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I did some graffiti for the first time in my life today. Well, more accurately, I made an adjustment to existing graffiti. There was some racist rubbish sprawled on the walls of a toilet cubicle, and I added '- Paul Henry'. I think I improved it, if I may say so myself.

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I did some graffiti for the first time in my life today. Well, more accurately, I made an adjustment to existing graffiti. There was some racist rubbish sprawled on the walls of a toilet cubicle, and I added '- Paul Henry'. I think I improved it, if I may say so myself.




I'm quite sick of the Facebook group 'Boycott TVNZ if they fire Paul Henry'. I'm not surprised that most of the people who agree with what he says are teenagers. :mad:


Yeah, people on Facebook kept joining groups like that and changing having convos about how awesome he apparently is, so I changed my status the other day to something along the lines of 'darkshineskitty thinks people need to get over the Paul Henry suspension. It's only two weeks. Besides, who gets up that early anyway? Also Paul Henry is sort of a dick.'

So far 4 people have 'like'd it :chuckle:

I love changing my status to coincide with people jumping on a group bandwagon, and then watching the number of people joining the groups go down :LOL:

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Yeah, good result here. Len not only won, but it was a pretty big win - 220,000 to 160,000 for Banks.


Poor old Jim. :( Never really had a hope after the earthquake.


It's a shame Michael Laws didn't run again - his deputy mayor got thrashed today. It would have been nice to see him suffer the same fate.


Tim Shadbolt won AGAIN. Amazing. I'd heard speculation that Suzanne Prentice had a good chance of beating him, but apparently it was a landslide.

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My Mum went to school with Suzanne and absolutely hates her over the result of some talent quest. :LOL: Somehow it's rubbed off on me and I don't like her either. I think Tim will die in that seat.


I guess the earthquake makes people forget things like bailing out Dave Henderson and supporting the firing of Ecan and installing of a bunch of unelected people against the whole principle of democracy. AND - he had cats in his apartment when the body corporate forbid them but he reckoned cos he was the mayor, he could be the exception.

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Yeah, voters probably did forget all that nasty stuff. He was just on TV so much after the earthquake and people apparently liked how calm and sensible he seemed. And Jim couldn't really come out and call him a prick while he was doing that I guess, no matter how true that might be!


My friends and I chose Bear Beer tonight because of the humorous name. It was truly awful.

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we have a package from oren's mum and the custom declaration says there are sweets inside! but as it's from his mum i'll let him open it when he's home from work.


and i'm going to get off my ass and go to the australian pie shop now.

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we have a package from oren's mum and the custom declaration says there are sweets inside! but as it's from his mum i'll let him open it when he's home from work.

That's impressive restraint! Must be hard to resist.


Australian pies? :noey:

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"Miraculously, there were no casualties when the 200m-long ship's upper deck exploded after what authorities say was a technical mishap."


Technical mishap? :LOL: A technical mishap is a computer crashing. There really is a limit over how significant an event can be to be described as a mishap. I think an entire upper deck exploding significantly exceeds that limit.

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