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The girls seem to like Unintended a lot. I've played it on guitar to a few before. ;):LOL:


btw, check out this guy's cover of Falling Away With You. It's amazing:


not bad a cover...he looks kinda malaysian, or asian at least...wait...is...he..you? ;)



Ok I nyanyuk already, but a while back someone asked whether ada lagu Muse in 28 weeks later right? No there isn't, but the soundtrack is extremely Muse-y that it felt as if they're all by Muse. Veeryy atmospheric (that word again) and, erm, layered sounding. There's some bits in the movie where you can hardly catch what's going on due to the "shaky camera" cinematography. What I did was close my eyes and the music sounded like Muse. Is that strange? :$


oohh..cool, thanks for the info.:)


ps:did the soundtrack have matt-like vocals also?

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Mmg nak tgk Asia Cup, tapi Man u pun want also. But after all the messiness with AFC, they're not coming la rasanya. Hehe sorry ya we're still talking about 'soccer'. Sounds strange on my tongue, *soccer*.


Muse_music sorry lawak jer ya. Nice to hear from you, how is it going? Dah makan? :p


Ok I nyanyuk already, but a while back someone asked whether ada lagu Muse in 28 weeks later right? No there isn't, but the soundtrack is extremely Muse-y that it felt as if they're all by Muse. Veeryy atmospheric (that word again) and, erm, layered sounding. There's some bits in the movie where you can hardly catch what's going on due to the "shaky camera" cinematography. What I did was close my eyes and the music sounded like Muse. Is that strange? :$


lol...just..nvm :D

i just got back from watching POTC :D:D:D:D:D

sweet sweet Jack..sweet sweet pirates...why the ending gotta be damn SUSPENDED.


he is Asian ya...

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Ok I nyanyuk already, but a while back someone asked whether ada lagu Muse in 28 weeks later right? No there isn't, but the soundtrack is extremely Muse-y that it felt as if they're all by Muse. Veeryy atmospheric (that word again) and, erm, layered sounding. There's some bits in the movie where you can hardly catch what's going on due to the "shaky camera" cinematography. What I did was close my eyes and the music sounded like Muse. Is that strange? :$


oh yeah i watched that movie today! its quite good la actually, though i never watched the first one. apparently its scarier :stunned: dunno la.


and yeah i agree about the music and shaky camera. especially the first part before "28 weeks later" in the dark cottage. it was sooo shaky i didnt know who died and who's the zombie and who isnt.


and the music was very VERY muse-like. i was kinda waiting for Matt's waily voice but there wasnt any.. and there were SOOO many moments where i could imagine a muse song playing. like Microcuts especially. his creepy dark falsetto in that song really suits the mood of the show. especially the killer riff at the end of the song :happy:



oh and er... i dont support any local football team :( probably because i'm so oblivious to it. lol. do they show the matches on tv?? how many teams are there? all the states ar?

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thanks for the vids! hahah, matt's a mix..:LOL:


gah...do i talk lyk a gurl???:eek:


Matt was very nervous and fidgety when he was young. The way he laughs, moves his hands around. Too much energy I think. :LOL: I used to be like that too. Terlalu hyper.


Nuh-uh!! You like, totally don't talk liek a gurl. :LOL:

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i reckon pirate89 was a guy.. he/she was so angry when we couldnt stop talking about how hot Muse is :LOL: nutcracker is a guy too. so you're not alone dont worry.


lol yeah. correction: how hot dom is and how matt looks like a sexy ferret.


thanks for the vids! hahah, matt's a mix..:LOL:


gah...do i talk lyk a gurl???:eek:


u're a guy? always thot that u're a girl! :$


uik!!!!:$ prrrrrr~




even matt admits he has a woman's voice. lol

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:eek: OMG im sorry im late! been out since morning!!! now only i got the time to check my mails n this lovely board :D in about 2 hours im goin out again! lol! busy day busy day!


well happy anniversary to ME, K. Faz and Adyla anyways! :LOL:


:D happy anniversary to us! heh. wow u're one busy lady! but yeah.. happy belated anniversary to everyone else who went to the concert. lol.


