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Yeah there was a really great article in the Star the other day concerning our current concert-music scene. I thought it was cleverly written.


Also read this interview cum article in Malay Mail today. It's really long though! But definitely worth the read :)


I love the italicized quotes towards the end of the article.


Did muse do any interviews in malaysia?


i think the latest version of feeling good is pussycat dolls version but above all matt's version's still the ultimate bestest...


crazy_mary,i thought i was the only one whom studies being badly affected after the concert,u noe i skipped 2 labs,and a test without mc and still dont know what will happens next week when i see my lecturer...i cant think of a good reason for the escape,oh my...(whatever happens wont stop me from being muse fanatic);)


i'm sorry, this is so evil of me.. but after reading this, i feel so much better.. *sorry ibelieveinmuse*..

aih, what makes muse think they can just come over here in malaysia, screw our studies, and then just leave? i will kill them if i end up jadi makcik sapu sampah

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:LOL: orraiit.. but plisss, no ba kut teh ya..



erkkk ba kut teh????

wahahhah me muslim ler..

kui kui...


did u feel it so hard, when u got no one else to express urself bout the wonderful 25th feb in your life..

aiya.. susah la takde kaum nak sembang.. aku nak gi studio jam pun kaki tarak...

wwaaaarghhhhhh tension nyer uhuuuuuu..

P/S for those ain't u'stand malay ask crazy_mary for trans..


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who ever notice bout Bellamy wore a shirt with the text Terror Storm on that fest. Here he explain the meaning.


“ Go to Google Video, type in Terror Storm and you'll find a nice little surprise. It will shed some light on world affairs, put it that way. I'd rather point you in the direction than preach about it myself. ”


Alex Jones, the creator of TerrorStorm, commended Bellamy


Bellamy also commented, referencing the Campaign for a New American Century:


“ Are we really supposed to believe that a man in a cave in Afghanistan managed to orchestrate the most unbelievable attack on the United States of all time?

"I think 9/11 was definitely an inside job done by a group of high-powered people looking for an excuse to invade the Middle East for oil and other natural resources.


"I think America needed another Pearl Harbour-type event in order to invade Iraq. It gave the US and UK governments the perfect excuse to go to war.


In an interview with Alex Jones on KLBJ-AM Radio in September 2006, Bellamy revealed his interest in terrorism, its cause and the conspiracy theories surrounding it stemmed from the death of his uncle who was killed by the IRA.

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Wau.....dah lama x berkarya dalam ni...sekarang board ni dah meriah gile...kecoh abes...baru best....

Harap2 berkekalam r sikit kemeriahan ni...

MUSE cepat2 r datang sini balik...kang lama sangat kitorang tunggu sunyi balik pulak nanti.....


Ade satu solan nak tanye kat fan2 yang datang awal masa gig tu;

Kat official MUSE merchandise store dalam stadium tu ade jual sweater@tracksuit x???Kalo ade bape harga dia???kalo ade yang beli boleh tak tolongkan amek gamba dia....nak tengok.....TOLONGlaaaaa...!!!!!!!



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selamat kembali beb...

ermm ko crik buah kaki muse eh?

kat blakng2 ade citer pasal buah kaki tu... tpi tak perasan lak harga..

erm cube request dlm english lak.. mane tau.. bb thread nih bleh tahan gak orang luar layan..


ape pun salam kenal lanun!!!

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Salam perkenalan gak dari!!!


Ade ke???aku mmg da lame xmenulis tapi selau membaca...

dorang cakap pasal t-shirt,cd,dvd,album,etc je....x perasan pasal sweater@tracksuit pun..


Aisey...maleh tol nak tulis BI kat board tanah air sendiri....

Ini menunjukkan aku betol2 nak mencari baju tu;


Is anyone who went early(or not) to the gig noticed sweater@tracksuit being sold at the official merchandise store???

If yes,what's the price???please describe them a little...or if anyone actually bought them,can you please take some pictures...I really want to see them...PLEASE!!!!!!!

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Aisey...maleh tol nak tulis BI kat board tanah air sendiri....

Ini menunjukkan aku betol2 nak mencari baju tu;


senanglah sikit foreigners wanna read our thread... i'm still kinda pissed that i can't read half of what's written in the hong kong thread...

