending concerts! gigs! showcases!! etc.) given the freedom that you're entitled but on the other, you can no longer use "being a teenager" as a reason anymore if you end up in trouble.


ooh hello! i'm er... Debbie, i'm 17 going on 18 (in about 7 months) aaand... er. yeah. thats about it. lol. *waves back*


ooooh... dont forget to get duty free stuff from Langkawi! because really, there's nothing much to do there BUT buy duty free stuff lol.


yeah my sister was going through that "i'm not turning twenty, i'm turning twenTEEN" phase last year. but she got over it i gues lol. dont worry you'll only stop being a teenager when you're 21, but you can still be a teenager at heart! haha.



Lol yeah I couldn't really understand how my sister could do it 5 years back - studying with all that distraction... but now I see how it's even more creepy/distracting to read in silence!


yeah in the silence i find myself getting distracted.. so i start making noise by either rocking my chair, tapping my feet/fingers/stationary or just singing. lol.


WOW. That's pretty awesome XD Have fun reading New Moon after your mock exams! I finished Twilight a few hours back... I have to say, I think reading it so quickly didn't make me crave for more... Although I really do want to find out what happens after that TEASER chapter! So being the spoiler whore that I am... I went to wikipedia to read up on the plot!! AAHHHH. Silly me, shouldn't have done that lah. Now I just ruined all the fun huh? :(


But sigh, yeah the way their relationship progresses from everything in school/biology lessons to that back alley in the mall incident to bringing her home to the Cullens... Makes me wonder why I don't go through these phases properly. :LOL:


Just saying, but I thought Carlisle sounds like an extremely sexy name. Jasper too :happy: Rosalie and Esme sound absolutely beautiful too - but you're right. Unfortunately Edward and Bella doesn't sound too appealing ... but it's a good thing I don't have friends that go by those two names though! I cannot imagine how hard it must be talking to your Edward friend without hoping if only he could act like Edward Cullen!


OMG you went to wikipedia! how could you! i could never do that man... (unless i know i'll never read the book) it takes the the thrill out of reading the whole book. but i already read some spoilers through comments from various websites so its damn 'potong-stim' for me already la :(


hahaha stuff like that only happens in story books/movies. i wouldn't want my boyfriend to hear my thoughts though. takes away all my privacy. but i'd love it if my boyfriend has super strength and super agility! aha so instead of driving anywhere and getting stuck in the jam, we could just... run. ooh. fun :D


oh wait til you see Carlisle in the movie. he's HOT. SOOO sexy and sooo young to be a father figure for Edward. really though, Carlisle is a total DILF. (sounds so wrong to say it but really, he is.)


Yeahh that would've been fun! I couldn't make it because apparently greeting unknown strangers at the airport twice in two months doesn't seem very appealing to my dad at that moment. Plus, I actually didn't exactly mention that I would be going to Sunburst until the night before. Lol, so you would expect my parents' displeasure in finding out that I will be away again from my home for the weekend. It's a lot more complicated than that, but yeah I asked my friend to go to the airport in my favour instead - but that idiot never passed my letter to any of the Incubus guys :( He didn't ask Brandon to play Pardon Me too! Sigh.


Aww why didn't your friend pass it to them? do you think that if they got the letter, they would mention it when they made the video to thank us for going to their gig? it would be SO cool if they did :eek:




Lol....Looks like we all have something or some place to remember about the concert. I don't exactly remember much about the concert itself except the feeling that it gave it. I was in shock I suppose :(


The book from Stephanie Meyers.... Is it that good? My friend have it and she got addicted to it.... and Stephanie Meyers did thank Muse in the acknowledgement in one of them books :happy:. *My friend doesn't fancy Muse much cause I keep on talking about them and Dom :$*





*its just the last paragraph*


And, finally, thank you to the talented musicians who inspire me, particularly the band Muse - there are emotions, scenes, and plot threads in this novel that were born from Muse songs and would not exist without their genius. Also, Linkin Park, Travis, Elbow, Coldplay, Marjorie Fair, My Chemical Romance, Brand New, The Strokes, Armor for Sleep, The Arcade Fire and The Fray have all been instrumental in staving off the writer's block.



