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Omg an actual swiss ball class? I would die!


I bought mine with the full intention of doing pilates and other excercise on it. But I've had it about a year and all I ever do on it is roly polys and try to frog hop on it......


The class isn't too bad. We do alot of squats and lunges with them. The toning we do with them can be the worse part, squeezing between your legs while lying over top of it or just doing pushups overtop of the ball. Actually, think the leg sets are the worse when you have a step and use the ball to balance yourself on your side and lift your leg up, then down and side to side without touching the ground. PAIN.


Richard can attest that my swiss ball at home is mainly used as a foot rest.

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Ahahhah , they are so great to sit on, and wobble off!



EW I just looked down to see a giant white tip spider crawl over my hand. I screamed the house down it gave me such a fright, and I thought it was a scorpian, lol.


My family thought I was being murdered, good old Dad saved me from it.


I'm not usually a girl who screams over bugs but holy crap it was big, and it touched meee! :eek:

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Ahahhah , they are so great to sit on, and wobble off!



EW I just looked down to see a giant white tip spider crawl over my hand. I screamed the house down it gave me such a fright, and I thought it was a scorpian, lol.


My family thought I was being murdered, good old Dad saved me from it.


I'm not usually a girl who screams over bugs but holy crap it was big, and it touched meee! :eek:


I was playing with a spider, going from hand to hand, the other day when it was sunny. Yes, I was that bored :LOL:


I like playing tug-of-war with the big ones that make trap nests.

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there was a moth in my shower this morning. :(


A big one? Did it touch you? I don't like when they flap at me! But I don't mind looking at them.



I was playing with a spider, going from hand to hand, the other day when it was sunny. Yes, I was that bored :LOL:


Ooo errr? It wasn't a bitey one was it? This one totally surprise ninja attacked me.

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there was a moth in my shower this morning. :(
I hate it when that happens :( I always try to get them out but then they fall or get wet and are fucked.


Only if you have awesome cool flatmates though. Otherwise it's just shit, and any of the friends that I would have flatted with are all coupled up, yuck, no thanks! :LOL:
I remember jo (I think?) advising me on not flatting with good friends because you end up really fucked off with them :LOL:


I loved my flat on the dixon street steps (about 2 minutes from vic), and my flattie. I only met her on the doorstep as I was moving in but we hit it off. She heard me playing muse and interpol, when I was organising my bedroom and the rest was history. Pity our landlord was such an evil wanker... and I always saw him at the waterfront farmer's market on Sundays :facepalm:


Couples would feel weird though, imo...

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yeah i had a really bad experience flatting with a friend. only time i did. otherwise i've flatted with randoms, my sister (interesting times...) and of course oren. :LOL:


don't get couples with live with other people - wouldn't you want your own place and space? there's two of you to share costs afterall.

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Ooo errr? It wasn't a bitey one was it? This one totally surprise ninja attacked me.


It wasn't a bitey one, very small fangs. It was a flat, grey one. I found it quite cute when it lifted one of its front legs higher so it looked like it was tilting its head and thinking 'what the f**k is going on here?' :LOL:


I hate it when that happens :( I always try to get them out but then they fall or get wet and are fucked.


Yeah I know what you mean :( Moths are very difficult to handle. When I had a friend over she got a bit freaked when a big one came flying around the lounge. I eventually got it safely in my hands to let it outside.

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don't get couples with live with other people - wouldn't you want your own place and space? there's two of you to share costs afterall.
I could imagine fights and stuff being really awkward if you were the other person.


Yeah I know what you mean :( Moths are very difficult to handle. When I had a friend over she got a bit freaked when a big one came flying around the lounge. I eventually got it safely in my hands to let it outside.
Was it a Raukatauri? One of the massive green ones whose english name I don't know?


I love those. I hate it when my cat decides they're fair game. They're really rather beautiful.


Argh I have to write this horrendously awkward letter tomorrow asking for my dad's name suppression to please not be lifted because it would have an adverse effect on me if it was. Eloquently. Fudgesicles.

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So, Aucklanders, do you want to do the Mexican Cafe thing?


Wednesday is probably the only night that's good for me this week, but it doesn't have to be this week if that's not a good day for you guys.


I probably can't due to lack of funds. Extreme lack of funds :( Still searching for a job. I have about $2 worth of petrol in my car and today my mum asked if I had any change to buy some milk with. She's going for a job interview soon so hopefully we will both be employed soon!


Sweet. :happy:


Haha, heaps of my Facebook friends have suddenly become fans of the All Whites. Bunch of bandwagoners.


Same :LOL: They are moochers.


I once had a big moth flap against the window when I was in the bathroom, scared the beejebus out of me. To this day I still glance at that window in dreadful anticipation when I'm in there :LOL:


I can't wait to go flatting! I'm so ready to move out. I just need money (ofc). Basically none of my friends are ready to go flatting yet though which is really annoying. I want to move out of home and start living a proper student life but they're all into staying at home and spending the weekends hanging out at someone's house rather than going out partying!


I have 33 messages on my Facebook :stunned:

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I probably can't due to lack of funds. Extreme lack of funds :(


Lack of funds is no fun. Hope you can find a job soon. But if that's the only thing stopping you from joining us, I'm sure we can find a way around that. :)


I have 33 messages on my Facebook :stunned:


Look who's popular!

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Me too. :(


But I suppose people aren't going to message me if I don't message them.


Which is why I just left a message on my friend's facebook :happy: But usually when I message people, a certain friend in particular always does this, they never message me back. I'm like 'its give and take here people!'. It's particularly annoying when you leave a link and then wait with enthusiasm for them to watch it.

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That's just not fair.


And then when people don't reply, you're a bit cautious about messaging them again.


:LOL: I'm not. I often leave messages being like 'oiiiii reply to me'. I also break the double-posting rule that I up hold so rigorously in my posts here. I'll just post message after message if I have something I want to say and have been waiting too long for them to reply. The same thing with texting- I expect people to reply within minutes or I just text again and again and again :LOL:

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