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Random! But there are some good bars in Taka!


Mine's been really good, I drove on the motorway which was super exciting, and feel like I've accomplished a lot today!


Except that I won't be able to go to bed tonight unless I actually throw out a lot of stuff. :LOL:


well when i clean my room such as how you are i start with the dressing table first and i dump everything i dont want and do want on the bed lol everything gets dumped on the bed and i often have the radio at full blast.

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well when i clean my room such as how you are i start with the dressing table first and i dump everything i dont want and do want on the bed lol everything gets dumped on the bed and i often have the radio at full blast.


Haha, yep it was exactly like that, music blasting and a mountain of god knows what on the bed.


Pretty much all done now! I'm knackered!

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Good effort! :)


It was pretty quiet in Takapuna this evening. Really nice bars though, but one of them had a public holiday surcharge. It's not a public holiday! And the guy said "it'll be the same all the way down this strip" and it wasn't. Liar.

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technically is still a public holiday...


When they fall on a Saturday/Sunday:


If the employee would normally have worked on the Saturday/Sunday, the public holiday is observed on the Saturday/Sunday

If the employee would not normally have worked on the Saturday/Sunday, the public holiday is observed on the following Monday/Tuesday


So I bet they'll be charging it on Monday too. Do not agree with public holiday surcharges. It just shows that the company doesn't believe in paying their staff for having to work a public holiday...especially the ones that say "due to government legislation".

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Oh right. It's weird how there's another public holiday for this one, but we don't get Monday off when it's Waitangi or ANZAC day over a weekend.


I assumed the Monday was the holiday instead of today rather than as well as it.

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yeah it's kinda confusing. i think if you're normal working days are saturday and monday that you only get it paid the first time though. christmas/boxing day and new years/day after are the only ones that transfer.


this year really sucks for public holidays.

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really boring...should just cut my losses and go to bed but it's too warm. :(


i wanna go to a cafe on monday but i don't want to go there and find out there's a surcharge. i went to the cricket on the 2nd jan a couple years ago and they charged a surcharge of 15% yet the stadium prices were already ridiculous!

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Good effort! :)


It was pretty quiet in Takapuna this evening. Really nice bars though, but one of them had a public holiday surcharge. It's not a public holiday! And the guy said "it'll be the same all the way down this strip" and it wasn't. Liar.


Man I hate surcharges, and I always get caught out and forget!


really boring...should just cut my losses and go to bed but it's too warm. :(


i wanna go to a cafe on monday but i don't want to go there and find out there's a surcharge. i went to the cricket on the 2nd jan a couple years ago and they charged a surcharge of 15% yet the stadium prices were already ridiculous!



Man it's so hot everywhere!

15% is ridiculous!

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Ha I don't know where it came from, but I woke up knowing that I needed to clear everything out.

Happens once every few months when even I can't stand my messy room:)


I feel like I actually had a work out!


Glad you had a good night, I feel like I am wasting my holidays, only got a few days left!

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i've woken up early everyday because i'm used to it for work and our room is like a sauna in the morning when the sun is out. too hot to sleep in there.


If it wasn't for the temperature, it wouldn't be a bad thing that you wake up early out of work habit, because it's so awesome to realise you don't have to get up and roll over and go back to sleep.


But if it's really hot it's almost impossible to do that.

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If it wasn't for the temperature, it wouldn't be a bad thing that you wake up early out of work habit, because it's so awesome to realise you don't have to get up and roll over and go back to sleep.


But if it's really hot it's almost impossible to do that.


I've done that almost everyday! I LOVE IT.

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If it wasn't for the temperature, it wouldn't be a bad thing that you wake up early out of work habit, because it's so awesome to realise you don't have to get up and roll over and go back to sleep.


But if it's really hot it's almost impossible to do that.

i do that most mornings even when i have work as i tend to wake about half 5.

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There are a few HD versions on YouTube- although it might have been taken down by now.

Just search 'doctor who end of time part one HD'


I have both parts on the computer, but I wanted to put them on dvd to watch on the tv, but I'll just have to settle watching them the computer screen I think. Don't really feel like sitting here watching them right now.


Instead, I have been sitting around learning the first 1m 32s of Redemption on the keyboard as for the last couple weeks I have started up again practicing how to play piano :happy:

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Wow, awesome! How's that going?


A little more practice and I should be able to play it again and again without mistakes. I'll make sure I have that perfect before printing out the rest of the sheet music as it only gets harder :LOL: It is nice being able to play along with the music and it is also helping me get it right.

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