14.03.2008 - 11:57 UTC+0 // Source : Microcuts.net // Thanks : NME.com

Muse have revealed they might ditch the album format and only release new material as singles from now on.


Although the band are currently in an Italian studio working on new material, the Teignmouth trio have admitted they want to experiment with the way that new material reaches fans.


Speaking to NME.COM frontman Matt Bellamy said: "I don’t think we’re going to approach the next album like we’re making an album."


He added: "I like the idea of releasing a series of songs, every month or every couple of months – just putting songs out there. Almost like making the single a more prominent format, and then every few years doing a best of from that period and that would be the album. So in other words, throw out songs every couple of months and see how people like them."


*it's gonna be hard for us to get "it" :eek:


omg. this sucks. i hope they dont go with this plan! we dont get singles here.. nooo :(



anyway guys i wont be coming online for the weekend cause i'll be at penang with the family! so yeah.. er... talk to you guys next week? heh. lol.

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ohhhh yessss... the book is HELLA AWESOME!!!! go buy and read it before the movie comes out this december!!!!! :D


Lol.... I'll go and bug my friend to lend it to me then :D


14.03.2008 - 11:57 UTC+0 // Source : Microcuts.net // Thanks : NME.com

Muse have revealed they might ditch the album format and only release new material as singles from now on.


Although the band are currently in an Italian studio working on new material, the Teignmouth trio have admitted they want to experiment with the way that new material reaches fans.


Speaking to NME.COM frontman Matt Bellamy said: "I dont think were going to approach the next album like were making an album."


He added: "I like the idea of releasing a series of songs, every month or every couple of months just putting songs out there. Almost like making the single a more prominent format, and then every few years doing a best of from that period and that would be the album. So in other words, throw out songs every couple of months and see how people like them."


*it's gonna be hard for us to get "it" :eek:


Awww.... I don't wan a single formatt.... I rather have an album where I can play over and over again :( And no chance of Muse tour if they did that :eek:




*its just the last paragraph*


And, finally, thank you to the talented musicians who inspire me, particularly the band Muse - there are emotions, scenes, and plot threads in this novel that were born from Muse songs and would not exist without their genius. Also, Linkin Park, Travis, Elbow, Coldplay, Marjorie Fair, My Chemical Romance, Brand New, The Strokes, Armor for Sleep, The Arcade Fire and The Fray have all been instrumental in staving off the writer's block.


I didn't know that. My friend was the one who told me. Lol...I can stop smilling when I saw that :LOL:

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can't believe it. i own New Moon and currently half way reading it. i knew that Edward vampire dude sounds familiar. i didn't know that New Moon is a part of this Twilight series when i bought it. but it's quite a good read so far. can't believe am reading another kiddies literature book. lol..that acknowledgment to muse is sooo cool. think i should mention Muse in my dissertation acknowledgment too lah.. huhu..


wow deb, new avy? where was that taken? it looks so nice. btw, has anyone seen the new Radiohead vid? All I Need? i swear at the start of the vid, that lady (who looks like a chinese lady) was speaking Malay! :eek: do we have sweatshops in Malaysia? Those children should be in school instead of working. here's a link btw:


you guys are only turning 20 and complaining u guys are getting old? pffft.. :rolleyes: didn't u know that 20 is the new 10 and 30 is the new 20? heh heh... :p

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can't believe it. i own New Moon and currently half way reading it. i knew that Edward vampire dude sounds familiar. i didn't know that New Moon is a part of this Twilight series when i bought it. but it's quite a good read so far. can't believe am reading another kiddies literature book. lol..that acknowledgment to muse is sooo cool. think i should mention Muse in my dissertation acknowledgment too lah.. huhu..


wow deb, new avy? where was that taken? it looks so nice. btw, has anyone seen the new Radiohead vid? All I Need? i swear at the start of the vid, that lady (who looks like a chinese lady) was speaking Malay! :eek: do we have sweatshops in Malaysia? Those children should be in school instead of working. here's a link btw:


you guys are only turning 20 and complaining u guys are getting old? pffft.. :rolleyes: didn't u know that 20 is the new 10 and 30 is the new 20? heh heh... :p


Lol, "Bangun, bangun, bangun!"


