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Speaking of things that make you feel warm and fuzzy, I love responding to telemarketers who say 'hi, how are you?' with 'I'm good thanks, how are you?'. They get so confused because usually people are like 'fuck off I don't want to buy anything.' Sometimes you just get a few seconds of silence on the end of the line as they try to realise what you just said :LOL:

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Haha, that's good of you. :) I'm always like "...ok...thanks...," all unsure about what they're about to ask of me.


Grr, it had to happen when I'm going for a speed record - 30 seconds of solid medical lingo, all of which I had to go to the next room to check in the Oxford Medical dictionary. *sigh* But I'm still on track.

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Speaking of things that make you feel warm and fuzzy, I love responding to telemarketers who say 'hi, how are you?' with 'I'm good thanks, how are you?'. They get so confused because usually people are like 'fuck off I don't want to buy anything.' Sometimes you just get a few seconds of silence on the end of the line as they try to realise what you just said :LOL:


They usually ask for my parents, so I just hand it to them or they call back if they ain't home :LOL:


Haha, that's good of you. :) I'm always like "...ok...thanks...," all unsure about what they're about to ask of me.


Grr, it had to happen when I'm going for a speed record - 30 seconds of solid medical lingo, all of which I had to go to the next room to check in the Oxford Medical dictionary. *sigh* But I'm still on track.


Good to hear, you can do it!


I've just found out there is another name for moreporks, never heard it in my life but here it is: boobooks :erm:



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Hope the drive goes well 2m jo!


Ugh, cramps are awful! Indescribable pain. Good to hear they've eased up at least.
Yeah gone now :dance:


Took soooooooooooooo looooong though :LOL:


Alright thanks. Just had a few things to do this morning then visit my grandma at Waitakere hospital. My week has pretty much been the same all week (apart from the test) so I hope to do something different within the next few days.


Ouch :( Hopefully they don't come back so bad!


I've been watching Olympics this afternoon too. He was awesome indeed!

Thanks, and glad to hear you're grandma's okay.


He was just... guh. I wish I could do stuff like that. Sadly I lack the required badassery to be able to launch myself up into the air and trust my body not to smoosh when gravity pulled me down again :noey:


I was surprised by how many people wiped out in the final though. I mean, I realise it's hard and extraordinary and stuff, but... there really were an awful lot.


Speaking of things that make you feel warm and fuzzy, I love responding to telemarketers who say 'hi, how are you?' with 'I'm good thanks, how are you?'. They get so confused because usually people are like 'fuck off I don't want to buy anything.' Sometimes you just get a few seconds of silence on the end of the line as they try to realise what you just said :LOL:
:LOL: I do this too. It's just my automatic response when someone asks me that.


I did it to my brother tonight on the phone even though we were having a srs-wellbeing conversation and his voice was all srs. He was totally thrown out of his big brother is always calling you role :chuckle:


I've had some really good conversations with telemarketers, though.


I've just found out there is another name for moreporks, never heard it in my life but here it is: boobooks :erm:
Whoa. Randomness!




I had no idea they were found in Australia/PNG as well! :eek:


2 hours, 22 minutes! A NEW RECORD! :awesome:


Ah, the little pleasures in life.

Whoo congrats!



Anywho, my eyes are blurring and stuff (3 hours sleep thanks to the leg issuez) so I'm gonna bounce.



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But is it boo-books or boob-ooks? :chuckle:


It's boo-book according to dictionary.com. So I am pleased as that was what I was going with :LOL:


Whoa. Randomness!




I had no idea they were found in Australia/PNG as well! :eek:


Neither did I :erm: But! Wiki says there may be evidence that they could be different since the Australian ones are slightly bigger, but there was no reference for that :shifty: I'd love to work with them, they are so cute, soft and feisty :happy: (Although many of our birds are like that :chuckle:)


I've finally sent some more project ideas to my supervisor and so time for bed. Night night moas!

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A safety hazard we're worryingly unaware of.


I suppose it can be a hazard if you are laughing and you fall over and hurt yourself in the process might be the aim in a way.



who ever the employee is that is doing those txts i would give them a pat on the back for once again making a big corporate company look like idiots again and my brother who used to work for them would be of the same opinion i mean that is just a laugh.

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Awesome. What are you thinking about doing?


I'm looking at doing more research on hihi (stichbird) as their recovery plan had a lot of suggestions where research is needed and what has been done seems to focus on just the mating behaviour and the reintroduced populations. Whereas it would be good to research on the one natural population which is on Little Barrier Island :awesome: But we'll see what she says, I also suggested work on kokako or pateke (brown teal).

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I'm looking at doing more research on hihi (stichbird) as their recovery plan had a lot of suggestions where research is needed and what has been done seems to focus on just the mating behaviour and the reintroduced populations. Whereas it would be good to research on the one natural population which is on Little Barrier Island :awesome:

That sounds fantastic.

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That sounds fantastic.


it does,doesnt it. whose enjoying the wind today i am its nice and cool though its rough its nice and cool, I am in and out of my house today i was gunna stick around home after shopping but i found someones cellphone and i cant seem to turn it on to see if i can contact a person on it so i am taking it to the police to hang on to it.


this will have to be the 7th cellphone i have found i sure hope if i accidently lost mine the favour would be returned.

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It really truly is.


Neither did I :erm: But! Wiki says there may be evidence that they could be different since the Australian ones are slightly bigger, but there was no reference for that :shifty: I'd love to work with them, they are so cute, soft and feisty :happy: (Although many of our birds are like that :chuckle:)
They are indeed :happy:


That's still so absurdly random.


But I guess if waxeyes got here from Aussie...


Loved the sound of your research stuff.


Kokako are so lovely.


:LOL: Win.



My day's going okay, though it's so boring (just housework and cooking my mum proper food)


Discovering grooveshark has made my life infinitely more wonderful though :awesome:

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Discovering grooveshark has made my life infinitely more wonderful though :awesome:

That's good to hear! Perhaps I need to discover this thing you speak of.


Wow, this Australian skeleton athlete is called Melissa Hoar. That's unfortunate.

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