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It all looks pretty impressive to me. I hear the commentators go, "Oh no, it's all going horribly wrong here," and I'm not sure if they're watching the same thing as I am. Looks fine to me!


Except when they fall over, that is. That's obviously not part of the plan.

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morning. Its good you guys are talking about the olympics as we cant get it on our tv due to bad reception we are hoping to have it sorted next week.


And as for library books i used to be part of one but now i just go to the 2nd hand shop and get it there if i like the book i keep it and if i dont i return it and also i dont have to worry about the fines.


who else has rain where they are.. its good for once to have the rain ok its not raining like raining but its drizzling.

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Thanks for the congrats everyone! :happy:


Well done! Congratulations! It will open up so many opportunities!


I'm booking mine on Friday, not sure how long it takes to go through, a couple of weeks at least I'm told!


It wasn't too booked up when I booked it. I just chose to wait a couple weeks for more practice.


I just killed a stick insect and feel quite bad about it. It wasn't the poor guy's fault- I had been trying to coerce it to go behind the curtain and then it freaked out and started climbing the wall and then I freaked out because I didn't want it to get lost in my clothes so I sprayed it. He really didn't deserve it but I panicked :(


I saw that film Percy Jackson & the Lightening Thief today. It was better than I expected but still pretty mediocre. Some of the Greek myths they put in were pretty good though.


Aww, poor stick insect :(


I wouldn't mind seeing Percy Jackson & the Lightening Thief one day, the reviews aren't too bad but mention a few plot falls.


Care to try to explain Lily's rationale behind this?





The libraries around here are so lacking! Can't find any of the books I want in either Auckland Libraries or Waitakere! Seriously, get more than one copy of a book would you?


+1! I was lucky when I went the first time since being home to get the 3rd book I was up to, but the 4th was still out when I finished and they didn't have any other books I could think of or I couldn't find it :rolleyes: So fortunately my friend lent me The Time Travellers Wife for something read.


who else has rain where they are.. its good for once to have the rain ok its not raining like raining but its drizzling.


It looked like there was going to be a storm this moring, but no. Just a few drizzles and that's it.

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I'm typing out a news story about a design competition for yet another new Auckland logo, and the judge says he expects "175,000 Sky Towers." The reporter then says, "177,000 if these two designers submit their ideas."


Maths fail. :noey:


How's everyone's day been?

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Made a bit nasty by mysterious muscle cramps. My calf muscles knotted up at about 8 this morning and woke me up. I tried walking them off and massaging them and soaking them but nothing worked. They've eased up some now though.


morning. Its good you guys are talking about the olympics as we cant get it on our tv due to bad reception we are hoping to have it sorted next week.


And as for library books i used to be part of one but now i just go to the 2nd hand shop and get it there if i like the book i keep it and if i dont i return it and also i dont have to worry about the fines.


who else has rain where they are.. its good for once to have the rain ok its not raining like raining but its drizzling.

I do the same thing with second hand books :)

I like it because the staff there recognise me now and they comment on what I'm getting and stuff.


It was dry here most of the day but it packed in about half an hour ago.


Olympics wise - I just watched the men's snowboarding half-pipe finals. Shaun White is amezzin.

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I'm typing out a news story about a design competition for yet another new Auckland logo, and the judge says he expects "175,000 Sky Towers." The reporter then says, "177,000 if these two designers submit their ideas."


Maths fail. :noey:


How's everyone's day been?


Quite good i have finished my first baby beanie and its so cute. and blatting around on the computer and not a heck of a lot else been happening.

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Made a bit nasty by mysterious muscle cramps. My calf muscles knotted up at about 8 this morning and woke me up. I tried walking them off and massaging them and soaking them but nothing worked. They've eased up some now though.

Ugh, cramps are awful! Indescribable pain. Good to hear they've eased up at least.


weather is shit here. was supposed to drive to cromwell tonight but not keen on driving 4 plus hours in the dark and rain. now i'll have to drive 7 hours in the morning! fun.


Definitely think you made the right choice though. I really hate driving on wet nights.

Edited by _Ed_
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i guess with my eyesight deteriorating i'm not that confident driving at dusk anymore as i find it's the worse time to see things, especially when it's really grey. i was talking to my nephew on the phone so feel a bit bad that i won't see him, he kept going "jo come friday. jo come friday." :(

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How's everyone's day been?


Alright thanks. Just had a few things to do this morning then visit my grandma at Waitakere hospital. My week has pretty much been the same all week (apart from the test) so I hope to do something different within the next few days.


