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Right i am back from my walk and i am fucked lol i am literally fucked. I am gunna prolly open my bottle of sparkly and sit back and relax.


I was gunna get some wool for a baby set that i am practicing but however the bus came through while i was sorting my shopping out and i though nah i am gunna get on this one as buses where i was catching it comes through 10 past the hour. and i knew i wasnt gunna spend that long in the craft shop with some cold foods in the heat.


Phone has been dropped off to police station and they were all good about it too.


In a couple weeks im gunna do a shopping trip who wants to join i will let you know closer to the date when i am excactly going.

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It's like last fm but about a million times better :awesome:



That is pretty unfortunate. I'm sure being an Olympic athlete makes up for it though :chuckle:


I love how crazy the Winter Olympic sporting events are. Like... seriously. Soooo weird.


:p this is in reguards the location you have put on your profile have you tried swimming to antarctica from where you live.

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I love how crazy the Winter Olympic sporting events are. Like... seriously. Soooo weird.

They're insane. I thought luge was a bit daft, but I'm amazed that somewhere along the line someone actually said, "Fuck this, I'm going head first!"

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well luge and the skeleton looks a hell of scary sport but inside i when watching it feels the adrenalin surging and funnily enough if i was pitted to it i'd be like um can you offer me a billion dollars and i will do it :D


And i am a fearless person when it comes to things like this.

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That sounds fantastic.


It would be, I love it on LBI and it has better cell coverage :rolleyes: The only downside is if the weather sucks, can get stuck there.


it does,doesnt it. whose enjoying the wind today i am its nice and cool though its rough its nice and cool, I am in and out of my house today i was gunna stick around home after shopping but i found someones cellphone and i cant seem to turn it on to see if i can contact a person on it so i am taking it to the police to hang on to it.


this will have to be the 7th cellphone i have found i sure hope if i accidently lost mine the favour would be returned.


I am enjoying the decrease in humidity. The wind is quite strong at times, but better than the humidity I guess.


Wow, that's a lot of phones. I just read today about these new watch phones called sWaP (smart watch and phone). They would be quite handy for people loosing them all the time. But you woud need delicate fingers to be able to text on such small screens :erm:


It really truly is.


They are indeed :happy:


That's still so absurdly random.


But I guess if waxeyes got here from Aussie...


Loved the sound of your research stuff.


Kokako are so lovely.


Yeah, quite a few animals have come over here from Aus. Kokako are indeed lovely. I see telecom have downloadable native bird text tones, they had kokako, bellbird, kiwi, morepork, etc. But I couldn't preview them! So I don't want to pay and it ends up sounding crap :LOL:


Right i am back from my walk and i am fucked lol i am literally fucked. I am gunna prolly open my bottle of sparkly and sit back and relax.


I'm relaxing with a mocha frap :happy:


They're insane. I thought luge was a bit daft, but I'm amazed that somewhere along the line someone actually said, "Fuck this, I'm going head first!"


:LOL: I better go check out some of the action soon.

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It would be, I love it on LBI and it has better cell coverage :rolleyes: The only downside is if the weather sucks, can get stuck there.




I am enjoying the decrease in humidity. The wind is quite strong at times, but better than the humidity I guess.


Wow, that's a lot of phones. I just read today about these new watch phones called sWaP (smart watch and phone). They would be quite handy for people loosing them all the time. But you woud need delicate fingers to be able to text on such small screens :erm:




Yeah, quite a few animals have come over here from Aus. Kokako are indeed lovely. I see telecom have downloadable native bird text tones, they had kokako, bellbird, kiwi, morepork, etc. But I couldn't preview them! So I don't want to pay and it ends up sounding crap :LOL:




I'm relaxing with a mocha frap :happy:




:LOL: I better go check out some of the action soon.



ooo mocha frap sounds nice, I am now musing out to muse. Thats true with the txt tones my brother had a tui one it sounded pretty good. I would love to stand where kokako are known to frequent and listen to them in the morning that is when they make that beautiful song isnt it.


