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Ew, interspecies taxidermy! Super creepy!


Is it like a follicle on your eyebrow? They really hurt, or maybe is it a nerve from your tension headaches?

Tension headaches suck, but I recommend massage for them, usually work pretty well.

Headaches in general can just gtfo for all I care, they are the worst kind of pain and they suck! Especially because I get them a lot from my whacked out jaw, and everyone just assumes I have a hangover...... if only! haha.

Do you grind your teeth, or clench? Because that can be a major for tension headaches!


I dunno, I thought maybe it could be an ingrown hair or something but nothing seems amiss. :erm:

Yeah my doctor said my neck was really tight so I need to get it massaged or something. Maybe when I go over to my dad's next I'll convince him to give me one :happy: Now I have an excuse to get massages! Yay! :LOL: Kind of strange to get tension headaches during the holidays though, isn't it?


So I have been chilling, reading trusty Harry Potter. I think I've been reading him for weeks, and still only up to the Goblet of Fire.


The Goblet of Fire is the best. I just like how they have all these different tasks to do :happy:

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I dunno, I thought maybe it could be an ingrown hair or something but nothing seems amiss. :erm:

Yeah my doctor said my neck was really tight so I need to get it massaged or something. Maybe when I go over to my dad's next I'll convince him to give me one :happy: Now I have an excuse to get massages! Yay! :LOL: Kind of strange to get tension headaches during the holidays though, isn't it?




The Goblet of Fire is the best. I just like how they have all these different tasks to do :happy:




Yeah I always find the same happens to me, I get through all the exams, all the stressy stuff and then a week later start getting the headaches. (like now!)

I almost think that maybe your body gets you through the stress while you need it and then after it's gone and you start to relax it starts having a melt down at all the tight wound up points.


Wheatie bags are your friend! And anyone and evrryone who will massage you!


My brother's new girlfriend is my favourite person in the world right now. Not only is she really lovely and fun, she also wants to study as a masseuse, and LOVES giving massages, so every time she comes over she gives me one. And she's really good! I'm in love! :D


Yeah I like Goblet of Fire too, it's after this one that I have to bring tissues with me when I read them though....:supersad:

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Ew, there's some weird taxidermy "sculptures" somewhere where the creator has taken two taxidermy animals and sown them together and stuff. Like a squirrel body with a fish head and stuff. They're really creepy :stunned:


Yeah, they are pretty gross :erm:


Bah, I have this weird painful spot on one eyebrow, where if I touch it even really really lightly, it sends a shooting pain through my head. My doctor said the headaches I've also been having are tension headaches, but I really don't know how to get rid of this painful eyebrow spot. Its like even if my clothes brush over it while I'm dressing, it makes my head hurt :(


Ouch :( Hopefully the massages work! If I had a sore spot like that, it would annoy the crap out out of me. I would probably poke at it so much to try make it go away.


I bloody hope so! My brain needs it! (Not to mention my pasty pasty skin.) Not that I do anything other than burn. :)


+1 Though last Friday when I was in the sun all day, I applied my sunscreen about 3 times and wore my hood/hat so luckily I didn't get burnt, yay :rolleyes:


Ugh, I'm still trying to get my assignment done :(

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Yeah I always find the same happens to me, I get through all the exams, all the stressy stuff and then a week later start getting the headaches. (like now!)

I almost think that maybe your body gets you through the stress while you need it and then after it's gone and you start to relax it starts having a melt down at all the tight wound up points.


Wheatie bags are your friend! And anyone and evrryone who will massage you!


My brother's new girlfriend is my favourite person in the world right now. Not only is she really lovely and fun, she also wants to study as a masseuse, and LOVES giving massages, so every time she comes over she gives me one. And she's really good! I'm in love! :D


Yeah I like Goblet of Fire too, it's after this one that I have to bring tissues with me when I read them though....:supersad:


Oh that's awesome! I want to live like in that Carlsberg beer ad :LOL:

Really? I don't find them that sad. Except when Sirius dies, but really, who didn't see that one coming?


Ugh, I'm still trying to get my assignment done :(


You can do it! :happy:

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Haha, yes!


Annoying cold that won't go away + shitty weather = boring night in for me. How about you lot?


I was invited to a BBQ but didn't go because it was raining. I also picked up my last English assignment- I did not too well on the multimedia part, but really well on the screenplay. Which is good because I knew my multimedia was lame anyway.


Now I'm going to dry my hair :happy:

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Really? I don't find them that sad. Except when Sirius dies, but really, who didn't see that one coming?


They are sad, but yeah I didn't cry either. The last book was the sadest and I may have come close to getting teary at one point, but not quite.


