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Well I got up this morning and poured boiling water onto my cornflakes instead of in my tea.


:LOL: I do things more like opening the fridge and forgetting what I was going in there for.


I am, thanks. :happy: Auckland is sorely lacking when it comes to bars that brew their own delicious beer. I have beer-brewing-bar envy.


It's fucking cold today though. I can feel the wind blowing between my ribs. Had to retreat into an internet cafe. I'm keeping the promise I made to myself to stay away from Facebook the whole time I'm here though. I'm proud of myself. :happy:


Good to hear! :)


The weather isn't so great up here today, showers and wind. So your not missing out on spectacular weather up here.

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Superb. I often do stuff like that. I assume the cornflakes were a write-off?



I am, thanks. :happy: Auckland is sorely lacking when it comes to bars that brew their own delicious beer. I have beer-brewing-bar envy.


It's fucking cold today though. I can feel the wind blowing between my ribs. Had to retreat into an internet cafe. I'm keeping the promise I made to myself to stay away from Facebook the whole time I'm here though. I'm proud of myself. :happy:


Oh yes, they most definitely were a write off, they squealed and sizzled like nothing i've ever heard before!!!


Good to hear that you are out and about and not wasting your holiday on facebook!

Have looads of fun!

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user testing! we've got a new version of our computer system coming out soon so i'm spending the two weeks checking if it works as it should. probably be really dull after a couple hours!


Hhaah awesome! At least it will be a change, and if you get sick of it you can look forward to your normal work again!


I can't believe how many firework injuries we have had in the last week, it's insane. The pictures should be shown to teenagers, make them think twice!!!

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I got burnt by fireworks when I was 4.


I grabbed one because it looked so pretty :facepalm::LOL:


My life is made of fail lately. But on the bright side I've put pictures up on my walls again.


Ouch! That's awful! Yeah we had a guy the other night who is suffering because his friend is an idiot.

His friend lit it, then kicked it over, and it went up this guy's tshirt sleeve, and went off in his arm. Down to the muslce, it's a total mess. He's been to theatre three times in a week so far, because his friend was a dick.


The roller disco is something I really want to go to, but I've got two of my friends coming over for a movie night, so I can only go if they want to.


Yay for pics on your walls :)

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Ouch! That's awful! Yeah we had a guy the other night who is suffering because his friend is an idiot.

His friend lit it, then kicked it over, and it went up this guy's tshirt sleeve, and went off in his arm. Down to the muslce, it's a total mess. He's been to theatre three times in a week so far, because his friend was a dick.


The roller disco is something I really want to go to, but I've got two of my friends coming over for a movie night, so I can only go if they want to.


Yay for pics on your walls :)

:yesey: James Jean ftw baby.


That sounds horrible... I'm so glad I got off so lightly.


And ofc they'll want to go! How could anyone not?

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I know!!! A roller disco!!!


The only other thing is getting there. Since none of us has more than a restricted. But I'm sure that could be solved.

I just have to sell it to them. Seriously though. A ROLLER DISCO!!!!


And a couple of the guys from work were around for the original roller discos, and they said they can DANCE with their skates on! DANCING ROLLER DISCO!

I believe that calls for a :awesome: face!


Edit: I just looked up James Jean, expecting some kind of man hunk. But they look awesome!

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I know!!! A roller disco!!!


The only other thing is getting there. Since none of us has more than a restricted. But I'm sure that could be solved.

I just have to sell it to them. Seriously though. A ROLLER DISCO!!!!


And a couple of the guys from work were around for the original roller discos, and they said they can DANCE with their skates on! DANCING ROLLER DISCO!

I believe that calls for a :awesome: face!


Edit: I just looked up James Jean, expecting some kind of man hunk. But they look awesome!


Kat, you better go to that roller disco. I can't even skate and I would go.


I'm finished with exams :awesome: Holidaaaaays. Now I just need someone to employ me. Sent a bunch of CVs off online last night. Fingers crossed! In the meantime I think I'll just enjoy the sunshine :happy:

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I'm finished with exams :awesome: Holidaaaaays. Now I just need someone to employ me. Sent a bunch of CVs off online last night. Fingers crossed! In the meantime I think I'll just enjoy the sunshine :happy:


Such a great feeling. Doing anything to celebrate?

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Kat, you better go to that roller disco. I can't even skate and I would go.


I'm finished with exams :awesome: Holidaaaaays. Now I just need someone to employ me. Sent a bunch of CVs off online last night. Fingers crossed! In the meantime I think I'll just enjoy the sunshine :happy:


Oooh congratulations!!!


Good luck with the job hunt!


I woke up with a migraine today, it's almost totally gone now so am enjoying the sun! :D

Rich are you home again?

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Migraines are awful. Good to hear it's gone!


Nope, I'm still in Christchurch - get home on Sunday. Just filling time until Jo and Oren finish work. We're Mexican Cafe-ing tonight, but I'd be keen for another Mexican Cafe night with Auckland moas soon after I get back. :)

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Such a great feeling. Doing anything to celebrate?


Just enjoying the day atm. And then having a party with friends on Friday :awesome:


Oooh congratulations!!!


Good luck with the job hunt!


I woke up with a migraine today, it's almost totally gone now so am enjoying the sun! :D

Rich are you home again?


Thank you! Just got an email from Bond+Bond turning down my application. Which is crazy because they've been hard out advertising for Christmas temps on bus stops, websites, even stencils on the footpath! But I still have an application at Farmers that is being processed.

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Migraines are awful. Good to hear it's gone!


Nope, I'm still in Christchurch - get home on Sunday. Just filling time until Jo and Oren finish work. We're Mexican Cafe-ing tonight, but I'd be keen for another Mexican Cafe night with Auckland moas soon after I get back. :)


Oh yuss that's right Jo did say that, excuse my befuddled brain!


YAAAAAY Mexican Moas Do Margaritas =)

It will be great!


Just enjoying the day atm. And then having a party with friends on Friday :awesome:




Thank you! Just got an email from Bond+Bond turning down my application. Which is crazy because they've been hard out advertising for Christmas temps on bus stops, websites, even stencils on the footpath! But I still have an application at Farmers that is being processed.


Ohhhhh good luck, my friend works at Farmers, she gets loads of make up testers :D

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Migraines are awful. Good to hear it's gone!


Nope, I'm still in Christchurch - get home on Sunday. Just filling time until Jo and Oren finish work. We're Mexican Cafe-ing tonight, but I'd be keen for another Mexican Cafe night with Auckland moas soon after I get back. :)


Oh yuss that's right Jo did say that, excuse my befuddled brain!


YAAAAAY Mexican Moas Do Margaritas =)

It will be great!


Just enjoying the day atm. And then having a party with friends on Friday :awesome:




Thank you! Just got an email from Bond+Bond turning down my application. Which is crazy because they've been hard out advertising for Christmas temps on bus stops, websites, even stencils on the footpath! But I still have an application at Farmers that is being processed.


Ohhhhh good luck, my friend works at Farmers, she gets loads of make up testers :D

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