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The prize was a mini resus kit for my car! I love it!!! :)


Anyone know anything about this new song? I can't be bothered to read all the threads....


Nice prize!


I hope the new song is as bombastic as the title, the first part of the title that is :rolleyes:

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Guest hysteriaaah

Neutron Star Collision(Love is Forever) = Easily the craziest muse song title ever LOL

I'm excited but it was made for the Eclipse soundtrack which sucks(seeing as i thought they had severed their ties by now) but yay new song! :D

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Guest hysteriaaah
On antibiotics. Feeling sick. Eclipse is shit.


Damn feel better soon:(


I know im gonna end up watching Eclipse, coz i always go for the LOLZ:D

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I have no idea how they're going to do Breaking Dawn.


Same, I think they will tone it down and balls it up, and I think Breaking Dawn could have been so cool.


You aren't on Augmentin by any chance are you? If so you need to get that shit swapped if you can!

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Same, I think they will tone it down and balls it up, and I think Breaking Dawn could have been so cool.


You aren't on Augmentin by any chance are you? If so you need to get that shit swapped if you can!


I think they'll just gloss over the entire birth bits. Probably just have a closed door shot while its happening, and then open it to reveal Bella and Renesmee (wtf name) looking all happy and stuff. Even though it just ripped through her womb.


No, it was something else. Very small pills. I called the doctor's this morning, but the doctor wasn't there, so I spoke to a nurse. She told me to stop taking them (oh joyous day!) and drink lots of water. She said to ring back when they have my tests back and then we can make another appointment or something.

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Guest hysteriaaah
I think they'll just gloss over the entire birth bits. Probably just have a closed door shot while its happening, and then open it to reveal Bella and Renesmee (wtf name) looking all happy and stuff. Even though it just ripped through her womb.


It'll probably be a really chaotic, but fast scene...Hah, i'm curious how they're gonna do the honeymoon scene:LOL:

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I think they'll just gloss over the entire birth bits. Probably just have a closed door shot while its happening, and then open it to reveal Bella and Renesmee (wtf name) looking all happy and stuff. Even though it just ripped through her womb.


No, it was something else. Very small pills. I called the doctor's this morning, but the doctor wasn't there, so I spoke to a nurse. She told me to stop taking them (oh joyous day!) and drink lots of water. She said to ring back when they have my tests back and then we can make another appointment or something.


Oh lame, well hope they sort it out and you get better soon!


It'll probably be a really chaotic, but fast scene...Hah, i'm curious how they're gonna do the honeymoon scene:LOL:



I reckon it'll be lame tastic, and they will make it all tame and skip over all the nasty bits. Which is a shame because I liked that the whole part of the being pregnant was so uncomfortable and gross!

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Guest hysteriaaah
I reckon it'll be lame tastic, and they will make it all tame and skip over all the nasty bits. Which is a shame because I liked that the whole part of the being pregnant was so uncomfortable and gross!


A part of me hopes they do, there'll be little 12yr old girls watching and i'm sure they're corrupted enough as it is:LOL: LOL it would be entertaining though...gross, but entertaining:p

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A part of me hopes they do, there'll be little 12yr old girls watching and i'm sure they're corrupted enough as it is:LOL: LOL it would be entertaining though...gross, but entertaining:p


Oh yeah, probably.

Edit: totally quoted the wrong person. That was directed at Kat.


Ugh, why do I always get into screaming matches with my mother when I'm ill? It can't be any good for my abdominal pain.

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yeah the having to sell an actual product. trademe has become more about joke and charity auctions than anything else these days because the selling fees have become pretty ridiculous.


That and drink bottles Justin Bieber has drunk from, apparently :LOL:


Hope you're having fun in London, Jo! :awesome: Hi Oren!

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Guest hysteriaaah
That and drink bottles Justin Bieber has drunk from, apparently :LOL:


THIS. :LOL: But i think he told the girls that got hold of the drink bottle, that they have to sell it and then give the money to charity...


They were also giving away his half eaten crunchie bar on C4. Euw.

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THIS. :LOL: But i think he told the girls that got hold of the drink bottle, that they have to sell it and then give the money to charity...


They were also giving away his half eaten crunchie bar on C4. Euw.


I think they were giving the money to charity anyway, but I've seen some one selling a Powerade bottle of his also. I'd be like 'screw you Justin Bieber I'll sell it however I want :phu:"


Ew that's weird.

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yeah the mother is a reporter on 60 minutes, can't remember what her name is since she's so irrelevant.


i bought some (new zealand) wine at the supermarket earlier through a self checkout and no one checks if you're old enough to buy it! you just scan, pay and walk away.

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