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They sure are! :D They have a new album coming out next year, actually. Beautiful something... Beautiful Machine! I reckon I can safely say that they're NZs best exports, in terms of a live gig. I also reckon they went downhill after all that stupid "Pacifier" jazz... always stick to their old stuff, back in the days when they were proper NZ homeboys.


But yeah. That's enough ranting for today :)


did they disbanded or simply decided to change their name to pacifier? lol.. they are great live, i agree. but it was weird that some people keep mistaken 'em for being an oz band.. lol. sorry, my turn to rant now i guess. heh.


signed the petition already. :D

i wanna sign it again.

and again.

and again.

and again.



and again.

and again again.

and again again and again.

and again.

again! again! again! again!

and again.

does the word 'again' look weird and unfamiliar to you already?



lol.. how many times have u signed it? i only sign it once! gonna go n sign it again. lol and now there's 16 sigs! :happy:


Just curious: would the show in NZ be your 1st?


If it is, great! There's nothing else like it, I tell ya.


Tip: try and throw something fun onstage for the band, just for the heck of it. :D


good advice! throw a bear or an affro wig for dom and please attach a message asking 'em to come here for us!!!


cant believe the melbourne gig almost sold out in minutes! mental..

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Just curious: would the show in NZ be your 1st?


If it is, great! There's nothing else like it, I tell ya.


Tip: try and throw something fun onstage for the band, just for the heck of it. :D


Yep, it will be my first after missing them four times! Ah it's going to be simply epic.


did they disbanded or simply decided to change their name to pacifier? lol.. they are great live, i agree. but it was weird that some people keep mistaken 'em for being an oz band.. lol. sorry, my turn to rant now i guess. heh.


good advice! throw a bear or an affro wig for dom and please attach a message asking 'em to come here for us!!!


cant believe the melbourne gig almost sold out in minutes! mental..


Nah they just changed the name to Pacifier, since the Americans got all uptight about stuff even remotely sounding like they were terrorist-affiliated (Shihad apparently can be twisted to sound like Jihad and so the Americans were like, "Nah you SOUND like you're gonna bomb us, no way we're gonna appreciate your music."). They changed it back to Shihad after they realised us fans back at home weren't taking any of it though :D


Lol an afro wig for Dom, eh? I do love Dom... I'll see what I can do about the message thing, although I'm not so sure how happy they'd be if I chucked something onstage... if I even chucked hard enough for it to land on the stage...


Yeah, us on the NZ thread are thinking it won't sell out until the last week or so (but we're still waiting for the announcements so the mad dash for pre-sales can happen on Wednesday). There aren't many Muse fans here compared to Aussie, of course, seeing as we have 4 million and they have, well, a ton more... but Muse get hardly any radio airplay here as well and it's actually quite disgusting. It's a wonder they love us so much... and we love them for it :D

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Lol i'm quite different in person too i guess. I think it's natural. It will be a grand meetup, i imagine! Definitely.


I've never been to HK or China. I'd love to. I just heard stories about how cool the place is! Yeah a haven for shopping, HK is. Lol some of us right here in Singapore spit like no one's business too. yucks.





I think im the seventh person to sign the petition.. Yeah i think KL has that vibrant feel to it. It can be fun being there i guess!

Yeah Bliss!! And it was after Bliss that Dom told us to pop the balloons, and i popped the last onE!! HAHAHAHA. You could hear it in the audio recording. :D:D:D:D:D


zOMG THAT WAS YOU??? ahahah that's so cool!


i tend to listen to the audio recording of the whole singapore gig from time to time whenever i'm feeling nostalgic, and you can actually hear the 'pop' sound of the balloon and dom stops his little drumroll! ahh... dom was awesome that night :)


Yep, it will be my first after missing them four times! Ah it's going to be simply epic.




