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HI OMG soooo sorry I didn't post here insta-report after the Muse gig. It's been really busy and now I have a job :(:):LOL: and I clean forgot.


I don't have pictures! I fully should've taken my camera. They didn't even check. But I was too busy going spastic to be still enough anyway haha. Gosh, what else is there to say? It was so great. My first Muse concert! I'll never forget it. Oooh I bought a t-shirt, it's a Starlighter tee LOL. Hm I should take a pic when I have batteries in the camera (I'll get back to you guys on that).


Dom was so awesome. He wore his green skinnys. There's a video on YouTube at the end of the gig (attached to a KoC bootleg), he said a few words :) He's so great. Wait I'll find it for you.


I PRESENT TO YOU: http://nz.youtube.com/watch?v=4EERUhbjY6c


Oh and I blogged about it after; here's the link to that: http://temporarilydisabled.blogspot.com/2007/11/so-muse.html

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Hallo ppl! How's are u guys?





Hm I should take a pic when I have batteries in the camera (I'll get back to you guys on that).


Dom was so awesome. He wore his green skinnys. There's a video on YouTube at the end of the gig (attached to a KoC bootleg), he said a few words :) He's so great. Wait I'll find it for you.


I PRESENT TO YOU: http://nz.youtube.com/watch?v=4EERUhbjY6c



Thanks for the link, etc, really glad you had an awesome time. :) Photos? ;)



It's getting quiet around here eh..


Good on you, Illuminatist, if you're watching MCR. Hope tat Muse will make a stop-over this region again.


Kak Faz i like your new avy, man! How come my poster don't have the yellow Muse print? heh heh


*joins wishing for Muse stopover again*


Ya la faz, what magic trick did u do with that yellow Muse print tu?


oh and Nutcracker; I was looking at the bangkok meetup photos again with my friend, he nearly choked with laughter bcoz u look exactly like him, like, 5 years ago.


Donno why I never realised that :LOL:


P.S- so u watching Incubus in SG? When is it again?




Faz! It's confirmed, MCR is coming here on January 25th, their 1st stop for the SEA tour. Fuck, we have a chance of seeing Muse soon.


I'm so excited. Sorry guys


[/vent over]


*prays that ur right*






Random fact: Tomorrow I'm watching Dewa 19 in Penang :D I love this band. The fact that I dont have to travel to see them makes a nice change.




Man United for the win!

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Dom was so awesome. He wore his green skinnys. There's a video on YouTube at the end of the gig (attached to a KoC bootleg), he said a few words :) He's so great. Wait I'll find it for you.


I PRESENT TO YOU: http://nz.youtube.com/watch?v=4EERUhbjY6c


the same KoC intro as in KROQ, that gave me goosebumps! and ahhh... Mr Howard, u fucking rock too! is it true that the Bangkok date was also on the shirt?


Faz! It's confirmed, MCR is coming here on January 25th, their 1st stop for the SEA tour. Fuck, we have a chance of seeing Muse soon.


I'm so excited. Sorry guys


[/vent over]



WOOOOOOO Audrey!!! am so happy for u! haha... take lots of pic and yeah.. try to get ray's sig! i adore him! and oh speaking of MCR this is the vid i've uploaded. apologies for the awful audio, we were very close to the speakers. and i tried uploading the chicken dance vid, but dunno why... youtube been rejecting it. and why no pit in manila, eh? is it free standing/seating event? the future is good for you guys (and us again, i hope! ) to get muse soon! :happy:


It's getting quiet around here eh..


Good on you, Illuminatist, if you're watching MCR. Hope tat Muse will make a stop-over this region again.


Kak Faz i like your new avy, man! How come my poster don't have the yellow Muse print? heh heh


that yellow muse print is actually a car sticker i bought at std merdeka after the mcr concert. heh heh.. but i haven't put(?) paste(?) bleh.. tampal it on my old, beat up car yet. i need to wash my car first!


Man United for the win!


Boooooooo!!!! :p


have fun tomorrow! my sis been begging me to accompany her to dewa at std merdeka or negara?? dunno whether i shud go or not.


on incubus, i found an

where mike mentioned that they will be coming to malaysia again for a concert! :eek::eek: it's LONG but mikey mentioned it like almost at the end of that vid. bloody hell, but why no announcement? i hope he didn't get singapore and KL mixed up! ok, will shut up about incubus now.


but one last plea..




ok, that's it. i promise!

