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Four in a row by me. I should be ashamed. :noey:


But I do have to vent my frustration at my uni supervisor. I sent him an email on Monday asking what time suited him for me to go in and discuss my dissertation. He said "any time Thurs is good". So I go up to his office today, which you might notice is Thursday (or Thurs, in lecturer lingo), and what do I see? A sign on his door saying "not in Thursday".


I've been stood up. :(


I came in early for work specifically to see him, and now I've got nothing to do for almost two hours.


Academics, honestly.


That's a pain in the bum :(

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Well there are many options to prevent rain-induced drippy hair with out taking a towel. Lets see. You could wear a hoodie or a hat. If you take a backpack, there is also the option of taking a small umbrella or raincoat.


But that may not be helpful at all since I guess the point is that you don't want to take anything with you to uni :LOL:

Those are all suggestions worth considering. But I think I'd be a hypocrite if I took an umbrella, because I spend a lot of the time muttering about them being an offensive weapon and calling the people who haphazardly open them up when walking out of sheltered areas dangerous lunatics, so...



Oh that's good to hear. Is it just going away by itslf with no intervention?

There was some natural seepage, and I encouraged it a little bit. Sorry if that's too much information!



:awesome: Have you noticed it's the same date as White Lies last year? This will be another nice day-before-my-birthday treat if I get to go.

I hadn't noticed that, but you're right! That's a coincidence. Don't like the Powerstation as much as the Studio though. But I'm looking forward to it. :D


My supervisor has found a project on bellbirds that I could work on. The leader from kokako recovery team said there isn't much going on with kokako at the moment since they are doing well but she is going to be involved with the translocation of bellbirds from Tiritiri and Tawharanui to Motuihe Is, Waiheke Is, and Hamilton. All the birds are going to have transmitters put on them so I could follow their post-release on Motuihe. I'm going to talk to my supervisor at 3 but I've just been looking up things and Motuihe has quite an interesting history with being used for quarantine during some influenza outbreak and as a detention camp during the war :erm:. It's quite a small island (it's betwen Rangtitoto and Waiheke) but it has daily boat visits which is good to know for getting there and back.


And bellbirds will be good to work with of course. I caught a whole lot of them when I was on Little Barrier Is and they make cool noises :happy:


Plus attitude:



"What you looking at?"


That's really awesome! :awesome: Sounds fantastic. I must admit I hardly know anything at all about Motuihe, so that's news to me, and it sounds like such an interesting history. I hope you enjoy it.

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Those are all suggestions worth considering. But I think I'd be a hypocrite if I took an umbrella, because I spend a lot of the time muttering about them being an offensive weapon and calling the people who haphazardly open them up when walking out of sheltered areas dangerous lunatics, so...


Hmm, well a hat or light rain jacket may be the less offensive options then :LOL:


There was some natural seepage, and I encouraged it a little bit. Sorry if that's too much information!


No, it's not too much for me. Always good to know about these things if I ever came across something similar.


I hadn't noticed that, but you're right! That's a coincidence. Don't like the Powerstation as much as the Studio though. But I'm looking forward to it. :D


I haven't been to the powerstation since my first concert there about 2003/04.


That's really awesome! :awesome: Sounds fantastic. I must admit I hardly know anything at all about Motuihe, so that's news to me, and it sounds like such an interesting history. I hope you enjoy it.


Yeah, same here. I wasn't even sure where it was before googling it :rolleyes:


Ugh, I went to the lab to go on computers there while waiting for my supervisor but the internet was on the fritz so I came back to the computer lab. Only 10 minutes til I'll have to go back now :facepalm:

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Ugh, I went to the lab to go on computers there while waiting for my supervisor but the internet was on the fritz so I came back to the computer lab. Only 10 minutes til I'll have to go back now :facepalm:



I might go and get some food before work. I feel like a pie. Like eating one, not similar to one. Just in case I needed to clear that up.

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why is it when one of the muse guys post on this board we down under seems to be the ones that is able to take a look at what was said by the band member and take into coonsideration what was said and then make some co herrent sense.. Yes that might of been a babble but hell if that was the sort of babble he does while drunk all the more reason to get him to the nearest pub makes a heck of a lot interesting convo... I would have to hold myself up in the conversational department to compete at his level lol.


I knitted my first baby jumper didnt go so well i didnt bother to finish sewing it up lol its as crooked as hell and the sleeves are like one here the other down here lol.


Can some run me through what you have been up to as i havent been around much

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I might go and get some food before work. I feel like a pie. Like eating one, not similar to one. Just in case I needed to clear that up.


Mmm, pie. I have apple crumble left over from last night to have for pudding again tonight. Not exactly a pie, but it's close enough :LOL:


why is it when one of the muse guys post on this board we down under seems to be the ones that is able to take a look at what was said by the band member and take into coonsideration what was said and then make some co herrent sense.. Yes that might of been a babble but hell if that was the sort of babble he does while drunk all the more reason to get him to the nearest pub makes a heck of a lot interesting convo... I would have to hold myself up in the conversational department to compete at his level lol.


I knitted my first baby jumper didnt go so well i didnt bother to finish sewing it up lol its as crooked as hell and the sleeves are like one here the other down here lol.


Can some run me through what you have been up to as i havent been around much


Hmm, I haven't seen any Muse banter lately or was that just a general rant on when such a thing happens? Lol. But yes, people can get overly excited when they post.