You can do it! :happy:


Thanks :happy: I'm getting too tired to do more now though, so I guess it'll be a long day tomorrow trying to get it done *sigh*.


Annoying cold that won't go away + shitty weather = boring night in for me. How about you lot?


:( Going from hot and humid, to cold is not good for the system and just plain annoying :indiff:


Anyway, apart from my assignment, I've just been on the board/facebook as usual :rolleyes:


i went to the gym tonight and am now doing nothing. my sister flies into christchurch at 8am in the morning and i have to pick her up. :stunned:


Damn, but at least you'll have a nice long day with your sister :)

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I was invited to a BBQ but didn't go because it was raining. I also picked up my last English assignment- I did not too well on the multimedia part, but really well on the screenplay. Which is good because I knew my multimedia was lame anyway.


Yay for the good screenplay! :D


hah my insurance exam is next wednesday and i still haven't even finished reading my study resource book. :facepalm: got 67% in the assignment but i have to pass the exam too or pay work back for the paper.


Hopefully you'll get through it then to pass your exam.


I just checked my official results and I've got 2 A's so far, one I was not expecting :erm::awesome:

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Yeah, they are pretty gross :erm:




Ouch :( Hopefully the massages work! If I had a sore spot like that, it would annoy the crap out out of me. I would probably poke at it so much to try make it go away.




+1 Though last Friday when I was in the sun all day, I applied my sunscreen about 3 times and wore my hood/hat so luckily I didn't get burnt, yay :rolleyes:


Ugh, I'm still trying to get my assignment done :(


Yay for no sunburn, lame about the assignment! Good luck and keep going! And then drinks ON when you hand it in!:D



Oh that's awesome! I want to live like in that Carlsberg beer ad :LOL:

Really? I don't find them that sad. Except when Sirius dies, but really, who didn't see that one coming?




You can do it! :happy:


Oh man I just must be a real sook, I cried at every person's death I think, and I just know I'm going to get choked up when I read them again. I never used to be this bad, must be going soft in my old age!!


Haha, yes!


Annoying cold that won't go away + shitty weather = boring night in for me. How about you lot?


At least it's not hot anymore I guess so you can pretty much do your winter remedies!!


i went to the gym tonight and am now doing nothing. my sister flies into christchurch at 8am in the morning and i have to pick her up. :stunned:


You are sso good going to the gym on a Friday night! I need to go climbing but doesn't look like anyone but me is keen this weekend!


It was my Dad's birthday today so we had the big family dinner, with a couple of family friends around as well, and my Mum did a pass the parcel.:facepalm:

It was actually really fun, because it was so unexpected, and had fun $2 shop prizes in it. Haha I got a fake finger that when you stick it on your finger the end lights up like ET's finger!! So I spent the night pointing it at everyone doing my best (bad) Et impression! It was a fun night, and then my brother's girlfriend just gave me an hour long massage.... bliss!!

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At least it's not hot anymore I guess so you can pretty much do your winter remedies!!




It was my Dad's birthday today so we had the big family dinner, with a couple of family friends around as well, and my Mum did a pass the parcel.:facepalm:

It was actually really fun, because it was so unexpected, and had fun $2 shop prizes in it. Haha I got a fake finger that when you stick it on your finger the end lights up like ET's finger!! So I spent the night pointing it at everyone doing my best (bad) Et impression! It was a fun night, and then my brother's girlfriend just gave me an hour long massage.... bliss!!

Sounds like a cool night! :)

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Haha, sounds good in this weather!

I've got a Christmas in the Garden tomorrow night, my sister in laws family are all in the show biz, singers and musicians and such so they have a big party every year where loads of people get drunk and sing carols on the lawn. Tis fun! But will probably be in the lounge this year!


I'll probably just waste the rest of the weekend on facebook! :)

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there's been a fatal vehicle accident at the top of my parents accessway/driveway tonight and the car is currently blocking their road. my dad reckons he's going to 4WD my sister through the paddocks if its still there when she needs to get to the airport.


my sister is taking me out for dinner tomorrow yum yum.

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there's been a fatal vehicle accident at the top of my parents accessway/driveway tonight and the car is currently blocking their road. my dad reckons he's going to 4WD my sister through the paddocks if its still there when she needs to get to the airport.


my sister is taking me out for dinner tomorrow yum yum.


Oh that sucks! How awful, but go your Dad, he sounds like the man!


Where's she taking you?

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Strawberry Fare - think I will have duck there again!


My sister was telling me how they went out to have a look and that they were cutting the driver out and they thought he was dead too but then he started moving. I think it's bad enough seeing the cars after people have been cut out of them, let alone seeing it happen! Really does scare me the idea of getting stuck in a car after an accident.


Edit: Where is Warkworth anyway?

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