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My parents are off to England and a river cruise in Europe on Wednesday. I'm not entirely sure when they get back. Maybe I should find out, since I said I'd pick them up at the airport...

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you wouldn't want to go on your OE until after you've graduated and worked for at least a year anyway.


I want to go earlier. My sister went in first semester of her third uni year I think.

Its just so annoying because people are constantly going away this year, even if its just to Australia, and I really want to too.


That sucks. :( Aren't you eligible for a student allowance? I don't understand why you wouldn't be.


My parents earn too much :indiff:

EVEN THOUGH I only live with my mum, and my dad is the one who gives me an allowance.

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do you want to work or just travel? i just think it's so expensive and far to get anywhere from NZ that you'd have to go for a long time with a lot of money to start with. although i assume you have an EU passport of some kind.

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do you want to work or just travel? i just think it's so expensive and far to get anywhere from NZ that you'd have to go for a long time with a lot of money to start with. although i assume you have an EU passport of some kind.


I want to just travel. Like take 3 months and just travel around.

I intend to get an EU passport.


That's ridiculous.


I know! I hate how they go 'oh your parents make this much money so you cant get it' even though your parents might not be the ones supporting you or paying for costs. And yet I have heaps of friends who just frit their student allowance away!

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So this guy near me in the uni lab has a chair that, whenever he leans back, makes a noise vaguely reminiscent of King Kong in a moment of sexual ecstasy. That's not his fault, but you would think after one creak, which made everyone in the lab look in his direction with looks of mild irritation on their faces, he'd give some consideration to sitting still or perhaps finding a more discreet chair.


But no, this is not the case. Instead, he is adjusting his position on the seat roughly twice a minute, providing us all with wonderful accompanying sound effects. You almost think he might be enjoying it.

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I'm waiting until they come on TV so no spoilers please! :happy:


No problemo. I haven't even watched it yet :rolleyes:


Is that where the ground falls from underneath them and they do the time warp?


Um, I guess so...


I know! I hate how they go 'oh your parents make this much money so you cant get it' even though your parents might not be the ones supporting you or paying for costs. And yet I have heaps of friends who just frit their student allowance away!


That's a bummer, but what about the living costs loan part? You should be able to get that, but then it's a lot more to pay back without having some subsidised by the allowance part.


So this guy near me in the uni lab has a chair that, whenever he leans back, makes a noise vaguely reminiscent of King Kong in a moment of sexual ecstasy. That's not his fault, but you would think after one creak, which made everyone in the lab look in his direction with looks of mild irritation on their faces, he'd give some consideration to sitting still or perhaps finding a more discreet chair.


But no, this is not the case. Instead, he is adjusting his position on the seat roughly twice a minute, providing us all with wonderful accompanying sound effects. You almost think he might be enjoying it.


He probably is enjoying it, ha! :rolleyes:

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It was fine thanks. The Easter Show was mainly the same as usual. A couple new rides, only one was actually good though :LOL: No circus this year which was weird, but a horse stunt performance and dog agility was good. Have you seen the revolution flea advert where the dog pushes a lawn mower? She was there with the rest of the owners 7 dogs who are very well trained.


How was yours?

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Yeah, I have seen that. That sounds cool. What was the one good new ride like?


Mine wasn't too bad - was either at uni or work for most of it, but that's not bad. At least it meant I had something to do!

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That's a bummer, but what about the living costs loan part? You should be able to get that, but then it's a lot more to pay back without having some subsidised by the allowance part.


Yeah that's true. I never really considered the living costs part because I have to pay it back, but maybe I should just take one for the team and add it to the student loan :erm:


I went to the Transylvania blacklight mini-golf today :happy: It was pretty cool. They have this epic soundtrack playing in the background with music and sound effects and stuff.


The Muppets is on Cartoon Network right now :awesome:

Baby Muppets are so cute!

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I went to the Transylvania blacklight mini-golf today :happy: It was pretty cool. They have this epic soundtrack playing in the background with music and sound effects and stuff.

Fuck, that sounds cool. Wheareabouts is that? I think that has to be on the agenda in the near future.

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i got living costs for about 3/4 of my second and third year at uni. would not have been able to do it without it. at the start of each year i did have briscoes and my wee scholarship money (all $600 of it) to help out.

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Fuck, that sounds cool. Wheareabouts is that? I think that has to be on the agenda in the near future.


Its on Swanson Rd, in Swanson. Its pretty cool, and if you wear neon or white then you glow!


i got living costs for about 3/4 of my second and third year at uni. would not have been able to do it without it. at the start of each year i did have briscoes and my wee scholarship money (all $600 of it) to help out.


This might be something to start looking into *rubs chin*

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