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Probably :LOL:


I watched the end of Lost today




What did you think?


Nice pics btw :happy:


How do you give someone a Queen's Birthday greeting?


Saying 'happy Queen's Birthday' makes it sound like you're commenting on the Queen's current mood. Of course she's happy. She's bloody filthy rich and has a public holiday on her (not actual) birthday.


Happy Long Weekend?

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Yeah, that'll do.


It annoys me how the news become obsessed with road toll statistics at long weekends. They only care about the people if they happen to die during some arbitrary time period, and even then, they're really only numbers. Grrrrr. I'm getting all worked up.



Crisis averted. Calm has been restored.

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the thing i hate most is if there's some big event overseas where lots of people die and it only "hits home" when it's reported that a new zealander died. the whole because you're from a certain country your death means more.

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I have to admit the sight on Close Up tonight (only watched it because I had to for work!) of Mark Sainsbury driving a Hummer and bobbing his head to loud rap music was something a bit special.


Less traumatic than the footage of him in a skin-tight wetsuit riding a jetski a few weeks back.

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The Hummer incident occurred because there's some auction of luxury cars coming up and they wanted to advertise it on national TV. The next question, of course, is what is a Hummer doing in a luxury car auction? I have no answer.


The horrifying jetski footage came about because some guy is doing some insane journey on a jetski. Australia to NZ or something daft like that.

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i'm supposed to be doing a job application that closes at 5pm but i just can't be articulate enough to relate my experience and skills to the job description. wish you could just get a job with minimal effort.


my dad gave me a contact within the big company he works for and he's emailed me saying there's a position that i may be able to do. i know about the position as it's internal only and my dad sent it to me -- but it's just proof about who you know rather than what you know.

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Did you know that inspiration is an anagram of both 'pianist iron' and 'raisin in pot'?


So you have two options if you want to try and seek inspiration - you could inflict grievous bodily harm with a hot iron on someone playing a piano, or you could try boiling some raisins.


Worth a shot.

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yes, this one is only 6 tube stops and 2 zones as opposed to the 23 stops, 4 zones of the last one. i do really want it so i'm researching all about the organisation. they have amazing customer satisfaction survey so i'll make sure to bring up how impressed i was about that.

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Did you know that inspiration is an anagram of both 'pianist iron' and 'raisin in pot'?


So you have two options if you want to try and seek inspiration - you could inflict grievous bodily harm with a hot iron on someone playing a piano, or you could try boiling some raisins.


Worth a shot.

If you boil a raisin, does it turn back into a grape?

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If you boil a raisin, does it turn back into a grape?

That's a highly intriguing question. I'm tempted to conduct this experiment myself now. But it would be awkward if I did and someone came in while I was doing so and I had to explain myself.



Those are great. I liked the 'left handers beware...' one. But who reviews a pen?!

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Ooh, fragrant pens. I think you may have something there.


One thing I've learned in my year and a half in this job is that TVNZ staff are quite aggressive lift-enterers. You arrive at a floor and the doors open and BAM! There's a guy already halfway in.

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Ooh, fragrant pens. I think you may have something there.


One thing I've learned in my year and a half in this job is that TVNZ staff are quite aggressive lift-enterers. You arrive at a floor and the doors open and BAM! There's a guy already halfway in.


I don't know what it is, but every time I go into a hospital, everyone is so shovey! :eek:

I mean, the lift isn't going anywhere fast, but people always find the need to shove past me :LOL:

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Ooh, fragrant pens. I think you may have something there.


One thing I've learned in my year and a half in this job is that TVNZ staff are quite aggressive lift-enterers. You arrive at a floor and the doors open and BAM! There's a guy already halfway in.

our nearest tube station is one that just has elevators and it's so annoying as it beeps for ages saying "stand clear of the closing doors" in grumpy old english lady voice then some asshole comes along as it's finally closing and makes it open again, starting the long sequence again. it's so annoying. and then when you do get going grumpy english lady tells you off like your grandma "there's no smoking anywhere on the underground" i got it! let out of this station!

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I don't know what it is, but every time I go into a hospital, everyone is so shovey! :eek:

I mean, the lift isn't going anywhere fast, but people always find the need to shove past me :LOL:

Do the admins hate you for changing your name all the time? :LOL:


And that goat is just delightful!

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