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lol we should just wikipedia what boxing day is then. get it over with :p

unintended would so work for me man. especially when he played that er, little guitar riff thing before the actual unintended riff. and the way he sings it... dunno la. its just very nice :)




aww he played Falling Down! lol that's the only tune i recognized, besides the first riff of course. :D




i'm actually quite thankful i didnt get chosen for NS. i just hate the thought of living in the jungle, marching early in the morning, living with no proper toilets and stuff. nuh uh, totally not my thing.


you seem to be online quite often now though, its like as if you're off NS already!


Yeah i didn't recognise any riffs from there except falling down when i first heard it too! NS is really a drag, but it can be fun too you know heh heh.. I liked my basic training phase ok, minus the field camp and extremely long marches in the blistering sun. But now i work in the office of my camp, so it's kind of like 8-5. Hence the frequent postings. :p


oh i've been there. but only like 4 nights with no proper toilets. nightmare indeed.:stunned:




i used to think unintended as so cheesy.. i appreciate it more now. but Falling Down.... ayoo.. that song is just soooooo suitable for "i fancy matt" mode.


there'll be another round of NS rite? heh.. ;)


on other news, has anyone heard about Sunburst Music Festival next year? What are the chances of MUSE as the headliner? *hopeful*




INCUBUS is one of the confirmed acts!!!! WOOOOOOTTT!!!! *dances*



Happy New Year everyone.


WHY were you in the jungle for 4 nights i wonder! Another round of NS for who?

Sunburst fest sounds so goood... i wonder if it'll be expensive!







HAPPY 2008 everyone! You know this day will never come again!:D

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Yeah i didn't recognise any riffs from there except falling down when i first heard it too! NS is really a drag, but it can be fun too you know heh heh.. I liked my basic training phase ok, minus the field camp and extremely long marches in the blistering sun. But now i work in the office of my camp, so it's kind of like 8-5. Hence the frequent postings. :p




WHY were you in the jungle for 4 nights i wonder! Another round of NS for who?

Sunburst fest sounds so goood... i wonder if it'll be expensive!







HAPPY 2008 everyone! You know this day will never come again!:D


so by working in the office u're like an officer la now eh? ;)


camping of course! when i was in college. why did u think i was in the jungle for? :eek: heh heh... :p think there'll be another batch of 17 year olds who will called for NS next month? :unsure:


i hope the festival wont be too expensive and i hope that it won't be at Bkt Kiara.




but i still wish for a proper concert as festival means very short setlist!




So you won't be going here after all :LOL:


Happy New Year again :D


LOL. perhaps not. unless if muse decides to come to manila! :D

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HAH not an officer, far from it rather. Im just a lowly lance corporal! Alot of non-officer types get to work in the office. Unfortunately there's no option for our posting. I was just lucky that i know some design skills.


Oh so you went camping! That should be fun although there's no proper toilet around. There's no regimentation and it's all free and easy. :LOL:




You can always come down to Singapore then HAHAHAHAHA!


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on other news, has anyone heard about Sunburst Music Festival next year? What are the chances of MUSE as the headliner? *hopeful*




INCUBUS is one of the confirmed acts!!!! WOOOOOOTTT!!!! *dances*



Happy New Year everyone.


Hello everyone! How la ur New Year celebrations?


Thanks for the link, Faz. Cool if it happens. If Muse ada again seriously, can die. :LOL:

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HAH not an officer, far from it rather. Im just a lowly lance corporal! Alot of non-officer types get to work in the office. Unfortunately there's no option for our posting. I was just lucky that i know some design skills.


Oh so you went camping! That should be fun although there's no proper toilet around. There's no regimentation and it's all free and easy. :LOL:




You can always come down to Singapore then HAHAHAHAHA!


Design skills? what would they want to design for NS i wonder? hmmmm....


it was not for fun. i was forced to go. bleh... it was horrible. :stunned:



I WISH I COULD!!! *Stockholm Syndrome style*



Hello everyone! How la ur New Year celebrations?


Thanks for the link, Faz. Cool if it happens. If Muse ada again seriously, can die. :LOL:


preparing for lessons! that's what i did during the new year holidays! lol what about u?


Serious. sure die punyer if they can get Muse booked for that festival... :LOL:

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preparing for lessons! that's what i did during the new year holidays! lol what about u?