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is it true that the Bangkok date was also on the shirt?


Hm I don't know - that wasn't the one I bought and I didn't pay a lot of attention to it. I don't think so, though; the shirt WAS for the Australasian tour, and Indonesia isn't part of Australasia. So technically the Bangkok date wouldn't have been on there anyway.

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*joins wishing for Muse stopover again*


Ya la faz, what magic trick did u do with that yellow Muse print tu?


oh and Nutcracker; I was looking at the bangkok meetup photos again with my friend, he nearly choked with laughter bcoz u look exactly like him, like, 5 years ago.


Donno why I never realised that :LOL:


P.S- so u watching Incubus in SG? When is it again?


LOL i hope looking like your fren IS a good thing heh heh heh... You never realised it because you were amazed at how charming i am in real life. HHAHAHAHAHA:eek:. I kid, i kid. Incubus is on the 7th March, i'm definitely going, man. Can't miss this time. Hope they play more of their older stuff though...


that yellow muse print is actually a car sticker i bought at std merdeka after the mcr concert. heh heh.. but i haven't put(?) paste(?) bleh.. tampal it on my old, beat up car yet. i need to wash my car first!


Cool they sell Muse merch for an MCR show?? any idea if Johor Baru has any place that sells anything to do with Muse?


i thot i saw a picture of the australasian tour t-shirt with bangkok date on it. :unsure:


bangkok is in thailand hun. :D


and Lo! behold peeps, the dance that can never rival matt's TIRO shuffle.


Actually there is a tee with the Bangkok date as part of the print.. i've read it somewhere but never seen it... sorry for being vague..


And that chicky dance sure is funny! You've got some steady hands there, great job on the cam work!!

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LOL i hope looking like your fren IS a good thing heh heh heh... You never realised it because you were amazed at how charming i am in real life. HHAHAHAHAHA:eek:. I kid, i kid. Incubus is on the 7th March, i'm definitely going, man. Can't miss this time. Hope they play more of their older stuff though...


yeah u are a very charming person in real life :rolleyes::p


Have u got ur incubus tickets yet? They must play a certain shade of green. lagu wajib tuh!



Cool they sell Muse merch for an MCR show?? any idea if Johor Baru has any place that sells anything to do with Muse?


Actually there is a tee with the Bangkok date as part of the print.. i've read it somewhere but never seen it... sorry for being vague..


And that chicky dance sure is funny! You've got some steady hands there, great job on the cam work!!


they always sell t-shirts and other merchandise at every concert. but they're the 'unofficial' ones la kan... i have no idea where u can find muse merch in JB. sorry.


yeah.. i've seen a picture of the australasian shirt somewhere at the gig&tours section.


i was really confused by the dance. it was my friend who was recording it, i was too busy jumping around lol.

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WOOOOOOO Audrey!!! am so happy for u! haha... take lots of pic and yeah.. try to get ray's sig! i adore him! and oh speaking of MCR this is the vid i've uploaded. apologies for the awful audio, we were very close to the speakers. and i tried uploading the chicken dance vid, but dunno why... youtube been rejecting it. and why no pit in manila, eh? is it free standing/seating event? the future is good for you guys (and us again, i hope! ) to get muse soon! :happy:


I will, I will. And hopefully be able to get Ray's, Bob's and Worm's autograph. :D

It's seated :rolleyes: and chairs are monoblocks! :stunned: But I heard that people instantly makes a pit if there's none. Gaaaah I'm really excited, I'll get my ticket next week. I will choose Ray's side.

The future is good for us SEA!!!:happy:

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the future is good for you guys (and us again, i hope! ) to get muse soon! :happy:


that yellow muse print is actually a car sticker i bought at std merdeka after the mcr concert. heh heh.. but i haven't put(?) paste(?) bleh.. tampal it on my old, beat up car yet. i need to wash my car first!


have fun tomorrow! my sis been begging me to accompany her to dewa at std merdeka or negara?? dunno whether i shud go or not.


but one last plea..




ok, that's it. i promise!



Having had Muse in KL as the highlight of (my) 2007, greedily I hope it'll happen again in 2008. Muse in SEA 2008 ftw!


Faz, aiya patut beli lebih sket sticker kuning tu....You'd make a killing at a Muser meetup i tell ya.