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can't believe it. i own New Moon and currently half way reading it. i knew that Edward vampire dude sounds familiar. i didn't know that New Moon is a part of this Twilight series when i bought it. but it's quite a good read so far. can't believe am reading another kiddies literature book. lol..that acknowledgment to muse is sooo cool. think i should mention Muse in my dissertation acknowledgment too lah.. huhu..


wow deb, new avy? where was that taken? it looks so nice. btw, has anyone seen the new Radiohead vid? All I Need? i swear at the start of the vid, that lady (who looks like a chinese lady) was speaking Malay! :eek: do we have sweatshops in Malaysia? Those children should be in school instead of working. here's a link btw:


you guys are only turning 20 and complaining u guys are getting old? pffft.. :rolleyes: didn't u know that 20 is the new 10 and 30 is the new 20? heh heh... :p


lol i'm still reading New Moon.. gonna read it reaaaaaaaally slowly to fully enjoy it ahaha. Chapter 3 was just.... :'(:'(


Yeah Twilight was the first book, then New Moon, then Eclipse, then the newest one is gonna be published in August 2008. I hate how books can be so expensive sometimes :(


haha yeah yay you noticed! its from my trip to Penang last weekend. with the beach in the background... :happy:


wow that was a good video. i cant believe they put BM in it though! haha :LOL:

those poor kids :( why do they always have to use Asian kids as slaves! sigh.



oh here's the new trailer for Twilight! SO AWESOME!



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can't believe it. i own New Moon and currently half way reading it. i knew that Edward vampire dude sounds familiar. i didn't know that New Moon is a part of this Twilight series when i bought it. but it's quite a good read so far. can't believe am reading another kiddies literature book. lol..that acknowledgment to muse is sooo cool. think i should mention Muse in my dissertation acknowledgment too lah.. huhu..


wow deb, new avy? where was that taken? it looks so nice. btw, has anyone seen the new Radiohead vid? All I Need? i swear at the start of the vid, that lady (who looks like a chinese lady) was speaking Malay! :eek: do we have sweatshops in Malaysia? Those children should be in school instead of working. here's a link btw:


you guys are only turning 20 and complaining u guys are getting old? pffft.. :rolleyes: didn't u know that 20 is the new 10 and 30 is the new 20? heh heh... :p


Haha.... You all are making me want to read it even more :LOL: Maybe that lady is a Malaysian staying in UK :eek: I heard there is quite a number of Malaysian in UK. It's kinda cool she is saying bangun bangun bangun. I notice Radiohead songs sounds a little draggy. Eh! That chinese boy looks cute :D


:unsure: 20 is old for us. It means we are going to adulthood fast. I don't want to be a woman :'( I want to stay cutee :p:LOL:

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lol i'm still reading New Moon.. gonna read it reaaaaaaaally slowly to fully enjoy it ahaha. Chapter 3 was just.... :'(:'(


Yeah Twilight was the first book, then New Moon, then Eclipse, then the newest one is gonna be published in August 2008. I hate how books can be so expensive sometimes :(


haha yeah yay you noticed! its from my trip to Penang last weekend. with the beach in the background... :happy:


wow that was a good video. i cant believe they put BM in it though! haha :LOL:

those poor kids :( why do they always have to use Asian kids as slaves! sigh.



oh here's the new trailer for Twilight! SO AWESOME!





Aww..... I miss Penang :'( So nice you get to go to the beach. I love the smell of sea water :) Sigh... they always use Asian kid I guess because Asia is still in the third world country :(

Oh ya, I've been wanting to ask you this Debbie. Why didn't you go to PDT anymore?

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oh btw, i miss MUSE. yeah... :(


eh? where did miele go?


LOL if you said that to matt or dom i'm sure they'd say something like "... we were ever tall in pictures?" ahhaha.


err.. deb, miele mentioned before that she's planning to go to europe in June so am wondering it's jadi or not.



Woah so many things went on.....I miss this board and everyone here :LOL:


Faz, i'm still recovering from a seriously sad mood :( June Euro trip is temporarily postponed since BFF is seriously ill, he had chemo early this year and now has sleep apnea to top it off. I'm too much of a chicken to go to Europe alone....So see how la, the rest of the year. The only positive thing is I can kumpul more money.