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yes i have the mp3....download through ares...a great rock version of it....yes the animals made it a popular song...even my dad knows the song huhu...


guys and girls...i'm not being rude-damn-jealous-and-all-those-negative-things-in-your-mind....but please dont be too obsess with the person....i mean....u can obsess with their music attitude...their arts...their super ability....it's just....u make them like a boyband when u like "aaaaaa!!" and "oh matt.."....u know....i'm just wondering...


no hard feelings ok...peace...:D


hehee.. they do have the sexiest ferret in the world you know?


btw, i'm dying for a recent live version of city of delusion.. please please please..


currently i'm loving hey molly.. the unsigned band supporting muse at eden.. demmit they're good, lucky them.

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Yeah there was a really great article in the Star the other day concerning our current concert-music scene. I thought it was cleverly written.


Also read this interview cum article in Malay Mail today. It's really long though! But definitely worth the read :)




I love the italicized quotes towards the end of the article.


yeah i read that too. i thought it was a really good article. great, infact. i even cut that article out and kept it so that i can read it in the future, you know, if our international music scene changes and stuff.. it could be all because of this article :LOL:

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anyone got the clip?

I read from my local newpaper that when they're going to film this clip

the crew ask Matt to buy socks in Taipei's night market

and instead of giving the socks to Matt

the vendor takes out the award for Sexiest Male:LOL:


i really want to see the clip

it'd be hilarious:D


please ,anyone?


is this true? anyone?

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guys and girls...i'm not being rude-damn-jealous-and-all-those-negative-things-in-your-mind....but please dont be too obsess with the person....i mean....u can obsess with their music attitude...their arts...their super ability....it's just....u make them like a boyband when u like "aaaaaa!!" and "oh matt.."....u know....i'm just wondering...


no hard feelings ok...peace...:D


so sorry for that dude.. we did get carried away didnt we?? so.. adyla, and shannaz, shall we join the PMT and PDT???:LOL:


shannaz was definitely there when he did it.. um, kak faz wasn't there? kak faz, u did manage to talk to tom right? i think you were there when the whatever-it-is-that-he-took-out was taken out.


no, i wasnt there yet. thank god, dont wanna my face to be viewed by public again. but u were lucky to get to talk to tom. shannaz did mention this to me.. haha.. if the dvd is out, guess we'll b seeing ur faces shannaz and adyla??


i'm sorry, this is so evil of me.. but after reading this, i feel so much better.. *sorry ibelieveinmuse*..

aih, what makes muse think they can just come over here in malaysia, screw our studies, and then just leave? i will kill them if i end up jadi makcik sapu sampah


:LOL: come one u guys... i did finally study till 2 last nite and was paying full attention during class. got to get ourselves together now.. future is more important!!!



did u feel it so hard, when u got no one else to express urself bout the wonderful 25th feb in your life..

aiya.. susah la takde kaum nak sembang.. aku nak gi studio jam pun kaki tarak...

wwaaaarghhhhhh tension nyer uhuuuuuu..

P/S for those ain't u'stand malay ask crazy_mary for trans..



akak pun tak de member sekepala nak sembang sal muse .. member langsung tak minat..


Ade satu solan nak tanye kat fan2 yang datang awal masa gig tu;

Kat official MUSE merchandise store dalam stadium tu ade jual sweater@tracksuit x???Kalo ade bape harga dia???kalo ade yang beli boleh tak tolongkan amek gamba dia....nak tengok.....TOLONGlaaaaa...!!!!!!!




kt merchandise booth yg dlm std tu tak nampak pun sweater ngn tracksuit. belts, buttons, t-shirts ada la.. tak de la pirate.. ko penah nampak ker sweater muse??


thanks for the awesome article guilt-stricken.. i'm so loving muse more now. it's kinda interesting that they're called as the thinking man's rock band coz my friend was saying the other day that they always write weird lyrics..

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thanks for the awesome article guilt-stricken.. i'm so loving muse more now. it's kinda interesting that they're called as the thinking man's rock band coz my friend was saying the other day that they always write weird lyrics..


lol i love their lyrics. its so genius. my favourite so far is "and we'll pray that there's no God" from Fury. its so contradictory. not that i agree with that lyric, since i'm a Christian and i do believe in God, but i just think its genius :) there're more too.. but i cant think of any right now. i've been studying for my exams tomorrow. there's too much sejarah in my head. -__-

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hey guys n girls!!! ive been away for a few days la....busy with my sister's wedding! :LOL:

what a nightmare, lol! all my aunts keep asking when is ur turn n i just replied ' im waiting for Matt Bellamy ' lol!


so how is everyone doing now?! still having PMS?! im still having them, it just wont go away! maybe not yet, maybe never! :eek:

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so sorry for that dude.. we did get carried away didnt we?? so.. adyla, and shannaz, shall we join the PMT and PDT???:LOL:


no, i wasnt there yet. thank god, dont wanna my face to be viewed by public again. but u were lucky to get to talk to tom. shannaz did mention this to me.. haha.. if the dvd is out, guess we'll b seeing ur faces shannaz and adyla??


