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Yay for the job!

I'm not much of a coffee drinker, I might have it if someone buys it for me but I always get a mocha, because I feel really lame asking for tea, and they always make it shit anyway.


I really want to learn to surf! But I'm not a real good swimmer, I'm not very strong so I would probably spend the whole time trying to drown.


It will be awesome if yuo come up through summer!


I really need a new computer chair, the swiss ball is getting old, and I think it has a leak, because I'm slowly getting lower and lower.....

Thanks :D

Lol yeah, my worst thing is that I tend to take herbal tea bags with me wherever, so I'll go to coffee stalls and ask for hot water :LOL:


I'm a good swimmer but if my non-existent wakeboarding skills are anything to go by, surfing is going to take me a LOT of practicing.


Still no marks. :indiff:


I'm getting sick of this. Every day my heartbeat goes to crazy levels while I log into the site, I hold my breath, and then....no.



I'm sure you'll have done really well though!

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we know they live on the hill so their house will be fine but her husband owns an optometrist so i imagine that's down in the town. waiting for my mum to find out from her sister what's happening.


i look more related to my cousin's kids than i do to anyone else in my family...




Aww, that's so cute.


That's good their house is on a hill.


When I was walking home, I walked past an ad for a Paddle Pop competition called "Lick-a-Prize Soak-a-Rama"...am I the only one that thinks that sounds filthy?




I haven't had a chance to see it yet, as it was covered when I was in town last night. Doesn't everyone agree that the covered up Santa was creepier than the way the Santa was uncovered? :LOL:


Agreed :LOL:


I was playing matchmaker for my friend last night :LOL: Kept trying to convince her to take the guy she had invited along for a dance- I was making annoying raised eyebrows faces at her during the night :LOL: In the taxi home we discussed the 'how soon do I text?' rule and then today she texted me asking what she should say :LOL:

I'm not even an expert on this or anything :LOL:


Good on you. But when that happened to me it was awkward. I was out with my class at the end of a field trip and one of the guys was trying to hook me up with a guy friend who happened to be out that night with his friend too, and I dunno it was just awkward :$


Really, really good. :happy: The mango one was a bit too potent though.


And some bastard at the next table stuck heaps of straws together and tried to steal some! The nerve!


Yeah, go mango hahaha :LOL: That guy must have already had to much to drink or was really desperate for one to buil his straw contraption :rolleyes:


And we got the entree-sized nachos. They were a sane size, unlike the huge plates we had in Christchurch!


They were bigger in Chch? Wow. They were so good though, best nachos I've had before.


Oh, by the way, Kat and Michelle, here's slightly scary Matt in Guitar Hero:


Haha, the moves are awesome, but the mouth is a bit creepy :LOL:


Got a job as a barista this summer on the surf highway though, so I suspect that my coffee consumption is set to increase exponentially.


And with any luck I'm finally going to learn to surf this summer!


Oh cool, that should make a good summer :)


I watched that research lab show, 'Better off Ted", last night and it might have future promise. A good line at the beginning was "we want to weaponise pumpkins", but the end product wasn't so creative and funny..

Edited by Michelle
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Good on you. But when that happened to me it was awkward. I was out with my class at the end of a field trip and one of the guys was trying to hook me up with a guy friend who happened to be out that night with his friend too, and I dunno it was just awkward :$

I can understand that. I'd probably be uncomfortable with that sort of situation too!


They were bigger in Chch? Wow. They were so good though, best nachos I've had before.

Yeah we got the main size there instead of the entree size. I won't be making that mistake again. They were very delicious. :happy:


Haha, the moves are awesome, but the mouth is a bit creepy :LOL:

Yeah, exactly.

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I can understand that. I'd probably be uncomfortable with that sort of situation too!


Thankfully I don't think my friend noticed too much about what was going on so we we're still friends after that.


Yeah we got the main size there instead of the entree size. I won't be making that mistake again. They were very delicious. :happy:


Ah I see. The entree size was just right. Looking at the big plates other people were getting, I can understand why some were getting doggy bags.

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someone could have spell checked that article..defandant? and its weird it was spelt right in other places in that article.


work gave me 2x pearl jam tickets today for free - $240 worth. :awesome::cool:


That's so awesome!


Haha, I just saw an article on Cricinfo about Neil Broom (which was pretty funny in itself), and I laughed at this being the only picture of him they could find.







How is everyone's day going? I just finished work.



Can you guys please promise me something? Ladies, please under no circumstances EVER get silicone injected into your body, ever! It leaves such a nasty mess.


Boys, please don't stick foreign objects into places that they don't belong! Especially not safety pins!!!!



Because I don't want to see you at work!

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Can you guys please promise me something? Ladies, please under no circumstances EVER get silicone injected into your body, ever! It leaves such a nasty mess.


Boys, please don't stick foreign objects into places that they don't belong! Especially not safety pins!!!!



Because I don't want to see you at work!


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interesting day at work huh?


mine wasn't, well other than the tickets. there wasn't much to do but speculate on when the wind was going to change directions and it was going to reach the 28 degrees forecast. it's 22 degrees right now.


28 degrees>? That's insane!!

It was an interesting night, that's for sure.

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:LOL: Did you do the kind of hopping dance with your arms flailing above your head while shimmying your shoulders to try and wriggle out of it?


That is the best dance evar :awesome:


:LOL: I know exactly what dance you mean. But no, I didn't do that. Mostly because I realised you could see my arms waving over the top of the changing room :LOL: I did the old 'cross arms and pull' technique which usually ends in pulling a muscle :LOL:


Still no marks. :indiff:


I'm getting sick of this. Every day my heartbeat goes to crazy levels while I log into the site, I hold my breath, and then....no.


I got a B+ on both my FTVMS papers :happy: Haven't got the other ones back yet though :indiff: I want to know what I got for my creative writing especially.


interesting day at work huh?


mine wasn't, well other than the tickets. there wasn't much to do but speculate on when the wind was going to change directions and it was going to reach the 28 degrees forecast. it's 22 degrees right now.


Tickets are :awesome:

Supposed to be a heatwave from Aussie coming over here soon.

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:LOL: I know exactly what dance you mean. But no, I didn't do that. Mostly because I realised you could see my arms waving over the top of the changing room :LOL: I did the old 'cross arms and pull' technique which usually ends in pulling a muscle :LOL:




I got a B+ on both my FTVMS papers :happy: Haven't got the other ones back yet though :indiff: I want to know what I got for my creative writing especially.





YAY well done on your marks! Celebrations?

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Haha, I just saw an article on Cricinfo about Neil Broom (which was pretty funny in itself), and I laughed at this being the only picture of him they could find.






How is everyone's day going? I just finished work.



Can you guys please promise me something? Ladies, please under no circumstances EVER get silicone injected into your body, ever! It leaves such a nasty mess.


Boys, please don't stick foreign objects into places that they don't belong! Especially not safety pins!!!!



Because I don't want to see you at work!


:stunned: I promise then.


Edit: That reminds me, has anyone ordered from Amazon.com before?


I have once.

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