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Labour really hasn't moved forward from last election where all they could do was attack National. There's just no credible alternative to Phil Goff so we just have a repeat of National fronted Bill English a la 2002.


This compulsory opt in of kiwisaver really fucks me off, waste of $550 million when National already totally fucked up kiwisaver anyway.


And I'm sure it'll waste our time to go through the opt out process :noey:


Labour really needs more media attention on their policies than slagging off National or else yeah, they're not going anywhere :rolleyes:

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The UK coverage was really appalling. Doesn't help Sean Fitzpatrick obviously did the UK coverage after that Telecom campaign where no one in NZ wanted him, he's so annoying. The things they've said about New Zealand and New Zealanders is so embarrassing and I'd hate that people here would think that's what we're like.


But congrats! I'm eating vegemite toast to celebrate.

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A belated happy birthday! :) Hope you had a great day.


I didn't go to Armageddon, but quite a few of my friends have said it was amazing. I've heard rave reviews about Meat Loaf too!


I haven't been up to much. Working full time leads to a pretty uneventful life most of the time! How about yourself?

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Where does John Key think these Mum and Dad investors are going to get the money to invest in the public assets the government sells off? Also, if the government doesn't think it's a good enough investment to keep, why should we be buying it?


Our tax system is so unbelievably flawed. So many people complaining about the tax they pay when in reality they are in fact, tax negative with working for families.


Edit - I just bought a ticket to go see Dave Dobbyn play the night of the election. I can mourn another 3 years of John Key with fellow kiwis who probably didn't even bother to vote anyway.

Edited by JoBear
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A belated happy birthday! :) Hope you had a great day.


I didn't go to Armageddon, but quite a few of my friends have said it was amazing. I've heard rave reviews about Meat Loaf too!


I haven't been up to much. Working full time leads to a pretty uneventful life most of the time! How about yourself?


Thanks Ed!


Yeah it was great fun. I saw an actor I wanted to see too, so that was pretty exciting, although I was disappointed in the lack of Supernatural merchandise, because I had been ready to spend up big time :LOL:


Hmm, not too much. Looking for a new flat atm, and I just got back from holiday in Adelaide on the 28th.

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Haha, that's fantastic. Love it.


How was Adelaide?


It was good! Did a bunch of touristy stuff like the museum and shopping, and went to the zoo and the botanic gardens on my birthday which was neat. Also had delicious Mexican at a restaurant right next door to where my mum lives, with margaritas! So yum.


Edit: So yum we went there twice, actually haha

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Sounds awesome! The involvement of margaritas is always a big plus.


I have to go to a four-hour team-building thing tomorrow morning. :( It's such a waste of time. In a company this big, it'll be the first and last time you see most of the people you're put in a group with.

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It was actually much better than I thought. The people I had to work with were really cool and funny (surprisingly normal, in the case of a couple of famous-ish TV people).


And their music selection included Kora and Avalanche City. :happy:


But then I burnt my tongue on coffee at lunch. :indiff:

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Just got back from The Naked And Famous. Their live show was already good, but it's improved massively! They were obviously so happy to be home, so they put on an amazing show. The Town Hall was sold out, and the crowd really got into every song - even the rare ones from the EPs. So awesome. :happy:


But there was one concerning moment - Thom said "Jon Toogood's here tonight", and I was one of the only ones who cheered. :erm: Have Shihad become an old-man band?

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haha did i come back to this forum to say hi at the wrong time :p


is anyone wanting to buy any muse stuff off me at all? im trying to downsize my record collection over the next wee while. got over 600 cds now or something ridiculous.


hows everyone been anyway?


my list below


Hullabaoo - Japan Digi - $70

Hysteria - DVD - $15

Invincible - DVD - $15

Muscle Museum - Single - $15

New Born - Promo - $25

Origin Of Symmetry - Promo in yellow box - $50

BHAR - Vietnamese Fake w/slipcase - $10

BHAR - NZ Tour edit - $20

BHAR - Digi USA - $25

BHAR - Jap Digi - $70

Butterflies & Hurricanes - single $15

Showbiz Promo - $20

SFA - CD/DVD - $15

Starlight Single - $10

Sunburn single - $20

sunburn promo - clear case - $40

smbh - dvd - $15

smbh - single x2 - $10ea

tiro - single - $20

unintended - promo clear case - $40


feel free to reply here or flick me an email on kinopus at gmail dot com

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