Dewa live is usually a good experience, but I understood what u meant by the MCR thing; I kept flashbacking to Muse! It didnt help they played SMBH and SFA before the gig, I sang along so loudly and got some "sewel' looks from a bunch of Indos. :LOL:


If Incubus come again it's a date Faz!




LOL i hope looking like your fren IS a good thing heh heh heh... You never realised it because you were amazed at how charming i am in real life. HHAHAHAHAHA:eek:. I kid, i kid. Incubus is on the 7th March, i'm definitely going, man. Can't miss this time. Hope they play more of their older stuff though...



Of course it's a good thing u look like him, ask Faz :D And in your own strange way you are charming. ;) *tries to hold back laughter*






Eh, where's everyone been: Deb, adyla, shannaz etc? Oh and to all celebrating:


Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!

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i thot i saw a picture of the australasian tour t-shirt with bangkok date on it. :unsure:


bangkok is in thailand hun. :D


:$:$:$ That is so embarrassing. :$:$:$ Um, I know the placement of the provinces in Canada...? :LOL: I must've been thinking of Jakarta or... well, I don't know what I was thinking to be honest :(


Re: the shirt - oh, okay. I'm really keen to have a look at that myself now. I shall keep an eye out for it :)


Edit: Did some scouting at Gigs&Tours - thanks to crazy_mary for the tip - and the Bangkok date is indeed on the tour tee. Link here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/druminic/2064310381/in/set-72157603298473519/

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I will, I will. And hopefully be able to get Ray's, Bob's and Worm's autograph.

It's seated :rolleyes: and chairs are monoblocks! :stunned: But I heard that people instantly makes a pit if there's none. Gaaaah I'm really excited, I'll get my ticket next week. I will choose Ray's side.

The future is good for us SEA!!!


Ray's side is the best. mikey and gerard side is for the (screaming and annoying) fan girls. unless if u're one of 'em like i was during MUSE's KL gig ;). chairs at rock concert are bullocks, really spoil the fun of moshing.


Dewa live is usually a good experience, but I understood what u meant by the MCR thing; I kept flashbacking to Muse! It didnt help they played SMBH and SFA before the gig, I sang along so loudly and got some "sewel' looks from a bunch of Indos.


If Incubus come again it's a date Faz!


Of course it's a good thing u look like him, ask Faz And in your own strange way you are charming. *tries to hold back laughter*


Eh, where's everyone been: Deb, adyla, shannaz etc? Oh and to all celebrating:


Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!


Nothing beats the look of a few matt saleh looking at us wearing muse t at bangkok airport. :LOL:


I don't think incubus is coming. supermassive bummer, really :(:(. coz i reeeeeaaaaaly like them and wanna see 'em PROPERLY this time around after being taken out from the pitt in 04. shit la, i wanna see 'em. :(


i dont recall izmir looking like Nutcraker. :unsure:


That is so embarrassing. : Um, I know the placement of the provinces in Canada...? I must've been thinking of Jakarta or... well, I don't know what I was thinking to be honest :(


Edit: Did some scouting at Gigs&Tours - thanks to crazy_mary for the tip - and the Bangkok date is indeed on the tour tee. Link here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/druminic/2064310381/in/set-72157603298473519/


i am the undisputed champion in sucking at geography, so that was nothing, dear. lol


Thanks for the picture! damn, i would've bought that t.



On other news, i got an A, well A- really..for my postcol despite the fact that i was half an hour late for the exam! wooo..


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hello hello everyone! haha its been awhile eh? sorry i havent been around! i've been so caught up with prom and going out and stuff. plus christmas is coming!! wooot. i haven't even blogged about prom yet. and my internet stopped working for awhile and now its still a bit bonkers. i keep getting disconnected!


congrats to kak faz for your A-! :D you did well!


EDIT oh i forgot. ARSENAL FTW! :D

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Ray's side is the best. mikey and gerard side is for the (screaming and annoying) fan girls. unless if u're one of 'em like i was during MUSE's KL gig ;). chairs at rock concert are bullocks, really spoil the fun of moshing.


Yeah that's what I heard. I don't want to get crushed by screaming fan girls. I still want to live for Muse's gig. :LOL: Besides I like Ray than Frank or Mikey or Gerard.

Indeed they're bollocks!