That's a shame your jumper didn't work out.


And there hasn't really been much going on in here.


I may get to go to Motuihe next week to help (or just learn really) about radio transmitters as they are going to work out where the best reception is so the birds can be released in areas where we would be able to track them. So yeah, this new project sounds promising, it all just has to be officially confirmed that the people who are translocating the birds will be happy with me participating. There is one potential downfall where the birds may not stay on the island but there there may be a plan B which is always good to hear. My supervisor has done quite a bit of work on bellbird dialect/songs so it will be good having all her work to integrate with mine.

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Is the said thread and i bet you guys already had seen it long before i had even bothered to look at it. I never knew this was the man himself i thought it was someone using it as a user name..


And michelle i hope it all goes well and so you know they are also releasing some bellbirds in rocky bay on the island and i am sure i read they said they will be tagged with the transmitters too, would you like me to keep the article for your reference at all??

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Is the said thread and i bet you guys already had seen it long before i had even bothered to look at it. I never knew this was the man himself i thought it was someone using it as a user name..


Oh yeah, that's quite old. 'MattB' is really Matt's account, and there's also 'ChrisW' and 'DomH', which are authentic accounts.


Today went downhill rapidly. I had an appointment in the morning, so went to pick up my mum from work and when I was waiting I parked in the Domain. But then my car wouldn't start. We had to taxi to the appointment and then taxi back, and then I had to go to the hospital to use their phonebook while Mum went back to work (its on Symonds St) so she walked. Then State Insurance wouldn't tow my car for free, so I had to ring the towing company. I didn't have any cash so had to walk back to Symonds to get cash from my mum. It was $70 dollars! Then I had to go with the tow guy to a mechanic, and leave my car there! SO ANNOYING. They think its the starter motor, or the battery.

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God, that's a nightmare of a day. :( And so infuriating. Hope you at least didn't get caught in any of those heavy showers we had today while you were doing that walk.


I did! I got caught in quite a few showers and I was wearing shoes that were just slip-on, so my feet got all wet. Not as badly as the other day at uni though. Just the other night it rained so strongly that I got soaked just going to my car from a front door! It was ridiculous, like I'd been in the shower!


Yeah Sammy, some times there are just those days where heaps of bad things happen at once. There's a page on facebook called 'life is like a dick, sometimes it gets hard for no reason' :LOL:


Hey Michelle and Rich, you guys like The Temper Trap, right? What do you think about this cover?




I really like it. It seems like it would be a nice wedding song :chuckle:

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I did! I got caught in quite a few showers and I was wearing shoes that were just slip-on, so my feet got all wet.

Unlucky! :( That's the last thing you need when you're already having a horrible day.


Not as badly as the other day at uni though. Just the other night it rained so strongly that I got soaked just going to my car from a front door! It was ridiculous, like I'd been in the shower!

It's no fun at all being out in those epic downpours, but it gets to the point where all you can do is laugh.


Hey Michelle and Rich, you guys like The Temper Trap, right? What do you think about this cover?




I really like it. It seems like it would be a nice wedding song :chuckle:

That's interesting, quite different to the original. I like it too, thanks for posting it. :) And yeah, I agree about it being a nice wedding song, but I have to say I also think the original would be.

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That's interesting, quite different to the original. I like it too, thanks for posting it. :) And yeah, I agree about it being a nice wedding song, but I have to say I also think the original would be.


Oh yeah me too, but I do really like this too because the arrangement is really nice and her voice sounds really good I think.

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And michelle i hope it all goes well and so you know they are also releasing some bellbirds in rocky bay on the island and i am sure i read they said they will be tagged with the transmitters too, would you like me to keep the article for your reference at all??


Thanks! That sounds like that is part of the translocation that I will be part of. What was that article in?


Hey Michelle and Rich, you guys like The Temper Trap, right? What do you think about this cover?




I really like it. It seems like it would be a nice wedding song :chuckle:


That's a nice cover. It isn't as catchy as the original, but would be nice for something like a wedding. And I join the 'not knowing who she is" club either :LOL:


Now i am making a caramel cake and a roast beef pie whose on thier way over????


:eek: Me!! :LOL:


The caramel cake sounds good. I've got steak marinating at home for dinner though.

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Not at all over the top.


Spent the afternoon with my sister. :happy: First time we've done something with just the two of us in a really long time. It was great. Really needed it.


What's everyone got planned for the weekend?

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Thanks! That sounds like that is part of the translocation that I will be part of. What was that article in?




That's a nice cover. It isn't as catchy as the original, but would be nice for something like a wedding. And I join the 'not knowing who she is" club either :LOL:




:eek: Me!! :LOL:


The caramel cake sounds good. I've got steak marinating at home for dinner though.


The caramel cake went ok lol i havent done it in like 10years lost the original but i know next time i do it, it will work fine. And the article was in the waiheke marketplace and they said they are being released in the rocky bay area, if i am not greatly mistaken i think they have an online webpage dont know if they would have the article on there but i will cut the article out and keep on hand for when we meet, most prolly when muse comes back here or sooner lol


Not at all over the top.


Spent the afternoon with my sister. :happy: First time we've done something with just the two of us in a really long time. It was great. Really needed it.


What's everyone got planned for the weekend?


Work..... thats the plan.

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