That reminds me, if the supposedly postponed Bangkok gig happens, I have to eat a belalang right? Hahhah.



Deb, la you were in Penang and I didnt know! If not can belanja u makan or something, heheh. Hope u had fun.



Welcome to the board yah, DMHlover is it? :)


I miss Muse too! That is all.

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Aww..... I miss Penang :'( So nice you get to go to the beach. I love the smell of sea water :) Sigh... they always use Asian kid I guess because Asia is still in the third world country :(

Oh ya, I've been wanting to ask you this Debbie. Why didn't you go to PDT anymore?


lol yeah i love the beach man. too bad i couldn't see the sunset from where i was standing :( a big ol' house was blocking my view!! :mad: lol Africa has third world countries too! haha. but we're not aaaaaaaaall third world countries! we ARE online now arent we? haha.


wow, thats the first time someone's asked me that. How'd you know i used to post frequently on the PDT? i dunno why either, i guess i got tired of catching up with the pictures, and they kept on posting the same pictures over and over again and there wasn't much conversation going on so yeah, i just stopped posting. lol.

but i do lurk there every once in awhile! like once in a few months or so... lol. and i always vote on the poll :happy:


Woah so many things went on.....I miss this board and everyone here :LOL:


Faz, i'm still recovering from a seriously sad mood :( June Euro trip is temporarily postponed since BFF is seriously ill, he had chemo early this year and now has sleep apnea to top it off. I'm too much of a chicken to go to Europe alone....So see how la, the rest of the year. The only positive thing is I can kumpul more money.


That reminds me, if the supposedly postponed Bangkok gig happens, I have to eat a belalang right? Hahhah.



Deb, la you were in Penang and I didnt know! If not can belanja u makan or something, heheh. Hope u had fun.



Welcome to the board yah, DMHlover is it? :)


I miss Muse too! That is all.


haha the food there was awesome la! Asam Laksa at Ayer Itam... omg man. damn syok. and miele we miss you too! where've you been la?


i hope your BFF gets well soon! :)

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Welcome to the board yah, DMHlover is it? :)


I miss Muse too! That is all.


Aww...Thank you so much! Everyone has been nice to me since I came into this board :D

Are you from Penang Miele? Which part?!



lol yeah i love the beach man. too bad i couldn't see the sunset from where i was standing :( a big ol' house was blocking my view!! :mad: lol Africa has third world countries too! haha. but we're not aaaaaaaaall third world countries! we ARE online now arent we? haha.


wow, thats the first time someone's asked me that. How'd you know i used to post frequently on the PDT? i dunno why either, i guess i got tired of catching up with the pictures, and they kept on posting the same pictures over and over again and there wasn't much conversation going on so yeah, i just stopped posting. lol.

but i do lurk there every once in awhile! like once in a few months or so... lol. and i always vote on the poll :happy:




haha the food there was awesome la! Asam Laksa at Ayer Itam... omg man. damn syok. and miele we miss you too! where've you been la?


i hope your BFF gets well soon! :)



Aww.... At least you get to be at the beach :D Should sue the house owner for blocking the view :p Hehe... Owh...but then it's unfair to use African kids all the time right?:stunned: Hehe...


I notice you stop posting in PDT because I been lurking in PDT 2 and only manage to read half of it because the Mods delete it off :( Yah, sometimes it is boring looking at the same pictures x20 times. But it is fun too when they talk once in a while and post some ol pictures that haven't seen for such a long time :happy:

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Aww...Thank you so much! Everyone has been nice to me since I came into this board :D

Are you from Penang Miele? Which part?!






Aww.... At least you get to be at the beach :D Should sue the house owner for blocking the view :p Hehe... Owh...but then it's unfair to use African kids all the time right?:stunned: Hehe...