:LOL: come one u guys... i did finally study till 2 last nite and was paying full attention during class. got to get ourselves together now.. future is more important!!!


akak pun tak de member sekepala nak sembang sal muse .. member langsung tak minat..


kt merchandise booth yg dlm std tu tak nampak pun sweater ngn tracksuit. belts, buttons, t-shirts ada la.. tak de la pirate.. ko penah nampak ker sweater muse??


thanks for the awesome article guilt-stricken.. i'm so loving muse more now. it's kinda interesting that they're called as the thinking man's rock band coz my friend was saying the other day that they always write weird lyrics..


sori.. ku hanya ingin masuk PCT and PTT.. ahaks..

dvd? what are you talking about? it's really a videocam?? *hides sweaty face from kLia* nOoOOOoo!


haha, finally.. i got unbanned from invictus.. but i guess it's kind of a good thing i did, if not i'd never have taken enough time to use the main muse.mu page.


btw, single invincible radio edit is already available via invictus (muse, rock for clever people, eh?).. i just kind of like the album one better.. (of course la live is so much better kan..)


uiks, i also found a cool version of escape.. i've never heard it before.. apparently it's EP..


(huh, gian betul gune invictus).. oh gosh.. supermassive black hole! dayumn *downloads* *downloads* *downloads*


Edit : I meant the FIFA07 version... i wonder, which one do you guys like best?

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hey guys n girls!!! ive been away for a few days la....busy with my sister's wedding! :LOL:

what a nightmare, lol! all my aunts keep asking when is ur turn n i just replied ' im waiting for Matt Bellamy ' lol!


so how is everyone doing now?! still having PMS?! im still having them, it just wont go away! maybe not yet, maybe never! :eek:


shannaz, we're wondering.. was tom holding a videocam or a normal camera?


lol i love their lyrics. its so genius. my favourite so far is "and we'll pray that there's no God" from Fury. its so contradictory. not that i agree with that lyric, since i'm a Christian and i do believe in God, but i just think its genius :) there're more too.. but i cant think of any right now. i've been studying for my exams tomorrow. there's too much sejarah in my head. -__-


i like it too.. for me, it seems, um, what's the term for it, not-self-absorbed? eh? (i can't find the right word for it).. it's not contradictory, i like the way it reflects the concept of faith itself. it's like jumping, there's no certainty.. i hate it if people come to me and confide things like, "oh look at that girl, she's not wearing a tudung, she's going to hell." no one can be sure of anything, can they? so it's all about believing it what you do and trust.


dang, i'm listening to the song again.. i'm wondering what is matt thinking writing this song.

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akak crazy mary @ kak faz,


nope, that's my friend, Najj. haha, she got muse fever just before the concert and sorethroat aftermath. i'm the one that you tegur outside the stadium after the concert, with the tudung tercabut one. haha.. my tudung is tercabut during hysteria. damn the man behind me :mad:


whatt??? shannaz got matt's hug. *dies of jealously*

ummp, i once got to hug matt but only in dream. hehehe..

akak, kite still dalam mood muse skarang ni. radio pun x nak bukak coz nak dgr lagu muse aje. camner nak buang syndrome ni?? lingkup la study camni...:(

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akak crazy mary @ kak faz,


nope, that's my friend, Najj. haha, she got muse fever just before the concert and sorethroat aftermath. i'm the one that you tegur outside the stadium after the concert, with the tudung tercabut one. haha.. my tudung is tercabut during hysteria. damn the man behind me :mad:


whatt??? shannaz got matt's hug. *dies of jealously*

ummp, i once got to hug matt but only in dream. hehehe..

akak, kite still dalam mood muse skarang ni. radio pun x nak bukak coz nak dgr lagu muse aje. camner nak buang syndrome ni?? lingkup la study camni...:(


haha....i cant turn on the radio too! MUSE all the way! :LOL: bole jadi saiko la! letih letih!

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hello all :D ive been reading this thread for a while but i just only joined. so good to know there're loads muse fans out there!


