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It could be! I was wondering who it was.


I love how they're doing the voting for setlists too. If that really takes off and they decide to do it for the Aus/NZ tour too, should we mount a team effort? I'm happy to vote for whatever the majority wants. :)

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It could be! I was wondering who it was.


I love how they're doing the voting for setlists too. If that really takes off and they decide to do it for the Aus/NZ tour too, should we mount a team effort? I'm happy to vote for whatever the majority wants. :)


Yeah! There's so many to pick from! I think that if they do it for here, we should collectively choose something unexpected as our top three. Like instead of just Stockholm Syndrome or Hysteria, which they always chuck in normally, we should pick something classic like Citizen Erased or Space Dementia, or something really unusual like Micro Cuts (muhaha poor Matt) or Overdue or HYPER MUSIC OMG :eek:

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I'd happily go along with Hyper Music. :yesey: Showbiz? Uno? Spiral Static? Oooh decisions, decisions.


Micro Cuts would be a tad harsh. Listening to it on HAARP and comparing it to the OOS tour ones, poor old Bells doesn't seem to have the voice box for it anymore.

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I'd happily go along with Hyper Music. :yesey: Showbiz? Uno? Spiral Static? Oooh decisions, decisions.


Micro Cuts would be a tad harsh. Listening to it on HAARP and comparing it to the OOS tour ones, poor old Bells doesn't seem to have the voice box for it anymore.


Hyper Music is the shit. Even better would be Hyper Chondriac Music. UNF.


I know, but it would be lulzy. And then as fans we can all be like screeching along :LOL:

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Yes. :yesey: But whereabouts would you like it? I can't really decide. Maybe as a first encore, before some nice mental rocky songs in the second encore to end on a high? Not sure.


Hmm. I'd like maybe the first part near the beginning, the second should be mixed in between two other songs, like a jam version. Then the last part somewhere at the end of something like Citizen Erased or Space Dementia- something piano-y, so it can lead on. Then stop, pause, kick into a rocking encore and end.

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i still want to see showbiz live. when we went to see muse in paris we thought it was guaranteed as they always played showbiz there...but we were wrong.


went to the gym this morning, absolutely dead there! still can't do 2000m on the rowing machine in 10 minutes. really want to break that before i go. now i'm going to try rewrite parts of my cv for different jobs ie. insurance related one and government related one. but seems a lot of effort.

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still can't do 2000m on the rowing machine in 10 minutes. really want to break that before i go.

You will. :yesey: I believe in you!


There are two other people in the lower level of the postgrad lab. I'm impressed by students' dedication to their studies. What the fuck else is there to do today?

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i always get so close too! i figure if i did it a few days in a row i'd build up better for it, so i'll try again tomorrow.


are you doing some research or writing up stuff? i always found researching a topic so much easier than actually writing it up.


i'm making a big roast tonight, got a nice free range chicken and have potatoes, pumpkin and kumara. had to tell my kiwi friend living in london when she told me she couldn't get kumara that it was called sweet potato over there...

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Sounds delicious!


I'm doing research at the moment, but am easily sidetracked. I'm currently looking at the Facebook group about the ACT guy who apparently in a TV3 interview said "I think my argument is so powerful that it's not necessary to talk about it." :LOL:

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It could be! I was wondering who it was.


I love how they're doing the voting for setlists too. If that really takes off and they decide to do it for the Aus/NZ tour too, should we mount a team effort? I'm happy to vote for whatever the majority wants. :)

Have dates been announced? I'm very keen to go. Missed out on the BHAR tour.

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Amazing display of tactlessness by this reporter on the news tonight. It's a story about a murder in Oamaru, and she says "for the families, there'll be nothing good about this Friday."


Spectacularly awful.

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