Serious. sure die punyer if they can get Muse booked for that festival... :LOL:


Celebrated new year with a guy /I've started dating again, at age 30 haha! Trying not to scare him off with my weirdness though :LOL:


Was that an overshare? :$ Sorry folks.



on other news, when la will the Wembley DVD come out. Cannot wait la...

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oh i've been there. but only like 4 nights with no proper toilets. nightmare indeed.:stunned:




i used to think unintended as so cheesy.. i appreciate it more now. but Falling Down.... ayoo.. that song is just soooooo suitable for "i fancy matt" mode.


there'll be another round of NS rite? heh.. ;)


on other news, has anyone heard about Sunburst Music Festival next year? What are the chances of MUSE as the headliner? *hopeful*




INCUBUS is one of the confirmed acts!!!! WOOOOOOTTT!!!! *dances*



Happy New Year everyone.


Happy New Year guys! :happy: omg my college orientation is tomorrow. omg omg.


i havent heard about that Sunburst Music Festival! omg incubus :happy::happy: but they said its gonna be in Bukit Kiara Equestrian Club! isn't that the same place you had your bad experience with incubus?


haha yeah you're right Falling Down is quite a matt-y song. a song you listen to to think about Matt cause its like just his voice and his guitar. Isn't cheesy sort of the same as jiwang? very... sappy and whatnots?


Celebrated new year with a guy /I've started dating again, at age 30 haha! Trying not to scare him off with my weirdness though :LOL:


Was that an overshare? :$ Sorry folks.



on other news, when la will the Wembley DVD come out. Cannot wait la...


ooh how did the date go? did you see fireworks? :D i cant wait for wembley dvd too! do you think they'll sell it here?

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Happy New Year guys! :happy: omg my college orientation is tomorrow. omg omg.


i havent heard about that Sunburst Music Festival! omg incubus :happy::happy: but they said its gonna be in Bukit Kiara Equestrian Club! isn't that the same place you had your bad experience with incubus?


haha yeah you're right Falling Down is quite a matt-y song. a song you listen to to think about Matt cause its like just his voice and his guitar. Isn't cheesy sort of the same as jiwang? very... sappy and whatnots?



ooh how did the date go? did you see fireworks? :D i cant wait for wembley dvd too! do you think they'll sell it here?



Have fun with the orientation Deb, some of it may be a bit, er icky but all part of the crazy college experience.



Sunburst festival: if jadik lets all go together, eh? Hope the organisers learnt a lesson from last time Incucbus performed tho'. :(


+1 on the Falling Down / matt gorgeousness...espec in that French interview.


betul la Deb, jiwang = sappy, which is slightly diff from cheesy right?



As for the date:$ heheh had a wondrous time, but fireworks we saw was @ KLCC New Year celebrations la :LOL:


Moving on...........I suddenly have a need to buy Muse baby-T, anyone know a good place I can get any?

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aww its so dead here :(


miele, was it crowded at KLCC? did everyone really go to The Curve instead? i have no idea where you can get muse baby-ts. i think sappy is a bit the same as cheesy. cheesy is like... lame, but sappy is just like another word for extremely romantic until its not very romantic anymore. that's how i'd use the words cheesy and sappy anyway :p


crazy_mary, why horrible! i went there for the simple plan concert and it was er... quite sad la. they put like thin planks all over the floor. i think its so that we wont stomp on the grass or something. and it was quite muddy outside but it was quite okay la imo. i heard Glastonbury is like super muddy, everyone plays with the mud there :eek:


orientation was okay i guess! i still dont know what subjects to take yet though :( i dont even know whether i should take 3 or 4 subjects :confused: on the confusion...

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OH yeah it sure is getting quiet here lately.. I guess everyone is still in the holiday mood. Deb, you get to choose your modules? So what exactly will you be studying in college?

That sunburst fest seems promising, what with them promising big acts... I hope Muse can do it but they're in South Africa in March rite?

Im going to KL next week! Any cooool place to visit/shop anyone?:D Has anyone gone to the space exhibition thing in KL? how's it?

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Hello !


I would like to suggest Sunday, 13 Jan 2008, McD Subang Jaya 1pm(same venue as first meet up with Crazy Mary & Shanaz) to pass Crazy Mary's long awaited (5 months!) DVD + Debbie's poster (also long awaited!).


Can u make it Debbie? If not, you just tell me when (if u are afraid, ask your mom / friend(s) to accompany you) you are free to meet somewhere at 1U. I'm free now.

