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Not the best start to the day.


I got on the bus and took my iPod out of my pocket (sadly not connected to my headphones, because I had used it in the car yesterday), and it slipped down into the mysterious void between the seat and the wall of the bus. I couldn't find it, so I thought I would just wait until the bus stopped and everyone else got off, then I could make a bit of a dick of myself with a really thorough search. Well, the driver wasn't going to tolerate that.


There are some really nice bus drivers who would have let me look, but he wasn't one of them.


I also wish to complain about the size of these portable music devices. Why is smallness an asset? Do they advertise them with such attractive lines as "now so small it can slide seamlessly into narrow places into which no human hand can reach" and "you'll break all your fingers trying to retrieve it from where it gets stuck"? BRING BACK THE BRICKS!


I'm highly irritated.

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Oh no! Richard, I'm so sorry that it has been such a bad day. Hopefully it gets better for you! Some bus drivers are absolute dicks. But most of the ones I encounter are pretty good. The one you had sounds like he had a stick shoved up... ahem. Yes.

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Thanks. :) Yeah, most drivers are nice. It just had to be one of the other ones today.


But it's not that terrible. A lot of people go through much worse! If I end up having to replace the iPod, I'll get a bigger one. :yesey:

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Accidentally swallowed a moth while I was running home. Not fun.


Don't know why I said accidentally. I don't think it's likely that you'd assume I went, "Mmm, that looks scrumptious."

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I don't usually like Drew from C4 much, but sometimes he cracks me up with his clueless act. Before he was talking about Justin Beiber's hair, getting people's thoughts, and someone texted in saying 'it looks like my hair downstairs' and Drew was all 'I guess it looks like the hair he collects down in his basement? that's pretty weird' :LOL: He's also wearing a cute tshirt today.


Wtf is up with that Jason Derulo song, 'Riding Solo'? Like seriously, does he have to sing the chorus in that incredibly annoying voice?


Clearly my studying for exams is going well.

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I was getting annoyed at always being called Douchey :LOL:



I don't usually like Drew from C4 much, but sometimes he cracks me up with his clueless act. Before he was talking about Justin Beiber's hair, getting people's thoughts, and someone texted in saying 'it looks like my hair downstairs' and Drew was all 'I guess it looks like the hair he collects down in his basement? that's pretty weird' :LOL:


It was awkward when Bieber didn't know what German was in that interview. I also saw a video once of him having some issues with a revolving door. A role model for the younger generation.


From the fact that you're watching C4 and posting here, yes, I would agree that your study is going swimmingly!

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Well done! That's reasonably epic. Really good effort for one day!


Yeah, they might have a lost and found, but I think it went way down into the narrow gap between the seat and the wall. I don't think it'll ever be found. It's probably now covered in cigarette butts from when it was legal to smoke on buses.

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I had to laugh reading the paper this morning.


They had a list of all the MPs' expenses from the last few years - for wine, food, flights, etc (or porn, in Shane Jones' case). Most of their totals were up in the thousands.


But then you've got Helen Clark - $19.95 for a pair of gumboots when she visited a region affected by flooding. Aww, bless her. :happy:

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Guest hysteriaaah
I don't usually like Drew from C4 much, but sometimes he cracks me up with his clueless act. Before he was talking about Justin Beiber's hair, getting people's thoughts, and someone texted in saying 'it looks like my hair downstairs' and Drew was all 'I guess it looks like the hair he collects down in his basement? that's pretty weird' :LOL: He's also wearing a cute tshirt today.


Wtf is up with that Jason Derulo song, 'Riding Solo'? Like seriously, does he have to sing the chorus in that incredibly annoying voice?


Clearly my studying for exams is going well.


I really don't get the format of that show. They get a guy, shove him in a white room and force him to talk to himself? :LOL:


On the subject of bieber antics...


My favourite is number 6 :D

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:chuckle: Strangely compelling!


I had to laugh reading the paper this morning.


They had a list of all the MPs' expenses from the last few years - for wine, food, flights, etc (or porn, in Shane Jones' case). Most of their totals were up in the thousands.


But then you've got Helen Clark - $19.95 for a pair of gumboots when she visited a region affected by flooding. Aww, bless her. :happy:


Aw, I miss Aunty Helen :happy:

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No less sensible than Don Brash's idea of having a Minister for the Eradication of Political Corectness.


What would that minister have done? Just heckled minorities non-stop from 9-5 on weekdays?

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it was funny with shane jones as he had first said "i can't remember if i did or did not watch porn in hotels" and we went to sleep, then woke up in the morning to a big headline "minister of pornography" ...obviously he knew he couldn't straight out decline it wasn't porn so he just admitted it!

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