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Yeah, it is quite hard. All about practice though so I'm getting better. The first part of Redemption a relatively easy though since one hand is doing the same repetitive pattern, only changing the notes a few times, while the left hand changes note and holds it. Plus it's slow :D


When my fingers get a bit faster, I'll give New Born a go!

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A little more practice and I should be able to play it again and again without mistakes. I'll make sure I have that perfect before printing out the rest of the sheet music as it only gets harder :LOL: It is nice being able to play along with the music and it is also helping me get it right.



Wow, impressive! I'll invite myself over and you can play!:D



hey guys how we going... i am in a delima at the moment how to sort it out will be a good question....


Sounds heavy, what's up?

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I'm ok thanks, just very bored at work.


What's the problem?


Well you know how i am due to start studies again, and the place i work at is loosely related with the course i am studying.


I am in the senior role at the moment i have had the duty manager i have worked with for 3years saying she would like me to have more responsibilities meaning stepping higher to a supervisor role, but i wont be able to if i am working part time which is fair enough.


I have waited for something this good to come up but i am going to studies again i am trying to decide should i take the cert i have which i passed and tell them i am pulling out because of the opportunity or flag that and continue with the course???

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I have both parts on the computer, but I wanted to put them on dvd to watch on the tv, but I'll just have to settle watching them the computer screen I think. Don't really feel like sitting here watching them right now.


Instead, I have been sitting around learning the first 1m 32s of Redemption on the keyboard as for the last couple weeks I have started up again practicing how to play piano :happy:


we should start a band and then we can meet muse more lol....

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Well you know how i am due to start studies again, and the place i work at is loosely related with the course i am studying.


I am in the senior role at the moment i have had the duty manager i have worked with for 3years saying she would like me to have more responsibilities meaning stepping higher to a supervisor role, but i wont be able to if i am working part time which is fair enough.


I have waited for something this good to come up but i am going to studies again i am trying to decide should i take the cert i have which i passed and tell them i am pulling out because of the opportunity or flag that and continue with the course???

Wow, that is hard. But I don't think any of us can help you with that one, you'll have to decide what you want to do.

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depends what you value more at the moment career progression (provided that is the career you want) or education progression (which may lead to much better career progression down the path).


thats the thing i am thinking over they are both related i work as a waitress and i am studying tourism. I took the educational studies because i wanted to go higher with the skills i already had. At the time i left the place i worked at as they werent providing me the work i needed thats a another story.


I went back there october last year and things had changed we had a change of manager they notice i am good, my duty manager the same one i have had that has trained me wanted me back up there and that is where i am thinking.


Do i let my course go as i have the lvl3 cert and go with the oportunity i am being offered or ignore the opportunity and continue to study. And i have things i would like to get too like a car,travels etc etc.

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Well you know how i am due to start studies again, and the place i work at is loosely related with the course i am studying.


I am in the senior role at the moment i have had the duty manager i have worked with for 3years saying she would like me to have more responsibilities meaning stepping higher to a supervisor role, but i wont be able to if i am working part time which is fair enough.


I have waited for something this good to come up but i am going to studies again i am trying to decide should i take the cert i have which i passed and tell them i am pulling out because of the opportunity or flag that and continue with the course???


It's definitely a hard one, I guess you just have to weigh up the pros and cons of each decision and then decide from there what option is best for you.

Good luck!

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Holy crap Kitty your fireworks photo's are awesome! Mine are so lame compared to those!


Haha, wow thanks Kat :happy:


I have both parts on the computer, but I wanted to put them on dvd to watch on the tv, but I'll just have to settle watching them the computer screen I think. Don't really feel like sitting here watching them right now.


Eeee, watch them so you can join me in the Doctor Who thread discussing the crap out of it :awesome:

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Yeah, agree with that. I voted for the thread about the Italian TV show performance. I liked that one more than any other thread...except this one, of course, which as usual was not nominated. :(


I voted Sventington x Sir Quinton. That was hilarious! I think Random Picture Thread should have been nominated though because it always has funny stuff.


Edit: I really want to go bike-riding but I don't know how to fit my bike in the back of my car, or how to pump the tires. Fail.

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Wouldn't solve the pumpage issue, but is there anywhere you could go without needing to take the car?


Well yeah, I could go around the neighbourhood, but I have to get the bike into the car so I can go to the gas station and get the tires pumped.

In my previous car I could put the seats down because it was a hatchback, but with this one I have to wedge it into the boot and secure it with straps.

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