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I didn't watch it, had a family outing to the movies (always a palavar) and saw 2012. It was the most cheesy over the top thing I have ever seen. At one point it was so so ridiculous that I had tears of laughter runnning down my cheeks and the whole theatre was in an uproar.

The effects were incredible, so I would reccommend it but not with too high expectations or anything! It was very funny!

That review has made me really want to see this movie. I can't wait. :LOL:


So the sun comes out in Christchurch on the day I leave, and I get back to Auckland and it's raining. :indiff:

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:LOL: Sounds entertaining. The review I saw gave it 4/5 stars and said it had everything a blockbuster disaster movie should have, were they right?


I watched 'the boat that rocked' last night. It wasn't bad, got a few giggles out of it.



Oh I really want to see that with my Dad, when we saw the ads for it it looks like it was loosely based on the story of Radio Caroline. Not sure if it actually is, but radio Caroline was a radio station in the 60's that broadcasted from a boat outside of British waters. Apparently the government owned all the radio stations and controlled what people were allowed to listen to, so the only way a new radio station that was a bit 'out there' could play was to broadcast from outside of England.


It was a big hoo ha at the time and so it became a big part of radio history.



That review has made me really want to see this movie. I can't wait. :LOL:


So the sun comes out in Christchurch on the day I leave, and I get back to Auckland and it's raining. :indiff:



I really loved it, I think as long as you don't go into it expecting too much then it's totally enjoyable.


Poo to the rain! I wanted to go for a big walk with the dog, but really don't want to go out in that, so I'm going to watch Harry Potter instead :)


How was the rest of your hoilday?

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So the sun comes out in Christchurch on the day I leave, and I get back to Auckland and it's raining. :indiff:


Auckland is hardly ever that great with nice welcoming weather is it :rolleyes:


Oh I really want to see that with my Dad, when we saw the ads for it it looks like it was loosely based on the story of Radio Caroline. Not sure if it actually is, but radio Caroline was a radio station in the 60's that broadcasted from a boat outside of British waters. Apparently the government owned all the radio stations and controlled what people were allowed to listen to, so the only way a new radio station that was a bit 'out there' could play was to broadcast from outside of England.


It was a big hoo ha at the time and so it became a big part of radio history.


Yeah, it was pretty much the same here too. My dad told me Hauraki started as pirates to bring all the rock'n roll to NZ :\mm/:

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oh that sounds awesome! It pisses me off how expensive lettuce gets when it's just LEAVES!!!

I had loads in my garden but I didn't pick enough of it and a lot of it got burnt in the sun.


I have epic spring onions though. I must leave them in too long because they are the size of cucumbers. GIANT!!

And they taste awesome, so I have no idea why they don't let the ones in the supermarket get like that.

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oh that sounds awesome! It pisses me off how expensive lettuce gets when it's just LEAVES!!!

I had loads in my garden but I didn't pick enough of it and a lot of it got burnt in the sun.


I have epic spring onions though. I must leave them in too long because they are the size of cucumbers. GIANT!!

And they taste awesome, so I have no idea why they don't let the ones in the supermarket get like that.

Because the supermarkets focus on making every single fruit and vege look exactly the same size/shape/colour and ignore the fact that TASTE is like, the most important bit :chuckle:


We have a shit tonne of silverbeet in our garden atm, and tomatoes and grapes and apples which'll be ready in like the next couple of months. The strawberries are my favourites though :happy:

Edited by lensip max
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before i went to the UK, i lived in a flat that had this massive lemon tree out the front and it had massive lemons on it. it's just across the road from this flat actually, have been there to steal some once but there were none. but they were so huge and i made lots of lemon meringue pie. :awesome:


the mushroom sauce was so delicious and so easy too!

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wish we had a proper place and we had a garden. i'd love to plant potatoes and peas. i always remember as kids getting told off for eating the peas so we'd shell them leaving the pods on the plant or we'd throw the pods over to the neighbours. we've got radishes, a lettuce mix, coriander and two peppers on our wee porch.


in such a cooking mood tonight, just put some peanut brownies in the oven.

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I saw my brother in a close up in the crowd, so I taped the final moments to tease him about later.


Was he doing anything embarrassing or being over enthusiastic? :LOL:


I didn't watch it, had a family outing to the movies (always a palavar) and saw 2012. It was the most cheesy over the top thing I have ever seen. At one point it was so so ridiculous that I had tears of laughter runnning down my cheeks and the whole theatre was in an uproar.

The effects were incredible, so I would reccommend it but not with too high expectations or anything! It was very funny!


This is a rhetorical question as I don't want it spoiled, but I don't understand how that movie could have any sort of resolution. Its like, the world is ending, everyone dies, the end? I just don't get it. I suppose I'll have to see the film to find out :LOL:


Yeah, it was pretty much the same here too. My dad told me Hauraki started as pirates to bring all the rock'n roll to NZ :\mm/:


This is true :happy:


I went to town today to try and find a certain book I wanted, since I couldn't find it at the local Whitcoulls. So I went downtown (on my last $5 of petrol) and looked for Dymocks, which resulted in somehow getting inside a tower and going in a lift and ending up on Queen Street :erm: Then I went to Whitcoulls in town and couldn't find it there either. And they've put the scary Santa back up but for some reason its face is all wrapped up! Which makes it even scarier! :LOL: Anyway I went to Borders in defeat, with the parking meter ticking, and it turns out they were having a 3 for 2 fiction sale because it was their birthday celebrations! So I got 3 books for the price of 2, and didn't even have to pay for them because I had vouchers! :happy: SCORE. Aaaand I could have gotten a free coffee from the cafe with my receipt but there was a line so I couldn't be bothered waiting. I didn't get the book I went there for, but it doesn't matter because it was a total deal anyway!

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Was he doing anything embarrassing or being over enthusiastic? :LOL:




This is a rhetorical question as I don't want it spoiled, but I don't understand how that movie could have any sort of resolution. Its like, the world is ending, everyone dies, the end? I just don't get it. I suppose I'll have to see the film to find out :LOL:




This is true :happy:


I . And they've put the scary Santa back up but for some reason its face is all wrapped up! Which makes it even scarier! :LOL: !




You will have to go and see it before people start spoiling it!


OMG creepy Santa got creepier??? Bleugh, apparently he used to WAVE! That makes him so much worse!

So, Aucklanders, do you want to do the Mexican Cafe thing?


Wednesday is probably the only night that's good for me this week, but it doesn't have to be this week if that's not a good day for you guys.



I can't do Wed. Unless I could somehow teleport:D


This week is super busy for me so I could probs only do Sunday. Booo! :(

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