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inregaurds hearing about me hearing your nights is fine. i do have some memories of the ones i have had in the pass including one where i had dope,jim beam,woodstock,kgb,export and among others there and my flatmate at the time found me new years day asleep by the letter box dont ask.


when i get shitfaced i do more random things than normal yesterday i had my work mates giving me the cock eyed look


"when someone goes forward i will come around the side from behind" dont ask that is some of the things i do and its not deliberate it slips out, i am also a lot happier now i sorted my art studio out. And my new years celebration is going to the bdo and if you go to myspace apparently you can see if you can go the signing tent i am going to hunt more info on that after work.. I am going to sign up to it. I am trying to figure out if i can like showcase my artwork,poetry and stories on myspace and how to do it so when i add to it it comes under those files....

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Ugh, we had a night like that on Tuesday. Metservice said it was 21.6 when I got home at about this time that night.


It's not too bad here tonight though. You have my sympathy!


I live on waiheke and our temperature is always about 3degrees warmer.

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I am also super excited for Doctor Who finale :D


Me too! But it's going to be sad too :( I burnt the first part onto dvd but the audio was out of sync :indiff:


And we did a bit of a mini pub crawl. Can't remember some of the places we went to! But later I went and met Kat at the QF, which was really awesome apart from when a big and slightly scarily friendly guy picked me up and bought me a Coruba. :erm: He bought that after putting me down again, by the way.




I laughed at the news tonight - "after the break, Karen has wind...and rain warnings." Unfortunate pause.


Oh dear :LOL:


I am liking all the Muse that has been played on tv3 news lately. Uprising for the end of year sports montage and Feeling Good for the new years best fireworks display.


BDO = two weeks away today. :awesome:


I know :awesome: I watched Hullabaloo and Absolution in celebration last night :happy:

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I am liking all the Muse that has been played on tv3 news lately. Uprising for the end of year sports montage and Feeling Good for the new years best fireworks display.

Very nice!


How's your day going, Michelle?

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It's going slowly. I didn't last outside very long, it was too hot. Even my rabbit didn't want to come out for a run. Then my sister came over and wanted me to copy some things on the computer. Not sure what I'll do with the rest of my afternoon.



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Does anyone know when the results come out for the board awards thingies? The suspense is killing me. And if Kitty doesn't win, there'll be hell to pay.


Oh you guys :happy:


Me too! But it's going to be sad too :( I burnt the first part onto dvd but the audio was out of sync :indiff:


There are a few HD versions on YouTube- although it might have been taken down by now.

Just search 'doctor who end of time part one HD'


It was really hot this morning when I woke up. Okay so I woke up at like 1:30pm but it was still hot! :LOL: The wood of the deck is super hot atm too- I wouldn't like to be out in the direct sun in heat like this!

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how are we all apart from the obvious i almost had a spat with the duty manager that was on today.


Moms concerned im not eating much, and getting used to looking around on myspace.


So far still havent figured out if i can post my poetry,paintings etc on there as a blog or make it part of my website page???

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you've got a blog option on myspace, and then if you know html you can post photos and stuff if you have them uploaded somewhere like photobucket. myspace is kind of redundant these days unless a) you're a band b) you follow bands or c) you like grooming children (granted this has moved mostly to bebo).


it is also very warm here. haven't really been out other than to the gym.

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you've got a blog option on myspace, and then if you know html you can post photos and stuff if you have them uploaded somewhere like photobucket. myspace is kind of redundant these days unless a) you're a band b) you follow bands or c) you like grooming children (granted this has moved mostly to bebo).


it is also very warm here. haven't really been out other than to the gym.


ahh thanks i will try on facebook then and see if i get better joy from that i really would like people see my artwork

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Holy crap Kitty your fireworks photo's are awesome! Mine are so lame compared to those!


It is so boiling hot it is insane. And I just bought a new set of drawers, dressing table and bedside table for my room so I have been heffing all the furniture round like a maniac, and now i'm meeeelllting!


My room is going to look fab though, and hopefully tidier with so many places to put things!

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Holy crap Kitty your fireworks photo's are awesome! Mine are so lame compared to those!


It is so boiling hot it is insane. And I just bought a new set of drawers, dressing table and bedside table for my room so I have been heffing all the furniture round like a maniac, and now i'm meeeelllting!


My room is going to look fab though, and hopefully tidier with so many places to put things!


Sounds like me i rearranged my room i did the works in my room yesterday afternoon say about 6pm to 8pm it was crazy.


*offers tactical a drink*

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Sounds like me i rearranged my room i did the works in my room yesterday afternoon say about 6pm to 8pm it was crazy.


*offers tactical a drink*


Hah hah! I accept!


I'm still going though, massive spring clean and chuck out of all the crap I own. I think I need a skip, I have so much junk!

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Pretty good thanks, did almost nothing! Meeting a friend for a beer in Takapuna in about an hour though. Don't know why Takapuna...he lives in Ellerslie! But I'm not complaining.


How about you, apart from your hard labour?

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