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OOOOH and at the hair dresser, as I find having my hair cut THE most awkward time EVER.


oh i totally agree. its always either really awkward silence - where did i look? sorta thing or completely awkward conversation where you pretend to be even slightly interested in the topic of conversation.

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oh i totally agree. its always either really awkward silence - where did i look? sorta thing or completely awkward conversation where you pretend to be even slightly interested in the topic of conversation.


And I find that they always moan at me about the shit state of my hair that I feel about the size of a snail..... I know my hair is shit, I don't Care! Just cut my fringe straight!!!!!

And after the last time when he CUT my hair after I'd repeatedly said I only wanted it straightened, I now am TERRIFIED of going!

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And I find that they always moan at me about the shit state of my hair that I feel about the size of a snail..... I know my hair is shit, I don't Care! Just cut my fringe straight!!!!!

And after the last time when he CUT my hair after I'd repeatedly said I only wanted it straightened, I now am TERRIFIED of going!

last time i went it was in invercargill and it was the total small town mentality, she knew someone who was a sister of someone i went to high school with. she kept going on about people i just did not care about. for fuck sakes, i left invercargill for a reason!


i did my first claim at the new branch and did it wrong! :awesome: my mistake will cost the company $50. oops. not a great impression to make to my new boss really.

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And after the last time when he CUT my hair after I'd repeatedly said I only wanted it straightened, I now am TERRIFIED of going!

That's not cool!


You should try the one I go to. It's just up Symonds St from uni, and she's much easier to talk to than any of the others I've ever been to.

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last time i went it was in invercargill and it was the total small town mentality, she knew someone who was a sister of someone i went to high school with. she kept going on about people i just did not care about. for fuck sakes, i left invercargill for a reason!


i did my first claim at the new branch and did it wrong! :awesome: my mistake will cost the company $50. oops. not a great impression to make to my new boss really.


Oh bugger! At least it was only 50 bucks! Remember the bank thing where they accidently transferred all that money ( I can't remember but it was a ridiculous amount)


At least it wasn't like that! :)


That's not cool!


You should try the one I go to. It's just up Symonds St from uni, and she's much easier to talk to than any of the others I've ever been to.


I just might do that! Because I now dont have one, and my fringe should have it's own orbit it's so out of control!

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Haha, I like their list of situations. My favourites:

-When watching tv with the parents and there's a particularly awkward sex scene




I don't really have awkward conversation at the hairdressers. I just use the opportunity to stare blankly into space or at my reflection. I'm an excellent daydreamer- anywhere, anytime- so I find it easy to just zone out and not feel awkward at all.

That said, next time I go its probably going to be uber awkward :LOL:

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People, and their families, who commit suicide or acts of self-harm, will no longer be eligible for compensation.


Dr Smith said if someone with a family committed suicide the family could have been given almost $1 million in compensation over time.


He would not say whether that was an incentive for people contemplating suicide.


"If my doctor told me that I was terminally ill and I had 30 days to live, with the ACC rules the way they are, I'd be finding myself a train to throw myself under on the 29th day because my family would be treated so much more generously," Dr Smith told reporters.


Suicide was tragic but not an accident, he said.


as oren said

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i'm starting to realise how little people actually understand about the reason ACC exists. they seem to be just falling for national's push to have it privatised. i'm so frustrated by it all. i do not want our society to become one of litigation that if i was involved in a serious car accident, instead of getting 80% of my wages from the second week (and first week paid by the employer if it was on the way to work!), that i would have to hire a lawyer and spend heaps of money going through the court sueing whoever is responsible. :noey:

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I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, so I guess my answer is no!


Its like one of those online worldwide multiplayer game things, something to do with building medieval cities and battling, etc. I imagine its like Age of Empires on a bigger international scale. But the pictures they use for the ads are so stupid. It started with like an painted image of busty, glowing maiden with something like 'your empire awaits, my lord!' written underneath. Which, okay, at least she was in a medieval outfit and had the lingo down. But now the ads are just photos of hot girls wearing questionable outfits. They're not even fitting the theme! :LOL: Shameless.

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