Congratulations by the way Faz!!! *hands over a beer*

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HI OMG soooo sorry I didn't post here insta-report after the Muse gig. It's been really busy and now I have a job :(:):LOL: and I clean forgot.


I don't have pictures! I fully should've taken my camera. They didn't even check. But I was too busy going spastic to be still enough anyway haha. Gosh, what else is there to say? It was so great. My first Muse concert! I'll never forget it. Oooh I bought a t-shirt, it's a Starlighter tee LOL. Hm I should take a pic when I have batteries in the camera (I'll get back to you guys on that).


Dom was so awesome. He wore his green skinnys. There's a video on YouTube at the end of the gig (attached to a KoC bootleg), he said a few words :) He's so great. Wait I'll find it for you.


I PRESENT TO YOU: http://nz.youtube.com/watch?v=4EERUhbjY6c


Oh and I blogged about it after; here's the link to that: http://temporarilydisabled.blogspot.com/2007/11/so-muse.html


Thanks for the vid!






Cool they sell Muse merch for an MCR show?? any idea if Johor Baru has any place that sells anything to do with Muse?




Bloody sucks.




On other news, i got an A, well A- really..for my postcol despite the fact that i was half an hour late for the exam! wooo..


Congratulations!!! :D:D:happy:

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Having had Muse in KL as the highlight of (my) 2007, greedily I hope it'll happen again in 2008. Muse in SEA 2008 ftw!


Faz, aiya patut beli lebih sket sticker kuning tu....You'd make a killing at a Muser meetup i tell ya.


Dewa live is usually a good experience, but I understood what u meant by the MCR thing; I kept flashbacking to Muse! It didnt help they played SMBH and SFA before the gig, I sang along so loudly and got some "sewel' looks from a bunch of Indos. :LOL:


If Incubus come again it's a date Faz!






Of course it's a good thing u look like him, ask Faz :D And in your own strange way you are charming. ;) *tries to hold back laughter*






Eh, where's everyone been: Deb, adyla, shannaz etc? Oh and to all celebrating:


Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!



Thanks! Selamat Aidiladha to all of you guys too!


Re: the shirt - oh, okay. I'm really keen to have a look at that myself now. I shall keep an eye out for it :)


Edit: Did some scouting at Gigs&Tours - thanks to crazy_mary for the tip - and the Bangkok date is indeed on the tour tee. Link here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/druminic/2064310381/in/set-72157603298473519/



Wow that shirt looks great! I wish i had one.. buying them online burns a major hole in my pocket, man.


Thanks for the vid!





Bloody sucks.





Congratulations!!! :D:D:happy:



Oh man no Muse merch at JB eh? :( Singapore don't sell them too as far as i know. Only fake tees which are ugly imo.


Congrats Kak Faz on the A-, you must be reaaaal smart, being a teacher and all.. :p

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hello hello everyone! haha its been awhile eh? sorry i havent been around! i've been so caught up with prom and going out and stuff. plus christmas is coming!! wooot. i haven't even blogged about prom yet. and my internet stopped working for awhile and now its still a bit bonkers. i keep getting disconnected!

EDIT oh i forgot. ARSENAL FTW! :D


how was ur prom??


Let me just shout it out! :D





Yeah that's what I heard. I don't want to get crushed by screaming fan girls. I still want to live for Muse's gig. :LOL: Besides I like Ray than Frank or Mikey or Gerard.

Indeed they're bollocks!


Congratulations by the way Faz!!! *hands over a beer*


let mcr be a warm up for ur future Muse gig! i hear that maroon 5 is also coming to manila. u guys are getting more bands than us next year.. and incubus. haiiiihhhh.... and thanks, but can i get a coke instead? lol


Congratulations!!! :D:D:happy:


Congrats Kak Faz on the A-, you must be reaaaal smart, being a teacher and all.. :p


thanks guys! i r semart! :nerd:


Just asking as i am unfamilliar with forums

Is there gonna be a muse tour next year

sebab i missed them this year:(


aww... kenapa tak pegi? like deb said, we all are wishing for one. they are playing in South Africa in march next year tho. and there are RUMOURS everywhere... :rolleyes:

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Arsenal ftw? :noey: I'm not sore because we LOST after a game that you guys didn't even deserve to win, but more because JT broke something AGAIN.


Oh well. We can all rally up against ManUre and their stupid luck. At least they're not top of the league yussss.


/football OT


Are u BLUES fan?

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