I notice you stop posting in PDT because I been lurking in PDT 2 and only manage to read half of it because the Mods delete it off :( Yah, sometimes it is boring looking at the same pictures x20 times. But it is fun too when they talk once in a while and post some ol pictures that haven't seen for such a long time :happy:

OMG. THE MODS DELETED IT? MY POSTS!!!!! :'( lol! yeah but dunno la, i guess i'm not as obsessed as muse as i used to be! don't know if thats a good or bad thing or not though. :confused:

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OMG. THE MODS DELETED IT? MY POSTS!!!!! :'( lol! yeah but dunno la, i guess i'm not as obsessed as muse as i used to be! don't know if thats a good or bad thing or not though. :confused:


Yah, I think after the thread has been closed for quite some time, then they will delelte it off :( Hehe.... It's normal la dear. I believe after a while we won't be so obsessed. My obsessiveness with Dom is also starting to wear down a bit :p Until their next big album comes out I guess. Hehe :D

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Yah, I think after the thread has been closed for quite some time, then they will delelte it off :( Hehe.... It's normal la dear. I believe after a while we won't be so obsessed. My obsessiveness with Dom is also starting to wear down a bit :p Until their next big album comes out I guess. Hehe :D

Aww, good to know i'm not being a bad fan or anything :happy:

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Aww... Of course you are not a bad fan Debbie :) Oh, my friend found the trailler for Twilight already. And guess who is Edward? Robbert Thomas Pattison!!!! The actor as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter! He gonna be a hot vamp :D

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lol i'm still reading New Moon.. gonna read it reaaaaaaaally slowly to fully enjoy it ahaha. Chapter 3 was just.... :'(:'(


Yeah Twilight was the first book, then New Moon, then Eclipse, then the newest one is gonna be published in August 2008. I hate how books can be so expensive sometimes :(



oh here's the new trailer for Twilight! SO AWESOME!




i kinda regret buying new moon coz it only means that now i have to buy twilight to know what happened before.. or should i just watch the movie and not buy the book. that would save me a lot of my money. heh..yeah, chapter 3 is a bit sad, but quite predictable nevertheless..


Woah so many things went on.....I miss this board and everyone here :LOL:


Faz, i'm still recovering from a seriously sad mood :( June Euro trip is temporarily postponed since BFF is seriously ill, he had chemo early this year and now has sleep apnea to top it off. I'm too much of a chicken to go to Europe alone....So see how la, the rest of the year. The only positive thing is I can kumpul more money.


That reminds me, if the supposedly postponed Bangkok gig happens, I have to eat a belalang right? Hahhah.



Deb, la you were in Penang and I didnt know! If not can belanja u makan or something, heheh. Hope u had fun.



Welcome to the board yah, DMHlover is it? :)


I miss Muse too! That is all.


omg. so sorry to hear that izmir is sick. :( *hugs* chemo and sleep urm..apnea sound so serious even tho i don't know what those are. hope he's recovering well. can't help to feel a bit sad too. he's such a sweet person. say hi to him for me, please.


if muse do reschedule Bangkok am gonna eat a belalang with u mate. that's how skeptic i am..:shifty:


Yah, I think after the thread has been closed for quite some time, then they will delelte it off :( Hehe.... It's normal la dear. I believe after a while we won't be so obsessed. My obsessiveness with Dom is also starting to wear down a bit :p Until their next big album comes out I guess. Hehe :D


haha.. i used to lurk at the PDT to check out my abg dom pictures quite often too. but now i feel so old to do so.. :stunned: guess am not that obsessed about dom anymore. my obsession with muse has its highs and lows this year. very high when i first got HAARP then went downhill when i saw Incubus vids on youtube, obsess again after RAH gig.. now it's kinda flat a bit la.. haha.. oops... overshare. sorry for that.:p

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Aww... Of course you are not a bad fan Debbie :) Oh, my friend found the trailler for Twilight already. And guess who is Edward? Robbert Thomas Pattison!!!! The actor as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter! He gonna be a hot vamp :D


Lol yeah i know! he's so hot la. you should post at the Twilight thread on the board! :happy: Its SOOOO great to see dear ol' Cedric out of his Quidditch Uniform :happy:


i kinda regret buying new moon coz it only means that now i have to buy twilight to know what happened before.. or should i just watch the movie and not buy the book. that would save me a lot of my money. heh..yeah, chapter 3 is a bit sad, but quite predictable nevertheless..


haha.. i used to lurk at the PDT to check out my abg dom pictures quite often too. but now i feel so old to do so.. :stunned: guess am not that obsessed about dom anymore. my obsession with muse has its highs and lows this year. very high when i first got HAARP then went downhill when i saw Incubus vids on youtube, obsess again after RAH gig.. now it's kinda flat a bit la.. haha.. oops... overshare. sorry for that.:p


Well i think you should do both! about Twilight, i mean. get the book AND watch the movie. trust me you'll fall inlove with Edward in both the book and the movie. There isn't enough Edward in New Moon lah :( i feel so tak syok to read New Moon now because Edward isn't there.


yeah i guess that happens when the band doesn't make any new material.