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OH yeah it sure is getting quiet here lately.. I guess everyone is still in the holiday mood. Deb, you get to choose your modules? So what exactly will you be studying in college?

That sunburst fest seems promising, what with them promising big acts... I hope Muse can do it but they're in South Africa in March rite?

Im going to KL next week! Any cooool place to visit/shop anyone?:D Has anyone gone to the space exhibition thing in KL? how's it?


I'm doing A-Levels now btw. Edexcel, or the london board one. so its modular, unlike the cambridge board one. so far i've chosen Math, Physics, Chem and Econs, but i feel like dropping one (or two) subjects and take Further Math. but now my problem is, what subject do i drop??? :( and should i do 3 or 4 subjects?? aargh. should i ask the uk people on the board? lol :$


Hello !


I would like to suggest Sunday, 13 Jan 2008, McD Subang Jaya 1pm(same venue as first meet up with Crazy Mary & Shanaz) to pass Crazy Mary's long awaited (5 months!) DVD + Debbie's poster (also long awaited!).


Can u make it Debbie? If not, you just tell me when (if u are afraid, ask your mom / friend(s) to accompany you) you are free to meet somewhere at 1U. I'm free now.


ooh so it'll be a good muse meet up then since nutcracker's gonna be there too all the way from singapore? i'm not sure if i can make it because i have no idea where McD's in subang jaya is. unless i tumpang one of you la, but its also quite dangerous for me though as you guys are still strangers to me, despite all the conversation we've been having. no offence intended. can i bring a friend along to our muse meet up? :)

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I'm doing A-Levels now btw. Edexcel, or the london board one. so its modular, unlike the cambridge board one. so far i've chosen Math, Physics, Chem and Econs, but i feel like dropping one (or two) subjects and take Further Math. but now my problem is, what subject do i drop??? :( and should i do 3 or 4 subjects?? aargh. should i ask the uk people on the board? lol :$


I suppose it is a good idea to ask the UK citizens... i didn't do A-levels so i can't help you much i guess... :$ You must be pretty ace in maths eh? I half-hate maths :LOL:. About econs, i heard it's a very tough subject, but i'm sure it's subjective (no pun intended heh heh).



ooh so it'll be a good muse meet up then since nutcracker's gonna be there too all the way from singapore? i'm not sure if i can make it because i have no idea where McD's in subang jaya is. unless i tumpang one of you la, but its also quite dangerous for me though as you guys are still strangers to me, despite all the conversation we've been having. no offence intended. can i bring a friend along to our muse meet up? :)


Sounds great. I wish i had asked weresodisco to buy something.. I'm leaving on sunday itself though i dono what time exactly. I've no idea where subang jaya is.. I'm sure kak faz is trustworthy and you can tumpang her lol. If possible please bring along a guy fren eh? cuz it seems like everyone's a lady here.


So any places that are great for shopping? i know petaling street and the KLCC and the masjid India area... need more! :D

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i heard Glastonbury is like super muddy, everyone plays with the mud there :eek:



*Starts dreaming of going to Glastonbury next summer*


Sorry cant help u with the subject choice Deb, I know nothing on that :p



Sounds great. I wish i had asked weresodisco to buy something.. I'm leaving on sunday itself though i dono what time exactly. I've no idea where subang jaya is.. I'm sure kak faz is trustworthy and you can tumpang her lol. If possible please bring along a guy fren eh? cuz it seems like everyone's a lady here.


So any places that are great for shopping? i know petaling street and the KLCC and the masjid India area... need more! :D


Nut, u have to go to Bukit Bintang Area- (take monorail, way easier) espec Sg Wang Plaza n Pavillion. Sg Wang alone is worth it for one of a kind stuff.


Hope can meet u guys that weekend, I may be going for my friend's wedding in KL that week. Keep us informed weresodisco!


P.S- :LOL: at the idea of Deb being scared of us on this forum. Sorry Deb. But bringing a friend is always a good idea. :D

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*Starts dreaming of going to Glastonbury next summer*


Sorry cant help u with the subject choice Deb, I know nothing on that :p




Nut, u have to go to Bukit Bintang Area- (take monorail, way easier) espec Sg Wang Plaza n Pavillion. Sg Wang alone is worth it for one of a kind stuff.


Hope can meet u guys that weekend, I may be going for my friend's wedding in KL that week. Keep us informed weresodisco!


