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It says its the same price. $3.99 USD, which is about $5.50 NZD


From what I'm looking at for Aus shipping rates here it is more than that for priority...


Edit: I still have my e-mail from them woo, lol. My standard shipping was $6.48 (US I'd say) for my box set.

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its annoying when you buy a DVD from overseas that doesn't have a nz classification that you then can't legally onsell it. got a couple like that.


I'm not intending to ever onsell this one :p

This one is manufactured on demand too :erm:


From what I'm looking at for Aus shipping rates here it is more than that for priority...


Edit: I still have my e-mail from them woo, lol. My standard shipping was $6.48 (US I'd say) for my box set.


Sorry I was looking at the wrong table. But in total the product is about $25 NZD, which is still cheaper than ordering it in.

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:LOL: I know exactly what dance you mean. But no, I didn't do that. Mostly because I realised you could see my arms waving over the top of the changing room :LOL: I did the old 'cross arms and pull' technique which usually ends in pulling a muscle :LOL:
Another classic :happy:



Urgh I just tried to catch this HUGE fucking white tail and I missed and it dropped off the wall and fell behind the desk.

It was so big it fucking well made a thumping noise when it landed on the ground :'(


I'm sitting with my knees hunched up atm. I'm about to quit the internets and watch pushing daisies instead. Y'know, in another room with miles of bare floorboards between me and its last known location so I'll be able to see it coming.


Again with the :'(

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Another classic :happy:



Urgh I just tried to catch this HUGE fucking white tail and I missed and it dropped off the wall and fell behind the desk.

It was so big it fucking well made a thumping noise when it landed on the ground :'(


I'm sitting with my knees hunched up atm. I'm about to quit the internets and watch pushing daisies instead. Y'know, in another room with miles of bare floorboards between me and its last known location so I'll be able to see it coming.


Again with the :'(


Ew ew ew ew :supersad:

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I had a bit of an awkward moment coming home today. I got on the bus, said hi to the driver, and he mumbled something that was either "hello" or "how are you?" I was about 55% sure it was "how are you?", but that's really not enough to confidently answer.


Because what if it was only hello, and I said "good, thanks"? Would he think I was pointedly answering a question he didn't ask in a way that suggests he should have asked it?


And earlier I was sitting on a bench and it was just coming up to the time I planned to leave, when someone came and sat next to me. I couldn't just get up and leave then, could I? Because then it would look like I left because he sat next to me.


In other words, I'm a bit of a social disaster. :facepalm:

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Another classic :happy:



Urgh I just tried to catch this HUGE fucking white tail and I missed and it dropped off the wall and fell behind the desk.

It was so big it fucking well made a thumping noise when it landed on the ground :'(


I'm sitting with my knees hunched up atm. I'm about to quit the internets and watch pushing daisies instead. Y'know, in another room with miles of bare floorboards between me and its last known location so I'll be able to see it coming.


Again with the :'(


=EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW those things freak me out! It sounds like the brother of the one I had crawl over me the other night! You always know it's bad when you can hear the sounds they make when they hit stuff.... massive scary mo fo's.


I hope you got it in the end.




I had a bit of an awkward moment coming home today. I got on the bus, said hi to the driver, and he mumbled something that was either "hello" or "how are you?" I was about 55% sure it was "how are you?", but that's really not enough to confidently answer.


Because what if it was only hello, and I said "good, thanks"? Would he think I was pointedly answering a question he didn't ask in a way that suggests he should have asked it?


And earlier I was sitting on a bench and it was just coming up to the time I planned to leave, when someone came and sat next to me. I couldn't just get up and leave then, could I? Because then it would look like I left because he sat next to me.


In other words, I'm a bit of a social disaster. :facepalm:


I do this shit all the time I am pretty much that awkward penguin meme. It often happens when I say hello to people too, they reply with 'good thanks' and then I wonder if I just mumble or something?


Bloody social awkwardness!


I'm thinking I might go with something Musey for the music video-themed party on Saturday - a quick look at some costume hire places has shown me that SFA astronaut and Uprising teddy are feasible. Do you guys approve?


Completely and wholeheartedly!

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So I'm feeding my sister's cat and fish while she's away in Melbourne this week.


Today I go in there, sit down and talk to the cat for a while then feed him, and then I go to the fish tank...and there are no fish to be seen. :erm:

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I had a bit of an awkward moment coming home today. I got on the bus, said hi to the driver, and he mumbled something that was either "hello" or "how are you?" I was about 55% sure it was "how are you?", but that's really not enough to confidently answer.


Because what if it was only hello, and I said "good, thanks"? Would he think I was pointedly answering a question he didn't ask in a way that suggests he should have asked it?


Oh yeah, it's very awkward when that happens.


I'm thinking I might go with something Musey for the music video-themed party on Saturday - a quick look at some costume hire places has shown me that SFA astronaut and Uprising teddy are feasible. Do you guys approve?


YES!! We must get photos of it too! :D


So I'm feeding my sister's cat and fish while she's away in Melbourne this week.


Today I go in there, sit down and talk to the cat for a while then feed him, and then I go to the fish tank...and there are no fish to be seen. :erm:


Oh dear. What kind of fish is she suppose to have? Are there things in the tank for them to hide in? Sometimes my tank would look empty when they were all down the back hiding behind plants and ornaments.

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They are/were goldfish. There's two halves of a shipwreck thing that they could hide in, but I sprinkled some fish food in and they didn't come out. :unsure:


My sister was wanting to get rid of them anyway, but one kept dying and leaving the other one alone, so she would buy another one as a companion. So it might not be too disappointing for her, but it's not great that it happened while I was meant to be looking after them!

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I see, but yeah you don't want that while your in charge.


Hmm, well goldfish usually float when they die, so if they are not there next time I guess look in the ship and behind the tank incase they jumped out (unlikely with goldfish but that happened with one type of small fish I've had). Otherwise, blame the cat...

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They are/were goldfish. There's two halves of a shipwreck thing that they could hide in, but I sprinkled some fish food in and they didn't come out. :unsure:


My sister was wanting to get rid of them anyway, but one kept dying and leaving the other one alone, so she would buy another one as a companion. So it might not be too disappointing for her, but it's not great that it happened while I was meant to be looking after them!


Oh dear! That doesn't bode well for the goldfish. Does the cat look exeptionally pleased with himself?

My brother has fish, and they are often hidden, and when they come out they quite often look dead, when they aren't, so you might be ok.


Otherwise, I might find myself hunting the local pet shop for some that look the same!

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New Moon was always going to be bad, but I still think it was better than the first, thoguh I wonder if part of that is due to the fact that I have got used to just how terrible the first one was:)

Have you read the books Kitty?


I had such a nice surprise at work today, one of our part time techs has baked all the trainees chocolate brownies as a congratulations on our exams! It was so sweet of her and they were delicious!:D

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