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Rove was a bit sad though since it was the last one.

Oh really? Didn't know that. That's a shame.


My ankle pain became more defined after walking around yesterday so I better use it as an excuse to sit down and do my assignment this weekend :rolleyes:

Probably. Ankle pain sounds nasty. What caused that?



i have to stay up till after 1am to pick up my parents from the airport. i'm really tired from the heat today so don't feel like it at all. especially since i was only out there a few hours ago. and i have the dishes to do as well. :(


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Oh really? Didn't know that. That's a shame.


Yeah, basically Rove was the one who decided he'd had enough.


Probably. Ankle pain sounds nasty. What caused that?


I think it must be the ankle I twisted on my last field trip, but for some reason I thought it was the other one. But anyway, it just randomly went sore when exercising Monday night, then when walking home last night there was more pain in the back of the ankle when bending it. So I think it is probably the lower part of the achilles tendon or something in that region and now I walk slightly retarded so I don't bend my foot when walking :rolleyes:

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i made a banana cake which has made the house very hot tonight as well which hasn't helped things. and i have to do the dishes or otherwise my parents will make comments about my messy house. :(


Darn. Oh well, at least there is banana cake.


Recovery from an Achilles injury can take up to 12-16 months.



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Huh. What a sticky day for baking. I had a teaspoon of icecream to try and it was good, but I think most of the walnuts have sunk to the bottom. I'll blame my mum since she was the one chopping them up :chuckle:


Anyway, good night everyone. Hope you all have a good weekend! :)

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Ooh, interesting. Wish I had Discovery Channel. It's been a quiet night of tv for myself too. Rove was a bit sad though since it was the last one. Tv got dull though so came to the computer but I'm not making much progress with slow internet.


My ankle pain became more defined after walking around yesterday so I better use it as an excuse to sit down and do my assignment this weekend :rolleyes: Good thing I bandaged it today though else it would be covered in teeth and claw marks from my mum provoking the cat at my grandma's resthome with my shoe laces.


And meringue fail. Recipe said to take them out before going brown but they weren't cooked properly and stuck to the baking paper. I put them back in on a lower temermature for ages so hopefully when I get them out of the oven tomorrow they'll be better..

Damn. Sorry about your ankle. Hope the meringues work out!


oh dear, i iced the cake and its quite warm still and the icing has all slid off the cake. lucky the plate its sitting on is lipped so it isn't all over the bench.
This ALWAYS happens to me because my family get superbly impatient when cakes are baked, so I ice them too early because otherwise people in my house tend to hack into un-iced, unattended, freshly baked cakes with spoons :facepalm:



Argh. I'm feeling kind of vile tonight because I didn't get to sleep until 7am today, and woke up at 11, and it's 1am and I'm still up and urgh.


On the bright side I've just watched The Darjeeling Limited which is just made of win :happy:

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Sucky. Hope you sleep soon!


I refused to drive 20km to the shops today (I've started driving properly! :awesome:) because I felt tired, and thought I might sleep, but it didn't happen. It wasn't like we needed anything urgently. I didn't, anyway. I don't smoke and so hadn't run out of cigarettes :cool:


And it really is.

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i guess with oren away i can take advantage of computering in bed. but i know my parents can hear me typing and will be thinking "...what is she doing?"
My computer is a desktop, so I'm sitting on a cushion on the floor with my keyboard on my lap and the screen itself on this random little table about a metre from the foot of my bed :yesey:


I can only hear snores though, so heartsrevolution it is.

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On the bright side I've just watched The Darjeeling Limited which is just made of win :happy:


That is a funny film, and I really like Adrian Brody. Those aviators he wears look hot on him :awesome:


i guess with oren away i can take advantage of computering in bed. but i know my parents can hear me typing and will be thinking "...what is she doing?"


My mum is often like this :LOL: If I hear her going to the bathroom or something my typing slows down as I attempt to be quiet, and then speeds up again when she's gone back to bed :LOL: I think she can probably hear me later at like 3am when I put the cats outside and brush my teeth and stuff :LOL:


Nice work with the baking Jo! And I hope Michelle's meringues work out. I would have no idea how to make a frozen treat like that. My mum made muffins the other day only it was a different recipe than usual so they didn't rise very much and ended up being quite dense :chuckle:

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So what's everyone up to tonight?


