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Had that operation today. I had a local anaesthetic, but it wasn't fun being entirely conscious of what was going on the whole time. I'll spare you the gruesome details.


One side of my face is drooping a bit because of the anaesthetic. I feel like Rob Muldoon.


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So, I could go to Vic and do Psychology, or Otago and do Neuroscience. Both of which I'm really interested in.


Wellington is closer to home, if I want to visit. Most of my friends are going there. I like Wellington better as a city too. I also think the accomodation is better (maybe just because I want to get into Weir House, cause they have a darkroom :p) It also gives me better opportunities to do something else, like Film, which I know isn't a strong point at Otago, and something I'm really interested in.


I like the idea of Neuroscience better though. It uses more of what I've learnt at school. As far as I know it's the best for research, which is what I want to get into after Uni. It's a lot further away, and I'll know less people, though. There's also not much room for other papers (minors, etc) and even less if I do Honours.


I can't decide which is better for me. :erm:

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Hmm, sounds like a tough decision.


I don't think not knowing people is a strong reason not to go to Otago, though. From what I've heard, it's an extremely social student population and it's very easy to make friends - more so than in the bigger cities, where the student population is more spread out.

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So, I could go to Vic and do Psychology, or Otago and do Neuroscience. Both of which I'm really interested in.


Wellington is closer to home, if I want to visit. Most of my friends are going there. I like Wellington better as a city too. I also think the accomodation is better (maybe just because I want to get into Weir House, cause they have a darkroom :p) It also gives me better opportunities to do something else, like Film, which I know isn't a strong point at Otago, and something I'm really interested in.


I like the idea of Neuroscience better though. It uses more of what I've learnt at school. As far as I know it's the best for research, which is what I want to get into after Uni. It's a lot further away, and I'll know less people, though. There's also not much room for other papers (minors, etc) and even less if I do Honours.


I can't decide which is better for me. :erm:


From what I know between the two subjects, neuroscience will probably be like my physiology classes with lots of physiology to learn and lab work... My friend did psychology (as well as physiology) but there was no lab work or anything like that, just assignments and some surveys on people. Not sure what it would be like at different universities though... So I guess just look around some more at the two subjects and think of what you might like the best and what kind of research/jobs you'd like to do after uni. A girl from my high school is doing neuroscience at Auck uni, and in the local newspaper it said she got a phd scholarship to work on brain cells in Huntington's disease.

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It's not too bad. Painkillers are helping. It's a bit swollen, though. I don't know if it doesn't look as bad as I think, or if my workmates are just being polite in not saying anything!


How's your day been?

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That's good. It probably feels more swollen to you.


My day has been pretty much the same as yesterday. Watching camera footage then putting the silly pictures on facebook :rolleyes: I need to check with one of the tiri rangers to see if I can add his pic to the album with him sticking his face in the camera :chuckle:

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From what I know between the two subjects, neuroscience will probably be like my physiology classes with lots of physiology to learn and lab work... My friend did psychology (as well as physiology) but there was no lab work or anything like that, just assignments and some surveys on people. Not sure what it would be like at different universities though... So I guess just look around some more at the two subjects and think of what you might like the best and what kind of research/jobs you'd like to do after uni. A girl from my high school is doing neuroscience at Auck uni, and in the local newspaper it said she got a phd scholarship to work on brain cells in Huntington's disease.


Neuroscience > Psychology

But Wellington > Dunedin

But I haven't been to Dunedin, so I guess that's a bit biased. I keep swapping back and forth between where I want to go, daily. I was set on Victoria this morning, now I'm set on Otago. :LOL:

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Neuroscience > Psychology

But Wellington > Dunedin

But I haven't been to Dunedin, so I guess that's a bit biased. I keep swapping back and forth between where I want to go, daily. I was set on Victoria this morning, now I'm set on Otago. :LOL:


How about a weekend trip to Dunedin to have a look? I know, I know, not always feasable. I had never been to Palmy, but it ended up all good. The only thing one of my friends complained about in Otago was the cold, but they have good heating, lol.


I love Prime. They're playing Ghostbusters!


Oh darn, I forgot about that! I do love that sequence of the giant marshmellow puff in the random picture thread :LOL:




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Got a bit of a fright when I got home from work tonight. I turned on the light in the kitchen, and on the floor was the biggest fucking weta I've ever seen. :stunned:


I have safely removed it from the premises.

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Hmm, sounds like a tough decision.


I don't think not knowing people is a strong reason not to go to Otago, though. From what I've heard, it's an extremely social student population and it's very easy to make friends - more so than in the bigger cities, where the student population is more spread out.

You're exactly right Richard. Most people at Otago are from all over New Zealand. Whereis I know a lot of other universities it was a bit of a different feel as lot more people live at home and go to university. I lived in a hall in Dunedin which was 90% North Islanders (mostly Aucklanders at that) and no one knew anyone, so we were all in the same boat and I still keep in touch with a few people from then despite living on the other side of the world. Dunedin really has a community, something I never really felt at Vic, because there's the whole of North Dunedin which is basically studentville. You walk down the street and get invited into a keg party sort of thing. Depends what you're looking for really.


Then again, would have thought the choice between neuroscience and psychology is very different!

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Got a bit of a fright when I got home from work tonight. I turned on the light in the kitchen, and on the floor was the biggest fucking weta I've ever seen. :stunned:


I have safely removed it from the premises.


Oh nice! Glad to hear it was "safely removed".....


Tiri is going to get giant weta in the near future! I can't wait for that, they are literally huge, fat, awesome things to see.

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