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i'm good, went to the gym for half an hour and now just wasting the rest of the day until pearl jam. really hoping it won't be too cold, although if it is i'll probably just come home since i didn't pay for the tickets. how are you?

Gym on a Sunday morning is really impressive! Hope Pearl Jam's good.


I'm pretty good thanks. Tired though. I don't think I got to sleep til after 4 last night.


I've never been on a party bus! They were all the rage in high school for people's parties and I always wanted to go on one. Was it the coolest thing ever?

It was exceptionally cool. Would have been better if I wasn't driving though - the whole drinking on a bus experience looked pretty awesome. And I was far too hot in that damn teddy costume. :LOL:

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I'm relying on other people to put pictures on Facebook. But I'm sure they will, and I'll post them here when that happens.


It was SOO HOT in that thing! Absolute agony. Really cool night though - we want on a Party Bus and went around to heaps of places around Auckland. Some really random spots, like Drury and Albany. :erm:




I had a good time at Tawh. It was so beautiful there on Friday, sunny, light breeze and clear water. The dotterels are awesome and cute. They run away from there nests to lead you away from them, make cute noises and they can put their wings down to make it look like they're hurt which would be concerning if you didn't know that's what they do. One pair got really close to try get us away. Saw one lot of chicks, but only from a distance as they were running around near the sand dunes, so cute and fuzzy though :happy:


I thought it was very weird how the santa parades are on today. My friend told me last night as we are now going to watch the one in town before her belated b-day dinner and movie night. I found an awesome bigish shell for her b-day present at a remote beach I went to which was good as I have no idea what else I could have gotten.

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Oh yes, it's quite the up and coming area. :D


Though the only times I have been it was full of teenagers.


I've never been on a party bus! They were all the rage in high school for people's parties and I always wanted to go on one. Was it the coolest thing ever?





Hello! Ooh you are good going to the gym in the morning! I can never motivate myself to get up and go, but I love afternoon exercise.


All my friends who have seen Pearl Jam have said they were incredible, so you should be in for a good night!

i quite often went to a swiss ball class at half 8 on a saturday but i miss my sleep ins so i think going to the gym a bit later on is a much better idea. :yesey:


now i'm waiting for oren to make me lunch...

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The order of stories on tonight's news is annoying me again. Why is four Americans dying in a plane crash more important than at least 37 Bangladeshis dying in a ferry accident?


And I think Guyon's being a bit of an attention-seeker - four live crosses tonight! Now honestly.


I agree with you about the Santa parade, Michelle. It's still bloody November.

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Two of us do the 6pm news, and neither of us is keen to do the first half with all those live bits, so a coin toss will take place soon.


What is John Key going on about here?

Reporter: John Key admits he's being lobbied (to attend the climate change meeting in Copenhagen).

John: One or two people have said they'd like to see me there.

Reporter: Who were they?

John: Oh, I'd rather keep that among the girls.


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Two of us do the 6pm news, and neither of us is keen to do the first half with all those live bits, so a coin toss will take place soon.


What is John Key going on about here?




He is an idiot.


I lost the coin toss. :(


Better warm those fingers up!!


Bahaha, what a douche.




Aww :(


The santa parade wasn't anything special, didn't really put me in the xmas mood :erm:



They never are!

Your pics from your trip are fab, I never knew they did such tihngs to protect their nests, that's really cute!


I've managed to rip open all my fingers again at climbing tonight, ouchies.

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Oh I missed it!

You know I rely on you guys to keep me well informed with the goings on in the world. :)


Here's a funny story, last night while playing rock band with my big brother, we played hysteria, and the events that happened made me think of that thread on this board.


"you know you're addicted to muse when: While playing hysteria on rock band, your borther dives to the floor with the guitar over his head, your Mum is singing at the top of her lungs and your Dad jumps up and does the TIRO shuffle dance from Glastonbury........ :D:awesome::facepalm:

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The order of stories on tonight's news is annoying me again. Why is four Americans dying in a plane crash more important than at least 37 Bangladeshis dying in a ferry accident?
Bangladesh shares a border with Pakistan from which spring terrorists, obviously.



Urgh, have to get up at 6 to pick up my Aunty in wellington at 9.30. DO NOT WANT. I'm usually still awake then :facepalm:

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Your pics from your trip are fab, I never knew they did such tihngs to protect their nests, that's really cute!


Yeah, they are quite fascinating to watch and make such cute noises.


I've managed to rip open all my fingers again at climbing tonight, ouchies.










Here's a funny story, last night while playing rock band with my big brother, we played hysteria, and the events that happened made me think of that thread on this board.


"you know you're addicted to muse when: While playing hysteria on rock band, your borther dives to the floor with the guitar over his head, your Mum is singing at the top of her lungs and your Dad jumps up and does the TIRO shuffle dance from Glastonbury........ :D:awesome::facepalm:


Haha, excellent!

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