Nah they just changed the name to Pacifier, since the Americans got all uptight about stuff even remotely sounding like they were terrorist-affiliated (Shihad apparently can be twisted to sound like Jihad and so the Americans were like, "Nah you SOUND like you're gonna bomb us, no way we're gonna appreciate your music."). They changed it back to Shihad after they realised us fans back at home weren't taking any of it though :D


Lol an afro wig for Dom, eh? I do love Dom... I'll see what I can do about the message thing, although I'm not so sure how happy they'd be if I chucked something onstage... if I even chucked hard enough for it to land on the stage...


Yeah, us on the NZ thread are thinking it won't sell out until the last week or so (but we're still waiting for the announcements so the mad dash for pre-sales can happen on Wednesday). There aren't many Muse fans here compared to Aussie, of course, seeing as we have 4 million and they have, well, a ton more... but Muse get hardly any radio airplay here as well and it's actually quite disgusting. It's a wonder they love us so much... and we love them for it :D


WOOT we have another Dom fan here! lol. :LOL: yeah i agree on the afro wig for Dom. it would be legendary like that pink wig he wears :LOL:




EDIT: oh i forgot to mention, i'm FINALLY done with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! i'm gonna read Order of the Phoenix now. then i'll ready HBP and Deathly Hallows again. lolol. damn it i shouldnt have skipped Order of the Phoenix la :mad: i dont get this prophecy thingies.

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Nutcracker, thanks, you've made me all nostalgic (in a good way) for the KL gig. :D


I love feeling nostalgic for muse, makes me wana catch them even more! Spread the love, eh? :LOL:


Yep, it will be my first after missing them four times! Ah it's going to be simply epic.


Oh yeah, man after 4x? You must be feeling anxious, excited, restless, etc! i can't imagine how much you're looking forward to this one.


zOMG THAT WAS YOU??? ahahah that's so cool!


i tend to listen to the audio recording of the whole singapore gig from time to time whenever i'm feeling nostalgic, and you can actually hear the 'pop' sound of the balloon and dom stops his little drumroll! ahh... dom was awesome that night :)


EDIT: oh i forgot to mention, i'm FINALLY done with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! i'm gonna read Order of the Phoenix now. then i'll ready HBP and Deathly Hallows again. lolol. damn it i shouldnt have skipped Order of the Phoenix la :mad: i dont get this prophecy thingies.



HAHA yeah i have a bit of history etched into the recording there, i suppose! Which i'm so proud of, liek, totally! :D

It's quite a shame we don't have the whole recording of the KL gig.. But the Assassin track oalways gives me goosebumps whenever i have a listen...


Harry Potter kicks ass lol. I'm just done with HBP. I'll start on DH soon... :$:p

But i already know the whole story which kinda sucks. But, oh well...

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Nah they just changed the name to Pacifier, since the Americans got all uptight about stuff even remotely sounding like they were terrorist-affiliated (Shihad apparently can be twisted to sound like Jihad and so the Americans were like, "Nah you SOUND like you're gonna bomb us, no way we're gonna appreciate your music."). They changed it back to Shihad after they realised us fans back at home weren't taking any of it though :D


Yeah, us on the NZ thread are thinking it won't sell out until the last week or so (but we're still waiting for the announcements so the mad dash for pre-sales can happen on Wednesday). There aren't many Muse fans here compared to Aussie, of course, seeing as we have 4 million and they have, well, a ton more... but Muse get hardly any radio airplay here as well and it's actually quite disgusting. It's a wonder they love us so much... and we love them for it :D


i had mistaken their name for jihad as well the first time i heard 'em. lol.. thinking wow, there's a muslim band in nz? lol. but yeah.. they should stick with shihad.


ah.. dont underestimate muse fans mate. like here in KL we thot there arent a lot of us but they sold out! i bet the chch gig will sell out in a matter of minutes as well. not a lot of great bands come to south island eh? they ( or their GF) must have love the beauty of nz.. perhaps u guys should suggest 'em to do bungy jumping in queenstown or something.. lol


