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My friend isn't feeling well and doesn't want to go, and it's kind of pointless for me to go on my own because it's on the coast.

Wow you did nothing? Sounds like heaven!! I had five arms today, and then when we finished those they gave us an extra one off the acute board as a reward. DOH.


Edit, what are you cooking?

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Phew! Hopefully Michelle can do Sunday!


How was your day? My boxing just got cancelled, booooooooo!


Oh that sucks about being cancelled.


I can make Sunday, but my last train home is 8.55, unless I can get parents to pick me up.


My day has been extremely lazy. I've done...nothing. :LOL:


Same here. I've been sitting at the computer all afternoon and I'm not sure how the time has flown by so fast, but I guess I have been doing bits and pieces plus deleting a whole lot of old e-mails. I'm looking forward to going out with a friend on Thursday :happy:

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Wow, sounds intense!


I'm at the refreshing my internet browser every 5 minutes in case uni results have been posted stage. Can't bring myself to walk away from the computer. :LOL:


Back to work tomorrow though.


OMG same, especially since I knoe they are posting the scripts back tomorrow, so surely the results should be up tonight? Arrgghh.




Oh that sucks about being cancelled.


I can make Sunday, but my last train home is 8.55, unless I can get parents to pick me up.




Same here. I've been sitting at the computer all afternoon and I'm not sure how the time has flown by so fast, but I guess I have been doing bits and pieces plus deleting a whole lot of old e-mails. I'm looking forward to going out with a friend on Thursday :happy:


Where abouts do you live? I'm guessing since you said 'train' and not bus probably far away from me. But if not, you can always get a ride home with me. (and my parents :D)


What are you doing on Thurs?


I'm not cooking tonight - Mum is. :$



Cool, what are you going to do?



Even better!!! Mum's cooking wins!

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OMG same, especially since I knoe they are posting the scripts back tomorrow, so surely the results should be up tonight? Arrgghh.

The suspense! :eek: I don't know when mine might go up.


Even better!!! Mum's cooking wins!


I'm probably going flatting in the near future, but I'll miss Mum's cooking when I do.

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Today the air conditioning at work was not working, and even on a moderately warm day it's amazing how hot big buildings like that can get. Actually maybe it isn't that amazing since it's essentially a big concrete block so the heat retention thing is pretty obvious. Still, it was pretty brutal, and I was totally drowsy and unproductive.

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Cool, what are you going to do?


Just going to hang out in town and go to the movies, usual stuff but haven't been to town since coming back so will be good to get out for the day.


Where abouts do you live? I'm guessing since you said 'train' and not bus probably far away from me. But if not, you can always get a ride home with me. (and my parents :D)


I'm out in Henderson, thanks for the offer though.

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Today the air conditioning at work was not working, and even on a moderately warm day it's amazing how hot big buildings like that can get. Actually maybe it isn't that amazing since it's essentially a big concrete block so the heat retention thing is pretty obvious. Still, it was pretty brutal, and I was totally drowsy and unproductive.


Eee, nasty. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.

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Today the air conditioning at work was not working, and even on a moderately warm day it's amazing how hot big buildings like that can get. Actually maybe it isn't that amazing since it's essentially a big concrete block so the heat retention thing is pretty obvious. Still, it was pretty brutal, and I was totally drowsy and unproductive.



Oh dear! That sounds rough as.



Just going to hang out in town and go to the movies, usual stuff but haven't been to town since coming back so will be good to get out for the day.




I'm out in Henderson, thanks for the offer though.


oh, yeah miles away! We go climbing out west though! Near Kelston I think. Not that that is relevant to anything. Bah.

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I keep saying that I will flat soon, but in reality I need to drive first, which is slowly coming along.

But I will probably come home for dinner all the time because of Mum's cooking :D


I've had enough flatting for now, so I'll mooch off the folks til I have a job and a car too :LOL:

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Oops, my wheely chair that has been dodgy for ages just gave up the ghost and snapped in half. And dumped me on the floor.




I'm now on my swiss ball, which I am unable to balance on, so I keep sliding off backwards and ding backwards roly poly's. :awesome:


Oh dear, poor chair. Sounds like you're having fun though :LOL:


Mmm, dinner time. Mother made it for a change, I've been cooking our dinner quite a lot.

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swiss ball is fun though i missed my class on saturday as i had to get up at 4am to take my parents to the airport and by the time i got back to sleep it was time to go to class....and that wasn't happening.


work was pretty good today, went a lot faster than normal work!

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swiss ball is fun though i missed my class on saturday as i had to get up at 4am to take my parents to the airport and by the time i got back to sleep it was time to go to class....and that wasn't happening.


work was pretty good today, went a lot faster than normal work!


Omg an actual swiss ball class? I would die!

They make us use them at boxing, you have to lean on one against the wall and basically roll it down the wall and do squats of various heights while punching the crap out of the pads. Death, I tell you!


I bought mine with the full intention of doing pilates and other excercise on it. But I've had it about a year and all I ever do on it is roly polys and try to frog hop on it......



Well the chair seemed to be in less shape than you :p


Ha ha, yeah I'm not quite in two pieces just yet! :D



Anyone watching the metor show thing? I think it's tonight.

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