Matt was very nervous and fidgety when he was young. The way he laughs, moves his hands around. Too much energy I think. :LOL: I used to be like that too. Terlalu hyper.


yeah.. he was also more energetic and liked to do crazy stuffs on stage ( thrashing guitars and throwing 'em to the crowd) wish he did that during the KL gig.. but thank god they've gone past the horrible t-shirts days..


am i the only one who still teringin wanna touch the balloons? coz i didnt get the chance on the 25th.. gah, anyways.. i love this vid. and i wish there were that many balloons ( but bigger) during their previous gig in KL ! black balloons are cooler!


* warning: contain horrible shirt images *



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WAh so many balloons for that gig!


Oh well, I did manage to pop one balloon @ singapore. HAH!


heh heh. Jealous yet? I tell you, it was the best feeling ever. It's like causing mayhem cuz when the balloon bursts, the red confetti spills out, like blood on the dancefloor. And people are all screaming around you, due to panic and stress and some anxiety.


yeah.. he was also more energetic and liked to do crazy stuffs on stage ( thrashing guitars and throwing 'em to the crowd) wish he did that during the KL gig.. but thank god they've gone past the horrible t-shirts days..


am i the only one who still teringin wanna touch the balloons? coz i didnt get the chance on the 25th.. gah, anyways.. i love this vid. and i wish there were that many balloons ( but bigger) during their previous gig in KL ! black balloons are cooler!


* warning: contain horrible shirt images *




Hey, i actually think that he's the only dude who can pull off that extremely tight long sleeve tee look.

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WAh so many balloons for that gig!


Oh well, I did manage to pop one balloon @ singapore. HAH!


heh heh. Jealous yet? I tell you, it was the best feeling ever. It's like causing mayhem cuz when the balloon bursts, the red confetti spills out, like blood on the dancefloor. And people are all screaming around you, due to panic and stress and some anxiety..


:p:p:p no need to describe it in THAT way.. damn rite i'm jealous!



Hey, i actually think that he's the only dude who can pull off that extremely tight long sleeve tee look.


:noey: i prefer him in his penguin coat tho!

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:p:p:p no need to describe it in THAT way.. damn rite i'm jealous!





:noey: i prefer him in his penguin coat tho!


Im loving his new style, although it's the trend now. But it really suits him. Skinny jeans rocks.


They all looked absolutely jetlagged in those pics. :LOL:


I love to watch their Japan gigs. Matt seemed to not play the riff properly eh? when he spoke to chris in the ear.

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u're a guy? always thot that u're a girl! :$


Ya lah, happy (belated) anniversary! :LOL:


Eh, what happened to the guys, eh? There must be more male Muse fans in msia?


P.s- Don't worry zy, not doubting your, er, 'masculinity'. :D


hahah, i'd lyk to think of myself as abit lyk matt..dont really mind being a "mix" since he is one..:p /jk



am i the only one who still teringin wanna touch the balloons? coz i didnt get the chance on the 25th.. gah, anyways.. i love this vid. and i wish there were that many balloons ( but bigger) during their previous gig in KL ! black balloons are cooler!


* warning: contain horrible shirt images *




i didnt get to touch them too!! :(

the only disadvantage of being right in front that wonderful nite.


heh, how come their lil black balloons don't burst?

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am i the only one who still teringin wanna touch the balloons? coz i didnt get the chance on the 25th.. gah, anyways.. i love this vid. and i wish there were that many balloons ( but bigger) during their previous gig in KL ! black balloons are cooler!

Oh well, I did manage to pop one balloon @ singapore. HAH!


heh heh. Jealous yet? I tell you, it was the best feeling ever. It's like causing mayhem cuz when the balloon bursts, the red confetti spills out, like blood on the dancefloor. And people are all screaming around you, due to panic and stress and some anxiety.

well, here's an image of some confettis of muse posted by (matt?).. at least i think it's confettis can it be anything else? so kak faz u can touch these instead..




it's a new picture, so i reckon it's either from the last concerts or prepared for an upcoming concert lolz..


:$ or maybe they're just concert tags or something..


Um, do people here see Matt as being slightly effeminate or something? lol


:yesey: nothing wrong with being in touch with his feminine side :p..

since we're on the picture pages it seems, matt is also in touch with his animal side :happy: grrr



EDIT : OH MY GOD they played microcuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna go to WEMBLEY!! to kak faz who hates microcuts, they also just recently played unintended.. gosh i am jealous.. they might be rehearsing for wembley! i hope somebody take really good quality video bootlegs..

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