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The dress was flowery, sort of summery...it probably would have looked quite nice on someone who wasn't a man!


I have finished my weekly trips on Tiri now (:() and I was hoping to get to Rotorua for a nice relaxing spa, but no one could go and I couldn't be bothered getting the bus. So my weekend was a bit bland, mostly cleaning up my room.

Sorry to hear that. :(

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Well, at least he had a nice dress then :LOL:


I need to get hurry up and get something planned this week so I can get back to Tiri for at least a few days. Then I can also check up on the birds, Greg and hopefully see some Takahe chicks if they are out of hiding.






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It won't be the same without us! :p So Richard you're doing daytrips to Christchurch since we're not there? :(


I've decided to buy my nephew a moonhopper for his birthday as he adores my swissball back home but now there's so much choice, they have animal shaped ones! I remember mine was yellow with two black handles. My brother had a blue one with black handles and we used to bounce into each other.

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I've decided to buy my nephew a moonhopper for his birthday as he adores my swissball back home but now there's so much choice, they have animal shaped ones! I remember mine was yellow with two black handles. My brother had a blue one with black handles and we used to bounce into each other.

Animal shapes? How do they still work if they're not normal shaped? :erm: I had a green one. :happy:


So Richard you're doing daytrips to Christchurch since we're not there? :(

Yeah, found me some cheap flights. :D It was definitely the better option than staying in a motel or something for the week and being bored and lonely most of the time! Especially since I'm meant to be spending most of my time writing a thesis.


Really glad I went down there today, despite the weather. Seven bloody degrees! Jesus! But it was awesome.


And I was so impressed when I had time for a couple of quick walks around the CBD - there's really no sign that the earthquake ever happened. I know some people are still suffering, but everyone down there has done such a great job of getting the CBD back to normal so quickly. Fantastic.

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Qantas' explanation for an engine on one of their planes exploding last week is that they "found oil where oil shouldn't be". Doesn't that just fill you with confidence?


Two innit? Definitely flying Air New Zealand next June either way.

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