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:LOL: I love how seagulls run. The way their feet move just cracks me up for some reason.


I emailed my lecturer for an extension, saying that I had a cold last week, which is true. I better work on it tomorrow anyway and see what she says. :erm:

If only the buses weren't on strike then I could stay at uni after class and work on it! :mad:


Yeah seagulls are funny too. This is due for a re-posting I think.




Sucks about the buses. Hopefully it's a generous lecturer to give you a little more time.


With the day off for BDO, I trust?


I hope so! The breeding season ends January, so maybe the work load won't be so great then. But then that may be the time I have to track where the chicks and males take off to. I'll just have to put the volunteers in charge for the day if there is work to be done :LOL:


I hope I can get a car, even if it's crap. Then I can easily go back and forth from home when I don't need to stay up there. I would have liked to go to Rhythm and Vines too, but that's looking unlikely again.

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:LOL: That reminds me of high school lunchtimes. When someone was eating chips and dropped one, whooosh! And then a couple of minutes later it was scurrying along over on the other side of the field with it still hanging out of its mouth. :LOL: Often with a whole line of them chasing it.


:LOL: The seagulls in Finding Nemo are funny too. Oh and Matt being a seagull :LOL:

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When people sign up to be tutors they know they're expected to make themselves available to help students out with stuff. He might take it as a compliment that you value his opinion and advice. :yesey:



:LOL: That reminds me of high school lunchtimes. When someone was eating chips and dropped one, whooosh! And then a couple of minutes later it was scurrying along over on the other side of the field with it still hanging out of its mouth. :LOL: Often with a whole line of them chasing it.


Maybe I'll drag myself up early to go to one of his office hours. That way its on uni time rather than his own personal time muhahaha. Because it is actually really nice to be able to show someone who knows what they're talking about and does their own writing my stuff, and see what they have to say about it.


I once was feeding remaining chips to seagulls, and then when I ran out I tossed pieces of gravel. The birds would race to get to it, but then realise it was inedible and go back to looking for something they could scavenge. However when I threw a piece, one bird was particularly eager and ran up to it, and gulped it down, before coughing it back up again, and hurrying away looking rather confused. I felt bad, but had to laugh :LOL:

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Maybe I'll drag myself up early to go to one of his office hours. That way its on uni time rather than his own personal time muhahaha. Because it is actually really nice to be able to show someone who knows what they're talking about and does their own writing my stuff, and see what they have to say about it.

Yeah, I'm sure it is. That sounds like a good idea.


I once was feeding remaining chips to seagulls, and then when I ran out I tossed pieces of gravel. The birds would race to get to it, but then realise it was inedible and go back to looking for something they could scavenge. However when I threw a piece, one bird was particularly eager and ran up to it, and gulped it down, before coughing it back up again, and hurrying away looking rather confused. I felt bad, but had to laugh :LOL:


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I once was feeding remaining chips to seagulls, and then when I ran out I tossed pieces of gravel. The birds would race to get to it, but then realise it was inedible and go back to looking for something they could scavenge. However when I threw a piece, one bird was particularly eager and ran up to it, and gulped it down, before coughing it back up again, and hurrying away looking rather confused. I felt bad, but had to laugh :LOL:


:LOL: Oh dear, at least it was able to get it out.


An interesting thing I learnt this year is that a lot of NZ seabirds used to nest in the forests, but they don't now from their not being much left. So that's one of the big conservation goals to them back breeding in mainland forests.

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Holding it out in daylight? :eek: Doesn't it mind?




Arctic Monkeys. If they counted as a headliner.




Oh that sucks :LOL: But if you really really liked him, maybe you can see past this one decline in his otherwise good reputation :LOL: He might have just been nervous and didn't know what to text you! How did you respond?




I cannot agree to this sentiment enough! :D


I went to the Mexican Cafe for dinner and it was so good! Had a passion fruit Margarita too oh ho ho.

And today I realised that my awesome tutor has really nice eyes. They're green and brown. Damn it if I'm not careful I'm going to find myself crushing all over him! :LOL:



Nah I don't like him that much to be honest, the more I talk to him the more I think it is just his character, he's just a dirty minded thing. That's one of the better ones he's come out with.

Don't get me wrong, I can mingle in the gutter with the best of them, but I at least wait until I know someone's humour before going there.


And uh oh, tutor?! Is that ethical? I guess if the semester is nearly over it's totally a GREEN LIGHT! Hahahha!


I've only been to the Mexican cafe once, but have been on the roof many times. My friend used to live in the building next door and you could climb from her roof to their's.



This is very true :LOL: He's just a really cool guy. Tutors are always so cool- why can't any single guys I know be like that!


And now I just realised that I have an essay due on Wednesday that I haven't even started :stunned: fffffff-

Is it too late to ask for an extension?


Doesn't it suck when you find yourself falling for the wrong guy? Mine was a guy I met who was just perfect in every way, for about 40 seconds until he mentioned his lovely wife. Doh.

We are good friends now, and I get along with his wife too really well, but it sucks that he and I would have been really good together in other circumstances. So I just need his unmarried clone to appear!!!


Bugger about the essay too! Better grind!


I don't think they like it that much since they are often quite wriggly and well they've just been pulled out bed, I'd be pretty mad too :LOL: But it has to be done for their physical and any medication they need.