I'm sure once their new album is out, we'll be crazy obsessed fans once again! :LOL:


Btw i'm reaaaaaaaaaally lovin Violet Hill by Coldplay aha. i know, its about time! :LOL:

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if muse do reschedule Bangkok am gonna eat a belalang with u mate. that's how skeptic i am..:shifty:



haha.. i used to lurk at the PDT to check out my abg dom pictures quite often too. but now i feel so old to do so.. :stunned: guess am not that obsessed about dom anymore. my obsession with muse has its highs and lows this year. very high when i first got HAARP then went downhill when i saw Incubus vids on youtube, obsess again after RAH gig.. now it's kinda flat a bit la.. haha.. oops... overshare. sorry for that.:p




Awhh.... You can never be too old to check out abg Dom especially now he is 30 :eek::LOL: Like you said, 30's is the new 20's ;) Everyone's obsession has it's highs and lows. Even sometimes I can feel bored looking at Dom :ninja:



Memories :rolleyes:

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Lol yeah i know! he's so hot la. you should post at the Twilight thread on the board! :happy: Its SOOOO great to see dear ol' Cedric out of his Quidditch Uniform :happy:


yeah i guess that happens when the band doesn't make any new material.

I'm sure once their new album is out, we'll be crazy obsessed fans once again! :LOL:


Btw i'm reaaaaaaaaaally lovin Violet Hill by Coldplay aha. i know, its about time! :LOL:



Hmmm....here's the link... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9JgLtq_z5k

He looks hot! Except a little pale in certain part. Besides that, woot!! *too bad there isn't any other sign besides the :musesign:* :p


"yeah i guess that happens when the band doesn't make any new material.

I'm sure once their new album is out, we'll be crazy obsessed fans once again! :LOL:"



Hey, have you all heard of the song Build to last by Melee? I totally love the piano bit :D

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Hmmm....here's the link... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9JgLtq_z5k

He looks hot! Except a little pale in certain part. Besides that, woot!! *too bad there isn't any other sign besides the :musesign:* :p


"yeah i guess that happens when the band doesn't make any new material.

I'm sure once their new album is out, we'll be crazy obsessed fans once again! :LOL:"



Hey, have you all heard of the song Build to last by Melee? I totally love the piano bit :D

lol yeah I posted the trailer like a few days ago on here too :p

he's supposed to look pale! he's a vampire! :LOL: the smile he does when he looks at Bella in the eye when he says "You really shouldn't have said that" was just GORGEEEOUUUUUSSSSS.


yeah its been played on the radio a lot :) the piano bit is like so.. pleasant. haha.

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lol yeah I posted the trailer like a few days ago on here too :p

he's supposed to look pale! he's a vampire! :LOL: the smile he does when he looks at Bella in the eye when he says "You really shouldn't have said that" was just GORGEEEOUUUUUSSSSS.


yeah its been played on the radio a lot :) the piano bit is like so.. pleasant. haha.



Haha,,,, YAh. It IS. His eyes, his face, his expression!! Lol... It will look even better when we watch it on silver screen :rolleyes::$:LOL:


It does sound pleasant. I love the paino part before I like the song :D And the drummer is kinda cute :pMe and my drummers :$

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Haha,,,, YAh. It IS. His eyes, his face, his expression!! Lol... It will look even better when we watch it on silver screen :rolleyes::$:LOL:


It does sound pleasant. I love the paino part before I like the song :D And the drummer is kinda cute :pMe and my drummers :$

lol yeah i heard the piano part on some advert on tv before i heard the actual song. its so catchy! :p


oooh proof!

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