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Okay I'm the kind of person who believes food should not be consumed after its expiry date. I have a big thing about it, and won't consume meat or dairy products if they've gone past the date on the package. My mum often tells me to be less picky- just yesterday she said it after I declined having some mayonnaise 3 months past its use by date (come on, 3 months! Can you blame me?). Anyway, I often check milk use by dates before pouring it into things, and if its close to the day I'll sometimes pour some in a glass and taste it first.

Today I didn't do that, I just put it onto my cereal. After a few spoonfuls, I thought it tasted kind of like corn, but figured it was probably just me imagining it after just waking up. So I tried a sip of just the milk from the bowl.



OH GOD it was off. Tasted horrible and it was in my mouth and I'd eaten some! This is why I check expiry dates! I went and looked and it was supposed to expire 2 days ago- usually the milk is fine for a few days past. But this most certainly wasn't. It was disgusting!

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Oh, and I'm typing up a news story about Rodney Hide and making sure everything he says is in yellow to match that awful jacket and silly little car of his. And the reporter spelt Rodney's girlfriend, Louise, as Lousie. :LOL: I'm easily amused.

Edited by _Ed_
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Okay I'm the kind of person who believes food should not be consumed after its expiry date. I have a big thing about it, and won't consume meat or dairy products if they've gone past the date on the package. My mum often tells me to be less picky- just yesterday she said it after I declined having some mayonnaise 3 months past its use by date (come on, 3 months! Can you blame me?). Anyway, I often check milk use by dates before pouring it into things, and if its close to the day I'll sometimes pour some in a glass and taste it first.

Today I didn't do that, I just put it onto my cereal. After a few spoonfuls, I thought it tasted kind of like corn, but figured it was probably just me imagining it after just waking up. So I tried a sip of just the milk from the bowl.



OH GOD it was off. Tasted horrible and it was in my mouth and I'd eaten some! This is why I check expiry dates! I went and looked and it was supposed to expire 2 days ago- usually the milk is fine for a few days past. But this most certainly wasn't. It was disgusting!



EW EW EW I hate milk anyway I think it's disgusting!!!!!

Unless it has flavour in it. But man, off milk, that's just rank.


3 months? EWWWWW that's something my dad would do, so gross! I'm like you, probably chuck loads of stuff away that's fine but my motto from work "if in doubt, throw it out" :)

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I know right? And today my mum was like 'I had some in my coffee this morning and I didn't taste anything. Just a little bit thicker on the top, which is the cream' and I was like 'well I had some in my cereal and it was sour'. And then because she HAS to be argumentative she was like 'it's only two days old, I'm going to have some in my coffee tomorrow :phu:', so I responded with 'that's fine. It's disgusting, but fine.'


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Wow, they just keep tumbling down :LOL:


Hey, have you guys seen the marching band playing Muse? They're not bad actually:


Huh, that's pretty cool.





I'm off to pack and then go to Christchurch. Toodles.


Have fun!


I like your new owl avatar too, Kitty :happy: Sombrero ftw :awesome:

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Sounds great. :)


Hey, have you guys seen the marching band playing Muse? They're not bad actually:


And with that, I'm off to bed. Night!



Aw that was cool! I liked the flute solo! Must be bloody hard to walk round like that while trying to play!



YouTube, meine freunde!




I think its also up on the muse.mu media player.

There's parts of the video that I like, and parts that I don't like. Overall I like it better than the video for Uprising.


Boy I did not do anything today! Back and forth between here and Facebook, interspersed with trips to YouTube. Oh and btw Rich yes you should watch the film :happy:


Hmmmm, videos do not seem to be their strong point huh! I don't get it, it's just weird but not weird/cool.

The dancing girl is like one of the characters from Cirque de Soleil, but she doesn't seem to be dancing to the song?

Meh, I don't like it.




How's everyone? My plans tonight got cancelled when I had to leave work early with a migraine, just woken up now!!

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Hmmmm, videos do not seem to be their strong point huh! I don't get it, it's just weird but not weird/cool.

The dancing girl is like one of the characters from Cirque de Soleil, but she doesn't seem to be dancing to the song?

Meh, I don't like it.


How's everyone? My plans tonight got cancelled when I had to leave work early with a migraine, just woken up now!!


Better than Uprising though, y/y?


Thanks for the avatar comments guys :happy: I'm still doing the avatar theme of the month competition and this month is Internet Memes. I might change a few times if I find something even better :LOL:

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Ack, Saturday fail. In Maori one of the words for Saturday is Rahoroi --> washing day. So I have to vacuum and mop all the floors. Mop them twice. First to actually wash them with meths and stuff, and then to make them look extra purty and shiny. Fail, but visitors are turning up later who want to buy the house in a private deal, so...

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Oh no! Why?


Got another fine. Even after I was let off the last one. I drove in a bus lane. In my defence I was on my way to an exam so I was pretty pressed for time, and the traffic was horrible and no one was fucking moving! :mad: Anyway I'm writing a letter in to them to ask them to waive it. They'll soon have my name on record to ignore all letters at this rate :rolleyes:

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Well I got up this morning and poured boiling water onto my cornflakes instead of in my tea.


Superb. I often do stuff like that. I assume the cornflakes were a write-off?


Have fun!

I am, thanks. :happy: Auckland is sorely lacking when it comes to bars that brew their own delicious beer. I have beer-brewing-bar envy.


It's fucking cold today though. I can feel the wind blowing between my ribs. Had to retreat into an internet cafe. I'm keeping the promise I made to myself to stay away from Facebook the whole time I'm here though. I'm proud of myself. :happy:

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