P.S- :LOL: at the idea of Deb being scared of us on this forum. Sorry Deb. But bringing a friend is always a good idea. :D


OK i'll check out the Bukit Bintang Area thanks for that! LOL yeah Deb, Miele and Kak Faz are extremely nice and cool people, so you shouldn't feel too weird and paranoid about meeting up! :)


Anyway isn't Subang Jaya the airport?:stunned:

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Hi haryzat! always good to fellow 'pesakit tenat' Muse kat sini. Cool, ada blog lagi tuh.


U r rite, Faz is extremely famous here. Sampai kat bangkok tgh check in pun siap ada Mat Salleh ushar2 dia lagi. :LOL:


Er, ppl, the meetup tu on or not? Btw nutcracker dont worry I dont know where the designated McD Subang Jaya is as well.



But I do know it's not @ the airport la hahaha.


When it is will u arrive in Kl?

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Hi haryzat! always good to fellow 'pesakit tenat' Muse kat sini. Cool, ada blog lagi tuh.


U r rite, Faz is extremely famous here. Sampai kat bangkok tgh check in pun siap ada Mat Salleh ushar2 dia lagi. :LOL:


Er, ppl, the meetup tu on or not? Btw nutcracker dont worry I dont know where the designated McD Subang Jaya is as well.



But I do know it's not @ the airport la hahaha.


When it is will u arrive in Kl?



huhuhu... McD Subang Jaya make some people blur....


buat jer kat Bangsar ker Mid Valley ker... ha senag kot orang nak cari...

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hey haryzat! am more 'tenat' that u guys la think. lol.. that's why i keep coming here, almost everyday..lol cool blog btw. :)


one que: why am i the only one people call 'kak' here? shouldn't miele also be called that? she's actually a month older than me people. :p:D but having said that, i actually prefer people call me that than crazy_mary. heh.. ;)


can't multi quote coz then my post will be too long.

@deb, lol at ur description of bkt kiara. the reason i don't like the place is exaclty that la.. plus the horrible smell. i don't think bkt kiara is an appropriate venue for a music festival, imagine how are they gonna arange 4 separate stages and 22 acts? fuh.. keje giler tuh. There is still NO news about the festival btw :(


@Nutcracker, u're coming to KL and the meet up? woooot!! would be great to meet u again. can i kirim something from Spore? heh heh.. pertama complex, Jln TAR area are good places to shop u know. think u can also find some muse related stuffs at pertama complex. i bought a number of my cetak rompak concert vcds at one of the shops there. think they also sell shirts and stickers there but am not sure. and miele is right, bkt bintang area is also a good place to shop.


@weresodisco, i'll definitely make an extra effort for the meet up this time around. esp after 5 months! lol.. subang mcD is around subang parade area peeps. so i'll be glad to fetch u guys from the subang parade commuter station to there. imagine that. rombongan peminat muse ke mcdonald subang. awesome. shannaz, u coming?

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hey haryzat! am more 'tenat' that u guys la think. lol.. that's why i keep coming here, almost everyday..lol cool blog btw. :)


one que: why am i the only one people call 'kak' here? shouldn't miele also be called that? she's actually a month older than me people. :p:D but having said that, i actually prefer people call me that than crazy_mary. heh.. ;)


can't multi quote coz then my post will be too long.

@deb, lol at ur description of bkt kiara. the reason i don't like the place is exaclty that la.. plus the horrible smell. i don't think bkt kiara is an appropriate venue for a music festival, imagine how are they gonna arange 4 separate stages and 22 acts? fuh.. keje giler tuh. There is still NO news about the festival btw :(


@Nutcracker, u're coming to KL and the meet up? woooot!! would be great to meet u again. can i kirim something from Spore? heh heh.. pertama complex, Jln TAR area are good places to shop u know. think u can also find some muse related stuffs at pertama complex. i bought a number of my cetak rompak concert vcds at one of the shops there. think they also sell shirts and stickers there but am not sure. and miele is right, bkt bintang area is also a good place to shop.


@weresodisco, i'll definitely make an extra effort for the meet up this time around. esp after 5 months! lol.. subang mcD is around subang parade area peeps. so i'll be glad to fetch u guys from the subang parade commuter station to there. imagine that. rombongan peminat muse ke mcdonald subang. awesome. shannaz, u coming?



I think this meetup will absolutely great if it become reality..

still want to do at Subang?


Anyway which concert that pirate one you bought? Live in London?


I just copy from my friend there...

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