How about you?


Made a bit nasty by mysterious muscle cramps. My calf muscles knotted up at about 8 this morning and woke me up. I tried walking them off and massaging them and soaking them but nothing worked. They've eased up some now though.


Ouch :( Hopefully they don't come back so bad!



Olympics wise - I just watched the men's snowboarding half-pipe finals. Shaun White is amezzin.


I've been watching Olympics this afternoon too. He was awesome indeed!

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Alright thanks. Just had a few things to do this morning then visit my grandma at Waitakere hospital. My week has pretty much been the same all week (apart from the test) so I hope to do something different within the next few days.


How about you?




Ouch :( Hopefully they don't come back so bad!





I've been watching Olympics this afternoon too. He was awesome indeed!


I feel out of the loop now everyone is talking about the limpics and i am unable to watch it however me and mom are looking at getting the aerial put in and i said she should see about free to air and there shouldnt be any probs with getting it in and it wouldnt take much.


I hope your grandma gets better michelle.


there is nothing worse than muscle cramps i have had those in my back and legs all day.


I have crumbled i am looking at getting a kiwibank visa debit card they seem pretty good and i am going to make sure i check into currency rates when i buy muse stuff from overseas i am looking at getting the bundle i've crumbled however i am not gunna pay this much for this item i mean wtf




the pages must be made from the trees they used in the avatar.

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a debit card is a good idea since you're spending your own money.


Yes thats the thing i am looking at i am against getting a visa cc as i dont want to pay for the fees but if getting this works like a prepay phone card then that will prove to be well worth it, however i am unsure about buying from overseas but the muse stuff i am wishing to get is on this site however i am so swayed in getting the b-bundle lol..


Ok guys tell me when i am watching the news and i see the athletes crashing and then the announcer had to say something about crash test slap me as i had a giggle due to my sick minded sense of humour.

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i was talking to my nephew on the phone so feel a bit bad that i won't see him, he kept going "jo come friday. jo come friday." :(


Must make you feel guilty. But getting there safely is the most important thing!


My week has pretty much been the same all week (apart from the test) so I hope to do something different within the next few days.


How about you?

Yeah, I know that feeling. It's been more of the same for me today as well, apart from an intense news at work tonight. So just the usual, really!


How's your grandma doing?


I've been watching Olympics this afternoon too. He was awesome indeed!

Yeah, saw a bit on the news. Very impressive. Some spectacular wipe-outs too, hope they were all alright.

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My workmates are passing around a letter a deaf caption viewer just sent in. It says, "Never forget the difference you make to our lives - it's enormous."


That's just made my day. :happy:


awww that is just so cute.. er my mom has a complaint lol she said make the text bigger lol

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I hope your grandma gets better michelle.


Thanks. Hope you get your aerial sorted soon!


I have crumbled i am looking at getting a kiwibank visa debit card they seem pretty good and i am going to make sure i check into currency rates when i buy muse stuff from overseas i am looking at getting the bundle i've crumbled however i am not gunna pay this much for this item i mean wtf




the pages must be made from the trees they used in the avatar.


Haha, I think you'll be better looking at other sites, even ebay. I saw it at Whitcoulls for about 50 bucks once.


How's your grandma doing?



Yeah, saw a bit on the news. Very impressive. Some spectacular wipe-outs too, hope they were all alright.


She is doing alright now thanks. She is better every day so they are just watching her for a bit longer before sending her home.


The wipe-outs were quite painful looking at times.


My workmates are passing around a letter a deaf caption viewer just sent in. It says, "Never forget the difference you make to our lives - it's enormous."


That's just made my day. :happy:


Aww, that's sweet!

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She is doing alright now thanks. She is better every day so they are just watching her for a bit longer before sending her home.

That's good news. I hope it won't be much longer.


If you thought some little kids' TV shows were a bit weird and druggy, try watching them at double speed! I just did that because there was one with captions already on it that I just needed to quickly check. Crazy shit. :LOL:

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Thanks. Hope you get your aerial sorted soon!




Haha, I think you'll be better looking at other sites, even ebay. I saw it at Whitcoulls for about 50 bucks once.




She is doing alright now thanks. She is better every day so they are just watching her for a bit longer before sending her home.


The wipe-outs were quite painful looking at times.




Aww, that's sweet!


Thats good to know that whitcoulls get it so if i needed to i am sure i could send them a kind email or something like that. And that is good to know that she is getting better, and yes the wipe outs do look painful dont they but some of them look a bit funny.

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