WOOT we have another Dom fan here! lol. :LOL: yeah i agree on the afro wig for Dom. it would be legendary like that pink wig he wears




EDIT: oh i forgot to mention, i'm FINALLY done with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! i'm gonna read Order of the Phoenix now. then i'll ready HBP and Deathly Hallows again. lolol. damn it i shouldnt have skipped Order of the Phoenix la :mad: i dont get this prophecy thingies.


lol.. am gonna go to matt's side for a while.. its getting too crowded in dom's camp now.:p


well, yeah u shouldnt have skipped Order of Phoenix! even i didnt actually get some parts of DH coz i forgot wat happened in the previous books lol. think i'll start a HP marathon from the first book till the last during the end of year hols. but yeah, DH is the best out of the series but i simply hate the last chapter. so unnecessary.. who would've name their son Albus Severus??? lol.. so cheesy.. and Snape! aww.. i hate dumbledore now!


I love feeling nostalgic for muse, makes me wana catch them even more! Spread the love, eh? :LOL:


Harry Potter kicks ass lol. I'm just done with HBP. I'll start on DH soon...

But i already know the whole story which kinda sucks. But, oh well...


nostalgic can also make u go mental.. lol. tho i already heard spoilers of the book i still enjoyed the book very much!


HAHA yeah i have a bit of history etched into the recording there, i suppose! Which i'm so proud of, liek, totally! :D


Show offf!!!! :p:p



im done with Harry Potter too!!! cried like hell!!! im gonna miss reading Harry Potter!!! :'(


haha.. yeah la. i purposely read it slowly coz i dont wanna it to end. seriously i cried for Hedwig more than the rest. awww.. that snowy owl. bless her. *sniffs*

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People, cmon, no Harry Potter spoilers please! :D


Please help, I'm on a self-imposed crusade to remain book-free until the film series ends. did it with LOTR but damn how torturous the wait.....


Maybe that'll help with strengthening willpower, eh? What with not knowing when Muse will come back here and all.....


P.S: Dom is awesome but Chris so handsome. Catchy chant what?:D

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HAHA yeah i have a bit of history etched into the recording there, i suppose! Which i'm so proud of, liek, totally! :D

It's quite a shame we don't have the whole recording of the KL gig.. But the Assassin track oalways gives me goosebumps whenever i have a listen...


Harry Potter kicks ass lol. I'm just done with HBP. I'll start on DH soon...

But i already know the whole story which kinda sucks. But, oh well...


lol good for you! aiyo i wish i wasnt so shy when i met kak faz during the gig, that way i'd be able to be right at the front with them! :'(:'(


yeah... i kinda knew the biggest spoilers when i read the book, so it was damn 'potong stim' la you know?


im done with Harry Potter too!!! cried like hell!!! im gonna miss reading Harry Potter!!! :'(


lol i didnt cry! thought i felt incredibly sad when some unexpected people passed away, i didnt cry! i just felt really really down :(


lol.. am gonna go to matt's side for a while.. its getting too crowded in dom's camp now.:p


well, yeah u shouldnt have skipped Order of Phoenix! even i didnt actually get some parts of DH coz i forgot wat happened in the previous books lol. think i'll start a HP marathon from the first book till the last during the end of year hols. but yeah, DH is the best out of the series but i simply hate the last chapter. so unnecessary.. who would've name their son Albus Severus??? lol.. so cheesy.. and Snape! aww.. i hate dumbledore now!


haha.. yeah la. i purposely read it slowly coz i dont wanna it to end. seriously i cried for Hedwig more than the rest. awww.. that snowy owl. bless her. *sniffs*


ok er, for the sake of Nutcracker and miele not knowing anymore spoilers of the book, i'll use spoiler tags!