*jealous* i didnt get to go for the concert. even tried calling the radio station for free tix but nothing. gaah.did anyone listen to the interview with chris on hitz.fm? i missed it by minutes...sigh...omgosh someone hugged matt?? *dies* crazy. that man is the epitome of sexy rockstar. :)


erm, which girl sang the feeling good cover on american idol? i missed it.. i was watching and fell asleep halfway then woke up to watch the rest...of all songs to miss i missed that one :(


*muse songs are being used on tv lots nowadays :) they used hysteria on the 24 ad and supermassive black hole for some tv2 thing...and today i was watching an ad for 300 and they used knights of cydonia. nice!


HAHA the youtube vids are so funny! lol dom's funny. but i still like matt more :) heh heh.

ooh i shouldn't be here. i should be studying :stunned: exams tuesday nooo!

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kt merchandise booth yg dlm std tu tak nampak pun sweater ngn tracksuit. belts, buttons, t-shirts ada la.. tak de la pirate.. ko penah nampak ker sweater muse??



Mmg ada tracksuit official MUSE tapi aku x tau ade ke tak jual mase gig tu

sebab aku datang lambat...pastu mase aku dah nak keluar stadium, store2 da berkemas2 dah.

kalau nak usha sweater tu tengok kat sini(official online merc store for MUSE)

Smart ak???ingat nak beli kalau ade jual kat sini sebab

mahal sangat kalau beli dr web tu.


Yg belt tu sama ngn yg ni x???

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shannaz, we're wondering.. was tom holding a videocam or a normal camera?




i like it too.. for me, it seems, um, what's the term for it, not-self-absorbed? eh? (i can't find the right word for it).. it's not contradictory, i like the way it reflects the concept of faith itself. it's like jumping, there's no certainty.. i hate it if people come to me and confide things like, "oh look at that girl, she's not wearing a tudung, she's going to hell." no one can be sure of anything, can they? so it's all about believing it what you do and trust.


dang, i'm listening to the song again.. i'm wondering what is matt thinking writing this song.


lol all their songs arent self absorbed! they're mostly about uh.. conspiracy theories, religion, world leaders, politics (and the occasional love song like Starlight and Unintended ;)) and whatnots. its pretty contradictory though.. that particular line. "and we'll pray that there's no God". its ironic.. contradictory. cause normally you pray TO God, and yet he's praying to God that there isnt a God. its like you're on the radio, telling everyone that there's no such thing as a radio. you know?? or you're publishing a book about the non existence of books. :LOL:


i dont believe that muslims who dont wear tudungs or songkoks will go to hell. lol people say that if you lie, you'l get struck by lightning. thats all bs to me, to be honest. everyone lies. do they get struck by lightning? no. maybe they go to hell, i'm not sure about that, but he certainly doesnt get struck by lightning.


sigh, i love Fury. :) i love the lyrics for TIRO too. its very... sexy. haha. to me, anyway. :p that whole song is pretty sexy. and the videoclip too! :LOL: damn it sorry i side tracked. haha.

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hehee.. they do have the sexiest ferret in the world you know?


so sorry for that dude.. we did get carried away didnt we?? so.. adyla, and shannaz, shall we join the PMT and PDT???


hahaa...i've argued with my sis bout this and she really got awesome ideas to button my lips (yeah she's a muse fan but she didnt go the concert...that's why she's so pissed off)....i think it's forgiveable for girls to be so fanatic to muse....but for boys...please dont....concern bout ur future wife....be straight huhu....


still bout the concert...i just love the extra riff in the between of supermassiveblackhole.....what a clever sweet rhyme he got...

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*muse songs are being used on tv lots nowadays :) they used hysteria on the 24 ad and supermassive black hole for some tv2 thing...and today i was watching an ad for 300 and they used knights of cydonia. nice!


i also remember hearing SS being used in a tv3 ad a couple of weeks ago..cant remember exactly what ad it was..

guess it shows how popular they've become over here..gone are the days when i thought i was alone in love with muse..:p

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i also remember hearing SS being used in a tv3 ad a couple of weeks ago..cant remember exactly what ad it was..

guess it shows how popular they've become over here..gone are the days when i thought i was alone in love with muse..:p


oh yeah....back in 4,5 years ago,i thought i was the only one who loved muse more than anything(even i thought i am the no 1 muse fanatic in this country)when i say i love muse,my friends will go"muse who?"...and now,muse has become more mainstream and we dont need to introduce them anymore,yeah it makes my job easier as i dont need to explain them but it's not as sweet as the good old days(when theres onle me and muse and nobody seems to be cared about them)...hahaha...my bad for being so selfish....


oh i have to stop now.......or else i got carried away again......gogogo...studies more important...

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