I'm pretty tired so it's a quiet night in for me...currently watching something on Discovery about spontaneous human combustion!


Gah, sorry about that Rich :$


Ooh, interesting. Wish I had Discovery Channel. It's been a quiet night of tv for myself too. Rove was a bit sad though since it was the last one. Tv got dull though so came to the computer but I'm not making much progress with slow internet.


My ankle pain became more defined after walking around yesterday so I better use it as an excuse to sit down and do my assignment this weekend :rolleyes: Good thing I bandaged it today though else it would be covered in teeth and claw marks from my mum provoking the cat at my grandma's resthome with my shoe laces.


And meringue fail. Recipe said to take them out before going brown but they weren't cooked properly and stuck to the baking paper. I put them back in on a lower temermature for ages so hopefully when I get them out of the oven tomorrow they'll be better..


You made meringue? That's awesome! Even if it didn't totally work out, that's still epic!


Sucks about your ankle! Though hopefully it's not as bad as you think?


i have to stay up till after 1am to pick up my parents from the airport. i'm really tired from the heat today so don't feel like it at all. especially since i was only out there a few hours ago. and i have the dishes to do as well. :(




But you made banana cake! YUM!


I went out with some girlfriends to celebrate my exam win, first time I've drunk anything for about four months, so I was a total lightweight and we bought cocktails ! :LOL:


I bumped into my long time ex who I haven't seen since we broke up over two years ago, which was weird. And then he sat down with us and started chatting like nothing ever happened, which was weird! And we ended up having to leave and he seemed to want to come with us, noooo!

It was strange seeing him because he seemed exactly the same, but I felt like a totally different person to who I was when I was with him, and I couldn't see what I used to see in him.

I got home at 4 am, how disgusting!!!!

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oh dear, i iced the cake and its quite warm still and the icing has all slid off the cake. lucky the plate its sitting on is lipped so it isn't all over the bench.


Woops :LOL:


Hope the meringues work out!

You made meringue? That's awesome! Even if it didn't totally work out, that's still epic!


That reminds me, I haven't even taken them out of the oven yet :LOL: I'll go have a taste test soon. They are still ok to eat, just chewier for the less cooked parts.


Sucks about your ankle! Though hopefully it's not as bad as you think?


Yeah, it probably isn't that bad but I bet it'll just randomly pop up sometimes to annoy the crap out of me. It's not so sore today, just feels weird. It was clicking last night though after testing it out without the bandage :erm:


Hopefully it'll be alright as it looks like I will be going to see my dotterels from Thursday to Friday to see how it is all setup and where the nests are. :happy:


I went out with some girlfriends to celebrate my exam win, first time I've drunk anything for about four months, so I was a total lightweight and we bought cocktails ! :LOL:


I bumped into my long time ex who I haven't seen since we broke up over two years ago, which was weird. And then he sat down with us and started chatting like nothing ever happened, which was weird! And we ended up having to leave and he seemed to want to come with us, noooo!

It was strange seeing him because he seemed exactly the same, but I felt like a totally different person to who I was when I was with him, and I couldn't see what I used to see in him.

I got home at 4 am, how disgusting!!!!


Oh that would be quite awkward. Yay for cocktails though :awesome:

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I bumped into my long time ex who I haven't seen since we broke up over two years ago, which was weird. And then he sat down with us and started chatting like nothing ever happened, which was weird!



was a good neighbour and took the banana cake down to the neighbours. we ended up talking about having a christmas party or flat bbq. had a look at one of the neighbours flats and we've definitely got the best one!

That's awesome of you. Did you take some to your loud neighbours?

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Aww that's sweet of you. My grandma only gives extra flowers to other residents if they have been good :LOL:


My meringues are better now and the icecream is good. I was right in that most of the nuts were clumped near the bottom. I remembered while eating it that on the tv program they toasted the walnuts before chucking them in, we did not. Will need to adjust the recipe print out.

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