YEAH MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY ON THE WHOLE ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER THING. who would name their son that?! and the whole camping part of the book was just tooooo draggy la. i actually felt like stopping because it was so boring. i like the last chapter though, "all is well" :happy: what a happy ending. does anyone know who Victoire is? my friend says that Victoire is Bill and Fleur's daughter.


yeah i was like "WTF NO HEDWIG!" when she died :( i like Hedwig a lot! she's so cute whenever i imagine her "nibbling affectionately" to harry. and Fred, Lupin and Tonks!! :'(:'( and George's ear!! and snape!! aaah! now i'm starting to ask myself why i didnt cry. lol i was probably too sleeping to cry when i was reading the book. hehe.


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Originally Posted by Nutcracker

HAHA yeah i have a bit of history etched into the recording there, i suppose! Which i'm so proud of, liek, totally!

It's quite a shame we don't have the whole recording of the KL gig.. But the Assassin track oalways gives me goosebumps whenever i have a listen...


Congrats Nut, you're famous! :D


Ya la, if have KL recording I'd be so totally all over it like Deb over Dom. :D


The Assassin version we got in KL is the shiznit...went totally nutso over Dom's stupendous drumming.


Oh and thanks Deb for your, er 'discretion'.

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lol good for you! aiyo i wish i wasnt so shy when i met kak faz during the gig, that way i'd be able to be right at the front with them! :'(:'(




YEAH MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY ON THE WHOLE ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER THING. who would name their son that?! and the whole camping part of the book was just tooooo draggy la. i actually felt like stopping because it was so boring. i like the last chapter though, "all is well" :happy: what a happy ending. does anyone know who Victoire is? my friend says that Victoire is Bill and Fleur's daughter.


yeah i was like "WTF NO HEDWIG!" when she died :( i like Hedwig a lot! she's so cute whenever i imagine her "nibbling affectionately" to harry. and Fred, Lupin and Tonks!! :'(:'( and George's ear!! and snape!! aaah! now i'm starting to ask myself why i didnt cry. lol i was probably too sleeping to cry when i was reading the book. hehe.


dont go there, deb. dont remind me of the things i would've done differently at the concert and at KLIA. wish i was paying more attention to dom! wish i had my digital camera ready before the gig started. wish i had my concert tix (which was in my wallet and still is!)signed by e'm at KLIA. gah....:(




haha.. same here i was too sleepy to cried when fred, lupin and tonks died too! i dunno who is Victoire is.. didnt remember that name at all. i just dont get it why did the elder wand belongs to draco when voldemort who took it from dumbledore and why is harry the true owner of the wand.. lol. i really need to read the book one more time la.. i cried when dobby was dead too... heh.



People, cmon, no Harry Potter spoilers please! :D


Please help, I'm on a self-imposed crusade to remain book-free until the film series ends. did it with LOTR but damn how torturous the wait.....


Maybe that'll help with strengthening willpower, eh? What with not knowing when Muse will come back here and all.....


P.S: Dom is awesome but Chris so handsome. Catchy chant what?:D


so sorry. ok, ok will use spoiler now!


catchy.. oh yeah very.

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:LOL::D Thanks, _mary, for always being the sporting one to 'layan' my lame jokes.


Deb, good luck on your trials! *hears Matt singing the Starlight: "trials and tribulations..." bit in my head*


lol.. nah.. not lame at all. i tried to think of another chant.. but cant think of any.


Hey Malay Musers! :D

Signed the petition yet? :p


yeah.. man. signed it for the 2nd time oready!


and arias has made a very charming reminder for all of us!


I guess the purple moustache was over the top :LOL:






a bit big, sorry

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Yup, twice. Will do so again.


Btw guio, just a minorcorrection: it's Malaysian not 'Malay',

(unless that was a typo or you want only a specific race to sign the petition) :D:D


Yeah, it was a typo. :LOL: Sorry about that

Maybe the petition by Israel was completed by using the same signatures. Would that work for us? :rolleyes:



yeah.. man. signed it for the 2nd time oready!


and arias has made a very charming reminder for all of us!


