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Not great. The "she probably hasn't seen it" line of thinking over that message I sent (now more than a month ago) went out the window today when I noticed she was online...but still no reply. Don't really understand.


Kind of wish now she'd just said no and I could move on!


Anyway, what else have you been up to today?

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Not great. The "she probably hasn't seen it" line of thinking over that message I sent (now more than a month ago) went out the window today when I noticed she was online...but still no reply. Don't really understand.


Kind of wish now she'd just said no and I could move on!


Anyway, what else have you been up to today?


Aw, that sucks, sorry to hear that, and it's rude! I don't know why she wouldn't reply, and I guess she just doesn't know what she's missing out on.


Feeling suck ass!:(

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Something like that.


Feel sorry for that guy who was sick and locked himself in the toilet on the plane and people thought he was a terrorist because he was Nigerian and it was the same flight as the terrorist guy was on a few days ago. :( How embarrassing for him.

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Something like that.


Feel sorry for that guy who was sick and locked himself in the toilet on the plane and people thought he was a terrorist because he was Nigerian and it was the same flight as the terrorist guy was on a few days ago. :( How embarrassing for him.


I didn't hear about it? But it sounds bad!

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STUDYLINK should be included as a swear words of all the morons can do is keep declining my student allowance when I am entitled to it and the sales rep of both courses have told them a quintrizillmillbillion times that I am a full time student giz her her student allowance and I am also trying to get on the studylink website and its taking forever to load hence why I am going to other websites otherwise I might throw my computer in frustration of impatience.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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well i told mom they must have donkeys working there and she goes how do you mean


"theyre all assholes"


I gave up on trying thier websites i have emailed the sales rep they have thier numbers on direct dial wonder why!!!


the other bit of good news i have work to keep me going so i am destinined to go to the bdo and also i saw i made a mistake with my accom dates and it was changed not a problem *sighs* why is it when it comes to muse its easy as but Studylink its like drawing the blood from the stone.


and happy new years people i will be working through it

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i'm a waitress and its been busy where i work due to the place being a touristy type destination.


It kind of sucks but i am working a few pub holidays and i earn 15prhr and so i work the pub hols not only do i have day of in lieu i get time and a half and the timing of it i should have it by the time the bdo date rolls around so it has its upside.


And the course is tourism its one of those things i am doing purely by accident but have the talents for it if you get what that means.

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well i told mom they must have donkeys working there and she goes how do you mean


"theyre all assholes"


I gave up on trying thier websites i have emailed the sales rep they have thier numbers on direct dial wonder why!!!


the other bit of good news i have work to keep me going so i am destinined to go to the bdo and also i saw i made a mistake with my accom dates and it was changed not a problem *sighs* why is it when it comes to muse its easy as but Studylink its like drawing the blood from the stone.


and happy new years people i will be working through it

no offense or anything, but the people who work at studylink are people just like you and me. they are just doing their job. just because they work for the public service and don't make a decision in your favour, doesn't mean you can call employees assholes for simply doing what they are supposed to per the legislation.

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I didn't realise it's New Years tomorrow! That crept up on me out of nowhere! Eek!


Must try and remember how to walk in heels for tomorrow!:D


I saw a lovely pair of heels in Number 1 Shoe Warehouse the other day! They were purple with black lace edging and silver heels. They were beautiful and looked really good on me, but there is no way I'd be able to walk around all night in those things. Plus I didn't have the money.


There's a 3 for 2 sale there atm if people want to buy things btw.


Not great. The "she probably hasn't seen it" line of thinking over that message I sent (now more than a month ago) went out the window today when I noticed she was online...but still no reply. Don't really understand.


Kind of wish now she'd just said no and I could move on!


Anyway, what else have you been up to today?


Yeah she should have politely declined rather than just not replying at all. I wonder if you'll see her around again? When do you graduate?


There's a group on Facebook called 'Dealing with Studylink is harder than my actual degree' :LOL:

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I wonder if you'll see her around again? When do you graduate?

I'll see her if she does Masters. Don't know if I'll bother doing the big graduating thing this time since it's just a diploma...might skip this one and do it again for the Masters if I get it.

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no offense or anything, but the people who work at studylink are people just like you and me. they are just doing their job. just because they work for the public service and don't make a decision in your favour, doesn't mean you can call employees assholes for simply doing what they are supposed to per the legislation.


yeah that is true.

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I saw a lovely pair of heels in Number 1 Shoe Warehouse the other day! They were purple with black lace edging and silver heels. They were beautiful and looked really good on me, but there is no way I'd be able to walk around all night in those things. Plus I didn't have the money.


There's a 3 for 2 sale there atm if people want to buy things btw.




Yeah she should have politely declined rather than just not replying at all. I wonder if you'll see her around again? When do you graduate?


There's a group on Facebook called 'Dealing with Studylink is harder than my actual degree' :LOL:


Oh how I love shoes!

I used to be awesome at wearing heels all the time, I worked in Mi Piaci and Overland for four years so had to climb ladders and such in sky high heels, but not anymore!

now I wear crocs. Don't judge me! No one SEES me in them and they aren't in public so it's fine!




I'll see her if she does Masters. Don't know if I'll bother doing the big graduating thing this time since it's just a diploma...might skip this one and do it again for the Masters if I get it.


Can you do it again and then again for the Masters? I would totally do that. Or if you like, I can stand in for you as I want to wear the silly hat but I only get the gown. :(

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I can stand in for you as I want to wear the silly hat but I only get the gown. :(

Oh yeah, that's right. That's so not fair! :(


now I wear crocs. Don't judge me! No one SEES me in them and they aren't in public so it's fine!

This is what I think of crocs...


Actually, that doesn't accurately convey my fury at seeing such a shop.

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Oh yeah, that's right. That's so not fair! :(



This is what I think of crocs...


Actually, that doesn't accurately convey my fury at seeing such a shop.


I know, I want a silly hat, so feel free to rent yours out for photo taking...:LOL:


I can't see the pic properly... are you WEARING crocs? hahah?

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It was in Hawaii, so I was wearing suitable shoes. But I had been disgusted by how many people I had seen wearing crocs, and then we found this shop, which explained everything. :noey:


Hhahah, that smiley's look of horror!


I think they are the most disgusting creations in the history of disgusting. I think wearing them in public should be fineable, unfortunately they are the most comfy shoes on the planet, needles don't penetrate them and they are wipe clean! So pretty much a must for any theatre staff!:)

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Hmmm...I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I've never actually warn them, so I can't comment on the comfiness.


They aren't allowed out of the theatre suite, for biohazard reasons. Plus, anyone who sees me in them is unconscious after about 5 minutes and won't remember seeing them anyway, it's a win win situation!

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