I have never been to the barrier i have wanted to go, i've been to kawerau on a camp with gurls in my room scared of the spiders, they had trouble with keeping me away from the rock pools and going on my own lill adventure lol.

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Yeah, quite a few animals have come over here from Aus. Kokako are indeed lovely. I see telecom have downloadable native bird text tones, they had kokako, bellbird, kiwi, morepork, etc. But I couldn't preview them! So I don't want to pay and it ends up sounding crap :LOL:
I think my mum has a tui one from telecom. It sounds real, but it's the same song over and over again, which was a bit disorienting.


Soooo much is happening this weekend. I think I'm moving next week but I'm not sure.

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I think my mum has a tui one from telecom. It sounds real, but it's the same song over and over again, which was a bit disorienting.


Soooo much is happening this weekend. I think I'm moving next week but I'm not sure.


thats the one my brother has or had not sure i havent been that up to date with him lately. Where you moving to is this the overseas thing you were talking about a few months ago.

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hi guys all the way from the deep south. i made it! the drive wasn't bad at all, i spent a good 4 years of my life doing the various trips invercargill-dunedin-christchurch that even after 3 years absence it's still so familar to me. they've put more passing lanes in which is good because there is SO many milk trucks.


i discovered at the worse possible time that my electric window isn't working! as i was being pulled up at a breathtesting point. had to open my door to the cop to be tested and totally froze on my address cos i was so close to my parents i wanted to give theirs...but couldn't remember their new one. :LOL:


now after 7 hours of driving i'm doing nothing!

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i discovered at the worse possible time that my electric window isn't working! as i was being pulled up at a breathtesting point. had to open my door to the cop to be tested and totally froze on my address cos i was so close to my parents i wanted to give theirs...but couldn't remember their new one. :LOL:

Haha, that's awkward! Did being unable to open the window and then struggling to remember the address arouse any suspicion?


Well done on the drive. That's about twice as long as the longest drive I've ever done, so I'm really quite impressed that you found it so easy.

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i thought it might...but he let me go on my way! says something about southland when they're breathtesting in edendale at half 4 on a friday afternoon outside the cheese factory.


it was a bit lonely at times, and i wondered why i wasn't just talking to myself in the car outloud instead of just thinking in my head. and it does get a bit boring so i tend to look for random things on the side of the road, and end up laughing at cows (and usually no particular reason other than they are walking through a field and bobbing their big heads). i saw a big llama farm, that made me smile for a few kilometres.

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i was singing a bit too!


i have discovered i've become a lot more mellower long distance driver. i use to have this urge to pass anyone that is in front of me, despite the speed limit they're doing. but now i only feel it neccessary for trucks or cars towing stuff. i find having a car in front of me means i do the speed limit as well. looks like my job has enforced some good habits in me. just a lot more calmer, i actually slow down now when i realise i'm doing more than 100! i guess also having a car with a small engine has had a good effect on me too.


richard i just got your text! 5 min out of invercargill and still fuck all cellphone coverage.

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I've been a really cautious driver since I got my Levin - the first time I drove it, I got on the motorway and I hit 130kph without noticing how fast I was going! I've been sure to keep an eye on my speed at all times ever since that.


Yeah I assumed it was a coverage issue and not a highly rude snub.

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in both my cars that were 2 litres i could hit 140km without noticing. my mirage will barely get to 120km, although when passing a trailer i did get it up to 130km which surprised me! she's a random car though, changes gears at the weirdest times. the bane of an automatic i suppose!

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did you ever get to experience the samurai? that was terrifying at 100km. can understand now why they issue warnings for high top cars on really windy days. my hands were locked up i was holding the steering wheel that tight.

I don't think I did! I feel like I've missed out.


Night! Hope you have a great day tomorrow.

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What is the reason for this?


A - He's looking at something sinister

B - The air is surprisingly tasty

C - He was pulling that face for a laugh and the wind changed


D - Those fly's looking rather tasty

E- Someone is about to drop meddication into his mouth

F - Singing out loud to a song

G - There is a stripper in front of him :LOL::LOL:

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