Arias can be quite the charm when it comes to these types of things. :D

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Yeah, it was a typo. :LOL: Sorry about that

Maybe the petition by Israel was completed by using the same signatures. Would that work for us? :rolleyes:




Arias can be quite the charm when it comes to these types of things. :D


Why thank you my good friend guio. I'll make a smaller one when photobucket stops being "unvisitable"(any alternatives, anyone?)


If I remember correctly: for it to be send to the one you demand, you'll need *takes a deep breath* 3000 signatures the amount of people who bought BH&R in the Philippines... :noey:


But lets not get down by that because " We're Invincible" :fear::musesign::\mm/:

and besides, the Israelis didn't do that in a month

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Why thank you my good friend guio. I'll make a smaller one when photobucket stops being "unvisitable"(any alternatives, anyone?)


If I remember correctly: for it to be send to the one you demand, you'll need *takes a deep breath* 3000 signatures the amount of people who bought BH&R in the Philippines... :noey:


But lets not get down by that because " We're Invincible" :fear::musesign::\mm/:

and besides, the Israelis didn't do that in a month



ok dont give up guys..ive just signed my twelfth.

wow im actually signing even tho i wont be able to go watch them even if they come.

therefore, consider me doing it for you guys :) so if they come, just bring me great pictures and reviews!

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ok dont give up guys..ive just signed my twelfth.

wow im actually signing even tho i wont be able to go watch them even if they come.

therefore, consider me doing it for you guys so if they come, just bring me great pictures and reviews!


Thanks for the support!


Now2, why can't u go? Parents?


Well, what if you say you're going with a bunch of responsible adults? :D I even work for the government, heh, if that helps :LOL:.

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Why thank you my good friend guio. I'll make a smaller one when photobucket stops being "unvisitable"(any alternatives, anyone?)


If I remember correctly: for it to be send to the one you demand, you'll need *takes a deep breath* 3000 signatures the amount of people who bought BH&R in the Philippines... :noey:


But lets not get down by that because " We're Invincible" :fear::musesign::\mm/:

and besides, the Israelis didn't do that in a month


why dont u try imageshack. woohhh.. 3000 sigs is A LOT man. i wonder how many BHR did they sell here.


i dont think they're coming.:erm:



ok dont give up guys..ive just signed my twelfth.

wow im actually signing even tho i wont be able to go watch them even if they come.

therefore, consider me doing it for you guys :) so if they come, just bring me great pictures and reviews!


awww... ickle muse_music..so cute la u! lol


Thanks for the support!


Now2, why can't u go? Parents?


Well, what if you say you're going with a bunch of responsible adults? :D I even work for the government, heh, if that helps :LOL:.


:LOL: yeah muse_music, if ur parents still say no to miele's offer, u can go with aunty mary eh? i too work for the goverment. a teacher some more weh.. and i used to live in JB once so yeah.. dunno if that helps. :unsure:

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:LOL::D Thanks, _mary, for always being the sporting one to 'layan' my lame jokes.


Deb, good luck on your trials! *hears Matt singing the Starlight: "trials and tribulations..." bit in my head*


haha aww thanks :) i hate Sejarah ok. no offence to anyone who likes Sejarah la. i mean its nice to read and all, but to memorize, is just seems very VERY impossible :(


Yup, twice. Will do so again.


Btw guio, just a minorcorrection: it's Malaysian not 'Malay',

(unless that was a typo or you want only a specific race to sign the petition) :D:D


For those who haven't voted, here's the link again:




Please? Thank you!


yeah. i'm not Malay! i'm Chinese! lol. i felt left out :( and thanks for the link. i was about to ask for it hehe.




oh about harry potter



OMG I FORGOT ABOUT DOBBY. how could i? i love Dobby! Dobby is so cute! i wonder what happened to Winky. about Victoire, apparently Teddy Lupin was making out with Victoire. lol i bet she must be pretty.


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