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Red pandas?


You're braver than I am - I didn't even try to guess.


Of course :)


I may have to post more pictures just for you guys to learn how to identity animals :LOL:




Whoops. I was going between some kind of raccoon or maybe a bear? Hahhahah, looks like you will have to post more pics, your fellow Moas need educating!

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Awwwh. I see your Fabio and raise you a Roldo!




Did you get any photos of the sunbears? :awesome:


Aww :happy:


I just got this one of the bears.





Ooooh ooooh I know!


A tiger, a two bats, a Moa and a dingo? :D


Good good. A sumatran tiger and little red flying foxes to be more specific.






And a toughy..



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Aww :happy:


I just got this one of the bears.







Good good. A sumatran tiger and little red flying foxes to be more specific.






And a toughy..



hmmmm, a .... wart hog? and ummm, a squirrek type wallaby thing, and some cute mammal sort of things!

You post hard ones!!!

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Hahhahah love it! Why is it that giraffes always do that? Heh!


A porcupine?


They have impressive tounges, so I guess they like to show them off?


Yes to porcupine.


And the last one??? Come on! It has no head!!!!


Oh wait, is it a panda?


No :LOL: It's just curled up in to a ball.

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Of course

I may have to post more pictures just for you guys to learn how to identity animals :LOL:


I knew it was a red panda! :p














And a toughy..



I is jealous! They're all so cute! :happy:


No :LOL: It's just curled up in to a ball.


A skunk? :erm:


Finished and handed in my shitty essay today :awesome: Rewrote an entire section last night at about 1am. Probably not going to get a very good mark but don't care. Still got my creative writing portfolio to finish but I don't mind since that's actually fun. Got to do a presentation on Wednesday for that class.

Has anyone heard from Lenny lately? :erm:

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