They like to tuck their head under your arm, then they go all still, so cute :happy: A guy in my class might be doing his masters on stress in handled kiwi to see if all the handling affects them.


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! They are like mythical creatures! When I first moved here from England I thought they were a legend and not a real animal fro a while :$


Yeah, the semester's gone so fast. :stunned:


Good luck with the essay. :) I don't see a problem with emailing him about your creative writing stuff again - he was more than happy to help last time.


I think go for it, if he doesn't have the time or whatever then he'll probably let you know. There's nothing to lose!


Me too. I would have liked to do that project, but I heard about him getting offered the project before I started looking into that. I'll just have to wait til after my masters to do my kiwi work. Too late to get funding for the other things I could have looked. So looks like I'll be doing the dotterel project as I've gotten a bit more information about it and it sounds good with lots of volunteers to help with the work and stuff, but there are some risks, especially if not many chicks hatch. A lecturer I talked to told me to get a masters project without risks, good sample size and guaranteed data, but this seems kind of borderline on it. I don't have many other options left and I want to do it since these birds are endangered and not much is known about them, but yeah. Maybe I should see what my course co-ordinator thinks of the project. Ugh. [/rant]


Oh and it's funny watching them. They run really fast then stop. Run then stop, etc. :LOL:



What's a dotterel?

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When people sign up to be tutors they know they're expected to make themselves available to help students out with stuff. He might take it as a compliment that you value his opinion and advice. :yesey:


Not always, some are just arsehole postgrads who want money and the opportunity to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives by picking holes in undergrad essays :indiff:


What's a dotterel?


She probably means this I think.

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I guess if the semester is nearly over it's totally a GREEN LIGHT! Hahahha!

Haha, yes! Absolutely.


I've only been to the Mexican cafe once, but have been on the roof many times. My friend used to live in the building next door and you could climb from her roof to their's.

Wow, that's cool. :LOL:


Not always, some are just arsehole postgrads who want money and the opportunity to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives by picking holes in undergrad essays :indiff:


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Haha, yes! Absolutely.



Wow, that's cool. :LOL:





It was! She lived in the Palace which is the building next door, above a bar there. It was a condemned building and all of the other apartments were empty, and when you stood in their lounge you could never be sure if you were drunk or not because the floor had a very definite slant!


They didn't live there long, for obvious reasons, but it was fun while it lasted, it was like being in our own zombie movie.


How's your day going? I've got loads of study done and finished the online block course, so I'm feeling preeeeetty good.

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:LOL: There have been a lot of nutty pics of Dom lately. And the things people do with them :LOL:






Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! They are like mythical creatures! When I first moved here from England I thought they were a legend and not a real animal fro a while :$


Aw, bless :LOL: Hopefully you'll get round to seeing them properly in a zoo or something one day.


She probably means this I think.


Yeah that's them.



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Maybe I'll drag myself up early to go to one of his office hours. That way its on uni time rather than his own personal time muhahaha. Because it is actually really nice to be able to show someone who knows what they're talking about and does their own writing my stuff, and see what they have to say about it.


I once was feeding remaining chips to seagulls, and then when I ran out I tossed pieces of gravel. The birds would race to get to it, but then realise it was inedible and go back to looking for something they could scavenge. However when I threw a piece, one bird was particularly eager and ran up to it, and gulped it down, before coughing it back up again, and hurrying away looking rather confused. I felt bad, but had to laugh :LOL:



Oh my god, you fed gravel to a seagull! Tee hee hee hee heee.




I'll leave it at that.



That's good to hear! Well done. :)


That sounds like a good day then?


Man I came home to find that my new Rock Band 2 arrived by courier a day early! Was SO excited, rushed to the xbox, ripped off the packet in great anticipation to find.... NBA 2k10.....Basketball WTF????????



They sent me the wrong game!! Firstgames FAIL!

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you know what was great? courier post smashed two dvds that were christmas presents. they sent me two new ones and talked about sending me a courier bag to send the damaged ones back...yet 10 months later, they never did. 4 dvds for the price of 2. :awesome:

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They're doing the once-in-a-decade super clean at work tonight. Freakishly huge octopus-esque machines, considerable volume and slightly overwhelming smell.


And the late news will make me miss my bus and wait half an hour for the next one, and I have to write an article for the Hawke's Bay newspaper before I go to bed and get up early tomorrow morning. One of those days.

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I'm still waiting on a cd I ordered from Mighty Ape, its been almost a month. It said it was in stock when I ordered, only for them to say after I had ordered that it wasn't. Now they say they are expecting it to arrive on the 15th. Not happy, this is the sceond time this has happened with them :mad:

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I'm still waiting on a cd I ordered from Mighty Ape, its been almost a month. It said it was in stock when I ordered, only for them to say after I had ordered that it wasn't. Now they say they are expecting it to arrive on the 15th. Not happy, this is the sceond time this has happened with them :mad:

not so mighty.

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It's a huge tank thing with lots of vaccuum hoses and special smelly spray hoses sticking out of it. Admittedly, not eight. Probably six...so it's a hectapus?


Whatever they are, they've gone next door now and they're making the floor shake. :erm:

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